• 締切済み


下記の英文を訳したいのですがところどころ、というかまったく意味がわかりません。英語のネイティブスピーカーではない人の文章なので 文法が合っているのかどうか分かりませんが(泣) Like the fact that it symbolizes the era where some Japanese people ceased to believe in Gods (Shinto) with character in the movie killing kami in order to push Japan towards modernity. 日本人が神を信じなくなって時代を象徴するという事実のように、日本を近代化に推し進めるためにその映画は神を殺している???

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • Parismadam
  • ベストアンサー率65% (2756/4211)

はじめまして。 ご質問: <下記の英文を訳したいのですが> 1.この文は主語+動詞が省略されています。最初にIt isを補えば、わかり易くなります。 例: It is like the fact that~ 「それはちょうど~のようなものだ」 2.こういった省略は口語ではよくあります。話に出てきた内容を受けて、「それは、ちょうど~のようなものだ」と続けているのでしょう。 3.with characterは意味をなしませんが、ここでは話し手はas「~のように」という前置詞的な意味で使っていると思われます。 4.以上を踏まえて訂正例は以下の通りです。 (直訳)「それはちょうど、日本人が現代化を推し進めるために、映画が「神」を殺していったように、神を信じることをやめた時代を象徴しているかのようだ」 → (意訳)「それはちょうど、日本人が現代化を推し進めていく過程で、(アメリカの影響を受けた)映画が「神(日本の精神)」を殺していったように、神を信じなくなった時代を象徴しているかのようだ」 となります。 恐らく話題が「日本の映画」なのか、この方が日本の映画に詳しいのでしょう。戦後、日本に入ってきたアメリカ文化と同時に廃れていった日本の精神を嘆いているようです。 「日本偏愛型」の外国人に多いのですが、日本の昔の精神を尊重し、やや「日本真理教」的なところのある方とお見受けします。日本のサムライ精神がお好きなのでしょう。きっと三島由紀夫の作品などファンだと思いますよ。 以上ご参考までに。



Parismadamさん 意味がさっぱりわからなかったので本当に助かりました。Parismadamさんの言われるとおり日本の映画(小津作品とか)をよく見ている人からのメールなのでああ、こういうことを言いたかったのかと納得です。It is like the fact that~という言い方は口語ではだいぶ省略されているのですね。教えてくださってありがとうございました。

  • Oubli
  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)

この英文には主文がありませんので、完全な文章ではありません。 それ(その映画?)が一部の日本人が神(神道)を信じるのを止めた時代を、日本の近代化を押し進めるために神(?)を殺す、映画の登場人物によって象徴化しているという事実のように



Oubliさん わかりにくい文章にアドバイスしてくださりありがとうございました。A2で回答くださった方がおっしゃる通り日本の映画を見てその映画からのメッセージ(つまり映画のキャラクターが象徴していること)を書いてくれていたようです。


  • knowledge based sociatyの意味

    次の例文に示すような、knowledge based economyという語句は、通常、日本でどう訳されているのでしょうか? 教えてください。 One thing is certain in Singapore’s courses of action and that is to move up the value chain, and to push ahead towards achieving a Knowledge Based Economy.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Humans are by nature inquisitive: if we see something we don't understand, we have a need to find out, even if our investigations are damaging towards ourselves and the environment. But the destruction that could result if Onkalo were excavated in the future is much more extreme than simply rejecting the wishes of the dead or disrespecting their beliefs. In fact, if we don't think of the right ways to manage the problem, there may not be any humans in the future to judge whether what we did was right or wrong.

  • 続編:英語訳が上手くいきません。。

    内容は自衛隊の歴史についてです。 特に後半の日本語がおかしくなってしまいます。 どなたかに訂正やご教授願えたら幸いです。 Japan's approach towards security policy,its strategic bargain with the US and the assumptions underlying the Yoshida doctorine have undergone significant questioning since the end of the Cold War. This has resulted in a re-intensified debate in Japan on future security opitons,and muves to accelerate,if not yet fully break,the pattern of incremental change in Japan's security policy;to reconsider the asymmetries of the bilateral alliance;and to assume a more direct role in regional security. The overall consequence has been to set in train fundamental shifts in Japan's post-war security trajectory towards demonstrating greater military proactivity. 『防衛政策、戦略に基づくアメリカとの協力と吉田ドクトリンがあるという前提を考えての日本のアプローチは、冷戦の終わりから重要な疑問を投げかけてきた。 このことは日本内の再検討で将来の防衛選択肢を解決し、まだ完璧に実現しないとしても、日米相互協調の不均衡を再検討したり、局地防衛へのもっと直接的な関与を考えるといった日本防衛政策での変化傾向を助長する。 その結果、戦後日本の防衛軌道のなか軍事先取りを示すことを考えて一連の順序で基本的変化を目指した。』

  • 訳の説明をお願いします。

    英語の訳で、前後の繋がりがいまいちわかりません。 In most economies,you`re looking for economic growth mainly to create new jobs.Japan doesn`t need to do that very much now.In fact,perhaps a bigger worry for Japan is how to fill the jobs that are going to come open. テキストの訳 ほとんどの経済では、主として新たな雇用を創り出すために経済成長を期待している。日本では今のところ新たな雇用を創り出す必要性はさほどない。事実、日本にとってより大きな懸念はおそらく、広がりつつある労働需要をいかに満たすかということであろう。 訳自体は、すんなりとできました。しかし、前半と後半のつながりが、わかりません。新たな雇用を創り出す=労働需要を満たす、ということとは違うのですか。僕の頭の中ではイコール関係だったので、いまいちピンときません。 解説をお願いします。

  • 英語で何て言えば良いでしょうか?

