• ベストアンサー




★★の一部分を。 保守的な社会というまさにその事実は、反逆者の存在を説明している。何故なら、伝統が重んじられる国でのみ、伝統は重んじられるべきではないと言う人がいるからである。 In other words以降は少し怪しいので載せられません…。



なるほどっ! すっきりしました!! ありがとうございます。 一番分からないところを訳して頂けたので、あとは自力でなんとか訳せそうです。 本当にありがとうございました。


  • 訳をお願いします。

    訳をお願いします。 In all modern nations, people receive their income as money. The money you receive gives you a claim to a 「distributive share」 of the output. この二文をお願いします。

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    うまく日本語訳ができません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)As a means of readjusting and staying in touch with the international scene, you may want to consider contacting students who have been abroad, who are currently abroad, or who are thinking about going abroad. (2)There are many ways of maintaining contact with friends you made overseas. (3)Discussing things and sharing experiences with others is almost always worthwhile. (4)The key is to build on the cross-cultural coping skills you now possess and to find conscious ways of introducing your new self into your personal and academic life, not seeing it as a dream or something unrelated to your future. 問題は以上です。文が長いので訳が難しいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(2)

    お願いします。 (5) When the scribe out your name, you are afraid you heard wrong. Your knees feel a little weak. You've never left your village before. What will the world be like in the north across the Nile from the capital? (6) You rush home to pack your things. While piling your clothing in a square and tying it into a bundle, you suddenly feel too old for your mother's kisses. She's weeping behind you. But when you turn you see the pride in her eyes. Maybe she is thinking that if you help build the king's pathway to the heavens you will get to journey to the afterlife, too. (7) The barge is waiting by the dock. You and several others from the village hurry to board. The boat is already loaded with young men from villages even farther south. As the river currents carry you swiftly northward, you watch your village grow smaller and smaller until you aren't sure if you can see it. The ship is noisy with bragging men who have worked many flood seasons at Giza. Their voices fade, because suddenly you wish you were back in your village, watching your mother weave reed sandals, and not on a barge among men you don't know. (8) What was it like for young people who worked on the pyramids of King Khufu and the pyramids of his sons? To come from small farming villages, float up the Nile to the Giza Plateau and live in a barracks town of thousands? As they approached Giza, the Great Pyramid must have appeared to thrust out of the plateau as if it would pierce the sky. The monument was so massive that it took more than 4,000 years for humans to build anything taller. Until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth. What would it have felt like to a simple Egyptian peasant to be part of such a huge project? How would you have felt that first day at Giza?

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    訳お願いしますm(._.)m 夢についての話です! (1)The interpretations given above may seem reasonable, yet it needs to be stressed that they do not apply to everyone in the same way. (2)People have various backgrounds, so a dream about the same event could mean different things to different people. (3)For example, people have different ideas about snow. (4)If you live in the northern part of Japan where it snows heavily, you may think of snow as a burden. (5)But if you live in the south where it seldom snows even in winter, you may think of snow as romantic. (6)In this way, when you try to interpret the hidden meaning of a dream , you cannot be too careful.(7)Even if the same person has the same dream again, the interpretation could change. (8)After all, brain scientists may be right when they say dreams have no real meanings. (9)But if dreams could help us understand ourselves better, why not make good use of them?

  • 訳お願いします

    "Let It Die" Heart of gold but it lost its pride Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes I've seen your face in another light Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? In too deep and out of time. Why'd you have to go and let it die? A simple man and his blushing bride Intravenous, intertwined Hearts gone cold your hands were tied Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? In too deep and out of time. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Do you ever think of me? You're so considerate. Do you ever think of me? Oh, so considerate. In too deep and lost in time Why'd you have to go and let it die? Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes Why'd you have to go and let it die? Hearts gone cold and hands were tied. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? Do you ever think of me? You're so considerate. Did you ever think of me? Oh, so considerate. In too deep and lost in time Why'd you have to go and let it die? Beautiful veins and bloodshot eyes Why'd you have to go and let it die? Hearts gone cold and hands were tied. Why'd you have to go and let it die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let this die? Why'd you have to go and let it die? 宜しくお願いします><

  • 訳をお願いします!

    確認したいのでお願いします。 As a parent, I seek to encourage my child in whatever way might help her to reach her potential. I find it difficult to stop myself praising him for being smart , as if telling her she is smart will help her to become more so. Dweck divides the population into two camps: those who view intelligence as fixed and unchangeable and those who see it as malleable - something that can be changed through effort. Kids reared in a fixed mindset household may seek to avoid challenges in order to continue appearing "smart." A child who has been reared with a growth mindset is more likely to seek challenges. The bigger the challenge," Dweck says, "the more they stretch."

  • 文章の訳を、また自分の訳の確認をして欲しいです

    訳を教えて欲しいです。 I expect the reason that disabled people are said to have easier lives in Western societies is because Westerners are willing to let other people be who they are. said to have と続いているのがよく分からないです それと n Western societies is because と isのあとにすぐbecauseがきてるのもよくわからないです。 Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europe, if you rejected others because they were defferent in the way that happens in Japan, there`d be no end to it. Where a great many ethnic groups live in one nation, as in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeは a great many ethnic groups live in one nation in the U.S.A ore parts of Europeと考えていいんでしょうか? それとthere`d be no end to itというのがうまく訳せず、困っています。 Discrimination and prejudice await those who do. これも訳がうまくできません。。 I am not the only one who has been given a part to play. 私は役割を与えられてきた唯一(の人間)ではない。という訳はあっているでしょうか? Japanese children and teenagers today often dwell on what they see as their own imperfections (and they are probably not the only kids who do that). 日本の今日の子供たちや10代は自分自身が完璧ではないと自分を見ることにたびたびくよくよ悩む。 という訳はどうでしょうか? 括弧内と dwell on以降がなんかよく分かりません。。 I would like to see everyone live with a proud awareness of who they are so that they don`t waste the life they have been given, but live it to the full. さいごのほうのthe life they have been given, but live it to the fullがよく分からないです どのように訳せばいいんでしょうか? 長くなりましたが、おねがいします。

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。翻訳は正しいですか?

    Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 日本語訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、別の理由もあって車内でどこに座るかについて大げさに騒ぐようなことはしないでしょう。アメリカ人は、理想としての平等を強く信じています。高い地位にいる人は、自身の重要度を抑えた振る舞いをすることが期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼のことで大騒ぎしないことが望まれます。「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物が尊敬されるのです。

  • 訳お願いします

    fast food is available just about everywhere. the typical McDonald's is usually a burger, french fries and a soda. the fast food industry uses many tricks to get you to eat more, and keep you coming back for more. They target kids and adults alike. their tactic skills will make you become addicted to the fast food they serve. once you get used to it, you cannot escape frnm it. the bad effects of fast food have been shared with the public. with the heavily processed standard American diet, nearly seven out of ten Americans are overweight, and one in four is affected with diabetes or pre-diabetes. many studies in the US have been shared to warn the public about the dangers of eating too much fast food. the university of Minnesota studied 3,031 men and women for fifteen years, and they discovered that people who ate fast food twice a week gained five extra kilograms. according to a BBC survey conducted in 13 countries, people in the uk are ranked top for junk food addiction. what is more, many studies have shown that chemicals in fast food, including food additives, are harmful to our health. the more you find out about processed food, the less attractive it becomes.

  • 自信がないので英文の訳をお願いします。

    Thank you for your email. You are currently unable to access the account because you have not added a child to the account, or made a payment. In order to access the account, you will need to add a child, as we mentioned in the last email, and make the payment.