• ベストアンサー

it is interesting to note that in a


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

it is interesting to note that a survey in which people were asked とすると、that 以下の文の主語は a survey ということになりますが、それを受ける動詞が見当たりません。 it is interesting to note ... what constitutes excessive alcohol consumption? という構造で、that in a survey in which people were asked の部分は挿入部分だと思います。  that in a survey (in which people were asked) 「人々が尋ねられたところの調査によると」 → 「聞き取り調査によると」 ということで、in は必要ではないかと私には思われます。





  • 下記英文このように書き換えできますでしょうか?

    下記英文このように書き換えできますでしょうか? it is interesting to note that in a survey in which people were asked, what constitutes excessive alcohol consumption? the definition of excessive was whatever exceeded the respondent't own intake. (1)it is interesting to note a in survey which people were asked, what constitutes excessive alcohol consumption? the definition of excessive was whatever exceeded the respondent't own intake. このようにして which以下をまとめてa in surveyにかけることは可能でしょうか?

  • It is possible to be too much conce

    It is possible to be too much concerned even with one's own salvation. 政治家という職業について書かれた文章中の一文です。 私の訳では「自分自身の救済のためにでさえ、度を越えた関心を寄せることはありえるのである。」 なのですが、どうもしっくりきません。 ふさわしい訳をどなたか教えてください。お願いします。 (以下全文) It is this uncertainty,with its various consequences,that makes politics the most hazardous of all manly professions. If there is not another in which a man can do so much good to his fellow-creatures,neither is there any in which,by a cowardly act or by a mere loss of nerve,he may so easily lose his own soul.But danger is the inseparable companion of honour. The greatest deeds in history were not done by people who thought of safety first.It is possible to be too much concerned even with one's own salvation.There will not be much hope left for humanity when men are no longer willing to risk their immortal as well as their mortal parts.With all temptation, dangers and degradations that beset it politics is still,I think,the noblest career that any man can choose.

  • 【英文解釈】in which to do it

    In English one can say “I went to town” without indicating the means used to get there. The native American Navaho people would have no equivalent of the general “went” but would need to specify whether he walked, rode a horse, rode in a wagon, a car, a train or a plane. On the other hand there are things you cannot be general about in English unless you use extra words in which to do it. 最後の5語 in which to do it について質問します。 do it とは何を指すのでしょうか? whichの先行詞はextra wordsですので、最後の5語は解釈上to do it in extra wordsとなるのですが、doを主節のbe general aboutから連想してgeneralizeと見定めると、itがthingsを指すことになり単複が一致せず矛盾してしまいます… doは別の単語を指すのでしょうか? それとも、itが複数を受ける例もあるのでしょうか? どうか皆様の叡智をお貸しください。

  • most of とmost、thatとin which

    most of peopleとmost peopleは何が違うのですか? また、この二つの文は文法的に正しいですか? 和訳も教えてください。 You should apply for a job which your skills will be of use in. You should apply for a job that your skills will be of use.

  • It would also include a stake in

    A combined company, in which BHP shareholders would own about 56 percent, would control more than a third of the world’s iron-ore market. It would also include a stake in the world’s largest copper mine, Australia’s largest underground mine and resources including oil, natural gas, aluminum, diamonds, uranium, gold, nickel and silver around the world. A combined companyはAll stocks of a combined companyのことも示すようですが、そうだとするとずいぶん紛らわしいです。会社イコール金&株式という図式でしょうか。そしてIt would also include a stakeのitはA combined companyのことでよろしいですよね。Includeという動詞が最初引っかかりましたが。 長いのですが一応こちらです。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/business/worldbusiness/07mine.html?_r=1&oref=slogin&ref=business&pagewanted=print

  • call it inの意味

    One thing I remember most vividly is, a couple of people got on at the end of the line, the bus was mostly empty. After a minute they say, "You know, there's a whole lot of blood back here." I walked back, and there's a pool of blood the likes of which I've never seen. A large pool of blood. Someone sat there, bled out, and walked off the bus. I was in shock this happened while I was driving. I called it in and was instructed to bring the bus to the yard. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/43de9p/driving-a-city-bus-on-the-nightshift-is-the-worst-job-i-ever-loved called it inとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • a word means what people use it to mean.の日本語です

    The role of dictionaries in our society as authorities on meaning leads many people to feel that the dictionary definition of a word more accurately represents the word's meaning than does an individual speaker's understanding of the word. Keep in mind, however, that the people who write dictionaries arrive at their definitions by studying the ways speakers of the language use different words. Some dictionaries are relatively prescriptive, others more descriptive, but all must fact the fact that a word means what people use it to mean. There simply is no higher authority than the general community of native speakers of the language. (質問)3文目のa word means what people use it to meanの訳はどうなるでしょうか?高校生でも分かるようにできれば直訳調でお願いできますか。(自分が推測するに、単語というのは辞書的な意味よりもその単語を使う人が何を意味して使うかということが大事?みたいな感じだと思うのですが。2つmeanがあるのですがどう訳し分けしたらいいのか分かりません)

  • "pay" の用例について

    ある「音声付英語短文のメール配信サービス」に登録してみたんですが、 次のような例文が届きました。(日本語訳は付いてません。) They paid me to take part in a survey where they asked me about my cellular phone usage habits. pay という動詞の使い方については、普通は、たとえば  They paid me for taking part in a survey ・・ のような感じじゃないんだろうかと思ったりもするんですが、 こういう  They paid me to take part in a survey・・ のような形もあるんでしょうか? --

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    Among the interesting customs to observe as you travel the world are the ways in which people conduct themselves at parties. 上記の文の翻訳をお願いしたいですm(_ _)m 解りそうで解りません。 意味を掴む文法的なポイントもいただければ嬉しいです。

  • 分詞について

    お世話になります。TOEIC文法問題についてご教示願います。 以下のアンダーラインに入る適当な単語を選択する問題です。 All of the people ________ in the survey received a small gift. (A)participated (B)participant (C)participation (D)participating 【質問1】 正解は(D)ということになっていますが、私には(A)の方がしっくりくる気がします。 (D)だと「現在参加している人」に感じられてしまい、receivedが過去形なのでしっくり来ません。 (A)なら「All of the people (who) participated in the survey」が主語となって、良いように思います。 分詞だから時制と関係ないのは分かっていますが、どうも違和感がぬぐえません。 (D)でなければならない理由を教えていただけますでしょうか? 【質問2】 「All of the people」は「All people」とした方が一般的なように思いますが如何でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いいたします。