• 締切済み


今私は英語で自己紹介文をかいています。 I live in Nayoro Hokkaido, I think that Nayoro is the most wonderful place in the world. I have a lot of reasons for that. First, I can see very beautiful stars in the sky, and 1( Air is clear), I like nature of Nayoro. I play snow board at winter, soft tennis at summer. Second, foods is delicious, I think Rice cake is most famaous food and It is my favorite food. Third, Nayoro's People is very kind.They are always smile, made me happy. ほんのちょっと一部分なんですが、まず最初 1()の英文で空気がおいしという意味になるでしょうか? あとはこの英文で読んでいて通じないところなおしたらいいところはどこでしょうか?カンマ ピリオドの打ち方はどーですか? 最後にこれでなよろの話は終わろうと思うんですがだいじょぶでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • nekomac
  • ベストアンサー率43% (162/371)

こんにちは、補足いただいていたんですね? 今気づいたんですが、この補足何時いただいたのでしょうか? まだ、今でも添削して欲しいですか? 前半は大体良いと思いますが、後半はかなり、手直しが必要な気がします。 もし、まだ、添削が必要ならその旨ご返事ください。

  • nekomac
  • ベストアンサー率43% (162/371)

I live in Nayoro (city) of Hokkaido. I think that Nayoro is the most wonderful place in the world. I have a lot of reasons for that. First, the sky is so clear that stars look very beautiful, besides air is fresh. 共通の認識、すなわち誰が見ても綺麗な空と星という意味であれば、I can see よりも、上の言い方はどうでしょうか? so.....that 構文を使ってみました。 (第一に、空がとっても澄んでいるので星がすごく綺麗に見えるし、空気が新鮮です) という意味になります。 we can play snow board( in) winter and soft tennis( in) summer. 四季の前には、in を使います。 Second, food is very delicious. I think rice cake is most famous food in (of)...., and it is my favorite one. .....のところには~の中で、という意味で何かを入れなければなりません。 most famous food  要するに、もっとも有名、と言うならば何の中で有名なのかを言わなければなりません。 でなければ、most を使わないで、very famous food にするとか、、、 Third,( people in Nayoro ) are very kind. They always smile and make me(others) happy. 過去の話ではなく、今現在の話ですので、make です。 これだけでは、何となく尻切れトンボみたいですので、 That's why I like Nayoro. か These are the reason I love Nayoro. で終わると良いと思います。



My name is Mari Nakano. I’m 16 years old, and a high school student. I study at Nayoro High School. The size of our school is small with about 450 students. I live in Nayoro of Hokkaido, I think that Nayoro is the most wonderful place in the world. I have a lot of reasons for that. First, the sky is so clear that stars look very beautiful, besides air is fresh, I like nature of Nayoro. We can play snow board in winter and soft tennis in summer. Second, Foods is delicious, I think Rice cake is very famous food and It is my favorite one. It is so delicious to eat the rice cake, which was made by myself. Third, people in Nayoro is very kind. They always smile and make me others happy. These are the reason I love Nayoro. I like American culture such I can enjoy watching American films and listening to American music. My favorite American film title is Enchanted . I have watched this movie many times. Usually I listen to Japanese pop music, and sometimes I listen to Western music. I like Back street boys, Ne-Yo, and Avril Lavigne. By the way , I don’t like is things is mouse, a carrot, a ghost. Because mouse is that color and (鳴き声), a carrot is that taste, a ghost is frightening . I am on the soft tennis team. I have been playing soft tennis for four years. Our practice has been so hard that I've often thought about quitting, but my friends always supported me and encouraged me. The best part about being part of the team is that I've made a lot of good friends. I am proud of my friends. Now we are working hard and getting ready for the meet My Hobby is snowboarding. I want to go snowboarding in a lot of mountains in winter. I have been snowboarding for eight years. When I was elementary school, I went to snowboarding every day near the house mountain,and I've had my fore teeth broken when snowboarding. But I like snowboarding. Finaly, I introduce my family. My family are five , father, mother, brother, and sister. I am the youngest of my family. My father is 52 years old, my mother is 50 years old, my brother is 25 years old, my sister is 22 years old. we are very on good terms. so I enjoying every day and I love famiry. すいません。全文ができたんですけどみてもらうことは可能ですか??


  • 英作文の添削をして下さい\(^o^)/

    こんにちは! ついさきほど、住みたい国を自由に選びその理由を述べるというテーマの英作文をしました。 もし、不自然な点、明らかにおかしい点などがありましたらお教えくださいm(__)m I want to live in Hawaii. When my family and I visited there 5 years ago, we got a lot of fun. I spended most of times swimming in the sea. The sea was so clear that there were many kinds of fish. I think it's very nice to be able to swim there every day. Besides, all foods I ate in Hawaii were very delicious. I want to eat dishes which we ate at a restaurant once again. I think living in Hawaii is great. So I chose Hawaii.

