• ベストアンサー



  • kztk
  • ベストアンサー率53% (59/110)

とりあえず(2)だけですが、 But people <familiar with the firm> reckon (that) [it could have pulled off the deal] ここまでが主節。 その次は仮定法でifを省略したことによる倒置だと思います。 had it been able to limit itself to buying half of Continental. ↓ if it had been able to ...


  • The Economist経済記事中の語句

    The Economist の経済記事の一節でわからない語句がありますので質問させて下さい。 アメリカの現在の金融危機の結果、投資銀行であるゴールドマン・サックスとモルガン・スタンレーが銀行持ち株会社になり、金融当局の規制を前より厳しく受けることになるという内容などが書かれた後、下記の文章が続きます。 Brad Hintz of Sanford Bernstein, an asset manager and research firm, reckons regulatory shackles will cut Goldman’s return on equity by four percentage points over the cycle. The bank disputes this. Either way, even if it is forced to tone down its in-house proprietary trading it can make up for this by, for instance, launching more hedge funds. And it faces no immediate pressure to sell its large private-equity or commodities holdings. It will continue to co-invest in projects alongside clients, a key Goldman strategy. 上記文中の over the cycle および commodities holdings の意味をご教示ください。 なお、全文はこちらで読めます。 http://www.economist.com/finance/displayStory.cfm?source=hptextfeature&story_id=12305537

  • VOAの記事より

    英語やり直し組です "We have gone in at very high levels of the Sudanese government to say that if there is any support from the Sudanese government to these rebels that that should end immediately, and that any influence they might have with the rebels they should use in order to tell them to withdraw," (1)go in at …to sayについて atは必要なのでしょうか?確かにatがないとhigh levels of the Sudanese governmentが場所?のように感じるので少し変な感じもしますがなくてもいいように感じます。なくても意味は通じるのでしょうか? (2)that that should end immediatelyについて 何故thatが二つあるのでしょうか?カンマの代わり?なのでしょうか? if there is any support from the Sudanese government to these rebels, that should end immediatelyのような意味なのでしょうか? (3)any influence they might have with the rebels they should use in order to tell them to withdrawについて このuseの目的語はany influenceなのでしょうか?それともrebelsなのでしょうか? 私にはany influenceに見えたのですが、このように二つの文の目的語を最初に置くのが可能かどうかがよくわかりません。they should以下の目的語はrebelsというのなら何も問題はないのですが、それだと意味が少し変に見えます。。。 つまりhe likes that movie.とshe saw that movie.を That movie he likes she saw.のような使い方は可能なのでしょうか? また可能の場合、今回のrebels,any influenceのように目的語を間違えたりはしないのでしょうか? お願いします。。

  • 高崎経済大英語入試問題です。

    高崎経済大英語入試問題です。 In trying to define “internationalization," we must first dispose of one serious misconception. Many Japanese think it means the *westernization of Japanese life styles and values. They(質問1) quite rightly see no need for this and feel that Japan has already shown itself to be the most open country in the world to foreign influence. In earlier times, Japanese drank deeply of Chinese culture, and in recent years Western cultural influences have poured into the land. For example, 1)Japanese are now familiar with Western music as with their own, and they probably have as great a mastery of it as do most of the peoples of the West. Foreign cultural influences, such as Chinese painting and Western literature, have greatly enriched Japan and have certainly made it culturally as international as any nation in the world. Japan has also been fully open to foreign technology and as a result has now become a world leader in science and technology. 2)The same is true of its political and social institutions as well as its urban industrialized life style. Although there is much that is distinctively Japanese in the way people live, the general pattern of modern city life in Japan are basically much like those of life in any of the advanced democracies in the world. If Japan were to lose its Japanese 3)identity, this would be a great loss not only for it but for the whole world. Japan's cultural distinctiveness enriches the world, and 4)no one should wish to see it disappear like some endangered species of animal. That(質問2) certainly cannot be the meaning of the internationalization that people are talking about. (質問1)このTheyは何を指しているのでしょうか。 (1)文の流れからすると、Many Japaneseでしょうか。これだと、意味が支離滅裂になってしまします。 多くの日本人はinternationalizationはWesternizationだと考えています。多くの日本人はこの必要性はないと見ています。 (2)life styles and values だとしてもしっくりきません。 (3)一般的な世界の人々なのでしょうか。 (質問2) That はWesternizationをさしているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • The Economist記事中の訳

