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動詞の完了形は形容詞と考えることが出来ます。(もっと分かり易い?例:I am tired. の tired は内容的に形容詞です) つまり "as keenly felt as" は as + 形容詞 + as の形になっています。"it is" の後に来る felt も内容的に形容詞です。 なお、実使用は "felt as keenly as" の方がよく使われるようですが、"as keenly felt as" も使われます。


  • 並べかえの問題です

    The earth has never before been po lluted as badly as it is today. が正解になっていました。 これを Never を前に出して倒置にしてはだめなのでしょうか。 あるいは The earth has never been polluted before as ... ではだめなのでしょうか。 できれば理由を添えて教えていただけますか?

  • 比較級の英文です。( )に何が入りますか?

    比較級の英文です。( )に何が入りますか? 1.The dictionary is far and ( ) the best of all. 2.Which do you lie the best ( ) all these composers? 3.She is senior ( ) everyone else in the company. よろしくお願いします!! 和訳も教えてください!

  • 比較級についてお尋ねします。天気

    比較級についてお尋ねします。天気 雨が降るそうではないけれど天気は良くない時に、「雨よりはましだ」という場合、比較対象はどうすればよいでしょうか。 例えばIt relitively fine today, it is better than raining[rainy].は成り立つでしょうか?

  • 英文解釈について。

    The division between the two world has always been fairly clearly defined,with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other ,and never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. 注;two world→古典音楽・芸術音楽 の文でand never more so than today,when,instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste',it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations. の文が分かりにくいです。 never more so than today前文のwith those active in one sphere rarely trespassingと比較されてると思って、 直訳『今日よりより侵害することは無い』と理解して『今日ほど明確に区分されていることは無い』と考えていいんですか? never more so than todayだけ見ると『今日よりよりそうでない』って訳が分からなくなります。 ,when,の挿入がどうなってるのか分かりません。てか、接続詞の用法しか知りません。 instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic'taste', のbeingは動名詞の意味上の主語ですがなんでここにあるんですか?動名詞の前におくとは限らないのですか? どうも分からないので教えてください!!

  • この英文の訳を教えてください

    The division between the two worlds has always been fairly clearly defined, with those active in one sphere rarely trespassing in the other, and never more so than today, when, instead of the distinction being based on fluctuating artistic 'taste', it is fairly firmly based on economic considerations.

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください

    The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon than with a prime minister. (The Summing Up by W. S Maugham) 最初に出てくる"The great man is too often all of a piece."について質問があります。 偉大な人間はあまりにしばしば断片のすべてである・・・・・? *ここはどうやって意味をとればよいのでしょうか? 断片を統合したような人物、という感じですか? *また、too oftenのところがわからないのですが、 The great man is all of a piece.にするのとどういうニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 以下は前文です。 *************** I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be made real. The ordinary is the writer's richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material.

  • 最上級の文を比較級と原級で書き換え

    例文 最上級  Tom is the strongest boy of the ten. 比較級で書き換え No other boy of the ten is stronger than Tom. Tom is stronger than any other boy of the ten. 原級で書き換え No other boy of the ten is as strong as Tom. この上の最上級の文を比較級と原級で書き換えるとこれで合っていますか? 英語に詳しい方教えて下さい

  • is known か has been known か

    お願いします。 適語を選ぶ問題です。 Today he ( ) throughout the world as a great scholar. (1)knows (2)has known (3)is known (4)has been known (3)か(4)かで迷いました。 todayは現在完了形とともに使える、と載っていましたし、 意味を考えても、has been knownかなと思いましたが、 文例を調べたら、どちらも同じように使われていて、 どちらを選んだらいいのかわかりません。

  • なぜ比較級か

    As the infirmities of older age begin to set in, my husband is now grateful that I stuck by him and can care for him, and he is less concerned about sex. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/anniesmailbox/s-2055278 なぜolderと比較級になっているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。支払いの事でメールが来たんですがいまいちわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Just send a Paypal reminder to cover the rest of the balance of $AAA You have not been charged twice, there is only one payment with credit card of $BBB and the payment via Paypal of $AAA Please confirm when this payment has been accepted. I will call Yomato Transport today for an afternoon pick up as soon as payment has been confirmed.