
  • オバマ大統領が共和党との問題で奮闘している医療保険改革案に関する記事です。
  • 記事では、「Hail Mary pass」の表現がアメフトのヘイルメアリーを比喩として使っているか疑問があります。
  • また、「legislative priority」は「個人向け保険」を指しており、「slipping out of his grasp」は具体的な意味が分かりません。
  • ベストアンサー


ネットで次のような文章を見かけました。 For the president, Thursday’s session was a kind of Hail Mary pass, a last-ditch effort to keep his top legislative priority from slipping out of his grasp. 医療保険改革案に関する問題で、オバマ大統領が共和党と何かもめているという内容の記事の一部です。 「Hail Mary pass」の部分はアメフトのヘイルメアリーを比喩表現として使っているのでしょうか? 「legislative priority」=「個人向け保険」? 「slipping out of his grasp」=??????? この文章が何を言っているのか分かりませんだれか教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

「大統領にとって、木曜日の議会はまるでヘイル・メアリーのパスのようなもので、大統領にとっての立法最優先事項が手中からするりと逃げるのを防ぐための最後の努力の場となった」 ということではないでしょうか。 legislative priorityつまり立法最優先事項というのが何を指すのかは原文を見てないので分かりませんが、医療保険改革に関することだとは思います。



legislative priority の意味を勘違いしていました。 意味がわかりました。 ありがとうございます。


  • 英文についての質問

    What is the purpose of dividing up, or fragmenting, political authority the way the delegates to the Convention did? という質問があります。 かなり長いので飛ばしていただいて大丈夫かと思います。 一応参考にしたのは**の間の文章です。 After fragmenting political authority by delegating an enumerated set of powers to the federal government, then dividing the federal government into separated branches sharing just enough powers to provide checks and balances on each other, the Convention fragmented power one more time, dividing the legislative power between two chambers of the new Congress. ** By requiring agreement between the two chambers to pass legislation, they created an internal check on the legislative power. ** The gridlock Americans often complain about today is not an indication that our system is failing; it is the natural outcome of the Framers’ intentional fragmentation of political authority, both the internal legislative check of needing bicameral agreement and the check imposed by the presidential veto. この質問による回答はこの文をそのまま引用して By requiring agreement between the two chambers to pass legislation, they created an internal check on the legislative power. (法律を可決するために2つの裁判所の合意を要求することによって、彼らは立法権の内部調査を製作(作った)した。) こちらでいいでしょうか? 英文で言っていることと的外れなこと回答をしていたら指摘して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈について

    毎回ありがとうございます。さっそく質問です。 I heartily wish that in my youth i had had someone of the good sense to direct my reading . I sigh when i reflect on the amount of the time i have wasted on books that were of no great profit of me . という文で、文法も文の題意も大体わかります。が意味的におかしい個所があります。 「私に何の利益にもならなかった本を読むことに費やした時間は当時を振り返る度にもったいなく感じる。 私はこころから少年時代に・・・(ここからわからなくなります)・・・私が本を読むことを指南するセンスの良い人がいたらなあと残念に思う。」 間違いのご指摘お願いいたします。 また my reading は「私の読書」 「私が本を読むこと」と動名詞で訳してもどちらでもよいのでしょうか? out of the pantry window on to the bed nearest the garden wall . 状況を教えてください。 Mary being discoverd putting some of hers into a piece of paper , to be delivered to him in due course , they were both stood in different corners of the room until you say you're sorry . この文はさっぱりわかりません。being 動名詞 Mary 主語 でメアリーが (some of hersはこの場合前文からプッディングの一部だと思われます。)プッディングの一部を紙に包み・・・? 変な状況になってしまいます。 ほかの部分の構造も教えてください。 大変長くなってしまい申し訳ございません。面倒だと思うので一部の回答だけでも大歓迎です!!よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削して下さい

    5つの文章でストーリーになっています。よろしくお願いします。 1.私の友達がスリに遭いそうになったことがあります。 My friend was about to be robbed his purse. 2.何人かで地下鉄に乗ろうと階段を降りていたときのことでした。 It was the time that my friends and I was going down the stairs. 3.私の友達はズボンのポケットに財布をいれていました。 One of my friends’ purse was at his hip pocket. 4.私の友だちによると、ある男がその財布に手を伸ばそうとしていたといいました。 One of them told me that the man was going to reach out his purse. 5.その友達が止めたおかげで、財布を盗まれることはありませんでした。 Because my friend stopped the pickpocketer, my friend was not robbed his purse.

  • 英文解釈について

    He was a man ,curious to look at, and every day when I came out and passed his garden he was there , his crutches under his arms ,leaning on the gate ,silently regarding me as I went by. という文章なのですが挿入を元に戻してHe was a man and every day when I came out and passed his garden he was there  で彼は男で私が外出し、彼の庭を通るときは毎日、彼はそこにいた。 curious to look at his crutches under his arms で腕の下の松葉づえを注意深く見ながら??ここらへんからおかしくなります。 解釈のほどお願いいたします。 Three of the Pylamids are very large ,the great being that of Gizah ,but there are many smaller ones. という文ではThree of the Pylamids are very large but there are many smaller ones. でピラミッドのうち三つはとても大きいが、とても小さいのもある。 ここに分詞構文the great being that of Gizah をつけようと思ってもなかなか意味がわかりません。 解釈のほどよろしくお願いします。 My eyes ,not being so much under control as my toungue ,were attracted towards my aunt very often during breakfast. では、舌ほどうまく眼は動かせないので朝食の間何回もおばを見てしまった。程度の訳でよいのでしょうか? 日本語訳でも意味がわかりません。 the earlier a thing is learned ,the longer ,and so the greater , the use of which can be made of it. では「すればするほど」の構文だとは思うのですが、the longer や 関係代名詞of whichの先行詞であろう主語に対応する動詞がないように思えます。これも解釈のほどお願いいたします。 以上の4つの英文についてお尋ねします。一つでもいいのでご指南願います。

