• 締切済み


『 The year ended to me, I only must be back to here on the second half of January. I was in Tokyo on December 31, but we make some plans and God make others. 』 上記の文章ですけど、 “私にとって今年度末は、1月の後半にここに戻ってくるだけだね。12月31日は東京に行く予定だったけど、他の計画をいくつか立てたんだ。神がそうさせたんだよ。” このような訳で正しいですか? 『 The year ednded to me』がよくわからなかったのですが、今年度末と訳しました。 詳しい方がいましたら、教えてください。


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 私なりに  「この年は私には終わった(= 今年することは皆やった、もう今年中にやることは何も残っていない)一月の後半にここへ帰って来る必要があるだけだ。 十二月三十一日に東京に居たけど、(ここテンスが変ですね) 我々はいくつか計画を立て、神が他の計画を立てる(= 一部は我々にも計画できるが、予想できない部分も結構ある、ちょっと「人事を尽くして天命を俟つ」と言う感じ)。  この文面で分かる範囲ではこうなるのではないでしょうか。「12月31日は東京に行く予定だったけど」という質問者様の訳はテンスの上からはぴったりです。 



早速回答ありがとうございます。  私は『The year ended』で一つの単語だと思っていましたが、"The year”を名詞"ended”を動詞とする考え方もありましたね。  外国人の発言なので"GOD”なんて言葉で出てくるのですが、私達の計画とGODの計画を別のものと訳したんですね。    参考にさせて頂きますが、ちょっと私の悩みが増えました。



  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I never believed that we would see each other again so soon. I will try to arrive the 26th and come back ... I don't know yet. But I'm trying to go back on the 15th or 16th of January. So most likely I would have to go to Osaka on Monday 3rd of January and will return to Tokyo on 7th January. And leave again 10th January to Osaka. and come back to Tokyo the 14th on the evening. And then leave the 16th to come back home ... That's my plan ... I hope I can make it. There is something that you could help me with. Which area do you recommend I stay in while I'm in Tokyo? Maybe an area that's convenient for you? 以上です。 ありがとうございます。

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    There is a slight change in my plans ... but it's good ... I don't need to work on the 10th of January. So I will arrive from Osaka on Friday the 7th of January and will go back to Osaka on Tuesday morning on the 11th of January. For this weekend I'm wondering which hotel I should book. Which one do you think is better? 〇or〇. I think the hotel in Shinagawa is nicer ... but maybe you want to have a different location. What do you think? For me it's the same.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Just Let me make sure I didnt make any other plans.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 You can come to Belgium? I'm very happy to have you as my guest. It will be my pleasure the show you my country, I hope you won't be disappointed. But don't worry I will spoil and pamper you so you have a good holiday. And if that doesn't work ... we'll throw in a few chocolates and waffles :) As for the date ... December - March ... my first reaction would be ... what about the 1st of December? The sooner the better :) March next year I have a big deadline, also January next year we need to demo a new chip on CES in Las Vegas. Hmmm ... I think that indeed beginning of December would be good for me. But what about you? When is a good time for you? Isn't December a busy month for you? Also the weather might not be that good. Normally it's not that cold in Belgium but the coldest months are January / February. Normally in December / March it's not that cold. Yeah December might be nice with all the Christmas decoration etc ... But I still need to check with my boss if he thinks if it would be ok to take leave then. Please let me know what is good for you, ok? Oh yesterday I made a salad and I used your oil and pepper / salt. It was really nice. A little bit spicy but just nice. Thank you again! ... maybe I'll meet you in my dream :)

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    I swear to God drive two on the sue 私は誓って??? これなんですけど、訳し方がわかりません。 drive・・・on~という形で訳せば良いのか、 それとも、God drive two(神様と二人で運転する?)という形で訳せばよいのかが分かりません・・・。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The French success enabled artillery-observers to direct their guns onto the Colmar–Mulhouse railway and local German attacks on 25 April took back the peak; the French recaptured it the next day but the 152e Régiment had 825 casualties. In December 1915, Dubail as commander of Groupe d'armées de l'Est (GAE: Eastern Army Group) planned a larger operation to consolidate the French position in the region by capturing Mulhouse. An attack on Hartmannswillerkopf by the 66e Division (General Marcel Serret [fr]), which had been fighting in the area all year was to be the prelude to the larger attack. The division was given 250 more guns for the attack, two of which were super-heavy 370 mm Filloux mortars, an average of one gun per 13 m (14 yd) of German front. After several postponements, the French bombardment including the super-heavy mortars began on 21 December from Hartmannswillerkopf to Wattwiller. In the afternoon the 66e Division attacked, taking the peak and trenches at Hirtzstein to the north-west of Wattwille as German reserves established a new front line on the eastern slopes. Next day the reinforced Landwehr Brigade 82 of the 12th Landwehr Division counter-attacked and re-took the peak, except for trenches on the north slope, which fell on 23 December. The French 152e Régiment was almost annihilated, losing 1,998 casualties from 21–22 December, along with Serret who was mortally wounded, the Germans taking 1,553 prisoners. On the afternoon of 24 December, Landwehr Brigade 82 tried to re-gain the lost trenches at Hirtzstein, with the assistance of flame thrower teams but achieved only a partial success. During the evening of 28 December, French attacks captured several positions between Hartmannswillerkopf and Hirzstein, followed by German counter-attacks during the night; from 29–30 December and an attack on 1 January 1916, the original front line was restored and on 8 January, Landwehr Brigade 187 re-captured the trenches at Hirzstein lost on 21 December. The fighting from 20 December 1915 to 8 January 1916 cost the French 7,465 casualties, about 50 percent of the attacking force, of whom 1,103 were taken prisoner, along with thirty machine-guns; German casualties were 4,513 men, 1,700 being taken prisoner. Dubail stopped offensive operations to rest the survivors and to avoid French resources being drained away to little purpose; in Étude au sujet des opérations dans les Vosges (4 January 1916) Dubail recommended that such enterprises be avoided.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳を教えて下さい。アメリカの401Kについての内容です。 「The contribution that was deposited on 01/17/2018 was an employer contribution due in 2017. Based on your account history, the employer deposits the employer contribution January of each year for the previous year. There are not any details on this plan stating you would need to return the contribution to the employer.」 どなたかお願い致します。

  • 和訳してください

    I love all of you twitter peeps :) you make me smile from ear to ear!! Have a wonderful evening, thanks for all the nice tweets! よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳を教えてください。

    I ended up getting the closest ones to me この文が訳せません。 get close to という文法でしょうか? それとも get to ?? もしくは getting the closest ones to me 最終的に私にもっと近いものをとった?? でしょうか。 教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • The performance review cycle

    宜しく御願いします。 表題のThe performance review cycleとは、どのような物なのでしょうか? また、以下の文のThe performance review cycleは同じ意味なのでようか。 The performance review cycle begins in January, when employees decide on their performance targets for the year. What is the time period for performance review? The Performance Review cycle is on a calendar year, January 1 through December 31. The annual reviews are conducted between January and March for work performed in the previous calendar year.

  • 名刺サイズが入らない場合、名刺に直接印刷する方法があります。
  • 問題の製品はdcp j567nであり、iPhone6と無線LANで接続されています。
  • 関連するソフトやアプリは使用しておらず、電話回線の種類はひかりです。