• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Character Analysis)

Character Analysis: Stanley and Zero in Holes


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。 central character→ a central character therefore → Therefore however → However he wanted make friend → he wanted to make friends According to 3rd chapter → According to the 3rd chapter he was friend-hungry child.→ he was a friend-starved child. Despite he was innocent → Despite of his innocence Police → police Stanley could not say → could not say In camp → In the camp his other camper → another camper he changed personality → he changed his personality the incident was his an only close friend Zero escaped....→ The incident was that an only close friend of his, Zero, escaped.... for try to find his cohort, → To try to find his cohort, He left from institution → he left from the institution He had changed a lot → he changed a lot He is not shy anymore → He was not shy anymore Zero is one of the central character and he was reticent boy and He has no relatives → Zero is one of the central characters. He was reticent, and had no relatives. He was not open up to everybody first but his stiff heart was melted by Stanley's kindness. → He did not open up to everybody first, but Stanley's kindness melted his heart. Through Zero was taught Alphabet by Stanley, ??? became chat a lot → started to chat a lot they bit the bullet their adversity → They bit the bullet for their adversity developed friendship with him. → developed their friendship.



大変丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございます!! 定冠詞不定冠詞などが良く分かっていないことが、よく分かりました また機会があれば是非よろしくお願いします


  • サマライズの添削

    Holesという小説のひとつの章をサマライズしました、よければ文法見ていただけると助かります In chapter 41 of Holes, Zero takes a change for the better. Since Stanley and Zero's clothes are very dirty, they are rinse them. While washing their clothes, Zero frankly confesses his story to Stanley. When Zero was a child, he had stole what he needed. He was not taught thieving was not good by his mother. One day, he wanted to change a pair of shoes, then he found an old shoes and he took it. Zero did not know whose shoes is. It is Clyde Livingston's shoes. He placed them on top of a parked car. Eventualy,Zero was arrested since he tried to steal a pair of new shoes next day.

  • 提出課題(少々長いです)

    お願いします 小説のホールズを使った提出課題があります。以下が課題の説明文です 1. Basic Information (required) Introduce the title and author of the book. Briefly describe the plot and several of the main characters. Be careful to leave out the ending of the story. You don’t want to tell the reader the ending, especially if you are trying to persuade the person to read the book. 2. Highlights (optional) Describe the highlights or your favorite parts of the book and explain why you liked them. 以下が私の文です ※2のハイライトはまだ2つ目を選んでいるところなのでとりあえず一つだけです。 文中の()は自分の言いたいことです The title of the novel is "Holes" and the author is Louis Sachar. A boy, whose name is Stanley, he is a central character. This story starts from shoes fall down to Stanley's head. He alleges that he stole baseball player’s shoes but he is innocent. He is sent to Green lake Camp that place is correction facility, he go there as criminal person. Since he is very shy and gawky, in the camp, he is always teased from another camper. Through a certain incident, he had changes a lot. It was another main character Zero's existence. Zero is reticent, no relatives and black. He does not open up to everybody first but only Stanley melt his heart. Later, Zero break out from the institution. Stanley makes up his mind to run after him. they bite the bullet for their adversity and they are headed to "the promised land" I would like to describe two favorite parts of the narrative. In chapter 32 of "Holes", by Louis Sachar, Stanley makes up his minds that run after Zero to save him. This scene has another meaning. Not only Stanley would be often teased by bully since he was little child, but also in the camp, some bully pokes fun at him. He always blames Stanley's great-great-grandfather. Therefore, His breakout is symbolic of break with his past and break the traumatic cycle. This is the most pivotal scene of this book. At last he is emancipated from the Birdcage called Fate and he chooses freedom instead of being shackle.(彼はやっと運命と言う名の鳥かごから開放され束縛ではなく自由を選んだ) At the moment that he takes the wheel, he changes his destiny by himself.(ハンドルを握った瞬間、彼は自分で運命を変える) This is my most favorite scene in this story. ※出だしのThe title of the novel is "Holes" and the author is Louis Sachar. ですがもう少し歯切れのいい言い方ってないでしょうか ※小説などの感想を書くときの時制がいまいち分かっていないのですが 以前どこかで「現在で書いたら現在で通す」と聞いたような覚えがあるのですが正しいでしょうか? よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 僕の人生指摘だらけ・・・乗り越えろ!!自分!!

    エッセイ関連です 提出した課題の一部に対して指摘がありましたがどう直せばいいのか分かりません。どなたか教えていただけると助かります 私のエッセイから抜粋: In chapter 43 of Holes, their conversation is noteworthy. One day, Zero lost a stuffed giraffe in the park, named Jaffy. He tries to find the stuffed animal. Stanley asks Zero "Did you ever find him?" Zero replies, "He is not real." I gather from Zero's words that“He is not real,”The Jaffy is an only his friend and himself psychologically. 最初の指摘箇所:The Jaffy (だと思われる) 指摘内容:Omit. 不定冠詞が不要で無冠詞になる理由が分からない 2つ目の指摘箇所:is an only his friend 指摘内容:Awkward phrasing. “Jaffy is his only friend..." 不定冠詞がいらない理由が分かりません よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 私の英作文を見ていただけませんか?

