• 締切済み






  • 英語

    「彼は嘘をつきそうに無い。」を、「He is the worst person to tell a lie.」とするのはダメですか? ※解答は、「He is the last person to tell a lie.」でした。

  • 「うそをつくのはやめろ」と英語で言う時はstop telling a

    「うそをつくのはやめろ」と英語で言う時はstop telling a lie.になると思うんですが、通常の会話でstop to tell a lie.(うそをつくために立ち止まってください)という言い回しをつかうことはありますか?

  • どなたか超初級エッセイにアドバイスをください。

    ずっと和文英訳の練習をしていたのですが、エッセイの練習に移行しようと決めました。 初めてのエッセイで読んでいただくのも恥ずかしいレベルです。 文法の間違いもあると思いますが、できれば構成面で気が付いたことがあればご指導ください。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Do computer games harm the development of children? I believe that computer games harm the development of children for the following three reasons. The primary reason is that playing computer games cause disease. For example, children tend to keep watching a computer screen without taking a rest. Therefore their eye sight gets worse. The second reason is that children cannot develop their communication abilities so long as they are just playing games. During the game they don’t have to either talk or make themselves understood. Communication needs someone to talk with. The third reason is that children can easily be addicted to computer games. Once they begin to play games, it is hard for them to quit. They get so absorbed in a game that they never notice the time and keep playing. In addition, they don’t feel like doing other things which they actually have to do. Computer games have power over children’s daily lives. For the reasons above, I believe that computer games harm the development of children.

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    テーマ「子供にみせるべきではない親の”背中”」 ここでいう”背中”は「子供は親の背中を見て育つ」という言葉に使われる意味の”背中”です。 字数制限は70字前後で、具体例をまじえて書くことが要求されています。 Parents should not allow their children to look at their back telling a lie. It is because people don't trust those who often tell a lie and don't want to see them. If your family member lies to you , you will be disappointed with his lie. So , telling a lie breaks a relationship among a family. From this reason, to be honest is important to get along with family members. 導入→理由→具体例→理由(展開後)→結論、という運びにしたのですが、いかがでしょうか? 論理構成、文法などについてご指摘頂けると幸いです。 では、よろしくお願いします!

  • 高校英語の和訳

    高校英語の和訳 The lies that politicians make during election campaigns are another category of "semi" lies. For example, a certain politician might promise to do a certain thing if elected, but when he is elected he might find that what he promised is either impossible or not sensible. When he turns his pre-election promise into a lie by not carrying out, we could say that the politician was simply making the compromises and practicing the pragmatism which is politics. More cynically, we could say that the politician was a dishonest lier who would promise you anything to get your vote. This is the problem with lying. In some situations it is impossible to tell with absolute certainly whether someone is lying or telling the truth. More or less, we ourselves are forced to become the ultimate judge of what is the truth and what is a lie. You could say that in a certain situation we create truth and untruth. これの和訳をお願いします><

  • 英語の質問です!

    You're saying that saying what we really think might do us harm in the end. You're saying that telling a lie is usually preferable to expressing our honest opinion. の訳をお願いします。

  • acceptableは~toか~forか?

    技術英文で、acceptable to と acceptable for の使い方をアドバイスお願いします。 acceptable を辞書で引くと、次のようになっており、~to の方が ~for よりも多数派のように見えますが、 to/for の具体的な使い分けが知りたいのです。(なお、この質問の to は、不定詞の to でありません。) 1. OALDでは、 acceptable (to somebody) となっています。~for は記述がありません。 2. Oxford Laerner's Thesaurus では、 to be acceptable for sombody/something となっています(adequateの項に他の単語と一緒にまとめて記述してある)。~to は記述がありません。 3. Oxford Collocations (dictionary for students) は、伴う前置詞は to であるとしています。~for は記述がありません。 4. Collins COBUILD は、... is acceptable to someone, ... としてあり、~forは記述がありません。 5. Dictionary of English Usage (Dr. Arnold Leonhardi & Brian W.W. Welsh M.A.:主婦の友社;1966) では、~to としてあり、~for は記述がありません。 6. Longman Language Activator では、acceptable for somebody to do something としてあり、~for は記述がありません。 というわけで、混乱しております。英語のQ&Aサイトを検索しましたが、適切なやりとりを見つけることができませんでした。 以上疑問点につき、アドバイスお願いします。

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文「Is a lie always bad? Why or Why not? 」、65~74字で書くこと。 I think that a lie is not always bad. There are different lies used not to hurt people or to keep good relationships. For example, if we know that one hate the other, we tell the other that no one hate you and everybody like you. Though it seems that we should not deceive people, it is essential to us to live comfortably everyday. 論理的に文章を展開させているか、また正しい文法を使って英作できているか、の二点に留意して添削して下さると助かります^^ また、質問にも答えて下さると嬉しいです。 質問(1)問題文はa lie と単数形になっていますが、英作する時にliesと複数形にして一般化してもいいのでしょうか? 結局、「色々な嘘」という形で第二文から複数形にしているので、第一文から複数形にしても差し支えないのでしょうか? 質問(2)For example以下の二文ですが、主語・目的語をwe,usで統一しましたが、こういう場合はweとyouどちらを使うべきなのでしょうか? では、よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語でエッセイを書いてみたんですが・・・

