• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳を教えて下さい。(会話文です。))



  • ベストアンサー

<寿司屋にて> 大将:いらっしゃい! スーザン:なににする? ピーター:ううん、どうしようかな?初めてだしな~ 大将:最初はくせのない白身魚からスタートするのがおすすめ。そして徐々に味の強いものに挑戦してっいて、最後はたまごでしめるのはいかがですか? ピーター:じゃー、それならひらめにしよう。お願いします。 スーザン:低カロリなものはありますか? 大将:たこはいかがですか? スーザン:いいね、それにするわ。 というふうな感じです。



分かりやすい訳をありがとうございました。 助かりました。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 (an hour later ) chef:  Would you like your tea now? Susan: yes,please. Peter: L'll wait a bit - thanks. chef: (to assistant) Hey, one agari over here. Peter: What's"agari"? Susan: That's the sushi bar word for green tea.                                  There are several such words used only at sushi bars.      For example,shari for rice,and murasaki for soy sauce. Peter: I see. What's this black stuff? Susan: It's called nori. It's a kind of seaweed. Peter: It sounds nasty. I think I'll leave it. Susan: You should try it. It's healthy,and it tastes good,too. Peter: Mmmm. You're right. It'ssurprisingly tasty.     But hasn’t it turned the inside of my mouth black? 

  • 会話文なんですが和訳お願いします!

    会話文なんですが和訳お願いします! インタビュアー You have started in bridal. You're dealing with women at their most vulnerable. Every woman wants perfection for her wedding day and is far more demanding than she would be of an evening gown or a daytime er outfit デザイナー Well it's every woman's Oscar. That's what I always say. But in a way it is true. I think it's most public moment. And it's also about your most private feelings. So thatparticular combination is unique and from the very beginning in the bridal business I have had very much to deal with clients on a one-on-one basis, and that's given me tremendous insight that um perhaps is irreplaceable, I think, to really be with them through this process of going from being a woman to becoming a bride to becoming a mate. And I think that transformation is something that occurs during the engagement process and as a result I'm usually the one they call first after the engagement ring. So I sort of live through that transformation with them. ある女性デザイナー(主にウエディングドレスを手がける)のインタビュー番組です。 内容がどうしてもつかめません… 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 会話文の和訳お願いします!

    会話文の和訳お願いします! インタビュアー I love the fact that you once described what you do as half technician, half psychologist. デザイナー No question. And I think sometimes family therapist in some cases because you get very involved with the families as you're working um on this huge event. I mean it's a life-altering event. And because of it's not only taught me to become a very fine dressmaker but at the same time it's also taught me a lot about the psychology of women, and about women, and how no matter what background you come from, and you know, what you do, we are all very much connected in that respect and it's about an emotional moment in one's life and hopefully um my ability to tap into that for them. ある女性デザイナーのインタビュー番組です。(ウエディングドレスで有名なデザイナーのようです) 意味がどうしても汲み取れません… 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I like to reorder another Yasuki Deba 125mm Blue#2 , double edge, with magnolia handle that you have on EBay. I like to verify that this one is in stock before ordering. Can you provide me also with a Deba 120-125 mm blue steel#1 or 2 with a single edge , right handed, for filleting small fish.

  • 会話文なんですが和訳お願いします。

    You know, I had the hour-long conversation why I wasn't gonna do this, one thing that they said, this is, you don't do them so you don't realize that they can actually be entertaining and yet informative and comfortable. and I said, well, all right, and I always feel comfortable with you, so that's. インタビューに答えてる状況なんですがthisやthemが一体何を指し示してるのかがわかりません、、、 宜しくお願いします。

  • 簡単な文の和訳

    I must have been our that evening. because I remember wandaring around the house alone trying to decide how to deal with the situation I was in 最後のinの意味もイマイチわかりません。 どなたかお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I had a bit of trouble sleeping last night and I missed you so much ... Today I checked with my boss and I'm not allowed to work from 25/12 till 2/01. If it's no trouble to you I can come to Tokyo. Actually might be able to convince my boss so that I can work 2 more weeks in Japan (most likely Osaka :( ) in January. But I still need to find out. If you are ok with me coming to Tokyo I can start to look for tickets.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    すみません。こちらの英語の和訳をお願いいたします。 ☆We met, and were impressions different? ★sorry i don't get you ☆i got it ★you meant that you had nice time when in France ? ☆I was able to spend happy time in France But I felt that a story was necessary with more you in the same way as you I am blame,sorry I have misunderstood Please ignore this matter im so sorry ★don't worry :) everything is going to be alright :) you said :But I felt that a story was necessary with more you in the same way as you!! but i don't get you ☆I want to talk with you much more It is these contents that I wanted to send Do you understand a meaning? ★ye s ;) ☆I misunderstood these words “i don't get you’’ ★i don't understand you ☆But it was able to be already understood ★; )good night, i am going home ;) ☆good night

  • 和訳 さきほどの続きですが...

    さっきものすごい長い和訳をお願いしたのですが、1つでも余りにも長すぎたので2つに分けました!! この和訳もお願いします(>_<) Where should you start to learn about keeping fish? Check out a book or two from your library or surg the Internet. You will need to know about things like filters, water quality and the types of tanks available that best suit your needs. Also, you must decide whether you want to have saltwater or freshwater fish. Spend some time in pet shops and hobby shops to see what is available. Generally, a beginner should start with a freshwater aquarium. Salwater fish can be pleasant and interesting to look at, but the water chemistry is much more complex. In addition, saltwater fish are difficult to raise and are often collected in the wild, sometimes in environmentally unfriendly ways.

  • 一文だけ和訳をお願いします。

    To mark you not that the object in was to send on e bay?