• 締切済み

“my boyfriend”の意味は?

I do have one boyfriend, and I will move into appartment with him. He is my boyfriend. 上の文章の「my boyfriend」は彼女にとって「恋人」に相当する人なのでしょうか?それとも「友達以上恋人未満」又は「ただの友達」でしょうか?どちらが適当ですか? 分かる方、教えて下さい!!



boyfriend、girlfriendは恋人です。 男の友達は、friend-boyといいます。 loverは肉体関係を意味する露骨な言葉なので、日常会話では使わない方がよいです。

  • teacherx
  • ベストアンサー率50% (4/8)

恋人という意味です。I do have one boyfriendっていうこと事態が変な言い方ですが、最後の所で強調してHe is my boyfriend (彼は私の恋人)と言っています。コレはハッキリと示す言い方です。もしその彼が友達だった場合は"He is a friend of mine" や "He is just a friend"と言うと思います。



  • 意味を教えてください

    (同じ大学にに嫌な奴がいるという文脈) He reached out to me with the notion that “we should catch up” because I was “one of the most genuine and caring people he knew.” This fucked with my head, and I immediately fell back into freshman-year me — I got blackout drunk, talked to him at a party, and I can’t remember what I said to him. We haven’t spoken since. Cue the intense regret, anxiety, and self-loathing. fucked with my headとここでのCue の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • reclaim my nights

    I'm a 29-year-old woman with a wonderful boyfriend and a great career in finance. I'm very close with a tall, dark, handsome male coworker. He has a wife and a three-year-old daughter. I'm sexually attracted, but not sure it's romantic love. I know I'd go to the end of the world for him! I'm losing sleep trying to figure this out. To reclaim my nights, what do I label this? To reclaim my nightsとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • left in my care

    My long-distance boyfriend of seven years broke up with me this fall. I don’t want to get back together with him, but he handled the breakup badly (canceled a visit at the last minute, then ended things via text). We haven’t spoken since. However, I have a lot of things of his that I’d like to return; items he left in my care with the assumption that he would get them the next time we saw each other. left in my careはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • joint custodyの意味

    Do I have a say if I don't want my boyfriend's two children to live with us? I am childless at the moment (going to college), and do not want this to affect my budget. I am supportive, and he has joint custody. 国語の質問みたいになってしまいますが、「共同親権(きょうどうしんけん)とは、「子に対する親権を父母の双方が持っていること」。」とあります。He and she have joint custody.なら分かるのですが、he has joint custody.とはどういうことでしょうか?やさしい説明をよろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    A few months ago, I had a really hard breakup with my boyfriend of almost three years, the person I was hoping I’d end up marrying. Until we broke up, he had filled that essential role in my life. He was my person, my blessed default, my certainty — blessed defaultとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • my の使い方

    マーク・ピーターセンの「日本人の英語」三部作を読んで目からウロコがたくさん落ちました。その第二部「続・日本人の英語」に my の使い方について大変興味深い記述があります。 What did you do on Sunday? I went to a movie. Who(m) did you go with? I went with my friend. という例文で この with my friend には大変な問題があるそうだ。 my friend というと the friend of mine と言う意味になり、the が誰を指すかが話し手と聞き手の間に共通の認識がない場合は、the only friend of mine という意味になり、つまりこの人には友達は一人しかいないことになってしまうので、友達が一人でないならば、 with one of my friend または with a friend と言わなければいけないとのことである。 これは、大変良く理解できたのだが、では、友達(の一人)と歩いているときに、例えば学校の先生とか親戚の人に会って、自分の友達を紹介しなければいけない状況で This is my friend, Mr. Sato. は、やはり間違いなのでしょうか? 目の前にいる人のことだから、my friend で良いような気もしますが、自信がありません。 辞書でmyを引いてもこのような記述は全然ありません。 (まあ、この項だけの事ではないけれど) 出来れば英語環境で育ったような方のご回答を期待しています。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have been with my husband for 20 years. I'm 43, and he's 63. Our sex life has died. He is no longer attracted to me, and he has let me know it. His love is physical, not emotional. I am not the size 4 I was when he met me. As long as my body looks like he wants it to look, he's into me. If I'm a size 8 or more, he is not at all into me. I have a hard time understanding how he can love me for how I look. Long story short, my first love has popped back into my life. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. I haven't slept with him yet, but I have done everything but. I have tested the waters with him, and I'm in over my head with the way he makes me feel. の和訳を教えてください。あと、everything butはどのような意味でしょうか?後に何か省略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My son, who I've always felt very close to, has started to call me by my first name. I'm 67 and he's 40. I've always tried to be there for him. I have loved being his mom. He loves to tease me, so I didn't say anything about it for a while, because I knew he would run with it, but I figured he wasn't going to stop so I asked him to please stop calling me by my first name. he would run with itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • cut my losses

    My boyfriend is a well-educated, successful doctor who does not consider himself a feminist. I am an equally educated and successful woman who feels like I finally met someone who is my match in life. On this one topic, he has painted it as a linguistic distinction rather than a belief about women’s rights—he is South Asian. I know feminist is still a loaded term, and he is very supportive of my career and my ambitions. Over time, unfortunately, some misogynistic attitudes seem to be creeping into our relationship. Although in general he treats me well, he doesn’t seem to respect women as a group and I hear him call other women “crazy bitches” and rant about women’s hormones, etc. He loves to hate on Hillary Clinton for the sheer fact that she is a woman. He is quick to describe my attempts to discuss relationship issues as “drama.” He feels no qualms about going to strip clubs. He also habitually befriends attractive women and flirts with them in front of me and via text—he thinks there is nothing wrong with that as long as he doesn’t sleep with them. Also, when he leads other women on, they are often rude to me, but if I speak up about this, he tends to classify it as my being a hysterical illogical woman. This is all a problem maybe 5 percent of the time, while 95 percent of our interactions are happy. I know he cares about me deeply. He is a very smart and compassionate man and these attitudes do not line up with who he is in most other contexts—it is truly baffling to me and seems to have very little to do with me, personally, but it is hard not to feel upset by it, nonetheless. Would I be out of line to ask him to work on these behaviors, perhaps in the context of couples therapy, or is this the type of situation where I should accept that this is just how he is and cut my losses and run? cut my losses and runはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • give this a fair shot

    Three months ago, I relocated for my long-distance boyfriend. I left my dream job, my beloved city and great friends, and took a significant pay cut to move to a new city to live with him. When I first made the move, we were incredibly happy to finally be ending our long-distance relationship. Now, things are markedly different. We've been fighting almost daily, and my usually sunny disposition has dimmed dramatically to the point where friends and family are starting to worry about me. The main reason we fight is because of my cats — two adorable, sweet and loving cats I adopted five years ago, long before I met my boyfriend. My boyfriend has never been fond of my cats, but told me he would do his best to get along with them when I moved in with him. He hasn't. His only interaction with them has been to yell at them and chase them into a tiny powder room where we keep their litter box. They've become so scared of him that they hide in a crate to avoid him. To make matters worse, he has a dog that he treats like a king, and expects me to do the same. He now says he doesn't think he can live with cats, and he wants me to send them away to live with my parents. I feel like this is incredibly unfair to me and diminishes the importance of my cats in my life. If the tables were turned, I feel he would absolutely choose his dog over me. Part of me wonders whether this goes beyond just a hatred of cats. Is he simply unwilling to compromise in general, whether it's about cats or anything else? He says that's not the case, and that without the cats, things would be back to normal. I'd love to give this a fair shot since I've already sacrificed so much and it does seem silly to end a 2 ½-year relationship over cats. give this a fair shot はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします