• ベストアンサー

lord of war の言葉らしいのですが、意味は?

意味を教えてください。 "Some of the most successful relationships are based on lies and deceit. Since that's where they usually end up anyway, it's a logical place to start." -- Yuri Orlov, "Lord of War"


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 最も成功した関係には虚偽と欺瞞に基礎を置いたものもある。終わりは普通どうせそこへ行くんだから、出発点としても理屈に合う。  どうせ嘘に終わるのなら、嘘から始めたっていい訳だ。虚偽が到達点なら、出発点だっておかしくない。  と言った意味ではないかと思います。






  • ロード・オブ・ウォー(Lord Of War)のDVDですが

    2005年制作の洋画、ロード・オブ・ウォー(Lord Of War)のDVDを 明日にでもレンタルしに行こうと思っている者です。 主演がニコラス・ケイジさんだったと思いますが、DVDの吹き替え声優はどなたでしょうか? もしよければ、感想も添えていただけると嬉しいです。 初見なのでネタバレ以外でお願いいたします。

  • 日本語に訳してください

    日本語に訳せません(><;) 教えてください。 It says that the cost of living in London is becoming higher than in Tokyo. That's difficult for me to believe since Japan has always been regarded as the most expensive place to purchase a house and to go shopping. The next paragraph says that 500 people are leaving England each day to live abroad because of high prices.

  • 英語の比較の問題で困っています。

    比較の問題で困っているので、だれか教えてください。お願いします。また、なぜ違うのかも詳しく教えていただいたらうれしいです。 Q次のうち、誤っている箇所を1つ選んでください。 1.There were four times many people as we expected at the party. (1)There were  (2)times many  (3)as  (4)at 2.Mr.White is most intelligent than anyone else working in his field. (1)most intelligent  (2)than  (3)anyone  (4)else  (5)working in 3.The warm a place is, generally speaking, the more types of plants and animals it will usually support. (1)warm a place  (2)generally speaking  (3)more types of plants and animals  (4)will usually support 4.Research has shown that cranes in Hokkaido are far numerous than previously estimated. (1)has shown that  (2)in  (3)far numerous  (4)previously

  • 翻訳できるかたお願いします。

    この文章翻訳できるかたお願いします。 If a diachronic approach is the study of relationships across time, then a synchronic one is the study of relationships at one particular moment in time. To pick up the analogy mentioned above, a synchronic analysis would be the freezing of the football game at one particular moment and we would look to see the relationship of the players at that moment. In a way the slow-motion replay is a synchronic derived deconstruction within the diachronics of the overall game. Within that moment time is frozen (even in a live telecast there is a sense that nothing, of signfiicance anyway, is taking place within the game it self), slowed and replayed.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    At the start of 1916, most of the British Army had been an inexperienced and patchily trained mass of volunteers. The Somme was the debut of the Kitchener Army created by Lord Kitchener's call for recruits at the start of the war. The British volunteers were often the fittest, most enthusiastic and best educated citizens but British casualties were also inexperienced soldiers and it has been claimed that their loss was of lesser military significance than the losses of the remaining peace-trained officers and men of the German army. British casualties on the first day were the worst in the history of the British army, with 57,470 British casualties, 19,240 of whom were killed. British survivors of the battle had gained experience and the BEF learned how to conduct the mass industrial warfare, which the continental armies had been fighting since 1914.

  • どなたか英語を日本語にお願いします!

    ざっくりとで構いません! どんなことを言っているのか教えてください! All orders that qualify for a First Class upgrade based on weight will be upgraded and shipped First Class instead of Media Mail, this is usually the case for most 7" records and CDs/ Tapes. Please inform us if you'd like a different method of shipment or would like to purchase insurance for your order.

  • Most以降の訳をお願いいたします。

    As the dust settles from Japan's worst disaster since World War II, administrators are still trying to grasp the impact on the country's universities. Roughly five percent of 353,000 full-time professors in this country are non-Japanese; 140,000 foreign students were studying here before the Pacific plates shifted on March 11. Most agree that a government target to more than double that figure to 300,000 by the end of the decade has now slipped further away — if it was ever viable in the first place. mostを主語 agreeを述語でthat以下を大部分が認めたとすると、 ”大部分が十年くで倍の三十万人とする政府の目標が今、はるかに落ち込んでいることを認めた” 前文とまったくかみ合いません。また-以降の言い換えの訳もお願いいたします。 ”もしかするとそれはいままでで一位の可能性?”

  • Lord of the Rings


  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The Kamerun Campaign took place in the German colony of Kamerun in the African theatre of the First World War when the British, French and Belgians invaded the German colony from August 1914 to March 1916. Most of the campaign took place in Kamerun but skirmishes also broke out in British Nigeria. By the Spring of 1916, following Allied victories, the majority of German troops and the civil administration fled to the neighbouring neutral colony of Spanish Guinea (Río Muni). The campaign ended in a defeat for Germany and the partition of its former colony between France and Britain.

  • 英語の質問

    ・However, perhaps a more basic question is why we dream anyway? この why~の部分は why do we dream anyway じゃないんですか? ・Most of these people are elderly and when they die , they will take their language with them. 絶滅しそうな言語のことについての文の一部です。最初のthese people は 絶滅しそうな言語を話す人 をさしてると思います。最後のwith them は何を指していますか? ・I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, That's great , I wonder what that is? I wonder what that is?  の部分の語順がよくわかりません。どういうことでしょうか?

  • 一週間前に彼と性行為をしました。ゴムをがまん汁が着いた状態で反対につけてしまい、ティッシュで拭いてから通常通り挿入しました。しかし、拭き残しがなかったか不安です。この状況で妊娠の確率はありますか?
  • 性行為の一週間前、ゴムをがまん汁が付いたまま挿入してしまいました。ティッシュでふき取ったつもりですが、完全に拭けたか心配です。この状況で妊娠の心配はありますか?
  • ゴムをがまん汁がついた状態で反対にしまってしまい、拭いてから挿入しましたが、拭き残しはなかったか心配です。この場合、妊娠の可能性はありますか?