• ベストアンサー


和訳チェックお願いします。 Psychologists argue that consciousness requires selective attention--that is, the ability to focus on a given object, thought, or activity. 「心理学者は意識は選択的注意を必要としていると主張している。つまりある対象物に対し集中し、思案または活動する能力である。」


  • ベストアンサー

No2です。 リニューアル後は、回答が画面に現れるまで時間がかかるので、No1の回答があるとは分らずに回答しちゃいました。 No1さんの仰るとおり、 focus on a given A, B or C.の形で A=object、 B=thought、 C=activity.ですね、うっかりしていました。 No1さんと違う意見の部分は、 focus on a given object, thought, or activity. 特定の対象、思考、又は活動に集中すること。 の部分だけです。 では、ご参考までに



こちらにまとめてお礼させていただきます。 回答ありがとうございました。 参考にさせていただきます。


その他の回答 (2)


a given objectが、「(一つの)与えられた/特定の 対象(物)」ではないでしょうか? 他は、合っていると思います。





回答ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきます。



  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 Data from clinical studies and from basic research laboratories, made possible by the use of sophisticated instruments that detect and record neuronal activity, have given us a complex if still rudimentary understanding of the myriad processes that give rise to consciousness.

  • 英文和訳

    so intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are people who speak it and use it as native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. 質問部分 最後の部分greatness is only that given to it by these people.のitがなにを示しているのかがわかりません。 ちなみに参考書の和訳にはこういった人々によって与えられる偉大さにほかならない。と書かれています。 よろしくお願いします

  • どなたか和訳をお願いします!すごく困ってます><;

    どなたか和訳をお願いします!すごく困ってます><; 1 Habitualized actions, of course, retain their meaningful character for the individual although the meanings involved become embedded as routines in his general stock of knowledge, taken for granted by him and at hand for his projects into the future. 2 In terms of the meanings bestowed by man upon his activity, habitualization makes it unnecessary for each situation to be defined anew, step by step. 3 Along with consciousness, the magical gift of language is chief among man's attributes, its nature and the date of its appearance still debated. A persuasive view is that language caused an enormous leap in the ability of the group to work together and to develop culture, making all else possible. 4 we come face to face with mature manifestations, tens of thousands of years ago, of two characteristics of humanity that were new under the sun: individual genius, and a cultural tradition within which it must have flourished.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 Athenians, I am not going to argue for my own sake... but for yours. ...For if you kill me, you will not easily find a successor to me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, an a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God: and the state is a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life. I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. You will not easily find another like me, and therefore I would advise you to spare me. 長文で申し訳ございません。今まで出会ったことのないような英文のためご教示お願いします。

  • 和訳

    According to Piaget, a child first thinks of the position of an object in space exclusively in terms of the object's position relative to the child's own body - what Piaget called an egocentric frame of reference. Piagetによると、子どもは初め、その子自身に関して、その物体の位置の観点から、排他的に空間における物の位置を考える。 Only later do children acquire an objective frame of reference in which an object's location is thought of relative to the positions of other objects in space . 後になって初めて子どもたちは、物の位置が空間において他の物の位置に関連しているという言及の客観的な枠組みを取得することができる。 Not all elements in an environment are equally suited to be landmarks. An essential skill in way-finding is to identify distinctive landmarks that will be recognized when one travels the route again. 幼児たちを取り巻く世界における全ての構成要素が、平等に目印となるものに適しているわけではない。道を見つけることにおける不可欠の技術は、人がその道を再び歩むとき認識されると思われる特有の目印を認めることだ。 すみませんが、和訳で間違っている部分のご指導をお願いいたします。

  • 英訳が正しいかチェックしてください!!