    こんばんは。 11月27日付エコノミスト詩の記事を読んでいるのですが、下記部分がなかなか理解できません。 But that is for the distant future. For now, Citi’s challenge is to regain its balance. Then it will have to prove that it has become less accident-prone. The bank has been heavily involved in most of the past quarter-century’s nastiest blow-ups, from the sovereign-debt defaults of the 1980s to the dotcom bust. It was even temporarily banned from launching new takeovers in 2005, after a string of regulatory lapses. Built in a hurry by Mr Weill, the group that Mr Pandit inherited lacked a solid culture. Its risk management was not up to scratch. Its investment bank was a patchwork of acquired shops and poached teams. “It was the greatest roll-up in history, but it is yet to sing,” admits a Citi executive. 記事→http://www.economist.com/finance/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12689930&fsrc=rss どなたか助けて頂けると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • CNNの記事の内容について質問があります

    http://edition.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/02/09/ufc.kick.silva.belfort/index.html Repeated blows to the head may cause severe brain injury, especially over time. Once a player has been hit once as Belfort was, additional trauma soon after could have had a worse impact, resulting in loss of consciousness. Q1 このパラグラフのOnce a player has been hit once as Belfort was, additional trauma soon after could have had a worse impact, resulting in loss of consciousness. がうまく訳せません。 onceの部分とcould have hadの部分がちょっと理解できないです・・・。 Concussions don't necessarily involve loss of consciousness; in fact, most don't, and it's possible to have a concussion without realizing it, according to the Mayo Clinic. Symptoms may include loss of balance and confusion, as well as headache and difficulty sleeping. Q2 in fact, most don't, and it's possible to have a concussion without realizing it, このパラグラフのこの文章ですが、「実際、脳しんとうと気絶の関連性はほとんどない。そして・・・」 以降の、it'sのitと、realizing itのitがうまく訳せません。どういう意味になるのでしょうか? Some people are a little more prone than others to getting knocked out, or don't recover as well, King said. Some fighters are said to have a "good chin" -- they are better at enduring blows. In those individuals, the brain may have adapted to that kind of injury, or the cumulative damage isn't as obvious as it is in others, King said. Q3 キング氏はこう述べる。「一部の人間は、よりノックアウトしやすい傾向にある。それでいて回復しない」。少数の格闘家は、”頑丈なアゴ”を持っていると言われている。そのため、攻撃に対しての耐久性がより強い。・・・・ここまでで解釈はあってますか?そして、その次からはよくわかりません。 in those individualsはsome fightersの事ですよね?以降の文章の訳も教えてください。 "There are some people who can take that shot over and over again, but there is a point of no return, too," said Javier Mendez Q4 この文章のtakeがうまく訳せません。takeなので攻撃を「受ける」側ですよね?与える側ではなくて。度重なる攻撃に耐え抜ける人間というのが一部で存在する。しかし、それは手遅れでもあるんだ。こんな感じでしょうか? Q5それと、I was a little bit outとはどういう意味ですか? a littl bit、outした状態ということで、 ほんの少し、(意識が)とんだ。みたいな感じですか?

  • any number of と multiple の違いについて

    any number of と multiple の違いについて 「複数の独立した領域を持つ画像を扱うために」を英語で表現するとき、 1. In order to handle an image with any number of isolated regions, と 2. In order to handle an image with multiple isolated regions, のニュアンス的な違いを教えてください。 そもそも1の文の様な「any number of」の使い方は正しいのでしょうか? すみませんがよろしくお願いいたします。

