• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Hideto123
  • ベストアンサー率30% (126/420)

The issues are as different as A and B で、 検討課題はAからBまで多岐にわたる ではないでしょうか? あとは、まず辞書を丁寧に引いて、自分なりの試訳をアップすれば、 ここを見ている英語の達人の皆様から、丁寧な添削をしてもらえると思います。





  • 英文について

    ・Fair Deal by Truman, recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage be increased, and that, by law, all Americans be guaranteed equal rights. ・However, the nation’s politics had shifted rightward in the years following World War II and inflation, economic conversion from wartime to peacetime industries and growing anti-communist sentiment provided major obstacles to Truman’s plan. ・To a growing contingency of conservatives and Southern Democrats in Congress, the Fair Deal smacked of socialism. ⇨Fair Deal by Truman, guaranteed equal rights of all Americans such as increase the minimun wage and grant health insurance. (始めの文) The Fair Deal smacked of socialism by contingency and Southern Democrats. (最後の文) ⇨以降は短くした文です。 あまりにも内容が変わってしまっていたり、文がおかしければ指摘して欲しいです。 2文目ももし可能であれば、少し簡単(短く)して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文についての質問

    What is the purpose of dividing up, or fragmenting, political authority the way the delegates to the Convention did? という質問があります。 かなり長いので飛ばしていただいて大丈夫かと思います。 一応参考にしたのは**の間の文章です。 After fragmenting political authority by delegating an enumerated set of powers to the federal government, then dividing the federal government into separated branches sharing just enough powers to provide checks and balances on each other, the Convention fragmented power one more time, dividing the legislative power between two chambers of the new Congress. ** By requiring agreement between the two chambers to pass legislation, they created an internal check on the legislative power. ** The gridlock Americans often complain about today is not an indication that our system is failing; it is the natural outcome of the Framers’ intentional fragmentation of political authority, both the internal legislative check of needing bicameral agreement and the check imposed by the presidential veto. この質問による回答はこの文をそのまま引用して By requiring agreement between the two chambers to pass legislation, they created an internal check on the legislative power. (法律を可決するために2つの裁判所の合意を要求することによって、彼らは立法権の内部調査を製作(作った)した。) こちらでいいでしょうか? 英文で言っていることと的外れなこと回答をしていたら指摘して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    The seal ensures tightness of filtering media layer on the metallic frame and as a result contribute to filtration efficiency the seal is made of different materials according filter type. 和訳と、できれば英文解釈もお願いしたいです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    The development of printing from the simple stamping or signet-stone method to the process of printing on a press apparently occurred independently at different times in different parts of the world. Books copied by hand in ink applied with pen or brush were a significant feature of the Egyptian ,Greek and Roman civilization. In ancient Roma,commercial book publishers issued editiins comprising as many as 5000 copies of such works as those of the Roman poet Marital これの訳し方教えてください あと、訳も

  • 英文の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    以下の英文の日本語訳を教えて下さい。 The Federal Trade Commission(FTC) has changed the care symbols required to print on clothing labels. Much like the new Federal Communication Commission(FCC) television rating codes,the new symbols,designed to be simple,will no doubt cause senseless confusion as well as heartbreaking shrinkage for the next couple of years. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の邦訳

    The separation of cash flow rights from control rights goes in the direction that tilts against the activist’s goals if those goals are defined as securing voting rights. 上記英文中,特に, goes in the direction that tilts againstの意味内容が分かりません。これを含めて邦訳をお願いします。