  • 英文のニュース

    Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has received a refund from tax authorities of about 130 million yen out of the 609.7 million yen he paid in gift tax on assets provided by his mother, as the statue of limitation in some cases has been reached, sources close to the matter said Thursday. as以下からの訳が分かりにくいのと、some casesとは何をさしているのでしょうか? Hatoyama had long failed to take the necessary tax procedures with regard to the assets. The tax authorities has judged that the gift tax he later paid on the funds he received in 2002 and 2003 was unnecessary due to the five-year statute of limitation, sparing him more than 100 million yen in tax he would otherwise have paid. sparingからも訳していただけないでしょうか?

  • ...gone to live...の訳(センター試験)

    Old Fred Ford had gone to live with his daughter, Kate, and her family shortly after his wife, Mary died.  (センター98本試験) という文章の「had gone to live」の訳がどうも引っかかります。 赤本には、「フレッド=フォード老人は妻のメアリーが亡くなってまもなく、娘のケイトおよびその家族と一緒に暮らすようになっていた。」 というように「暮らすようになっていた」とありますが、なぜこうなるのかイマイチよく分かりません。文法的に、語法的に詳しく説明してくださる方はいらっしゃいますでしょうか? (推測では、goの意味(もしくはgone?)が「行く」という意味よりもむしろ、「なる」的な意味があるのではと睨んでいます。ただ、go to do~のdoが「なる」という意味が存在することは全く知りません。 それかただ単に、「住みに行ってしまった」でいいのでしょうか?でも何か変ですよね。) よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    This exaggeration may have been because he wore a huge Cossack fur hat, and tall boots which added a foot to his height. Although, if this was accurate, he would have been taller than Robert Wadlow, now cited as the world's tallest man. Machnow died in 1912 due to pneumonia and likely complications of Acromegaly although there are other versions of the story. Some believed he had been poisoned by rivals or envious competitors (Machnow was a rather well known wrestler), but no evidence for this is available. He was the father of four children none of whom reached a height greater than two meters. John Middleton (1578–1623) was an English giant who was born in the village of Hale and is commonly known as the Childe of Hale. Legend tells that he slept with his feet out of the window of his small house. Tales also credit him with great strength. John Middleton was born in the village of Hale, near Liverpool. According to contemporary accounts and his epitaph, Middleton grew to the height of 9 feet 3 inches (2.82 m) and slept with his feet hanging out the window of his house. Because of his size the landlord and sheriff of Lancashire, Gilbert Ireland, hired him as a bodyguard. When King James I stopped by in 1617 to knight Ireland he heard about Middleton and invited both of them to the court, which they accepted in 1620. Middleton beat the King's champion in wrestling and in doing so broke the man's thumb. He received £20, a large amount of money in those times. Unfortunately, jealous of his wealth, Middleton's companions mugged him or swindled him out of his money while he was returning to Hale. John Middleton died impoverished in 1623. He was buried in the cemetery of St Mary's Church in Hale. The epitaph reads, "Here lyeth the bodie of John Middleton the Childe of Hale. Nine feet three. Borne 1578 Dyed 1623." There have been numerous local uses and commemorations of Middleton; a pub in Hale, named "The Childe of Hale", bears a copy of the Brasenose College portrait as its sign. Previously situated across the road from the church was a large tree trunk. In 1996 it was carved with representations of John Middleton, Hale Lighthouse and other local symbols. In 2011, due to disease and in the interests of public safety the tree trunk was removed by Halton Borough Council. In April 2013, the wooden sculpture was replaced by a bronze statue 3 m tall by local sculptor, Diane Gorvin. Brasenose College, Oxford, possesses one life-sized portrait, two smaller paintings and two life-sized representations of his hands. Another life-sized portrait can be seen at Speke Hall in Liverpool, a National Trust property. Speke Hall is located near to the village of Hale and incorporates a woodland trail depicting his house, feet, hands and other items.

  • With the Camorra out of ~

    以下の文章の訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 With the Camorra out of the way Marco set his sights on the chief of police, hoping to strong-arm him into some kinda deal.

  • inとwithの違いについて

    He would often reach for his weapon out of fear in spite of himself “with” his right hand. Thay circled around each other,with weapons “in” their right hands. という文章があるのですがどうして最初の文はwith his right handで次の文はin their right handsなのですか。

  • 専修大学の問題です。お願いします。

    並べかえ問題ですお願いします。 これであっているかどうか判定してください。 { }内の文章が並べかえで、{ }外は元々書いてある文章です。 1 このレポートを書きあげるのにどのくらいかかると思いますか。 {howlong do you think it will take } you to finish writing this paper? 2 メアリーはその会合に出席するため、美容院の仕事を3日休まざるを得なかった。 Mary {hadto take off work from three days} at the hair salon to attend the meeting. 3 ビルは若い頃、どうして大学中退する気になったのですか。 What {made Bill decide to drop out of} his university while young? 4 2年前起きた地震でこの歴史的石橋も粉々に壊れてしまった。 The earthquake which occurred two years ago {caused to break this historical stonebridge into} small pieces. 5 海外留学は異なる文化の理解に役立つと多くの人々がいっているのをよく耳にする。 I've often {heard many people say} that going abroad to study will {help us understand}  diffrent cultures.