• 締切済み


☆I asked A who you were and I even asked B what her name was. evenの使い方がイマイチよくわかりません。どなたか、お時間あれば教えてください。


  • 774
  • ベストアンサー率43% (19/44)

#4 の回答は、nanako0325 さんの #2に対する「お礼」中の訳と同じで間違いない、というものですが >亦Bにも彼女(C)の名は何かと尋ねた。 であれば、 I even asked B what your name was. になるのでは?そもそも英文か日本語訳が間違っているという可能性はないですか?










  これは、「重ねて」ではなく、「さえも」だと思います。 >☆I asked A who you were and I even asked B what her name was. >わたしは、Aに、貴方は誰かと尋ね、Bには、彼女の名前は何かとまで尋ねた。 この場合、「彼女」とは、AかBか、または誰か分かりません。 Aが女性で、Bが男性なら、「彼女」とはA(かまたは第三者)。 Aが女性で、Bも女性なら、「彼女」とは、どちらか分かりません(または第三者)。 Aが男性で、Bが女性なら、「彼女」とはB(かまたは第三者)。 Aが男性で、Bも男性なら、「彼女」とは、AでもBでもない第三者です。 「誰か」と尋ねるのと、「名前は何か」と尋ねるのは、質問レベルが違います。 Who are you? という質問には、I am a friend of Jane. とかの回答もできます。 つまり、名前を答えなくとも構わないのです。しかし、 What your name is? という質問には、答えないと返答するか、嘘を言うか、自分の名を答えるしかありません。 その点、他人のプライヴァシーに踏み込んだ質問なので、even が使われているのだと思います。  




  • 774
  • ベストアンサー率43% (19/44)

even の意味については、#1の方と同意見ですが、 前半の who you are が気になります。 A が誰なのか A に尋ねたのであれば who she/he was となりそうな気がします。 また、後半の her は B のことを指しているとも とれそうです。いずれにせよ、文脈がわからないと なんとも言えない気がします。





私はA(女)に貴方は誰かと尋ね亦Bにも彼女(A)の名は何かと尋ねた。 evenは、「塁ねて」ですね。






  • どなたか和訳お願いします!!

    長いですがお願いします。 my phone is not sending me the fb message. i don't know what is happening. i text you so many times and no reply and i was thinking why you not writing me. i was going crazy and i don't understand what is going on. i thought you were playing games with my head telling me you love me but don't have time to even send me a messege. i was hurting and angry.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Just three months later I was back again at the Seattle airport. A different voice answered, "Information," and I asked for Sally. "Are you a friend?" "Yes," I said. "An old friend." "Then I'm sorry to have to tell you. Sally had only been working part-time in the last few years because she was ill. She died five weeks ago." But before I could hang up, she said, "Wait a minute. Did you say your name was Willard?" "Yes." "Well, Sally left a message for you. She wrote it down." "What was it?"I asked, almost knowing in advance what i would be. "Here it is, I'll read it - "Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in. He'll know what I mean.'" I thanked her and hung up. I did know what Sally meant.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    How To Make Babies After much controversy, a school adopted a sex-education program. One mother hadn't been too enthusiastic about it and was worried how her small daughter would react. Imagine her feelings when the youngster came home and asked, 'Mommy, guess what? We learned how to make babies today!' 'What?' the mother gasped. Then, trying to speak calmly, she asked, 'Tell me ,dear,how DO you make babies?' 'Easy,' the little one said. 'You drop the Y and add I-E-S.' ジョークの部分も教えて貰えると嬉しいです!