    『私たちは年号も大事にしなければいけない。彼が言うように、それは日本で長い歴史を持っている。しかし一方で、日付を書くときに少々混乱させられるのも事実です。なぜなら西暦と年号の二通りあるからだ。』 We have to cherish the name of an era, he said, it has a tradition for a long time in Japan. But while it is a fact that we are a little confused when we write a date on something reports because we have two ways how to write a date by the Christian era or the name of era. これで良いでしょうか? 教えてください よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を見て頂けると幸いです、宜しくお願いします。

    日本語訳を見て頂けると幸いです、宜しくお願いします。 1.a courting male his date and a business executive his travel connections. a courting male→愛を求めている男性 2.Nevertheless, he, too, had his kind of appointments to keep, especially in the service of his tribe and his gods. How did he know then when to arrive and to worship his deity at just the right moment? 3.At some early time, men realized that full moon followed full moon in a regular procession. Twelve “moons” corresponded well enough for their purposes to a complete cycle of seasons, from winter back to winter again. 4.men could know when to expect the killing frosts of winter. 5.The year 365 or 366 days, measures one complete round of the seasons, from winter through spring, summer, fall, and back to winter again. (『年(365または366日)は、』以降がいまいちうまく訳せません。。) 6.To be correct 7.But the moon goes through its phases 12 times in about 354 days ― 11 days less than a full year. Complicated corrections were needed in all lunar calendars to allow for this. 8.So Gregory provided for omitting the extra day in three out of four century years― that is, years ending in 00.

  • 日本語訳を!!6

    お願いします (1)“Hannibal, then about nine years old, was...pestering Hamilcar to take him along to Spain. His father, who was sacrificing to the gods before crossing over into Spain with his army, led the boy up to the altar and made him touch the offerings.” (2) What would these offerings have been? Hamilcar Barca, a powerful North African general, would probably have sacrificed a black dog whose body he had split in two with his sword, along with a white bull and a ewe whose throats he had slit. After killing the animals, he would have burned them on an altar so the gods could enjoy the smell of meat roasting in the flames. Military leaders made such sacrifices to persuade the gods to give them victory over their enemies. Livy tells us that as Hannibal touched the bodies of the slaughtered animals, Hamilcar made him“solemnly swear...that as soon as he was able, he would become the declared enemy of the Roman people.” (3) Hannibal kept the promise that he had made to his father. He became a great general. And in 217 BCE, he took war elephants from Carthage (in modern Tunisia), his hometown in North Africa, and marched to the gates of Rome. Rome had never faced a more dangerous enemy in all of its long history. (4) Who were these Carthaginians who hated the Romans so much? They were seafaring people who left their homeland in Phoenicia (modern-day Lebanon) around 800 BCE. They set up colonies in North Africa and Spain, and also on the island of Sicily―the ball that the Italian boot seems to be kicking. (5) The most powerful Phoenician colony was the North African city of Carthage. It became a busy trading post for merchants from all over the Mediterranean world. In time, Carthage gained independence from its mother country, conquered other Phoenician colonies, and founded colonies of its own. By the 3rd century BCE, this thriving and wealthy city controlled trade across the western Mediterranean.

  • 日本語訳をどなたかお願いします!

    日本語訳をどなたかお願いします! The river, however, was still a problem. The Thames became so polluted that fish were unable to live in it, and after the very hot summer of 1858, the river became known as "The Great Stink." But thanks to London's new sewer system and strict pollution control, the river is much cleaner today. In fact, 118 kinds of fish can now be found there.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    By 25 August 1914, British forces in Nigeria had moved into Kamerun towards Mara in the far north, towards Garua in the center and towards Nsanakang in the south. British forces moving towards Garua under the command of Colonel MacLear were ordered to push to the German border post at Tepe near Garua. The first engagement between British and German troops in the campaign took place at the Battle of Tepe, eventually resulting in German withdrawal. In the far north British forces attempted to take the German fort at Mora but failed and began a siege which lasted until the end of the campaign. British forces in the south attacked Nsanakang and were defeated and almost completely destroyed by German counter-attacks at the Battle of Nsanakong. MacLear then pushed his forces further inland towards the German stronghold of Garua, but was repulsed in the First Battle of Garua on 31 August.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The British were able to consolidate these gains and push forward towards Monchy-le-Preux, although they suffered heavy casualties in fighting near the village. One reason for the success of the offensive in this sector was the failure of German commander von Falkenhausen to employ a defence in depth. In theory, the enemy would be allowed to make initial gains, thus stretching their lines of communication. Reserves held close to the battlefield would be committed once the initial advance had bogged down, before enemy reinforcements could be brought up. The defenders would thus be able to counter-attack and regain any lost territory. In this sector, Falkenhausen kept his reserve troops too far from the front and they were too late for a useful counter-attack on either 10 or 11 April. At roughly the same time, in perhaps the most carefully crafted portion of the entire offensive, the Canadian Corps launched an assault on Vimy Ridge. Advancing behind a creeping barrage and making heavy use of machine guns – eighty to each brigade, including one Lewis gun in each platoon – the corps was able to advance through about 4,000 yards (3,700 m) of German defences, and captured the crest of the ridge at about 13:00.