• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:The population of Japan is becoming increasingly old. What do you think should)

The Aging Population Crisis in Japan: How to Support the Elderly

  • The population of Japan is facing a serious aging crisis, with a large number of elderly people in the country.
  • To address this issue, two key areas need to be focused on: improving nursing services and lowering medical costs.
  • The shortage of caregivers and inadequate wages for caregivers contribute to the insufficient support for the elderly population.


  • ベストアンサー

Frist paragraph In Japan the problem of becoming older is getting seriouse these days and there are a lot of elderly people in Japan.I think we should try to solve this problem quickly for two reasons. In Japan, the problem of an aging population is becoming serious. I think it is important that we attempt to tackle this issue promptly for the following two reasons. second para One thing for it is that nursing service is not enough for elderly people.It is because there are very few who is willing to take care of them. For people who have to take care of them , their salary is not enough to be paied by government . Therefore , government should support them by inproving nersing service. Firstly, the current elderly nursing care system is unable to cope with the growth in population of the aged. There are very few people who are willing to enter into the elderly nursing profession. It is important for the government to support the current services and raise the carers salaries, in order to attract more people into the profession. thrid para for another reason, to support them more, government should support them by lowing medical costs. Medical costs are getting higher and higher today and a lot of people can't go easily to see the doctors in hospitals. For unemployees , the problem of medical costs is a very big problem. Secondly, the govenment must lower medical costs for the elderly in order to offer more support. Medical costs are on the rise and many people are uable to afford to visit the doctor when they are unwell. For people who are retired and no longer have a constant source of income, medical expensives have become unaffordable. last para I think goverment should low medical costs and they should support their life to live safely and healthly. I strongly believe the government must intervene. The quality of elderly care is gradually becoming downgraded, whilst at the same time the costs of medical care is rising. The governement must review their social policies in order to reconstruct an effecient medical care system for the elderly.



Thank you very much for answering my question. I wrote like this in my essay of the frist para, " becoming older " , but it was my mistake. I should have wirtten " becoming old". May I ask you questions ? In second para, you used the word " current elderly people..." but is it wrong if I say " present elderly people " I mean that present is " 現在の”. I'm sorry ,but nursing service (介護サービス) is not corret use of the word ? Is it worng ? In the part of " ..attept to tacle this issue ", is it possible to change the sentence to " try to deal with the problem " ? Why did you say " elderly nursing care system is " ? Not "care systems" ? ( 複数形) Is it possible to say " it is important that goverment (should ) support...( thatで書くのはできますか?for the governmnet to supportとto 原形ではなくて。。 it pains me to say to you that I didn't understand the construction of the sentence in the last para. What I didn't understand > , "whist at the same time the costs of medical care... ". I had looked up the meaning of "whist" in a dictionary before I asked you. Is it correct sentence from the grammartical point of view ? I'm so sorry for asking you for a lot of troublesome questions. I apologize to you what I have said !! I hope you answer the questions again when you have time. I'm sorry.



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  • What do you think?

    What do you think? My name is Rich Oaktreefield. I think "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it. When the speed of a substance approaches infinitely to the speed of light, it becomes infinite [ mass ] and Un-attraction also becomes infinite. So Cosmos expansion. What do you think about it?

  • None of this is on you.

    And with that said, here's the thing, dude: you were actively and intentionally deceived by Tammy into believing that she was two years older than she actually is, which means that not only are you not a pedophile for drooling over her photos, but you really need to cut yourself some slack for receiving them in good faith. Morally speaking, you didn't do anything wrong here. And while this girl's reasons for lying may be sympathetic, the risk she exposed you to (not to mention anyone else she sexted with) is pretty unforgivable, and your rage is both natural and valid. Her actions have the very real potential to ruin the lives of innocent men, which is both appalling and completely her fault. None of this is on you. 最後の文のonはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • You of all people should know ---. これ、正しい英語?

    映画を見ていたら次の表現がでてきました。 You of all people should know, there is always someone watching. この you of all people は正しいのでしょうか。 All of you はよく見たり聞いたりするのですが。

  • 北大2013自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    Question People rescued in the mountains in Japan should pay the full costs of their rescue.Do you agree or disagree? Explain why in 70-100 words giving two reasons to support your opinion. 自分の解答 I agree with this opinion. There are two reasons for me to think so.First,in Jpan the high costs for rescues are paid for by ordinary citizens' taxes. The costs should be used not for one citizen but for all citizens,say,for local festivals and repairing public facilities etc.Second,paying the full costs of their rescues may bring about more accidents because it makes climbers more careless. That's why people should pay the full costs of their rescues by themselves.(84) スペル、文法、語法等のチェックお願いします。 減点方式30点満点です。 他に、こうした方がいい等があれば宜しくお願いします。

