• ベストアンサー



  • sado39
  • ベストアンサー率16% (4/25)

2:16からのは、is there so for will と、there was hope our soul だと思います(ちょっと違うかもしれませんが。。。) ヘッドホンなんかで聞くとわかると思います 1:35からの訳は、わかりません・・すみません 2:16からのは、直訳だと「それは意思のためですか?」と「そこでは望みが私たちの魂でした」になると思います。自信はまったくありません。。。翻訳サイトで調べてみてもなかなかわかりにくいです。。。。 この動画の全体的な意味を捉えていれば、大体で当てはめてみると大雑把ですが意味はわかると思います



回答ありがとうございます。 なんとなくイメージ出来ました。


  • 途中の文章がイマイチ読み取れず、返信に困ってます。

    途中の文章がイマイチ読み取れず、返信に困ってます。 日本人はそんなに簡単じゃない旨と、私達はdating期間なのか?と問いかけましかま何とか理解した範囲だと、随分曖昧な表現で、友達としての好意なのか不明です。 出来ましたら、和訳して頂けると幸 いです。 I truly enjoyed meeting you and being able to talk to you. I think you are a wonderful woman and would love to know you more. I like you very much, you are very nice and sincere.. It was nice being able to know each other more...and I think it was nice that we are able to share wonderful moments together. Please don't worry much about it. Thing's comes naturally. Hope to meet you again someday and please let me know when you can come again. Please keep in touch and take care.

  • 英文を訳して下さい!

    海外の方とのコート売買のやり取りでトラブルが起きてしまいました。 お届けした所、この方の希望よりも袖丈が短かった様で近々日本にいらっしゃる予定です。 これまでの文面は何となくは解っていたのですが この英文はちゃんと意味を理解しなければいけないと思い相談致しました。 個人名や品物名のところは省かせて頂きます事ご了解下さい。 よろしくお願いします! Hi 私の名前, Sorry I did not write to you earlier, it was a busy weekend... I am waiting few more hours to find out how much it will cost me To fix the sleeves length in New York, if not cost too much money and they can find same match Color of 商品名, then I will keep the coat, if cost too much,or cannot find exactly match color of 商品名, then I will ask for refund. Okay? My schedule to Japan is in the week of 2/25, I will let you know when I Have confirm daily schedule... So we can talk about when I visit you. Later today I will let you know, if it is possible to fix sleeves in New York?? Thank you, have a good day. Take care..

  • 和訳をお願いします!(翻訳サイトなしで!)

    1I'm a high school student who needs to know a few things about people and how they get to where they are. Can you tell me what makes one person so much better than the other when it comes to wrestling? 2Finally, overcome by curiosity, he asked one of the women, 'Why do you choose that particular brand of food? Does it taste better than the others?Some of the other brands are cheaper, you know.' To which the woman replied, 'This brand looke better.' 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it. Make excuses to call you every 5 minutes when am at work. Even if you are really busy doing something, go out of your way to call and say I love you. Let there never be a second during any given day that you aren't thinking about each other, and make sure you knows it. よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の2つの英文の和訳をお願いします。 There is much more to a language than its words. There is much more that you do know about your language which cannot so conveniently be looked up , and which you were never explicitly taught. More important , one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is , and the more important the issue which it raises for today , the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division.

  • 英文翻訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The men in your life can love as wonderfully but are more distant, and have less need to be constantly with you. So they may feel they have no space, no time of their own, that love is crushing their freedom. That you demand too much of them. So that in the end the abandonment or rejection you secretly fear is self perpetuating. The advice is to let the relationship run at the mans own pace. Don't push too hard, don’t seem too keen, don't demand too much attention, the more you peruse him the faster he may run. Love is like a wild wolf, if you run towards it runs away, if you stand still and do nothing it comes cautiously to you. If you walk away when it has approached it will follow you.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします!

    三問あるのですがお願いします! 1.Judging from the fluency of Yumi's English, she must have studied English hard when she was in Boston. 2.Generally Speaking, people should have as much education as they want. 3.How long has it been since you gave up smoking?―Six months. I don't feel like smoking any more. 以上です! すみませんがお願いします!

  • 英文和訳の添削お願いします。

    (差別)に関するテーマ内から(3)題です 1問だけでも構いませんので是非添削してやってください。 (i) ★英文★ Racism,after all,comes about when one group decides that it is better,more gifted,more inteligent,cleaner, more honorable and therefore more acceptable,than another. ★解釈★ 略 ★和訳★ 人種差別は、結局、一つの人種が他の人種より優れている、より多くの才能豊かなである、 より賢い、より高潔である、より名誉がある、それらゆえに、 他の人種よりも好ましいと判断したときに生じる。 (ii) ★英文★ The so-called"other people"I got to admire and love were the ones who, in their own quiet way,inspired me to understand that the world was not just for me,and never had been. ★解釈★ (The so-called"other people") I got (to admire and love were ”the ones” <<who, in their own quiet way,><inspired me to understand <that the world was not just for me,>><and never had been.>>) who後の3文全て並列で”the ones”を修飾 The so-called"other people"は”the ones”のことを指している。 <that~>はunderstandを修飾する節。 ★和訳★ 私は賞賛して愛するようになった 自分の静かな道で、私は理解することがに触発され 世界は私のためだけではなかった、 いわゆる"他の人々"など決して存在しなかった、、ということが分かった。 ((日本語に直すとぎこちなくなるむしろ綺麗な日本語にならず意味が取れないのはなぜ??)) ※括弧の概要 []名詞節・句、主語 【】イディオム・構文 <>形容詞句・節、同格 ()副詞句・節 以上です、 イディオム不足もあるかと思いますので、つたない解釈ではありますがよろしくお願いします。 また、よろしければ以下のテンプレートをお使いください (i) ★解釈★ ★和訳★ (ii) ★解釈★ ★和訳★

  • 英文の添削,お願いします。

    英文の添削の指導を,お願いできないでしょうか? あなたは立つ位置が近いですね。日本人は話をする時、かなり距離をとります。 測ったことはないけど1m以上は取ると思いますね。 1,You stand closer to me. Japanese stand pretty apart. I haven't measured it though, it must be over 1 memter away. 2,You stand close to me. Japanese people keep more distance when we talk. I haven't exactly measure it, but we’re one meter away from each other. 物を大切にしましょう。 Let's try not to waste materials. Let's not waste your stuff. Let's stop wasting your things.

  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか。

    よろしくお願いいたします。 I am fine thank you what about you I am very glad that you had to face how do you still the same when you want to come to it what I want to do something we can meet you somewhere how's everything with you I want to hear about you