• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:childgrade? どなたか訳してください!)



  • ベストアンサー
  • neckon
  • ベストアンサー率45% (156/340)

どうも同じサイト(http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/pubs/spectrum/0901/mind.html)に出てくる英文を何人かで質問しているようですが、どういう事情なんでしょう? cube-solver というのはレゴを使って組み立てた「ルービック・キューブ解決(?)装置」のことですね。builder というのはレゴを使ってそういった装置を組み立てる人。widget とはそうやって組み立てられた装置。child-grade plastic とはレゴのことです。 「このキューブ・ソルヴァーを見ればわかるように、やる気のあるビルダーが子供用のプラスチック玩具でちゃんと動く装置を作るために解決しなくてはならない問題はたくさんある」



ありがとうございました! 私以外にも、同じ文を訳していた人がいたのですね。びっくりしました。 そして、私はある雑誌を英文から写して訳していたので、 サイトに載っていることも知りませんでした。 ついでにサイトまで教えていただいてありがとうございました!!


  • 直訳を教えてください

    海についての長文の中の一節で、 They believed that we must learn these things if we are to help solve the problem of providing food for growing numbers of underfed people in the world.という英文でif ~の文でare to help solveでここは意志で訳せるんですが、解答の訳はもしわれわれが問題を解決する一助となろうとするならと一助?どこからでてきたのかわかりません。ちなみにそのほかの文の意味はわかったのでこの部分の直訳だけ知りたいので、詳しく教えてください。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 少子高齢化が生じる原因と問題点、そしてあなたが考える解決策を書きなさい。 I think that what is causing an aging society with a low birthrate is that the average life expectancy has been rising, and fewer babies have been born. One of the problems of this is that Japanese economy will get to recession. This is because the working-age population in Japan is decreasing. To solve this problem, we should make more positive use of women and older people. If we create the environment in which they can work easily, I believe Japan will overcome this difficult problem. ※自分は大学受験生です。周りに添削してくれる人がいなくて困っています。どんな些細なことでもご指摘いただけたらありがたいです。 毎回ご丁寧な添削ありがとうございます。回答者の皆様にはご負担をおかけしてしまっていると思いますが、皆さんに添削していただくごとに合格へ一歩ならず、何歩も近づけていると感じます。これからも、ご迷惑かもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(3)

    わからないとこが多すぎるので全文日本語にお願いします! Recreating the Family Like Abe and Tara, people choose partners who help them recreate their childhood struggles. Tara fell in love with a man with "a faraway look in his eyes," and subsequently had to struggle for greater intimacy. Abe fell in love with a woman who was "warm and nurturing," then spent a lot of energy struggling for more space. Tara's unresolved intimacy issues complement Abe's. For example, one partner (often the woman) will fight to break down defenses and create more intimacy while the other (often the man) will withdraw and create distance. So the "dance of intimacy" follows: If the woman gets too close, the man pulls back. If he moves too far away, she pursues, and so on. To achieve greater intimacy, the partners must overcome the anxiety that compels them to take their respective parts in that dance. In the example, Tara needs to control her abandonment anxiety and not pursue Abe when he withdraws, and Abe needs to control his engulfment anxiety when Tara pursues him and not withdraw. Working to overcome these anxieties is an opportunity to resolve childhood issues and can be a major healing experience for both partners.

  • 至急英訳お願いします。(一応自分なりに考えましたので添削でも可能です)

    至急英訳お願いします。(一応自分なりに考えましたので添削でも可能です) 英語が本当に苦手なので宜しくお願い致します。 私は外国人の友達が欲しいです。理由は彼らと国際問題について議論したいからです。例えば、1カ国でも解決できない問題でも団結し合うことでもそれらの問題は解決できると思います。一番重要なことは、自分たちを分かってもらうことも大切ですが、それ以上に相手を理解することが大切だと思います。私たち若者は決して大きなことはできないですが、友好を深め、平和な世界にしたいと努力し合うことが必要不可欠だと考えます。 英訳) I wan to make lots of foreign friends because I want to argue about International issues with them. For example, even if only one country couldn't solve a problem, but to gang up with many countries would be able to solve it. Most important thing is of cause trying to them understand about my position but more important thing is to understand other side position. I think we ,who are young people, won't be able to big things, but to maintain friendly relations with, and we hope to make world peace by attempting are most important things that I think.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    The test is just the latest cheap diagnostic device to be designed by Whitesides and his colleagues. In October 2008, for instance, the researchers demonstrated that by taping plastic tubing to a $2.50 hand-held egg whisk, they could create an ad hoc centrifuge for separating out plasma from blood in a matter of minutes. ‘It is dream of lots of chemists to make a difference in society,” says Richard Zare, a chemist at Stanford University in California. Zare says that the tool could be used in wealthy countries too to bring down the costs of health care. Patients could also use such devices to perform complex tests on their own blood or urine. This work is “just the starting point”, says Scott Phillips, a Pennsylvania State University chemist who is currently a research fellow in Whitesides’s lab and one of the authors on the recent paper. The egg-whisk centrifuge and the paper-and-tape diagnostic device will need to be developed further before they’re ready for the clinic, he says. Whitesides has started a non-profit enterprise called Diagnostics for All, Phillips Says, with the goal of translating these early lab prototypes into useful devices for poor countries. The team is also working on a portable protein detector that tests blood for HIV antibodies. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • The population of Japan is becoming increasingly old. What do you think should