    先日、国内疑似留学があり、その時にお世話になった ネイティブの先生に英語で手紙を書くことになりました。 そこで自分なりに文章を考えてみたのですが きちんとネイティブの先生に伝わるかどうか不安です。 なので、文章を載せるので不適切な箇所があれば どのように直せばいいか教えてください!! (一応下に和訳も載せておきます) First of all, I’d like to thank you for teaching English to us. That lesson was a good experience for me. For example, I thought that English is very difficult before I study at ○○ But, I learned that be thinking of communicating is more important than English ability. That experience changed me like that. And that lesson was very fun!! If I have such a chance, I want to study English again. Thanks to you, I like English much better than before. I will continue studying English. Lastly, I’m sorry if you are hard to understand my English. Sincerely まず最初に、私たちに英語を教えてくださったことへの感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。 あの授業は私にとって、とても良い経験となりました。 たとえば、私は○○(疑似留学に行った場所の名前です)に行く前は英語はとても難しいと思っていました。 しかし、英語力よりも伝えようとする意志の方が大切であると学びました。 あの経験は私をこのように変えました。 また、あの授業はとても楽しかったです。 もしこのような機会がまたあれば、ぜひ参加したいと思います。 あなたのおかげで今までよりもずっと英語が好きになりました。 これからも英語を勉強し続けたいと思います。 最後に、つたない英文で申し訳ございませんでした。 敬具

  • 英文和訳お願いいたします!!

    訳してみたものの、綺麗な日本語になりません! 参考にさせて頂きますので、 どなたか和訳の模範をお願いいたします。。。 (1)In another experiment, she found that when elders were presented with new computer exercises, they paused longer before reaching and took longer to complete the tasks, yet they made 50 percent fewer errors, probably because of their more deliberate. (2)Just as different parts of a person's body age at different rates, so do different parts of mind. As adults advance in age, perception of sights, sounds and smells takes a bit longer. and laying down new information into memory becomes difficult. The ability to remember something quickly also fails. And it is sometimes harder to concentrate and maintain attention. おねがいいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have shown with what disciplined routine Edison attacked the problem of making a practical incandescent lamp which would possess the qualities and requirements necessary for use in his proposed system of parallel distribution. In October,1878,at the very time when he was planning the distribution of electrical energy as light,heat and power,he said: 'When it is known how I have accomplished my object,everybody will wonder why they have never thought of it,is so simple. 'I have discovered how to make electricity a cheap and practical substitute for illuminating gas.The same wire that brings the light to you will also bring power and heat.With the power you can run an elevator,a sewing machine,or any other mechanical contrivance that requires a motor,and by means of the heat,you can cook your food.The dynamo electric machine maybe run by water or steam power at a distance.'

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Consider, for example, that the existence of a single human thought requires the highly complex interaction of hundreds of neurons. In order to separate mind from brain, it would be necessary to think of each neuron as something distinct from its function, which is a little like trying to separate the seawater that provides the substance of an ocean wave from the energy that gives the wave its shape and motion. The existence of the wave requires both elements: without energy, the wave would fall flat; without water, the wave energy would have no expression. In the same sense, it is not possible to separate individual neurons from their functions; if it were possible, then a thought could be feed from its neurological base, and the mind could be seen as something separate from the brain, a free-floating consciousness that could be considered a “soul “.

  • 英訳の添削をお願いしたいです。

    企業に提出する志望動機(英語)を正しい英語で書けているか添削お願いします。 最初に私の伝えたいものを日本語で提示します。 その後にそれを英訳したものをのせますので、もしよろしければアドバイスをよろしくお願いします。 【日本語】 私が当部門を志望した理由は、トレーディングに興味があり、自分の長所である分析力を生かせると思ったからです。 この様に考えた理由は、自己資金による株式投資を通じて、トレーディングで重要なのは、理論的な分析を徹底的に行い、リスクを最小限にすることであると感じ、その理論的な分析という部分に自分の長所である分析力を生かせるのではないかと思った事です。 【英文】 The reason I want to work at this apartment is that I am interested in Trading and that I think I can take advantage of my analytical ability. In my opinion, the trading requires the analytical ability. Through my experience of the equity investment on self-asset, I thought it was important for trading to make theoretical analyses completely to minimize the risk. My strength is an analytical ability and I think I can take advantage of this ability in the theoretical analyses. よろしくお願いします。