• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • apple339
  • ベストアンサー率100% (1/1)

7"s とありますが、正しくは7sでしょう。7の複数形です。



なるほど、数自体を表す場合、数をを複数形で表す文章もあるんですね よく分かりました、皆さんどうも有り難うございました。


  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    Hmm I am on my way to go to Japan next year! I wanna study japanese so I will make the test in June. If I pass I win my pass.... but I am afraid that my high school notes doesn't help because I got depression in that time. I sure will visit you if I get the pass 日本語訳お願いします!また、何と返したら良いでしょうか? よろしくお願いします!!

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    His opinion is completely different from mine. How could I possibly agree with him. A careful reading of his book will show you the working of his mind.=You can see how his mind works if you read his book carefully. Were it not for the 250 guards on patrol to protect the elephants in park, none of them would survive for long.=The elephant in the park survive due to the 250 guards on patrol to protect them. 上記の内容をどなたか日本語訳にしていただけないでしょうか、よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳

    If the sea level continues to rise, many other islands, including some of Japan’s, will also be under the sea. 日本語訳、よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(2)

    お願いします。 (5) When the scribe out your name, you are afraid you heard wrong. Your knees feel a little weak. You've never left your village before. What will the world be like in the north across the Nile from the capital? (6) You rush home to pack your things. While piling your clothing in a square and tying it into a bundle, you suddenly feel too old for your mother's kisses. She's weeping behind you. But when you turn you see the pride in her eyes. Maybe she is thinking that if you help build the king's pathway to the heavens you will get to journey to the afterlife, too. (7) The barge is waiting by the dock. You and several others from the village hurry to board. The boat is already loaded with young men from villages even farther south. As the river currents carry you swiftly northward, you watch your village grow smaller and smaller until you aren't sure if you can see it. The ship is noisy with bragging men who have worked many flood seasons at Giza. Their voices fade, because suddenly you wish you were back in your village, watching your mother weave reed sandals, and not on a barge among men you don't know. (8) What was it like for young people who worked on the pyramids of King Khufu and the pyramids of his sons? To come from small farming villages, float up the Nile to the Giza Plateau and live in a barracks town of thousands? As they approached Giza, the Great Pyramid must have appeared to thrust out of the plateau as if it would pierce the sky. The monument was so massive that it took more than 4,000 years for humans to build anything taller. Until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth. What would it have felt like to a simple Egyptian peasant to be part of such a huge project? How would you have felt that first day at Giza?

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(5)

    お願いします。 (14) When you arrive at the barracks, the smell of fresh baking bread makes your mouth water. Bakers pull loaves out of ovens large enough for you to stand in. You take some bread for yourself and then some fore your grandfather's Ka. You wander to the west side of the pyramid looking for his tomb. Your mother told you that his tomb is a miniature version of King Khufu's mer, except grandfather's is made from mud brick instead of stone. You pass the tomb of a husband and wife who worked on the Great Pyramid. You are one of the fdw who can read bits and pieces of hieroglyphs. What you read makes you quicken your pace past the tomb. It is cursed. "O all people who enter this tomb who will make evil against this tomb and destroy it; may the crocodile be against them on water, and snakes be against them on land; may the hippopotamus be against them on water, the scorpion against them on land." Even though you would never rob a tomb, the curse gives you the creeps, and you watch the ground ahead for snakes and scorpions. (15) Maybe you had better head back. The Overseer of All the King's Works will have assigned your job and you are anxious to see what you will be doing. Most of the farmers have to do all the heavy lifting, but maybe you will be lucky since you can read a little. Maybe you will be assigned a more skilled job. You hope that you can work on one of the boats in one of the boat pits. Wouldn't it be faaulous to be a boat builder for the afterlife? To help build the boat that King Khufu will use to navigate the stars?

  • 英文メールを日本語訳にして欲しいのですが。

    以下の内容を日本語にして頂けますでしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。 yes I have recieve your payment so today I will apply for paper work with the address that you have send to me once the document are ready I mail you a copy and set for shippment I hope you understand me now? by the way how long will it takes you to obtain your import permit from your authority ?

  • この英文内容を日本語訳してください。

    I wish you good trip. You will feel the effects of the change of the time between Thailand and USA, 12 hours difference, the first few days, don't worry. You will be soon among many people and different life. You will have little time to remember your friends. How long are you going to be there? Do you plan to move to another city later? Hope to hear from you, now from the USA. Good and best luck to you,

  • 日本語訳にできる方お願いします>_<

    何語か分かりません。英語っぽいんですが、ところどころ単語が出てこなかったりします。 ちなみに、このメッセージの相手はトルコ人です。 誰か訳せる方、宜しくお願いします。 if you come as my guest who is okay, but if you will remain I <<<this is succession from the computer phrases I ceviriyom <<<and to know you to be close to the ıstıyom.. 何といってるのでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳にお願いします!

    なんとなるわかるんですがちゃんと知りたいのでお願いします! Thanks for the present!! How did you know I love MUJI's curry kit!? I'm sure I will cook them everyday from tomorrow...haha! Thank you again ;-) と、『皆の笑顔が1日でも早く戻りますように』を英語にお願いします!

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    be on one`s way to recovery 翻訳さいとで調べてもわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。