  • 英語の文章で分からないところがあるので教えてください

    1~4と6の英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。5の日本語の文章をどのように英文にすればいいのか分からないので教えてください。 1.あなたがイタリア料理の本を送ってくれたおかげで、イタリア料理には何があるかということが分かりました。 (I could know Italian foods, because you sent me an Italian cooking book.) 2.それらのイタリア料理は、すごくおいしそうですね。 (I feel that these Italian foods are very delicious.) 3.いつかイタリアに行って食べたいです。 ( I’ d like to go to Italy and I’ d like to eat Italian foods some day.) 4.私が住んでいるところは、すごく寒いです。 ( Our city is very cold.) 5.温度差がかなりあるので、風邪をひいている人が多いです。 6.今年は、インフルエンザに感染している人が多いので気をつけなければいけません。 (Influenza is raging among many Japanese people in this year. So I have to take care of oneself.)

  • 【至急】英語の添削お願いします

    授業で Why is education so important in your life? という課題を出されました。 自分なりに書いてみたのですが、文法等に自信がありません;; どなたか添削お願いいたします。 I think that the purpose of education is to acquire and develop the wisdom of living well. To acquire the knowledge helps us to have flexible thinking. There is no end of learning in life. Moreover, to learn new thing is my greatest pleasure. That’s the very reason why I am educated. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 日本語の意味を表すように()内の語句を正しく並び替

    日本語の意味を表すように()内の語句を正しく並び替えてください。 (1)あなたはケイトがテニスをしている女の子を知っていますか? Do you know the girl(is/ playing / with/Kate/tennis)? (2)父が生まれた村はあの山のふもとにあります。 (was/the village/born/that/in/my father)is at the food of that mountain. (3)これはトムが探している本です。 This is the book(for/Tom/looking/that/is). (4)私が一番興味のある教科は生物です。 (I’m/most/the subject /in /interested) is biolgy. という問題があるのですが、 (1)Do you know the girl(with Kate is playing tennis)? (2)(My father was born in the village that )is at the food of that mountain. (3)This is the book(that is looking for Tom). (4)I'm most interested in the subject) is biology. で合っていますでしょうか? 宜しく御願い致します><

  • 誰か通訳ができる方!!大至急お願いします。

    こんにちは。英語科の大学3年です。 授業は通訳訓練法を取っています。 木曜日にプレゼンがあります。 自分なりに和訳してみました。 文章はこちらです。     ↓ Hello, my name is Duncan Wood and I am an intern at the Department of Cotemporary English. (こんにちは。私の名前はダンカンウッドです。現代英語学科のインターン生で す。) I am a 4th year student at Grinnell College, majoring in History. (ダリーネル大学の4年生です。歴史を専攻しています。) I grew up in New Jersey, but because my college is in Iowa, I’m rarely in New Jersey these days. (ニュージャージ州で育ちました。私の大学イオワなので、ニュージャージ州に はめったに行きません。) I’m really into music and work for my college radio, as well as play bass and DJ. I also like to read books and go running. (私は音楽とガレッジラジオと同じくらいバスやDjにはまってます。読書するこ とと、らんにんぐするのも好きです。) I love the ocean, but I really dislike hot weather. Because my college is far from the ocean, I’m really excited to be in Ibaraki and be so close to the water. (私は海洋が好きです。しかし熱い天気は嫌いです。理由は私の大学は海洋から 遠い。茨城の海水は近い。) I wanted to come to Japan because I find Japanese history very interesting and have studied the Japanese language at my college. (私は日本に遊びに行きたいです。なぜなら日本の歴史の面白さや、大学で日本 語を勉強してます。) I also really wanted to travel outside America, and Japan was the country I wanted to go to the most. The place I want travel to the most in Japan is Kyoto, because its seems so beautiful and has such a long and interesting history. (私はアメリカの国外も旅したいです。日本にはもっと遊びに行きたいです。も っとも旅したい場所は京都です。)  なぜなら 美しさと、 久しぶりに 面白い歴史。) But most importantly, I really wanted to try lots of Japanese food, because Japanese cuisine is widely considered very delicious. (何より挑戦したいことは、多くの日本食を食べることです。なぜなら日本食は 広く認められた料理でとてもおいしいです。) So far I have been having a great time in Japan. Japan is very pretty and clean, and I think the countryside and the city are both fun and relaxing. (これまで私は、日本でよい時間を過ごしました。日本はとても良くてきれいで す。私は地方と都会は両方ともゆったりできると思います。) Japanese people have been very kind to me, and even though it is sometimes hard to communicate, I have been able to make many friends. (会話が難しいにも関わらず、日本の人々は私にとても優しいです。多くの友達 ができました。) I think that Japanese food is very delicious, although I don’t like natto or squid. Because I am used to American sized meals, I feel like I eat a lot in Japan, because the portions are so small. (日本食はとてもおいしいです。だけど納豆とイカは嫌いです。なぜならアメリ カサイズの食事、私はたくさんの日本食を食べたい、分け前がとても小さい。) Although I like to work and move quickly, Japan is very relaxed, which is a nice change of pace for me. Because Japan is such a different country from America, it has been hard getting accustomed to several aspects of Japanese life. (私は働くのと急ぐのが好きだけれど、日本はゆったりしている、良い気分転換 になります。日本はこのようなアメリカの違いがあります。いくつかの日本のア スペクトに慣れてきました。) In America, the roads are much wider, the cars are bigger, and everyone drives on the right side of the road. American college students usually live alone, so the fact that many Japanese students live with their family surprised me. (アメリカでは、道路が広い、車は大きい。皆は右側で運転します。アメリカの 大学生は、普段は一人暮らしをします。 多くの日本の学生は家族と暮らしてるという事実に驚きました。) If anyone would like to talk with me or any of the other interns, we usually have chat hour everyday second, third, and fourth periods, so please stops by. Thank you for listening. (誰か私や他のインターンの人と話したいのなら、いつもチャット・アワーで毎 日2限、3限、4限にいます。 止めてください。 聞いてくれてありがとうございます。)

