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下記、英文について passionate and apt to be carried away by their impulses, said Aristotle of adolescents 訳が アリストテレスは、若者について(情熱的 そして、衝動にかられ、我を忘れて行動しやすい)と言った。 Aristotle of adolescents このような使い方は初めてなのですがアリストテレス=若者 みたいに訳してしまいそうです。ofは~について と訳すのがいいのでしょうか?


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  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 say of~「~について語る」ですから、別にアリストテレスは、若者の年齢である必要はありません。Aristotle と of は、倒置の結果全く偶然に隣り合わせになっただけで、別に特別の繋がりは無いように思います。






  • 次の哲学者の解説文の添削をお願いします。

    「He is said to have written also on the De Caelo and the De Interpretatione of Aristotle and on Plato's Timaeus」という哲学者について書かれた文なのですが、どうしても「said to have」の部分が調べても分りませんでした。私の訳は「かれの前述は天からのとアリストテレスの命題論とプラトンのテマイオスもまたもって書かれました。」どうか英語の苦手な私に教えてください。お願いします。

  • 次の長文の訳があっているかおしえてください。

    文は「Syrianus (Greek: Συριανdied c. 437) was a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher, and head of Plato's Academy inAthens, succeeding his teacher Plutarch of Athens in 431/432. He is important as the teacher of Proclus, and, like Plutarch and Proclus, as a commentator on Plato and Aristotle. His bestknown extant work is a commentary on the Metaphysics of Aristotle. He is said to have written also on the De Caelo and the De Interpretatione of Aristotle and on Plato's Timaeus.」という文で私の訳は 「シュリアス(ギリシャ人紀元前437年没)はギリシャ人の新プラトン主義の哲学者でアテナイのアカメディアの学頭でした。また、彼の紀元前431年から432年ごろの先生はアテナイのプルタコスでした。彼にとってプルタコスはかけがいの無い先生でした。そしてプルタコスとプロクロスの様なアリストテレスとプラトンの評論家になりました。彼の最も知られた功績はアリストテレスの形而上学の論評です。彼はアリストテレスの天界と命題論及びプラトンのティマイオスについても書いたと言われています。」 という文になりました。読んでみて変なところや直す箇所があればおしえてください。基本的にこれであってると思うのですがお願いします。

  • 下記の英文を和訳して下さい。

    Godley's orders for the attack stipulated that the attack would be made with bayonets and grenades only; rifles would be unloaded. This was, according to Roland Perry, designed to "influence the troopers to keep running at the [Ottoman] trenches" and ultimately meant they could not stop and fire. The envisaged four waves of troops attacking from Russell's Top across the Nek. The first wave would use the cover of a naval bombardment to approach the trenches silently and quickly while the defenders were dazed, and would capture the trench with bayonets and grenades. The second wave would then pass through the first to capture trenches on the lower slopes of Baby 700. The third and fourth waves would exploit further and would dig-in, with ultimate goal of securing the heights 200 metres (660 ft) away on Baby 700. The British 8th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment, was to consolidate positions on the Nek afterwards, while two companies from the 8th Battalion, Royal Welch Fusiliers would advance up the western part of Monash Valley and carry out an attack around the "Chessboard" – to the south of the Nek– to cover the southern flank of the Australians on the Nek. Preparations for the attack began several days earlier when the troopers were ordered to stow unnecessary clothing, including woollen tunics, and equipment. This resulted in the men living in the trenches for several cold nights in just shirts and short pants. Each man was authorised to carry 200 rounds of ammunition, as well as a small amount of personal rations. Assault equipment included wire cutters, empty sandbags, ladders, and periscopes; only the fourth and final assault line would carry entrenching tools. The light horsemen had not participated in a large-scale attack before; they had not been trained to fight like infantrymen, having been recruited to fight in a mounted role, but they were all keen and eager for the attack to commence. Encouraged by earlier efforts by compatriots at Lone Pine, the troops were spurred on by the Brigade Major, Lieutenant Colonel John Antill, a Boer War veteran who encouraged them with stories from that war. Many soldiers who had been injured or ill, and were in hospital, ensured they were released and returned to their units in time to take part. In this climate, nobody questioned the tactics of the plan, contingencies, or the efficacy of attacking without loaded weapons.[40][41] Prior to the assault, each man was given a double issue of rum to warm up. The attack was scheduled to commence at 04:30 on 7 August. It was to be preceded by a naval bombardment, supported by field guns from several shore based batteries. The 8th and 10th Light Horse Regiments assembled in a trench about 90 metres (300 ft) long, opposite the Ottoman line that was between 20–70 metres (66–230 ft) away. Coloured marker flags were carried, to be shown from the captured trenches to indicate success.To help the supporting artillery to identify the attacking Australian troops, the attackers attached white armbands and patches to their shirts.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! In naming the order he founded, Francis deliberately chose a word commonly used in his day to refer to the lower strata of society: Minores (or Friars Minor, Minorites), which carried pejorative connotations of dependency and legal incapacity. The impoverishment of the mendicant friar extended even to the loss of his name: Franciscans and Dominicans both used the names of their heavenly patrons and were identifiable only by the additional mention of their native towns. The friar lost himself in the anonymous crowd of the poor.

