• 締切済み




こんにちは、補足拝見しました。 >質問のしかたが、よくありませんでした。thingを先行詞にとっているので、文章を2つに分けることができますよね? >回答より考えるとするなら、she could do the thing to help her three-year-old son Tom prepare for the new baby.となるので良いでしょうか? >そうするとこの文の訳に説明がつきそうです。 質問者さんは、この文の訳をお持ちなんですよね? とりあえず、訳は「ベッキーはお腹に新しい赤ん坊がいる事を知ると、3歳の息子トムが新しい赤ん坊に対して心構えができるようにできる限りの事をした。」です。 she did what she could(彼女は、できる限りのことをした。)の部分を二つに分けたいのでしょうか? 分けないほうがよいと思います。No1で既に回答した、she did 『the thing which』 she could to help her three-year-old son Tom prepare for the new baby.の他に、she did 『anything』 she could to help her three-year-old son Tom prepare for the new baby.とも書き換えられます。 しかし、she did. she could do the thing to help her three-year-old son Tom prepare for the new babyだと、Whatの書き換えにはならず、意味が変わります「彼女はした。 彼女は3歳の息子トムが新しい赤ん坊に対して心構えができるようになる事をすることができた。」 ご参考までに、


  • 名詞の書き方について。

    「6歳の女の子」a six year-old girl  「刃渡り10cmのナイフ」a ten centimeter blade 「彼の5歳のむすこTom」his five year-old son Tom と学習しました。そして、「わずか3時間の睡眠」only a three hours' sleep というのも習ったのですが このthree hours' は所有格で、hours'sはダメなのでhours'になってるヤツです。 a とthree hours' が同じに並んでいていいのでしょうか?ちょっと他の例も学びたいのですがうまく検索ができなくて、わからなくて困ってます。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文解釈について(><)///

    (2-21)It still revolved around superstition, but of a mild variety, with quaint rituals indicating things such as whether a lover was being faithful or would become a future marriage partner. (1)was being faithfulでwas beingを使うのはなぜでしょうか? (2-23)Between 1900 and 1910 some nine million immigrants came to America, drawn by the conviction that in this land of opportunity they would find what the old country had denied them. (2)conviction thatのthatは何用法でしょうか? What they found in America severely tested their faith- and their courage and stamina as well. (3)whatは、the things whichに置き換えられると理解していますが、whatを使うときの考え方について教えていただきたいです。 (2-25)The answer came the following year, when a three-hour, $1,900,000 extravaganza called Intolerance opened at New York City's Liberty Theatre. (4)year, when~のように、whenの前にカンマをつけるのはなぜでしょうか? "Intolerant is so colossal gorgeous, and stunning to the mind that words fail," wrote the NY Tribune, and the NY Evening Post called it "the highest achievement which the camera has recorded." (5)to the mind that words~でthatが使われているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-28)The real music was being produced in relative obscurity. (6) was being producedで、beingが使用されているのはなぜでしょうか? (2-40)Their intention was to distinguish themselves from German, Italian, Sicilian and other immigrants who had arrived later. (7) was to distinguishのように、be動詞+to不定詞になるのはいつでしょうか? Today many Cajuns still live in and around New Orleans and cling to their old customs and French dialect. (8)and cling to~は、Cajuns areが省略されているのでしょうか? Native New Orleanians may speak with a southern drawl or a Cajun-French accent, in a pattern that curiously resembles the speech often associated with sections of NY city. (9)in a pattern that curiously~のthatは、関係代名詞でしょうか?

  • この英文どうでしょうか?(めざせ英検準一級)

    英検準一級を目指しています。このかなり怪しい作文は 14点満点で何点でしょうか?(恐) Dear Tom I understand you are looking forward to visiting Kyoto. As you know,Kyoto is an old city.You can get there by Shinkansen or the bullet train from Tokyo. It takes three hours or so. I am afraid you cannnot see real samurai there. Instead,you can see beautifulwoman who wear beutiful and expensive kimono. What is interesting moreis there are many old temples. You will be surprised to see they are made from wood. And delicious Japanese food will satisfy you. I hope you enjoy visiting Kyoto. Regards,Tomoko

  • for the time ever

    I am a 68-year-old widow with two grown children, both married, both living nearby. I dearly love babies and baby-sit as much as possible. My son and wife had my first grandson over the summer. My son called me the morning after to invite me to see him, so I did for a few minutes. Then, a few weeks later and a few weeks after that, my son invited me to their home to see the baby again. So I went. When I didn't see the baby for several weeks, I texted my daughter-in-law to ask whether I could see the baby but got no response. I knew she would be going back to work soon, so I asked again. No response. The next thing I knew, my son told me to leave them alone -- that they wanted their privacy. I cried and cried but don't know what happened. He told me to not text or call. This happened around Thanksgiving, when, for the time ever, we didn't spend the holiday together. for the time everとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

    My ex-daughter-in-law believes that her 10-year-old son, my grandson, has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She has thought this ever since he had trouble on day one of his school career. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/dearannie/s-2137980 She has thought this ever since he had trouble on day one of his school career. は文法的に正しい文でしょうか?もしそうでしたら文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 文法:動詞の原形が続くことって・・・?

    アメリカで買ったTOEFL問題集の中で下記のような文章を見つけました。 Economic theory states that in a market economy consumers and technology both help determine what is produced. 1.この文のthat節内の動詞はhelpだと思うのですが、なぜその後determineという動詞が続くのでしょうか? 2.consumers and technologiesとは言わないのでしょうか? 以上、回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法の説明と直訳

    7つの習慣という本の一節です。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/嫁と義母 の絵を見て、複数の人が話をしています。 "What do you mean, 'old lady'? She couldn't be more than 20 or 22 years old!" "Oh, come on. You have to be joking. She's 70--could be pushing 80!" "What's the matter with you? Are you blind? This lady is young, good looking. I'd like to take her out. She's lovely." "Lovely? She's an old hag." The arguments went back and forth, each person sure of, and adamant in, his or her position. * 議論は行ったり来たりだった, それぞれの人は彼または彼女の見解を確信し、そして断固として聞く耳を持たなかった。 自分なりに直訳しました。 back and forth まで理解できますが、each以降が文法的に理解できません。 each 以降の文法の説明と The arguments から最後までの直訳をお願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    I could see how it could lead to what had happened , parents led astray in a futile search for a better life for themselves and their son.

  • これを訳していただけませんか

    はるばる南アフリカから、ペンパルになってくれるというメールがきました。 その書き出しはこうです。 I am a single 26 year old mom of a 6 year old son ( Jenade ) As you can see from my email address I live in Cape Town South Africa. I have a very good and wicked sense of humor. So tell me what is the weather like that side of the world. 上の段落はまあよいとして、下の段落の So tell me what is the weather like that side of the world. というのは、直訳すれば「違う世界の天気を教えてください」になりますが、 もっと砕くとどんなフィーリングの訳になりますか? どなたかどうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • fall out

    My 20-year-old son “Ted” has a 19-year-old girlfriend named “Dahlia.” Dahlia is very well-endowed and rarely wears a bra. However, she does wear low-cut clothing and often looks like she’s about to fall out. fall outはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします