• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:次の英語の問題の解答をよろしくお願いします。)

English Question: Fill in the Blanks


  • ベストアンサー

 前後の文の関係が理解できればだいたいは分かるでしょう。答えを教えることはできますが、質問者さんはどのようにお考えですか?自分の考えを記すのが良いと思います。  ちなみに(5)のsit up(過去形 sat up) は熟語で、stay up(寝ないで起きている)と同じ意味です。(6)の( )はそうすればという意味の接続詞が入ります。in time forは間に合うという意味です。(7)の( )は理由を表す接続詞が入ります。


  • 次の英語の問題の解説解答をよろしくお願いします。

    次の英語の問題の解説解答をよろしくお願いします。 [1]次の各文の( )内にand,so,but,or,forのうち適当なものを入れてください。 (1)Which do you like better,apples( )grapes? (2)I tried to be kind to the girl,( )she got angry with me. (3)Jack fell down,( )got hurt. (4)Kate( )Nancy were good friends while in college. (5)I sat up till late,( )I’m very sleepy now. (6)Hurry up,( )you’ll be in time for the last bus. (7)I know him very well,( )we went to the same senior high school.

  • この問題の解答を教えてください

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 次の対話文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 Roy:Hurry up! Eat your soup,Jim. We'll be late for the bus. Jim:I can't hurry,Roy. 1,(This soup is very hot so i can't eat it. ( 2 ), I can't eat hot things. Roy:Oh, you can't. Why don't you put some ice in it? Jim:Ice? I don't want ice in my soup! Oh,Ok..... Roy:There! 3,(Is it cool enough for you to eat now ?) Jim:Yes, but it tastes bad! 1、1とほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 This soup is ( ) hot ( ) me ( ) ( ). 2、( 2 )に「実を言うと」という表現を4語で入れなさい。 3、( 3 )を日本語に訳しなさい。 各文の意味がほぼ同じになるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1、He was kind enough to give me a ride. It was kind ( ) him ( )( ) me a ride. 2,It is comfortable to live in this house. This house is ( )( )( )( ). 3、They say that she made a large profit. She is said ( )( )( ) a large profit. 4、He spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him. He spoke ( ) fast ( ) me ( ) understand. 5,It happened that I ran into my former teacher. I ( )( ) ( ) into my former teacher.

  • 解答お願いします。

    "()() have you () in this city?"[どれくらい住んでいますか] "For a full two years ()I got () college."[大学に入ってから] Yuriko started swimming at a local swimming theam ()().[10歳のときに] She did not () very () to get to the top of her team.[あまり時間がかからなかった]

  • 英語 教えて下さい。

    次の各文を〔〕内の指示にしたがって書き替えなさい、という問題なのですが、分からないので教えて下さい。 1 He had no homework,so he went fishing in the river. 〔分詞構文に〕 2 Hearing someone coming, the dog began to bark〔接続詞を使って〕 3 Because I was very sleepy, I went to bed early 〔分詞構文に〕 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英語の問題です・・・・・

    各文の( )に入る最も適当なものを選びなさい。 1. Poor Nancy! I bought the same dress for $20 ( ). ア.few イ.fewer ウ.little エ.less 2. Mozart was ( ) the most talented musician in those days. ア.very イ.by far ウ.well エ.a bit 3. Kazuo has a very big family. He has no ( ) than ten children. ア.much イ.more ウ.little エ.fewer 4. She is second to ( ) when it comes to speaking English. ア.none イ.anybody ウ.someone エ.all 5. "You must have been tired of the boring meeting." "Not ( )." ア.at best イ.at least ウ.in the best エ.in the least 6. He is as great an artist as ( ) lived. ア.any イ.ever ウ.never エ.can 申し訳ありませんが、お願いします。

