• 締切済み



  • trgovec
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2538/4879)

自然な日本語とはどういうことでしょうか。不自然で堅苦しい訳はできるけれど、歌詞のようにはできないということですか。 確かに訳しにくいところはあります。 I'm the kind of girl / I'm the kind ともに「私は~ような女」とすればいいでしょう。 I'm the kind that your momma and your daddy were afraid you'd turn out to be like これはかなり難しい。like につながるのは関係代名詞の that、それが指す先行詞の the kind、結局は「私」ということで「私みたい」ということです。that 以下だけを切り離すと your momma and your daddy were afraid you'd turn out to be like the kind (=me) ということで「あなたのパパとママが、あなたが(結果的に)私みたいになることを心配していた」、you を一般称として訳出しなければ 「親達は子供に私のような女になってほしくないと思っていた。私はそんな女」 とすることができます。 I may seem unapproachable but that's only to the boys who 私は近づきにくそうに見えるかもしれないけど、それは~な男にはそう見えるだけ。 that は I may seem unapproachable を指します。 don't have the right (a) approach or ride that makes a girl like me wanna hop in and roll ここはちょっと分かりにくいところです。right approach は「(私に)近づくちゃんとした手段」ということでしょうが ride が「(車などに)乗せてやること」なのか、それ以外の含意があるのか、hop in は「飛び乗る」ですが roll は「エクスタシーを感じる」か、まとめにくいところです。 People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent it は when 以下を受けますが、「~するときは恐ろしい/~するようになったら恐ろしい」のように考えます。cool with を「受け入れる」とすれば「女が自分の性(性的能力)を受け入れる」、「女が自分がオンナであることを当たり前と思う」。これは次の行の「私は、家にいて無垢であるような(大人が考えるような)ステレオタイプじゃない(180度反対)」につながります。 参考まで。



 不自然な日本語になってしまうというのは、日本語ではありえない言い回しになってしまったり、ひどい場合は意味不明にも思える日本語になってしまったり…。歌詞のようにはならなくても全然かまいません。  cool with なのですが、「受け入れる」という意味があるのでしょうか。  私は、a girl is cool で「女の子が魅力的になる」、with her sexuality がつくので、「女の子が(性的に)魅力的になる」というような感じかなと思ったんですが…。  ご回答ありがとうございました。


  • 大大至急です!(´;ω;`)日本語訳お願いします。

    翻訳機にかけるのはやめてください。 英語がわかるかた、日本語訳おねがいします。 (1)I more than just like you. (2)I'm not saying I like tall girls. I'm saying I don't care about how tall a girl is.  (3)If things are going to work between us when I leave. (4)Right now it seems like you're scared and it makes me think that things are going to work between us when I leave.  (5)No one else but you. I am not unconcerned either. There are going to be times that I won't be able to talk to you everyday. When I go to Montana I will be at work for 5 days at a time and won't be able to go back home and email or message you. Or if I deploy somewhere and I will only be able to message you 1 or 2 times a week maybe. That's the way it's going to be and I need you to be able to handle that. Please know that there will never be a day that I don't think about you or I won't be thinking about you all day. 日本語訳お願いします。

  • お手数ですが日本語訳をお願いします。

    I’ve never been in a romantic relationship and I’m on the verge of being 21 and honestly I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen, I’m not mad or bitter or looking for validation. Sometimes people who want to love just can’t find the right people to love them back and that’s ok. Just want people to know that when you can’t find someone to pour your love into it just means you have all that much more to focus on yourself and your own individual happiness.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    It's so exited I'm glad to hear you again, your picture is wonderful and makes me want to go there,i really wanna to touch the snow by my own hand,that must be fantastic i think.(* ̄︶ ̄*) in here i can wear shorts haha!!or sometimes i don't wear clothes,is to warm for me,and actually i'm a little envy you because you can see the snow falling from the sky~^o^~ by the way,my major is media,i learned it for almost 2years but i feel like i get nothing.maybe my heart is not for school but if i don't learn more now i afraid i will regret in the future::>_<::make me crazyπ_π anyway,i can see your techniques for photography must be very well,haha!!maybe next time i will send you a picture of myself to you,but don't be so disappoint haha!!\^O^/

