• ベストアンサー


英文についてです。 1.昨日学校でマラソン大会がありました。 →We held a marathon meet in our school yes-terday. 2.洋子はインフルエンザにかかったので参加しなかった。 →Youko didn't join init because she had hat the ful. 1.2はこれであってますか? 3.彼は一生懸命練習した。 を過去完了を使って表すとどうなりますか? (He had ~ )←~の部分を教えてください。 質問ばかりですみません。回答して頂けると助かります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • spring135
  • ベストアンサー率44% (1487/3332)

1.Yesterday we had a marathon race in our school. 2.Yoko didn't participate the race as she had the flu. 3.He had practiced as hard as he could.



回答ありがとうございます。 かなり間違えてました…。助かりました。ありがとうございます!



  • 英作文の質問が二つあるんですが・・・

    英作文の質問が二つあるんですが・・・ 日本語で「きのうは学校でマラソン大会がありました。」という文を英語にするのに、答えに“Yesterday our school held its ‘marathon’meet.”とあるんですが、文中の“its”はどのような働きをしているんですか?“our ‘marathon’meet”ではいけないんですか? もうひとつは、日本語で「ケンジはインフルエンザにかかったので(マラソン大会に)参加しませんでした。」という文を英語にするのに、答えに“Kenji didn't take part in it because he had the flu.”とあるのですが、because以下を過去完了にして、“because he had had the flu.”でも正解ですか? 教えてください。

  • 英訳の添削お願いします

    英訳の添削おねがいします。 きのう学校でマラソン大会がありました。 We [ held a marathon meet ] in our school yesterday. 健二はインフルエンザにかかったので参加しませんでした Kenji [ didn't take part ] in it because he [ had had the flu ]. お母さんの話によると、2,3日間ずっと熱があった His mother said that he [ had had a ferver for two or three days ] . きょう健二に電話をしたら、一生懸命練習したのにレースに参加できなかったことをとても残念がっていました When I called him today, he was very sorry that he [ didn't take part in the race ] though he [ had paracticed very hard ]. 今までにこれほどの高熱を経験したことはなかったと彼は言いました。 He said that he [ had never experienced such a ferver ].

  • could have gone to ... と could have been to ...

    知人から相談をうけました。ある大学入試問題集の次の問題についてです。 ほぼ同じ意味になるように(  )に適当な語を補え[一部改題してあります]。 1. I didn’t go to Dublin to meet a friend of mine, because I couldn’t afford to. 2. If I had had enough money, I could ( 3 )( 4 ) to Dublin to meet a friend of mine. 知人はそれぞれをhave, beenとしたのですが、答えはそれぞれ,have, goneとなっていました。 これではだめなのでしょうか?いいとすれば、意味上の違いはあるのでしょうか?もし、だめだとするとなぜだめなのでしょうか? 以上の点は解説にはありません。よろしくお願いします。 

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします The following winter,my mother and father bought me a faux-fur brown coat with a matching hat.I loved my new coat and hat and felt like a big girl wearing the coat because it didn't have clip-on matching mittens. They had planned to buy me a coat with a hood because they knew how I was,but I begged and promised that I would be careful and not lose the hat. I especially loved the big fur pom-poms on the end of the hat's string.

  • 英語堪能な方、英文を日本語に翻訳お願いします

    英語堪能な方にお願いします。m(_ _)m 大変長文で申し訳ありませんが、 以下の英語を日本語に翻訳を、 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。m(_ _)m ↓ ★ I invited her to join us also because I didn't want her to feel bad we all was just having a nice time so it wasn't a big deal, , , know I'm a nice guy ★ That would be about right, but at the time I wasn't much of a drinker just a little for me.., ★ My first love is the frist Japanese lady I had ever been with ,,or the the first I had feeling for

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)  一応、最後に私の表現したい内容を日本語で表記しておきます Sunday, March 13, 2006 It started rainy, then it was cloudy later. What a sad incident it was! Our plan for building our new house collapsed today. As you know, we had found a good piece of land the other day and we had forwarded the plan of our new house. However, we didn’t like the design for the house of the house maker and the cost of the new house went very high. I talked about what to do with our plan with my husband a lot of time, then we decided to cancel it because of these reasons. We have to stand the start again, but we will keep up since it is a big purchase!! なんて悲しい出来事。今日、マイホーム新築の計画を取りやめにしました。私たちはいい土地を探して、新しい家の計画を進めていました。でも住宅メーカーの家のプランが気に入らないし、値段が結局とても高くなったの。主人と長い間話し合って、これらの理由で結局白紙に戻すことにしました。私たちはまたスタートにもどってしまったけど、大きな買い物だし屈せずがんばることにしました。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “Rock Band, in my opinion, was a miracle, in a way. Because here we are, guys in our 40s, putting together a band that's gonna be [perceived] as a modern rock and roll band. And we achieved that. We were competing against much younger guys, we had a huge success with it,” he said. Tommy didn’t seem too keen on talking about whether Scott may ever join the band again though.

  • innuendo

    My wife was a student teacher while I was in high school. We never had any classes in common and barely knew each other existed. We didn’t meet and get married until our parents introduced us at a church bingo. How do I stop the stupid student-teacher innuendo? ここでのinnuendoはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • had been playing tennis?

    【設定】  I met Pole and Kathy yesterday as I was walking through the park.☆1)They had been to the Sports Center where they had been playing tennis.  They were going to a cafe and invited me to join them, but I had arranged to meet another friend and didn't have time. ☆1)の文の~where they had been playing tennis.がわかりません。  I met them yesterday as I was walking ~. なので theyがそれより前に the Sports Centerに行って帰ってきた 大過去で『had been to 場所』なのは、わかります。 その場所 the Sports Center whereで 大過去で play tennis を公園で会う前にもう済んでしまっていた。わけなら  ~where they had played tennis. では、ないのでしょうか? 完了進行形にする意味がわかりません。 『そこでその頃~していたのでした。』なら進行形もわかるのですが・・・・。 すみません、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    1. If parents can’t afford or get access to summer camp programs for their children, weight gain is inevitable. For a child to have an active summer they have to be escorted and monitored at pools, physical ac- tivities and events. Kids, especially the growing number of children living in urban areas, can go few places alone because of concerns for their safety. With two parents working, an active summer requires advance planning. Grandparents who offer to lend support can be lifesavers. 2. Yes this is really sad. In the old days, summer meant playing outdoors. Of course, in the old days, mothers didn’t work; we had very little TV, no computers, no smart phones, no electronic games. We spent our days roaming the neighborhood with all the kids, inventing games and play- ing in various backyards. There were also few packaged sweets to tempt us, and only the rich kids had soft drinks at their house. What do you think about overweight in school children?

  • 筆まめより、宛名印刷をするが、印刷エラーEP-884aw seriesネットワーク上
  • プリンターは年賀状住所を印刷できませんと表示されます
  • EPSON社製品についての質問です