  • The Economist経済記事の一節再び

    初めて経済カテゴリーで質問します。 いつもは英語カテゴリーで質問していたのですが、回答者の方から経済カテゴリーなどで質問したらどうかとの意見がありましたので、今回おじゃますることにしました。 質問は10月22日付けの The big thaw と題する The Economist の経済記事からです。 まず最初の3つの段落を引用します。 THE world’s banking system may still be in intensive care, kept alive largely with the help of generous infusions of capital, liquidity and guarantees on lending from governments. Yet there are hopeful?albeit tentative?signs of recovery. An important indicator of its health is the price that banks say they expect to pay to borrow money for three months, which is usually expressed as the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), or its European equivalent, EURIBOR. These have been ticking down slowly, often by only fractions of a percentage point a day. Yet on Tuesday October 21st the rate for borrowing euros passed an important milestone, falling to 4.96%, a level last seen before Lehman Brothers collapsed in mid-September. The LIBOR spread over three-month American Treasury bills has also narrowed sharply. The recent improvements were partly stirred by the latest lavish intervention from the Federal Reserve. It made available $540 billion to buy assets from money-market funds, to encourage them to start buying commercial paper issued by banks and companies again. The pace of LIBOR’s recovery may look glacial, but it is actually faster than meets the eye. This is because LIBOR, the heart-rate monitor of the financial markets, seems to have gone on the blink. When markets were at their most stressed it underestimated the full cost to banks of borrowing - partly, in its defence, because there was so little lending in the interbank markets. The rates now being paid by banks to borrow may actually be half the level during the most intense moments of panic earlier this month. さて、この第3段落中の文章、When markets were at their most stressed it underestimated the full cost to banks of borrowing - partly, in its defence, because there was so little lending in the interbank markets. の意味について解説をお願い致します。また、it が指すものは何かのご説明もお願い致します。 なお、前の2つの段落の意味はざっと次のようなものと思います。 世界の銀行システムは依然、集中治療の必要な状態にあるのかもしれない。政府が資金、流動性、融資の保証を潤沢に提供するという下支えによってかろうじて生命を維持している状態だ。しかし、たとえ一時的であるにせよ、回復への望ましい徴候はうかがえる。 健康かどうかの重要な指針となるのは、銀行の言うところによると、3ヶ月間お金を借りる際に自分達が払うことになる代価、すなわち、ロンドン銀行間取引金利(LIBOR)と呼ばれる利率、もしくは、そのヨーロッパ版である EURIBOR だ。この2つはゆっくりとだが着実に低下している。大抵は1日に1ポイントの何分の1という割合であるが。ところが、10月21日(火曜)に EURIBOR は重要な指標を突破した。4.95パーセントにまで下がったのだ。9月半ばのリーマン破綻より前の水準である。また、LIBOR の米財務省短期証券3ヶ月物とのスプレドも急激に縮小した。最近の状況好転の原因は米連邦準備制度理事会が大盤振る舞いの介入を行ったせいに一部帰せられる。同機関はマネーマーケットファンドの資産買い上げに5400億ドルを利用可能にした。これに促されてファンドは再び銀行や企業の発行するコマーシャル・ペーパーを買い始めたのである。 LIBOR の回復ペースはあまりに遅すぎると思われるかもしれない。が、実際は見かけより早いのだ。~

  • 以下の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

    Our operating results have been in the past and will continue to be subject to a number of factors, many of which are largely outside our control. Any one or more of the factors set forth below could adversely impact our business, financial condition and/or results of operations. ※financial condition=財政状況

  • ボクシングの記事ですが、難解です。

    ボクシングの記事ですが、非常に難解です。 下記、教えて欲しいのですがよろしくお願いします。 記事: http://www.eastsideboxing.com/news.php?p=22792&more=1 1)What's not to like about the idea of the two hungry warriors getting it on with each other? What's not to like about~の文法的解釈と、どう訳せばよいか? 2)Bradley, too, would love a fight with Pacquiao (which fighter from anywhere between 135 and 154-pounds wouldn't?) - in fact, the man known as "Desert Storm," would be more than happy for ANY marquee name to show a willingness to face him. wouldn't の動詞は? 3)let's hope it will be WBO light-welterweight champion Bradley he will enter camp to get ready for. どう訳せばよいか? 4)Valero has the look of a warrior who will really have to be nailed to the canvas in order for him to be stopped! どう訳せばよいか? 5)On the other hand, though, Bradley's excellent boxing skills - skills that are far superior to those of the still-raw Valero - could see to it that the man from Palm Springs schools Valero, in the process nullifying his best asset: his withering punching power. But Valero's fists sure will take some nullifying. Is Bradley the man to do it? どう約せばよいか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • インドの選挙についての記事

    エコノミストのインドのアーンドラ・プラデーシュ州の選挙についての記事ですが次の二つの文章が分かりません。 1 The current state government seems less unpopular than its predecessor was, partly because it has managed the state finances less prudently. 2 Just by dividing the vote, however, he will make it harder for Congress, the BJP or India’s other would-be coalition-convener, a “third front” of regional parties such as the TDP, to muster a majority in Delhi. (heはChiranjeevi氏、BJPはBharatiya Janata Party、TDPはTelugu Desam Party) http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13278390 文章1は二重否定ですが自分の訳では 「現在の州政府は前政権よりも人気があるようだ、一つには現政権は州財政をより無分別に運営してきたからだ。」 となってしまい意味が通りません。