    Now I'm working on this problem, " The population of Japan is becoming increasingly old. What do you think should be done to support the elderly population of Japan ( around 140 words ) I tought of a flow of my plot about this essay. 話の流れとしては ( this is a flow of my plot...) 日本では高齢化の問題が深刻化している 2つの理由から支援すべきだ この問題を解決するには、"介護サービス"の充実を図ることが大切 介護を自ら進んでおこなおうとする人が不足している 介護をするひとの給料が十分ではない 医療費をさげるべきだ 医療費が高くなり、病院に行きたくても、行けない人が増えている。 平和で、安全な社会を作るためにも、介護サービスの充実はどうしても 必要 Frist paragraph In Japan the problem of becoming older is getting seriouse these days and there are a lot of elderly people in Japan.I think we should try to solve this problem quickly for two reasons. second para One thing for it is that nursing service is not enough for elderly people.It is because there are very few who is willing to take care of them. For people who have to take care of them , their salary is not enough to be paied by government . Therefore , government should support them by inproving nersing service. thrid para for another reason, to support them more, government should support them by lowing medical costs. Medical costs are getting higher and higher today and a lot of people can't go easily to see the doctors in hospitals. For unemployees , the problem of medical costs is a very big problem. last para I think goverment should low medical costs and they should support their life to live safely and healthly. To answers ,I would like all of you to answer this problem in English. I hope you could help me . Thank you so much !!

  • 記事の翻訳お願いします。

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q8183123.htmlの続きの英文です。 福祉制度の改革の話だと思うのですが、上手く英訳することができず、困っています。 長文ですが翻訳お願いします。 The culture has also changed. Once, about 40 percent thought that a wife should help her husband's career rather than have one of her own. Now, 81 percent think she should have her own career, and 70 percent think that both husband and wife should earn money. Parental time with children has dropped from about 30 hours a week to around 17—yet 70 percent believe that children are not affected negatively by having a working mother unless they are under school age. Moreover, the vast majority of working mothers now say that even if the family did not need the income, they would continue working. So a big question for everyone is how to reform Social Security and welfare so as to nourish marriage and raise the proportion of children who grow up in two-parent families. We should worry about a welfare system that pays unmarried mothers enough to have their own apartments and has led some to prefer babies to husbands. Research indicates that a 10 percent growth in welfare benefits increases by 12 percent the chances that a poor young woman will have a baby out of wedlock before the age of 22. This has been true for both whites and blacks. This is one reason that, even after a significant reform of the welfare system, the single welfare mother has become the public symbol of much of what is wrong with America's social service programs. We must find ways to educate people to understand that it is a good idea to be married before having children. Federal aid should give incentives for couples to form and sustain healthy marriages, not encouragement for single parenthood and nonmarital birth. Social service benefits that phase out fairly quickly after marriage, for example, can actually create a marriage penalty. Nor should the tax code penalize couples who marry. This dramatic shift from traditional to contemporary family structures and values is unlikely to change. But the bulk of the nation's most intractable social problems would benefit from tempering that trend by nurturing the American family. Public policy should not contribute to an a la carte menu of sex, love, and childbearing. It should emphasize the benefits for all from the package deal of marriage.