  • 英語の仮定法の問題

    1if使って表現し、全文を書き換えなさい。 1.Had I read the book,I would have enjoyed the movie more. 2.With a camera,I could take a picture of this beautiful scene. 3.She must be tired;otherwise she would go out with her friends. 2各文の意味がほぼ同じ意味になるように、 ( )に適当な語をいれなさい。 1 a)It's time for the children to go to bed. b)It's time the ( )( ) to bed. 2 a)But for water,there would be no life on the earth. b)If it ( )( )( ) water,there would be no life on the earth. 3 a)I wish you could stay in Tokyo longer. b)( )( ) you could stay in Tokyo longer! 4 a)To see the brothers,you would think they were twins. b)( )( )( ) the brothers,you would think they were twins. よろしくお願いします><

  • 英語の問題

    1:There's no one here who can () the problem. (1)deal with (2)treat at (3)perform (4)splash 2:When I was passing by your house, I thought I'd just () in. (1)ask (2)drop (3)fall (4)visit 3:The child learned to tell good () bad. (1)from (2)to (3)with (4)for 4:You'II have to work very hard today to () the time you wasted yesterday. (1)get rid of (2)run short of (3)keep up with (4)make up for 5:He wouldn't () part in the discussion. (1)let (2)get (3)put (4)take ()に入る解答と和訳をお願いします

  • 英語の問題です。

    次の各文が日本文の意味になるよう並び替えてください。 (1)彼女は帰宅途中に、本屋によく寄ることがある。 (drops, the, bookstore, on, at, in, she, her, home, often, way) 次の各文が日本文の意味を表すようにかっこ内に適語を入れてください。 (1)どこで乗り換えたらよいか教えてください。 Will you tell me ( ) ( ) ( ) trains? (2)これは彼がイタリアでとった写真です。 This is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) in Italy. 各文には文法上の誤りがあります、誤っている部分を指摘して、正しい形に書き換えてください。 (1)We want to you to study hard for the exam. 各組の文が同じ意味になるようにかっこに適語を入れてください。 (1)The letter is in his hand. It came from America. →The letter ( ) came from America is in his hand. これを解いてみると、 (1)She often drops in book store on the way her home. (1)where to change (2)the picture he took (1)to you to study→to study to you (1)which になりました。 間違いがありましたら、訂正も含めて教えてください。

  • 自然な英語表現をご指導ください。(ルームメイト2人の会話文です)

    Patty: Hey, you back early tonight. Changed your plan? Nancy: ... Patty: Um... Are you crying, by any chance? What happened to you? You wanna talk? ... Wait a second... Well... It wouldn't happen to be something about Bob? Nancy: ... How do you know that? Patty: Well, I'd say I know you better than you do yourself, my friend. So, what did he say? Nancy: ... He said... He wants to break it off... Patty: Mm-hmm. He gave you any reason? Nancy: ... He said... He's got someone else... He's been hanging around with her for the last couple of months... Patty: Mm-hmm. And you back home all the way crying... All right, what are you gonna do then? Nancy: I don't even know what to do. Patty: Listen, Nancy, I'll tell you what. You know what your problem is? As far as I know, you are really flat-out for months when it comes to him. Nancy: No, I'm not. I just... Patty: Yes, you really are. And I want you to know this is the second time. Are you gonna do this again or what? You have to think about it. Look, I don't wanna see you cry to sleep any more. Nancy: ... Patty, you may be right, but I just did everything for him... Patty: I know, I know. It's just that you need to learn how to hang back a little bit in case when you meet someone else next time, okay? Just count on me. Everything's gonna be okay. Nancy: ... You think that's gonna work? Patty: Sure. Nothing to be worried about, Nancy. All right, then, you have two choices tonight. Which do you prefer? Either spend the whole night crying alone or go for a drink together? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語 問題 並び替え

    ()内の語句を並び替えて下さい。 1 私たちはパーティーでとても楽しく過ごした。 We ( at, enjoyed, very much, the party, ourselves). 2 リンゴを一日一個食べると、健康でいられると信じている。 An apples a day ( believed, in, is, keeps, to, you), 3 イチローはアメリカで一番人気のある野球選手の一人として知られている。 Ichiro ( be, is, known, of, one, to ) the most popular baseball players in America. 4 困ったことに、彼らはその問題の解決方法が分からない。 The troubles ( don't, how, is, know, that, they, to ) slove the problem.