• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

That reminds me. でもいいですし、合気道みたいに相手の使った動詞を付加疑問で返しましょう。 Do they?





  • 英訳の問題です お願いします

    私は一昨日テレビで野球の試合を見ました。 を I watched baseball games on TV the day before yesterday. としたのですが。 解答では I watched a baseball game on TV the day before yesterday. となっていました。 自分的には「野球の試合というもの」という意味で games としたのですが、これではまずいですかね。 お願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いいたします!!

    英作文を作りたいのですが、自信がありません。教えてください。 次の日本文を英文で書きたいのですが正しい英文であるか自信がないので教えてください。 本日中にお願いいたします。 野球の試合に遅れそうだ。 仕方ないタクシーに乗ろう。 I am running late for baseball game . I have got to take a taxi. I will take a taxi. あなたは野球の試合を見に行くの? Are you going to watch a baseball game? 私も昨日野球に試合を見に行った Yesterday I went to watch a baseball game, 好きな野球選手は誰ですか? Who is your favorite baseball player? イチローは走攻守3拍子そろったプレーヤーだ ICHIRO is ideal baseball player who is good at batting, running and fielding. 今日の試合でもすばらしいプレーをするだろう It would make a great play today's game. 私は、あなたのお気に入りの野球チームを勝利を願っています。 I hope win your favorite baseball team 以上です。宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar.However,the way these sports are played in each society shows differences that reflect both cultures. Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the same rules,many aspects of the game are approached differently.A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game.Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache,while American players wear their hair in various ways.Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players.December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice,while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season.Moreover,on game days,Japanese players spend most of the day to practice,while American players usually arrive one or two hours before the start of the game. These approaches to baseball show important cultural differences.In Japanese baseball,the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort.It not only improves performance,but builds group harmony.However,American players don't care about harmony or perseverance.Instead,the most important thing is winning,Players have only light practice on game days because they think it is better to save their energy,which will give them a better chance to win.As long as the team wins,harmony and perseverance don't matter. Another difference in baseball involvs the relationship between the manager and the players.In Japan,the manager has complete contrl over the players and tellls them what to do in many situations.In America,the players are freer to play the game as tey like,and even when they are told what to do by their manager,they sometimes disagree and do something different.If the player's decision is correvt an it helps the team win,the player is usually free to play in his way. 長くてすみません(汗 お願いします

  • 英語 至急お願いします

    画像の英文に対しての問題で What is Sally watching on TV? という問いが分かりません。 ちなみに選択肢は A. A movie B. News C. A baseball game です。 できれば今日中に回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語 問題 並び替え

    ()内の語句を並び替えて下さい。 1 私たちはパーティーでとても楽しく過ごした。 We ( at, enjoyed, very much, the party, ourselves). 2 リンゴを一日一個食べると、健康でいられると信じている。 An apples a day ( believed, in, is, keeps, to, you), 3 イチローはアメリカで一番人気のある野球選手の一人として知られている。 Ichiro ( be, is, known, of, one, to ) the most popular baseball players in America. 4 困ったことに、彼らはその問題の解決方法が分からない。 The troubles ( don't, how, is, know, that, they, to ) slove the problem.

  • 仮定法過去にすべきでしょうか?

    テレビは必要か?と聞かれて答える時、 もしテレビがなかったら、野球の試合を観れない。これを英文にすると if I don't have TV, I can't watch a baseball game on TV. so I need a TV このようなことを言いたい時は仮定法過去にすべきなのでしょうか? この英文だと直説法ですよね?私はテレビがないなんてことはありえないが、もしなかったら野球をみれないのでテレビは必要と考えて いるのでやはり仮定法過去なのでしょうか?

  • 未来完了について

    彼が着く前に試合は始まっているでしょう。 を英訳したのですが The game will have started before he arrive. 彼が到着すること自体も未来のことなのでhe will arriveにしなければいけないか悩んでいます。 どなたかアドバイスお願いします。

  • 野球に関する英語

    野球で後攻めのチームがリードして終了すると、9回の裏は行われずXがつけられますが、このようなイニングのことを英語で何と言いますか。unplayed ninth bottom とでも言うのですか。また、そうなった試合のことを何と言いますか。a game whose ninth bottom is called off とでも言うのでしょうか。

  • 和訳お願いします!!

     The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar. However, the way these sports are played in each society shows diffrences that reflect both cultures.  Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the some rules, many aspects of the game are approached differently. A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game. Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache, while American players wear their hair in various ways. Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players. December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice, while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season. Moreover, on game days. Japanese players spend most of the day (practice).  These approaches to baseball, the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort. It not only improves performance, but builds group harmony. However, American players don't care about harmony or perseverance. Instead, the most important thing is better to save their energy, which will (win/them/give/chance/to/a better). As long asthe team wins, harmony and perseverance don't matter.  Another difference in baseball involves the relationship between the manager and the players. In japan, the manager has complete control over the players and (to/them/do/what/tells) in many situations. In America, the players are freer to play the game as they like, and even when they are told what to do by their manager, they sometimes disagree and do something different. If the player's decision is correct and it helps the team win, the player is usually (5). ( )の中は並び替えと適切な形にしてください。 (5)は(fired/punished/forgiven/ignored)の中から選んでください!! お願いします!!  

  • 関係代名詞の文

    以下の文は正しいでしょうか? Today, there was the baseball game that I longed for it. (今日、私が待ち望んでいた野球の試合がありました) 関係代名詞のthatを使っているのですが、日本語の意味と比べて 正しい英文でしょうか?アドバイスを頂きたく思います。