  • 和訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    英語が堪能な方、和訳お願いします。 翻訳サイト以外でお願いします!!! I really want to know what you were thinking about us. I was upfront and honest with you and I was trying to give us a shot at happiness. I put my life on hold for you. If you were playing me the whole time than whatever. I just want to know and have some closure. I think I deserve at least that.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I enjoy going to estate sales. Recently, we were shocked when we heard an estate sales representative ask an older lady if she could afford what she was looking at. The woman answered yes. Shortly after that, as the woman was leaving, the estate representative asked her if she could search the pockets in her jacket! She said yes, and nothing was found on her. The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is. We were appalled, to say the least. We had been browsing right along with the older lady and saw nothing suspicious. What do you make of this? Should we have said something? The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    下記の訳なんですが分かりません。 What you have って、きれいに訳せません。 それに続く訳も合わせて教えてください。 So today what you have is what I call the middle 40 percent, the people who are not in the top 10 and who are not in the bottom 50, and what you can view as the wealth middle class that owns 20 to 30 percent of total wealth, national wealth, whereas they used to be poor, a century ago, when there was basically no wealth middle class.

  • 和訳

    Did you ever want to miss one day or just stop? I never even thought of stopping. other people helped,too,but I was often the one who said “Hey!come here and help me! ” You give a helping hand to those in need,and finally you will become a leader. 訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    和訳教えてください 1 Tom was late for school , for which he was scolded. 意味の違いがわかるように 2-1 I will employ a man who can speak German. I will employ a man , who can speak German. 2-2 There were some passengers who were injured. There were some passengers , who were injured. 2-3 Whichever road you follow, the drive to town will take one hour. Whichever road you follow will take uou to town in one hour. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    下の文の和訳をお願いしたいです。日本語文として違和感がないように訳してください。 In the summer of 1945, after the air raid, Nagaoka was a veritable hellscape. Buildings were burned to the ground by brutal incendiary bombs, and the once clear and beautiful Kakigawa River was blackened and stained with the smell of the dead. On my way home from picking up supplies, a little girl with a bob haircut wandered up to me. She was almost naked, though she had a ragged cloth around her waist, as if her clothes had been burned by incendiary bombs. Her bare hands and feet were as thin as branches, and her upper body, so thin that her ribs floated, looked painful.「Please give me some food.」 the girl said in a small voice. I said「Who are you?」「My name is Chiyo Takato, Senju kokumingakkou, 6th grade, class 2. Please,please share your food.」 I was surprised. Senju kokumingakkou, 6th grade class 2 was my sister's classmate. It came as a shock to me that a girl my sister's age had nothing to wear and nothing to eat. I gave her the dry bread I was carrying and a spare water bottle. The girl burst into tears and bowed, 「Thank you...」 I looked at her and thought, this world is crazy. A child as young as 11 or 12 years old shed tears just for receiving a piece of dry bread and a water bottle. It is not that I hate the U.S. military who conducted the air raid. I hate the people in the upper echelons of society who made the world this way in the first place.

  • 高1英語 話法 教えてください!

    テスト前で、来週まで授業がないので、答えがあってるか教えてください! 解説していただけるとありがたいです! 問 直接話法は間接話法に、間接話法は直接話法にしなさい。 (1)My boss asked me to get in touch with my client as soon as possible. My boss said to me, "You get in touch with my client as soon as possible. (2)"What's up?" I asked her. I said to her what's up. (3)She said a Christmas tree was in the her attic and she needed it brought down. She said,"a Christmas tree is in the my attic and need it brought down". (4)I said to her,"What do you want with a tree?" I asked her what you wanted with a tree. (5)She said her grandchildren were stopping by for a visit. She said to her grandchildren "You are stopping by for a visit." お願いします!

  • エレコム株式会社の製品を使って接続処理を行っていますが、進まない状況です。ペアリングを解除しても状況は変わりません。どのように対処すれば良いでしょうか。
  • エレコム株式会社の製品の接続処理が上手く進まず、困っています。ペアリングを解除しても同じ問題が起きます。解決策を教えてください。
  • エレコム株式会社の製品を使用して接続処理を行っているのですが、うまく進みません。ペアリングを解除しても同じ問題が再発します。解決方法をお教えください。