  • 下記の英文を和訳して下さい。

    The citation for Dartnell's VC On 3 September 1915, near Maktau, Kenya, during a mounted infantry engagement, the enemy were so close that it was impossible to get the more severely wounded away. Lieutenant Dartnell, who was himself being carried away wounded in the leg, seeing the situation, and knowing that the enemy's black troops murdered the wounded, insisted on being left behind, in the hope of being able to save the lives of other wounded men. He gave his own life in a gallant attempt to save others. The First Battle of the Isonzo was fought between the Armies of Italy and Austria-Hungary on the Italian Front in World War I, between 23 June and 7 July 1915. The aim of the Italian Army was to drive the Austrians away from its defensive positions along the Soča (Isonzo) and on the nearby mountains. Although the Italians enjoyed a 2:1 numeric superiority, their offensive failed because the Italian commander, Luigi Cadorna, employed frontal assaults after impressive (but short) artillery barrages. The Austrians had the advantage of fighting from uphill positions barricaded with barbed wire which were able to easily resist the Italian assault. The Italians had some early successes. They partially took Monte Nero (Monte Krn), took Monte Colowrat, and captured the heights around Plezzo. However, they were unable to dislodge the Austro-Hungarian troops from the high ground between Tolmino and the Isonzo, which would later form a launching off point for the Caporetto Offensive. The heaviest fighting occurred around Gorizia. In addition to the natural defenses of the river and mountains, bastions were created at Oslavia and Podgora. The fighting at Gorizia consisted of street-by-street urban combat interspersed with artillery fire. Italian troops, such as the Italian Re and Casale Brigades, were able to advance as far as the suburbs but could get no further and were driven back. They made small footholds at Adgrado and Redipuglia on the Karst Plateau south of Gorizia but were unable to do much else. On the Austrian-Hungarian side two commanders distinguished themselves: Major General Géza Lukachich von Somorja, commander of the 5th Mountain Brigade, who retook Redipuglia, and Major General Novak von Arienti who retook Hill 383 with his 1st Mountain Brigade. Early in July the commander of the Austrian Fifth Army, General Svetozar Boroević, received two reinforcement divisions, which put an end to the Italian efforts at breaking through the Austrian lines. The final Italian gains were minimal: in the northern sector, they conquered the heights over Bovec (Mount Kanin); in the southern sector, they conquered the westernmost ridges of the Kras plateau near Fogliano Redipuglia and Monfalcone. The First Battle of the Isonzo 第一次イゾンツォの戦い