  • 至急!お願いします><

    1.And people should try to recycle more. This would help the environment. 2.We should do this then the frequency of floods decreased. 3.For example, to recycle and reduce consumption of paper. 4.I believe the first solution is the best idea. The government make forest conservation areas. 5.If we carried out these solutions, people in this country benefit. 6.If we use less paper, garbage is reduced. 間違っているところを訂正して下さい。 お願いします。

  • what do you expect out of lifeとは

    When you were a kid and just starting out in this business, when you pictured what you expected out of life, is this how you ever thought it would end up? を訳そうとしたのですが、what you expect out of lifeのところが うまく訳せず困っています。

  • 一橋大学 自由英作文 part.2 <The cloning of humans is wrong.>

    こんにちは。受験生です 私は来年一橋大学を受験しようと思っています。 そこで皆さんには一橋英語の自由英作文を添削してもらいたいと思います。 ただ、パソコン上でいちいち添削してもらうのも忍びないので、 1)論理・説得力 2)特筆するほどの文法・構文ミス 3)使える表現, 幅広く使える定型表現など 4)総合点(やはり一橋を基準としたときに、それは合格点をいただけるのかどうか、などです)) をつけていただきたいと思います。もちろんコメントだけでも結構です。   I insist that the cloning of humans be wrong and be stopped immediately for two reasons.   First, scientific techniques never so make progress that it can assure certainty. In other words, they can make a cloning of human whose hand is not two, or whose head is not one. Who is responsible for mentally or physically deficient?   Second, on ethical grounds I opposed to gene therapy. If the cloning of humans should came into being by our scientific techniques, could we look on them as human equivalent to us, and could we rule out the possibility that we take advantage of them as slaves? Moreover, I can assume that a cloning of human would look down on himself because he is made by an artificial life. Also, there is a problem that where we allow scientist to make the cloning of humans, it will lead to the decline of the value of life. That is because we might take it for granted that a life can be made by and be substituted for an artificial life.   In conclusion, I hope that we will not apply cloning techniques to human beings forever. 読みにくい、稚拙な英文で申し訳ないです。 ぜひ一読した上でご指導お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします!!

    -the right to die- A difficult problem that is facting society is the legalization of euthanasia,another word for mercy killing. euthanasia is a method of causing death painlessly to end suffering. people who are in a coma because of accidents and elderly people who are terminally ill because of incurable diseases are being kept alive by artificial means. they do not have a chance to recover,but american laws do not allow doctors to end their lives. however,in my opinion,euthanasia should be legalized for several reasons. the first and most important reason to support euthanasia is that these patients have no chance of recovery. they can never lead normal lives and must be kept alive by life-support machines such as respirators to help them breathe and feeding tubes to provide them with nutrition. they are clearly more dead than alive and will never be able to live a nomal life. for example,after samuel,an infact,had swallowed a balloon,he stopped breathing. the balloon was removed,but the lack of oxygen had caused brain damage and left him in an irreversible coma. samuel was unable to breathe without the aid of a respirator,and there was no hope for his recovery. another reason to support mercy killing is that medical costs are very high. today the cost of a hospital room can be as much as $1450 per day for basic care,which does not include the cost of specialized care or the use of special equipment. the high cost of medical care can cause financial problems for the family. for example,charles adkin's eighty-two-year-old wife lived in a nursing home in a coma for four years. since there was no chance for her recovery,mr.adkins requested that the medical staff withhold treatment. however,his pleas were ignored. soon after she died,mr.adkins was billed $250000 for his wife's medical care. the courts ordered him to pay the bill,which must have placed a terrible financial burden on him. the final reason to support the legalization of euthanasia is that the family suffers. the nurses and other hospital staff can give the terminally ill patient only minimum care. thus,the family must spend time to care for special needs of their loved one. for instance,nancy cruzan was kept alive on life-support machines for eight years. she would never recover from her vegetable state. however,during those years,her loving,caring parents visited her regularly. in the end,because terminally ill patients have no chance to recover and to live nomal lives,they should be allowed to die with dignity. therefore,the family should have the right to ask doctors to turn off the life-support machines or to stop further medical treatment. to prolong life artificially when there is no hope for the future is a tragedy both for the patients and for their loved ones.

  • "It is ~for you"と、"It is ~of you"との違いについて。

    "It is nice for you to walk in the park"と"It is nice of you to walk in the park"という二つの文が違う意味を持つということは分かるのですが、後者の文について、"Of"というのは、意味上の主語というほかにどういう意味を持っているのでしょうか? 直訳すると、「については」という意味になり、"nice of you"が、「あなたにとっては心地よい」という意味になると思うのです。(ちなみに前者は、"For you to walk in the park is nice"と書き換えられ、to walk in the park=niceとなり、「あなたが~することはすばらしい」となる) ということは、"It is nice about you to walk in the park"でも、文法的にOKということになると思うのですが。よろしくお願いします。

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