  • 訳がわかりません 日本語にできません・・・

    英語を勉強のため詩を訳しているのですがこれはなんといっているのが訳せませんでした。自分でやってみると、 もし私があなたに私が愛してると話したらそれは....わかりませんでした。君が必要だというとしたら....すみませこれ以上訳せませんでした。教えてくださいおねがいします。 If I told you I love you That doesn't mean that I don't care, And when I tell you I need you, Don't you think that I'll can never be there I'm so tired of the way you turn my words into Deception and lies... Don't misunderstand me when I try to speak my mind I'm only saying what's in my heart.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    1. 'I used to like them a lot but now I just be like aw they are cute but I don't like then as much anymore.' 2. ' i'm haft way thourgh with the day, Yehet.

  • 意味のわかる日本語にして下さい

    (すみませんが翻訳機からの丸写し回答は求めてないです。よろしくお願いします。) ↓ Don't think so much it's a bit sad. I'm looking for my girl and I would like to have a sweet Asian girl for me such as one as you are but it's really hard if you not even speak English. How comes you not speak everybody does learn it at school!? I don't know we can manage it.. What are you doing in your life?

  • [緊急]日本語訳お願いします!

    Does it mean that you're not shy? :) I really like buddhism! I think this is the religion I like the most, it's the most believable, thoughtful, and I agree with what that religion say. :) Our teacher said that Japanese celebrate Xmas in a different way to European People, I don't really know whether it's true or not...! This is a good thing to be interested in the world, and France is a nice place, you'll see, you might like it ! :D This morning, i had a japanese conversation lesson with a real japanese person, and she spoke to me all in Japanese and I didn't understand anything, except few easy things... and I realized that I was very bad for speaking and understanding Japanese! We only had a year of japanese lessons, so we're not very ready to speak japanese fluently, so I'm sorry, I'll do my best but my japanese level isn't great...! ^^ I'm very excited to come in 10 days now ! :DDD It's a huge adventure for me!!! I'll try to check my email every day for you to have a answer quickly ! :p See you soon !!! 急いでいます! 早めに返事いただけると助かります(;~;)

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    Thank you so much Jonathan for your kind words. They really mean a lot and it’s helpful to hear that many of us are in the same boat. It’s a lot to keep up with for sure. I’m glad that you have stopped by here because it’s given me the opportunity to be introduced to your blog! よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-7

    お願いします!!続き Was there anything especially interesting in the debris?One thing was kind of cool.They melted their metal in clay containers called crucibles.But this clay melts at a lower temperature than metal,so they figured out how to temper the clay by adding straw.The straw insulated the clay so that it didn't melt.Adding straw also reduced the cracking that happens when you fire pots.The straw burns away,and there's room for the clay to expand where the straw used to be,so it doesn't crack.We also found some little dish things with powdered steatite on it.We think they used it kind of like Teflom.Steatite doesn't melt at these temperatures,so whatever was on it would slip off instead of melting together with clay. What do you like best about being an archaeologist?I like the combination of physical work and mental work and plain old accounting.I like that sometimes you're inside,sometimes you're outside.Sometimes you're being very scientific.Sometimes you'se just standing there,shoveling dirt.But mostly it's solving puzzles.We all like working out puzzles.I've noticed that a lot of archaeologists like murder mysteries.It's all about curiosity.That's the real draw-you're curious about people that lived before. What do you not like about it?I've managed to avoid all the things I was sure I wouldn't like,like working in swamps and stuff.It's not easy for me to write,but writing is a very important part of what I do,so I'm comstantly trying to be a better writer. What has surprised you the most about being an archaeologist?What I had to get accustomed to is that you never find out the answer,because there are always more questions.And if you don't like surprises,you won't like being an archaeologist.It's one surprise after another.

  • Usherの歌詞について

    Usherの曲、U Don't Have To Callの冒頭のフレーズで 意味がわからないので御願い致します。 Yo, after tonight Don't leave your girl 'round me True playa for real Ask Pharrell というような歌詞です。 一、girl 'round meとは正しい文法で書くと、 どう書くのでしょう。またその意味は? 二、playaとは何の略ですか? 三、Pharrellとは何なのでしょう?何かの固有名詞でしょうか?また、この発音の「Ask Pharrell」が、 アスクニガフォリアルのように聞こえます。 どのように発音したらいいのでしょう??