  • (181)The Burlesque Poems ……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    QA181 The Burlesque Poems To Homer were popularly ascribed certain burlesque poems in which Aristotle ("Poetics" iv) saw the germ of comedy. 試し訳 ブルレスク(風刺)詩群 一般的に、アリストテレス(『詩学』第四卷)の中で喜劇の基本原理を考察した一種のブルレスクな詩(風刺詩)はホメーロスによるとされる。 質問 (1)試し訳は、日本語として違和感がある。    「一般的に、アリストテレスが『詩学』第四卷の中で、喜劇の基本原理として    ブレルスクな詩を考察しているが、そもそも、これはホメーロスの作品に見ら れる。」 このような意味であろうと思いますが、どうでしょうか。 *germ;基本原理(下記のアリストテレス参照) (1)Burlesque Poemsについて Burlesqueはバーレスク(滑稽な) 又はバラエティ(寄席演芸)という日本語 がある。これはBurleswue Poemsの訳語らしい。 訳語として、「風刺詩」、「道化詩」、「バラエティ詩」などが考えられる。 “Epigram”は「短い風刺詩」と呼ばれることがあるが、「風刺詩」という場合 がある。総合すると、どういう訳語がよいでしょうか。 (2)文頭のto ascribe Homer..について    これは倒置文でしょうか。    書き直せば、次の文でよいでしょうか。     Certain burlesque poems in which Aristotle ("Poetics" iv) saw the germ of comedy were popularly ascribed to Homer. QA182 Most interesting of these, were it extant, would be the "Margites". 試し訳 もし残っていたら、これらの中で一番面白いのは『狂人たち』であろう。 質問 (1)次の訳でもよいでしょうか。 「このうち、一番面白いのは『狂人たち』だが、残念ながら残ってない」 (2) 意味は同じでも、表現はかなり違ったものになる。        試し訳でも良いとすれば、このままでよいと思いますが、どうでしょうか   QA183 The hero of the epic is at once sciolist and simpleton, 'knowing many things, but knowing them all badly'. 試し訳 叙事詩の主人公は、生半可な知識を持つ人であると同時に、間抜けであり、‘いろいろ知っているようだが、実は何にも知らない’ 質問 (3)but knowing them all badly'. について   「それら全てを悪く知る」→「実は何も知らない」と訳せるのでしょうか。 *Aristotle(“Peotics”iv);アリストテレス (『詩学』第四卷)    Αριστοτέλης、前384年 - 前322年3月7日)    アリストテレスによれば、芸術創作活動の基本的原理は模倣(ミメーシス) である。文学は言語を用いての模倣であり、理想像の模倣が悲劇的成立 には必要不可欠である。作品受容の目的は心情の浄化としてのカタルシ スであり、悲劇の効果は急転(ペリペテイア)と人物再認(アナグノーリシ ス)との巧拙によるという。古典的作劇術の三一致の法則は彼の『詩学 』にその根拠を求めている。 (URL; wikipedia 日/アリストテレス) *see in; 調べる、見抜く、洞察する (URL; dic.yahoo/see into) *The Margites, It was commonly attributed to Homer, as by Aristotle: " His Margites indeed provides an analogy: as are the Iliad and Odyssey to our tragedies, so is the Margites to our comedies. (Poetics 13.92); but the work, among a mixed genre of works loosely labelled "Homerica" in Antiquity, was more reasonably attributed to Pigres, a Greek poet of Halicarnassus, in the massive medieval Greek encyclopedia called Suda. It is written in mixed hexameter and iambic lines, an odd whim of Pigres, who also inserted a pentameter line after each hexameter of the Iliad as a curious literary game (Peck 1898).