    1000文字程度(全然足りていないのですが)のエッセイ の課題課題が出て一応は取り組んでみて提出したのですが。 翌日に先生から返却される際、後で話があるといわれました・・ そして授業後に話してみると、ひどい英文、文法がダメなど ボロボロに言われてしまいいました。 そこで手直しをしてみようとしたのですが、どこの文法が ダメなのか分らないし、文章の構成もすべて注意されてしまった ので英語がとことん苦手な私にはどうすればよいか分りません。 そのため、下手でどうしようもない英文の明らかに誤っている 文法。また、こうしたほうがもっと良くなるなどのアドバイス を頂けないでしょうか。本当によろしくお願いします。 (文字制限によりIntroductionとconcludionは削っています。)       People Need Reading  The first reason to support is you can learn many words by reading. You sometimes find incomprehensible word when you are reading. At such time, if you look up words in a dictionary and examine the words of meaning, you can know and learn many words. Moreover, the increase of vocabulary leads to the increase in the thought because thinking is an act of doing by using words. When thinking alone, act of thinking used by generally using words so the idea cannot help coarsening naturally if the vocabulary power is scarce. In brief, the richness of vocabulary supports your thought. In addition, the kind of colloquial expression was limited. Only if you spend a daily life, you do not need to use a difficult word. However, if it thinks only using by the spoken language in the daily life, your thought becomes simple by all means. If the expressed word is simple, the content of ideas becomes simple too. In contrast, feelings and thinking are become complex if you knowing many words. In the written language, there is a variation without in the spoken language. In a word, reading is the best possible method to know many words.  A second reason to support is the great deal of knowledge can be acquired by reading. A lot of things that I have not known up to now are written in books and I am impressed every time obtained the new knowledge. For instance, people learn a new matter by reading newspaper and journal. For one thing, you can know about the place where you have not gone if you read about the place such as preparation of the school excursion when you were such a student. Furthermore, the ability for communication improves when knowledge increases, because you show provided got the new knowledge for friends and it can share with each other. In addition, generally speaking people want to know it more deeply by getting new knowledge. Reading books broadens your knowledge and allows you to encounter things of great beauty more frequently, thereby making you a different person from who you were before starting to read books. In other words it is the best means to read the book to get a new knowledge.  The final reason to support people can know what the happiness at private time. Quiet time of one is develops the person. Of course, you can develop your personality throughout pleasant communication with people, but it is also necessary for personality development to have a quiet alone time to reflect on yourself. Happy in vague time while listening to music alone but then reading accompanies a constant mental tension. At the same time this moderate tension gives birth to the sense of fulfillment. Moreover, reading is not by oneself it looks like oneself though because it is time of two people with the author. Next, there is no pressure because the author is not before your eyes but book tell you deeply and quietly. Besides time to taste on one’s own that superior person chose the word. So the person grows up more by spending this time. In fact the person of the bookworm knows the richness of this time to read alone.  

  • 英語のエッセイです。どなたか間違い、訂正、アドバイス等をください。

    英語のエッセイです。どなたか間違いの訂正をお願いします Death penalty has a long history. It has existed at almost the same time human society was formed. People executed it in various ways. Sometimes it executed in very cruel way. Many countries, including Japan, have still been adopting it for the heaviest punishment. However, many advanced countries abolished it in recent years. I think Japan should retain capital punishment, riding this trend for four reasons. First of all, I think no one have a right to kill someone even if he or she is offender. Human dignity is the universal truth that is the basis of ethics. There is nothing more important than life. I think there is the other better way than killing such as life imprisonment. All people have human rights and capital punishment violate them. Therefore, we should not allow the death penalty. Second reason is that there is possibility of a misjudgment of death penalty. Of course, once capital punishment was executed, person who was put to death would never rise again. Even if he or she was proved to be clear, we could not save him or her after death penalty. In this case, government killed innocent person without rational reason. If there is possibility of a misjudgment of death penalty, we should abolish the death penalty. Third reason is that death penalty should not be adopted for the sake of crime prevention. Some defender of the death penalty say that death penalty have strong deterrent effect against crimes. However, it may not exactly be true. There is no evidence to proof it and there are many safe countries without death penalty. I think we need not to use death penalty as a deterrent power. Death penalty doesn’t have deterrent power against crimes. Forth reason is that death penalty is very cruel punishment. Person who is sentenced to death get not only bodily suffering but also mental anguish. Waiting for determined death is very dreadful and there is no possibility to avoid being killed. Death penalty is not just a bodily punishment. It is also a mental punishment and government does not have the right to punish death-row prisoners’ mentality In conclusion, death penalty is very dangerous to threaten our right as humans. Death penalty has possibility to kill innocent people and it is not just a bodily punishment. We all have human dignity and no one have right to damage it. A flow of the global ideas is to abolish the death penalty and we should not ignore this flow if Japan is a country which value human life. We must abolish the death penalty as soon as possible.