• ベストアンサー


友人から来たメールですが、意味がよくわかりません。 am out time i got a lot to do if i get another time u will hear from me ok? 他の時間はいろいろすることがある もし時間がとれたら私に聞いて? こんな訳じゃないですよね・・どなたか教えてください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Carlos777
  • ベストアンサー率26% (61/231)

することがたくさんあって時間がなくなりました。 もし時間が出来たら私から連絡しますからいいですね?という感じです。



ありがとうございました! 助かりました。



  • これはどう言う意味でしょうか。

    I hope you had a great time and learned a lot from the topic we covered and I wish that you will book another class and I am excited to have another lesson with you.Once again thank you so much with your time. Thank you for considering me once again to help you in your English Communication skills Have a great night and take care 英会話レッスン終了後の先生のコメントです。 まだ数回しか受けたことがないのですが、 とても気に入っている先生です。長く受けたいと思っているのですが、 でもこれは自分以外の先生のレッスンも受けるようにと言う意味でしょうか。

  • メールの英語を日本語に訳してください

    英会話の時間をずらせるか尋ねたのですが返信の内容がよく分からないので教えてください。 don't know, need to ask another student first. will get back as soon as I hear back from him.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    When I was a freshman, I started hanging out with a sophomore guy. I began to get suspicious that he liked me, and then he asked me out. At the time I had no experience of this kind of thing (and had convinced myself that no one would ever like me), so I panicked and ended up kicking up a lot of drama. kicking up a lot of dramaはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • break down のここでの意味

    以下は、主要な3ゲーム機(wii,playstation 3,xbox360)のなかでどれが勝つかについてのスレッドのなかのひとつです。最後の行の "break down" を辞書で調べましたが、定義がいっぱいあって意味を絞れませんでした。 意味を教えてください。 [i second that... however, when working on the road, and living out of hotels which may or may not provide wifi, consoles are a life saver especially when we can get adjoining rooms and take a couple other tvs from our other rooms for our crew and link up and get busy... definitely more portable than my desktop, however i do bring it with me from time to time... i am going to break down and get a laptop...]

  • 意味を教えてください

    I am starting a new job next week; my last day at my present job is Friday. I gave two weeks’ notice and hope to get everything wrapped up so I don’t leave anything hanging. My co-worker (we do similar jobs, it’s assumed she will cover my position until someone new is hired) is also leaving Friday, and she has sworn me to secrecy. She is afraid our boss will escort her out immediately, and if she works through July 1, she will have health insurance for another month. escort her outとworks through July 1の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • ホームステイ先へのメール

    今からカナダのホームステイ先へメールを送ろうと思うのですがこれでいいでしょうか。 意見・修正・書いたほうがいいことなどあればお願いします。 How do you do? My name is ○○○. I am a Japanese sutudent. Thank you for offering me your house. It's my first time to go abroad.and I am not good at speaking English. so I am nervous but excited. Please pardon me when I can't hear your English.But I want to learn English and make an effort. When I go to Canada,I want to get some different point of view. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

  • 英文の意味をを教えて下さい。

    下記の英文の意味を教えて下さい。同じ会社の英語圏の支社から来たメールです。製造の事でメールがきました。お願い致します。 It is good to hear from you. I read your email and I am very excited for you that you can get the AAA license for BBB. Honestly, I do not see any financial benefits for CCC . to get involved in this DDD project. Unless you are seeing something here that I don’t. If you are going to produce the EEE in BBB and sell in BBB, you will not be using our factory to produce and we will not selling the goods here in the U.S.. I am not sure what kind of role you want me to play in this project. I don’t see myself getting involved into the negotiation of contract unless CCC. can directly benefit from the involvement. As for the other opportunities you have in the email, I will take a closer look next week and get back to you. Thanks again for thinking of us and we are honored that you chose to partner up with us. We will keep in touch.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文の意味をを教えて下さい。お願いします。 Heard from my colleague, we received your good. Since I am out of office now, I will check when I am back to office. Thank you.

  • 次の英文を翻訳してください。

    Great job oo! Thank you for helping me get this book also. If there are other ways you would like to learn I have worksheets and will help any way I can. Just let me know what you want to learn and we will go from there. I am looking forward to another lesson tomorrow! よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の歌詞なんですが

    英語の歌詞なんですが That time. If I do not hear your voice at that time, Surely I am not here. Do you hear my voice? I am here all the time,come here anytime. Because I waiting for you. を訳すとこれでいけますか? あの時。 あの時あなたの声が聞こえなかったら、 きっとここに俺はいない。 俺の声が聞こえますか? ずっとここにいるから、いつでもここにおいで。待ってるから でいけますか??? 多少間違っててもメロディがこれであったのでこれで行きたいんです!