  • 英語文章の和訳をお願いいたします。

    有料のアプリ「Photoshop Touch for phone」を購入したのですが、ボタンやメッセージ他文字類が一切出ない、画像データの保存が出来ないなどの不良箇所があり、記載の問い合わせ先に連絡したところ、下記のメールがすぐに返ってきました。が、英語がほぼ分からず、翻訳サイトでも解決出来ないものでしたので、こちらに質問させていただきました。大変申し訳ありませんがどなたか英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら、教えていただけましたら幸いです。 Your email to <pstouchphone-support> listrply@adobe.com For support issues and questions related to Photoshop Touch for phone, please go to the forum on http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_support_pstouch_for_phone. Our forums work with your Adobe ID, click the Sign In link in the top right-hand corner of the forum page to sign-in to get started, or to create a new Adobe ID if needed.   Note: This email is an auto-reply message, Adobe does not provide support through this email address but rather through our online forums.   Our forums include links to documents and video for learning how to use Photoshop Touch for phone, post your ideas for future product updates and changes, and our staff can assist you with technical issues if needed. Please visit our online forum at: http://www.adobe.com/go/learn_support_pstouch_for_phone   You can learn more about Photoshop Touch for phone from the product page here: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop-touch.html   よろしくお願いいたします。

  • ebayに出品ができません。

    ebayで世界向けに商品を出品したいのですが、上手くいきません。 どのような状況か具体的に書かせて頂きます。 出品するために、自分のアカウントから「My ebay」→「sell an item」で商品詳細の入力まではできます。 出品の段階でいうと、「2:CREATE YOUR LISTING」のページから「Continue」を押し、 「3:REVIEW YOUR LISTING」のページに進んだ時に下のようなメッセージが出ます。 Attention Sellers: Attention! We've noticed some activity on your account, and we need your help in verifying some information. We're sorry for this inconvenience, but while we're working things out with you, you'll have limited access to list new items on eBay. Please proceed to your my eBay and follow the steps outlined in the email we sent you. Thanks for your attention to this matter! そして 「3:REVIEW YOUR LISTING」のページでContinueを押すと出品が完了するらしいのですが、 次のメッセージが表示され、出品できません。 This page may have moved or is no longer available. Please try one of the following: Check the Web address you entered to make sure if it's correct. Try to access the page directly from the eBay Home page instead of using a bookmark. If the page has moved, reset your bookmark. Enter keywords in the Search box and click the Search button. Or, browse through the many categories available at eBay. If you are searching for a Help page, click the Back button on your web browser and select another Help page link or try entering different keyword combinations to find appropriate help topics. Report this technical issue or view known technical issues. 何度やっても、同じメッセージが出てしまいます。どなたか解決策をご存知の方がいらっしゃれば、 教えて下さい。

  • Windows Error Reportingの翻訳お願いします。

    このカテゴリで適切なのか自信ないのですが・・・。 頻繁にエラーするソフトについてのWindows Error Reportingなんですが、英語のページしかないそうなんです。 簡単な英語ならなんとなく見当がつくんですが、パソコン用語はほとんど知らないのでどうしても分からないところがあるのです。直したくても端々の単語が何を指しているのか分からないので、とても困ってます。 詳しい方、どうか翻訳をお願いします。 This problem was caused by ffdshow codec, which was created by ffdshow. ffdshow codec is a codec. A codec is software that is used to compress or decompress a digital media file, such as a song or video. Media players and other programs use codecs to play and create digital media files. Troubleshooting To try to solve this problem, follow these steps. One step might solve the problem, but if it doesn't, then go on to the next step. 1. Check for updates for ffdshow.ax Go online to check for and install updates that might be available for ffdshow.ax: ffdshow 2. Remove the program that caused the problem If this problem occurred after you installed a new program, the problem might be caused by that program. If you know which program you just installed, you can uninstall it. 1. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs. 2. Click Change or Remove Programs, click the program you want to remove, and then click Change/Remove or Remove. Note: If the program that you want to uninstall is not listed, it might not have been written for this version of Windows. To uninstall the program, check the information that came with the program. 3. Use the regsrv32 command to unregister ffdshow.ax If you don't know which program is causing this problem, you can remove ffdshow.ax from the list of installed codecs by unregistering it. Note: Disabling ffdshow.ax will cause any programs that depend on the codec to stop working or lose functionality. 1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Command Prompt. 2. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 /u ffdshow.ax, and then press ENTER. ffdshow.ax is now unregistered. What do I do if the regsrv32 command fails or returns an error? If you followed the regsrv32 command steps to disable the ffdshow.ax codec and the steps didn't work, you can try renaming the codec file to disable it. 1. Click Start, and then click Search. 2. Choose All files and folders, and then, in the All or part of the file name field, type ffdshow.ax. 3. Click Search. 4. When ffdshow.ax appears in the results, right-click the file, and then click Rename. 5. Rename the file (for example, change the name to ffdshow.ax.old). Remember the file name so you can enable it later if you need to. If these troubleshooting steps do not solve the problem and you continue to receive problem reports, please consider filling out the survey at the bottom of this solution page. To help us continue to investigate this error, include the names of the add-ons that are currently enabled in Internet Explorer in the comments area of the survey.