    英作文を作らなければならず、考えたのですが自信がないので添削していただけないでしょうか? He was curious and explored the mysteries of the universe and black holes. For him, the black hole was a subject of study for many years. His name was spread around the world by the theory of specificity.He continued to announce new discoveries in physics until his death.He contributed greatly to science. He won numerous prestigious awards.

  • would be・・・

    英語でエッセイを書き先生に提出をしました、先生からの指摘箇所の意味が分からない為修整ができないのでどなたかおしえていただけると助かります。 該当エッセイから抜粋: In chapter 32 of Holes, Stanley makes up his mind to run after Zero to save him. This scene has another meaning. Not only Stanley would be often teased by bullies since he was little child, but also in the camp, some tormentors pokes fun at him. 指摘内容:Verb tense. 該当箇所:would be (だと思われる) 該当箇所は「スタンリーは小さなときからいじめっこからからかわれていただけでなく・・・」です で、今現在もからかわれているのでused toを使わずにwould oftenで「現在も」というニュアンスをだしつつ受身にするのでbe teasedとしました。何が悪いのか、ない頭ひねってもよく分かりません。どなたかご回答よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  •  Zero collapsed. The shovel stayed

     Zero collapsed. The shovel stayed up a fraction of a second longer, perfectly balanced on the tip of the blade, then it fell next to him.  Zero knelt, bent over with his head on the ground. Stanley could hear a very low moaning sound coming from him. He looked at the shovel and couldn't help but think that he might need it to dig a grave. Zero's last hole.  And who will dig a grave for me? he thought.  But Zero did get up, once again flashing thumbs-up.  "Give me some words," he said weakly.  It took Stanley a few seconds to realize what he meant. Then he smile and said, Run."  Zero sounded it out to himself. "Rr-un, run. Run."  "Good. F-u-n."  "Fffun."  The spelling seemed to help Zero. It gave him something to concentrate on besides his pain and weakness.  It distracted Stanley as well. The next time he looked up at Big Thumb, it really did seem closer.  They quit spelling words when it hurt too much to talk. Stanley's throat was dry. He was weak and exhausted, yet as bad as he felt, he knew that Zero felt ten times worse. As long as Zero could keep going, he could keep going, too.  上のHe was weak and exhausted, yet as bad as he felt, he knew that Zero felt ten times worse. を英文和訳してください.

  • この文における"off of"の役割を教えてください。

    やはり、Louis Sacharの『HOLES』からです。 "Zigzag made a gagging sound, as he desperately tried to pry Zero's arm off of him" という文なのですが、この文で"off of"はどう解釈すればよいのでしょうか? 状況としては、Zero(登場人物の一人)がZigzag(登場人物の一人)の首をチョークホールドしていて、Zigzagが必死にそれをはずそうとしているところです。 このoff ofはこの文の直前にも出てきておりまして、抽出すると、 "Then, suddenly Zigzag was off of him. Stanley managed to look up, and he saw that Zero had his arm around Zigzag's long neck." とあります。ニュアンス的には、どちらも、"~から外す、離れる"といった感じになるような気がするのですが、それなら、"off"だけでいいのではないかと思ってしまいます。 いかがでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文ですが

    長文ですが よろしくお願いします Making a planetarium needs an overall knowledge of technology. At first, Takayuki was not good at mathematics and computer engineering.After trying hard to master those fields of study by himself, he managed to create computer programs to calculate how light travels through a set of lenses. He also managed to develop a machine that could make accurate holes in a metal plate. All of his work was done not in a laboratory, but in his small room, so he experienced many problems. For example, even the movement of someone who approached his room would often prevent his machine from making accurate holes in his star plates. Through his tireless efforts he overcame many difficulties, and in 1998 Ohira developed the

  • この文章の意味がよくわかりません。

    またまた、Louis Sacharの『HOLES』からです。 chapter 11の最後の文 "Whatever pain he felt was being felt ten times worse by Derrick" はどう解釈すればよいでしょうか? ("was being felt"、"by Derrick"のあたりを中心に説明していただけるとありがたいです。(なぜwas being feltという形をとるのでしょうか?、このbyの役割はなんでしょうか?) なお、文中での『he』とは主人公のStanleyのことで、Derrickというのも登場人物の一人です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    After Scott's stepbrother Craig was hit by a car and died in California, his biological father became detached from him, and the summer visits became less frequent. Weiland and his family later moved to Huntington Beach, California when he was 14 years old and he began attending Edison High School. During his time at Edison he initially played a lot of sports but he was a hard partier and never quite felt like he fit in, his partying eventually led his parents to put him in a psych ward for three months and have him carted off from school.