  • この英文を、同じ意味でかきかえていただきたいです。

    Annibale Carracci’s artwork, The Coronation of the Virgin – 1590-1609, this piece of the soul and the mind. This picture grabbed my attention because it is one of the few paintings in which God, Jesus, and Mary are represented as “equals”, because of their sizes. The arrangement of the figures, and the colors implemented by the artist were other elements that interested me. In the following essay I will discuss the subject matter of the painting, and the technique used, as well as a brief discussion of the features that identify this artwork with the time period when it was painted. In this painting Mary is being crowned by Jesus and God, after her ascension to heaven. This action is taking place in heaven, because angels that are sitting in the background and also clouds closer to the border of the painting surround the three main figures. Jesus, Mary, and God are the main figures. In the center, Mary extends her arms as if welcoming a son/daughter or family member and her face expresses tranquility and acceptance. To her right is Jesus, who lifts His right hand to hold the crown, and His face shows kindness and respect. On Mary’s left, is God, who raises His left hand to hold the other side of the crown that is being placed on Mary’s head. God’s face also shows kindness towards Mary, and as the Father and the Son put the crown on Mary’s head, the Holy Spirit, represented as a dove, descends over her. Crowds of angels sit in order, one on the side of the other, around the semicircular theater in the background of the painting, and others, closer to the viewer’s point of view, are represented playing instruments and holding books, as if they were singing. In the center small human figures are shown, one of them holding a scroll as if they were asking Mary to intercede for them before God. Organization, light, and clothing are important elements of this representation, because they make a reference to the style under which it was created. On “The Coronation of the Virgin,” figures form three triangles. The first and smallest one is formed by Mary’s head and extended arms. Jesus and God’s arms and bellies form the second triangle. The third and biggest triangle starts on the Holy Spirit and extends from both sides to the two low corners of the painting. Triangles may serve as reference to the Holy family and also to the Trinity, which are formed by three figures, the same as triangles have three angles and sides. The organization of the figures in this painting make reference to the High Renaissance where the arrangement of the figures played an important role in the meaning and message that the artist was seeking to convey. This painting is also full of light and color, which bring to this picture a sense of natural appearance, characteristic of the Byzantine and High Renaissance, and also of the Baroque. Clothing is another important element of this painting for it is a reminder of the Classical revival. The colors of the draperies are very basic; blue and pink on Mary’s drapery, white on God and Jesus, and red on two angels in the right corner of the painting, and some green in the center, and a lot of yellow in the background. Another important feature that relates this painting with the style the artist implemented is the body types, especially in Jesus and God. Jesus is shown as having Byzantine facial features, and a classical body type, where muscles and a well shaped body are visible. Also God’s body has been idealized, due to the fact that His body looks as young as His son’s body; giving to this picture a characteristic usually seen during the classical period.

  • 英文を簡単にして欲しいです。

    The States' Rights Democratic Party was a short-lived segregationist political party in the United States. It originated in 1948 as a breakaway faction of the Democratic Party determined to protect states' rights to legislate racial segregation from what its members regarded as an oppressive federal government. Supporters assumed control of the state Democratic parties in part or in full in several Southern states. The Party opposed racial integration and wanted to retain Jim Crow laws and white supremacy in the face of possible federal intervention. こちらの文を短くして欲しいです。 States' Rights Party (Dixiecrats)について説明している文をまとめてみたのですが、あまりにも長くなってしまいました。 この情報はいらないんじゃない?とか、この単語はもう少し簡単に表現できる、などあれば教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えてください

    以下の文がわかりません。1993年のクリントン大統領による増税政策についての記事の一部です。 The bill, a compromise of separate House and Senate versions of Mr. Clinton's plan, cleared Congress by the barest and most partisan of margins just before lawmakers left on their August recess. 前半部は「その法案は、ぎりぎり一票の差で連邦議会を通過した。」で「法案=クリントン大統領の計画の、下院バージョンと上院バージョンの妥協案」だと思うのですが、and以下はどういう意味になるのでしょうか。 わかる方がいましたら、ご回答よろしくお願いします。 ※参考までに、関係がありそうな当時の記事を挙げておきます。 http://articles.latimes.com/1993-08-07/news/mn-21325_1_deficit-reduction-plan

  • 英文を添削と、簡単にして欲しいです。

    ある文を簡単にしたいのですが、意味が通るか、文法的におかしくないか確認して欲しいです。(⇨が、簡単にした文です。⇨以降の文の添削をお願いします) He greatly expanded the powers of the federal government through a series of programs and reforms known as the New Deal. (Heとはルーズベルトのことです。) ⇨He greatly expanded the powers of the federal government through the New Deal. そして次の2つの文なのですが、簡単にすることは可能でしょうか? (例えば、2文目のAs an active military leaderはなくても大丈夫とかです) ・And he served as the principal architect of the successful effort to rid the world of German National Socialism and Japanese militarism. ・As an active military leader, Roosevelt implemented a war strategy on two fronts that ended in the defeat of the Axis Powers, and he initiated the development of the world's first atomic bomb. よろしくお願いします。