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    By the afternoon all likely crossings had been carefully reconnoitred, and the chosen crossing near the Wadi Sharta, which was to be used the next day, marked. At 15:30 the Imperial Mounted Division, led by the 3rd Light Horse Brigade, marched out of camp at Marakeb, heading for Deir el Belah about six hours or 18 miles (29 km) away. The division's three brigades and their machine gun squadrons were accompanied by their mobile veterinary sections and the 3rd Light Horse Field Ambulance. The troopers carried their day's rations, while rations for 26 and 27 March were to be transported forward during the night of 25/26 March, by the first line transport of camels and wagons. As it had been expected the division would be away five days, additional rations were carried on improvised packs, which accompanied the division as far as Deir el Belah. On the day of battle, the 53rd (Welsh) Division, moved out from Deir el Belah at 01:00 in four columns towards El Breij, followed by the artillery.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    Many of America`s adolescents drive while drowsy, oversleep, and get sleepy in class: They are going through life sleep-deprived. Only 20 percent of teens get the recommended nine hours of shut-eye on school nights, and more than one in four report sleeping in class, according to the recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation. What`s more, the poll finds that parents are mostly in the dark about their adolescents` sleep habits. While most students know they`re not getting the sleep they need, 90 percent of parents polled believe their adolescents are getting enough sleep on school nights. A quick sampling of teens by a news reporter found the poll was on target, with most saying they have trouble getting up in the morning. 17-year-old Carl Woock is one of these typically tired teens. He let the reporter follow him through a typical weekday, during which exhaustion surfaced several times. It starts with an alarm clock and getting ready for school, where Carl`s classes in suburban Maryland start at the early hour of 7:30 am. For some, that`s just too early, and he often falls asleep in class. Thinking is one of the things that gets sacrificed without enough sleep. "In the competition between the natural tendency to stay up late and early school start times, a teen`s sleep is what loses out," said Dr.Jodi A. Mindell. Another researcher pointed out that puberty changes the body`s "circadian rhythm." She explained that an 8 to 10-year-old is able to fall asleep at 9 at night, but a 13 to 15-year-old has their circadian rhythm shifted, so that they`re not able to fall asleep until 12 at night naturally. She warned that there`s more in a teen`s life that`s affected by sleep deprivation. She said, "They are moody. Depression is a concern. It affects every aspect of their lives." Without enough sleep, a person has trouble focusing and responding quickly, according to the National Institutes of Health. The agency also said there is growing evidence linking a continuous lack of sleep with an increased risk of serious illness. The National Sleep Foundation reported that nearly all youngsters have at least one electronic item, such as a television, computer, or phone in their bedrooms. Adolescents with four or more such items in their bedrooms are much more likely than their peers to get an insufficient amount of sleep at night. They are also almost twice as likely to fall asleep in school and while doing homework. For many teens, one solution to the problem comes in a cup, with many saying they drink lots of coffee. The caffeine may help teens perk up during the day, but it might be only masking the underlying biological reason for their sleep habits. Teens might want to take some advice from experts, who recommend saying goodbye to the entertainment zone in the bedroom, cutting out caffeine after lunchtime, setting up a daily sleep and wake-time routine, and being aware that trying to catch up on your sleep at weekends upsets your natural body rhythm.

  • 英文の訳がわからなくて困っています。

    日本語訳を教えて下さい。 Long-term health survey The helth minirtry plans to launch a 10-year followup sur-vey on the physical and mentalhealth of 30, 000 people in the Tohoku region to gauge the impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami,ministry officials said Saturday. It will select 10,000 people each in Iwate,Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures to check the various physical and mental the fects caused by their direct experience of the disaster,their prolonged stays in the shelters,and how their conditions change over the comingyears. Professional care will be arranged for those found in need,the officials said. In June,the Health,Labor and Welfare Ministry is expected to set up a team of doctors,nurses and other experts from medical facilities in the prefectures as well as national hospitals. The ministry believes the redrawing up medium-and-long-term relief and welfare measures as well as health care services for future disasters,they said, “The population of the affected areas was already aging (before the disaster) and there were many people living without relatives,”said Ichiro Tsuji,a professor at Tohoku University. です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Following the promotion of General Pétain from the Second Army on 1 June and his replacement by General Nivelle, five infantry regiments were affected by episodes of "collective indiscipline". Two French Lieutenants, Henri Herduin and Pierre Millant, were summarily shot on 11 June; Nivelle then published an Order of the Day forbidding French troops to surrender. In 1926, after an inquiry into the cause célèbre, Herduin and Millant were exonerated and their military records expunged. On 20 August 1917, the 2ème Bataille Offensive de Verdun (Second Offensive Battle of Verdun) was carried out by the XIII, XVI, XV and XXXII corps, to capture Côte 304 and Mort Homme on the west bank and Côte Talou and Beaumont on the east bank. The plan required an advance of 1–2 km (0.62–1.24 mi) on a 10-kilometre (6.2 mi) front.

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