  • 少子化の問題は簡単なようでとても難しいと思う。の英訳

    少子化の問題は簡単なようでとても難しいと思う。の英訳は→I think that the problem of the falling birthrate is easy and is very difficult.これで大丈夫ですか??「簡単なようでとても難しい」ってのが、よく分かりません。

  • 会話文なんですが和訳お願いします!

    会話文なんですが和訳お願いします! インタビュアー You have started in bridal. You're dealing with women at their most vulnerable. Every woman wants perfection for her wedding day and is far more demanding than she would be of an evening gown or a daytime er outfit デザイナー Well it's every woman's Oscar. That's what I always say. But in a way it is true. I think it's most public moment. And it's also about your most private feelings. So thatparticular combination is unique and from the very beginning in the bridal business I have had very much to deal with clients on a one-on-one basis, and that's given me tremendous insight that um perhaps is irreplaceable, I think, to really be with them through this process of going from being a woman to becoming a bride to becoming a mate. And I think that transformation is something that occurs during the engagement process and as a result I'm usually the one they call first after the engagement ring. So I sort of live through that transformation with them. ある女性デザイナー(主にウエディングドレスを手がける)のインタビュー番組です。 内容がどうしてもつかめません… 長文ですがよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いします!!【至急】

    和訳をお願いします!!【至急】 Most animals eat a variety of foods for a good reason: if anything reduced the supply of a particular food source, the consumer of that food would be affected by a shortage .By feeding on a range of foods, animals can avoid shortages. However, there are some animals that rely exclusively on a single source of food.

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    We can only think wisely about what we actually know. No person, however intelligent, can ever "know" the Earth. Since none of us can really know more than a small part of this world,"global thinking" is an illusion. Wendell Berry, the writer and philosopher, warns of the many harmful consequences of "Thinking Big." He understands the limits of human intelligencee and admires the age-old wisdom of "thinking little." To learn how to "thinking little," Berry recommends that we start with the basics of life: food, for example. How do we confront the giant agribusiness firms that now control 85% of the world trade of rice, wheat, corn, and other grains, or the four big corporations that raise and sell most of the chickens that Americans eat? These large businesses produce food cheaply but destroy small, independent family farms. Moreover, the pesticides and other farm chemicals they use ruin the quality of farmland and water and contaminate the food supply. The first step in dealing with agribusiness is to realize that all global companies have to operate locally. Only at the level of the neighborhood grocery store or supermarket can they sell their products. It is here, at the grassroots, that people can oppose the big food corporations most effectively and wisely. People at the grassroots are beginning to understand that there is no need to "Think Big" in order to free the food they eat from agribusiness control. They are learning simply to say "No" to cheap fast-food products, while buying local organically produced food that is safe to eat and does not damage the environment. One interesting reaction to global agribusiness is Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). This growing grassroots movement is teaching people in towns and cities how to buy from local farmers who grow healthy crops. By supporting local food, farms, and farmers, CSA members are providing an alternative to "industrial eaters." Industrial eaters are people who care only about buying food at the lowest prise and ignore the harm done by transnational agribusiness. よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章の区切り方を教えてください。

    今度英語の音読テストがあるのですが、下の文章の読むときの区切り方を教えてください。 the difference between these expressions is interesting in a number of ways,but the most obvious is that the japanese does not say very much at all overtly. 自分で考えた区切り方はこうです。 the difference / between these expressions is interesting / in a number of ways, / but the most obvious is / that the japanese does not say very much / at all overtly. また区切り方のコツなどがあれば教えて頂けると嬉しいです。