• 締切済み

ミュリエル スパーク(The Twins)和訳

When Jennie was at school with me, she was one of those well-behaved and intelligent girls who were, and maybe still are, popular with everyone in Scottish schools. The popularity of boys and girls in English schools so far as I gather, goes by other, less easily definable qualities, and also by their prowess at games. However, it was not so with us, and although Jennie was not much use at hockey, she was good and quiet and clever, and we all liked her.(以下省略) (質問1)ある問題集に載っていた英文です。2文目および3文目の和訳が全く分かりません。どういう訳になるのでしょうか。ご教授願います。(一応自分ではこのように考えましたが如何でしょうか?) 「イングランド(?)の学校における、少年少女の評判は、私が推測する限りでは、他のより簡単に定義できない特質、そしてまた彼らの試合時の能力により判断される。しかしながら、それ(it=popularity?)は私たちの間ではそう(soの指す内容が不明)ではなく、ジェニーはあまりホッケー(の試合?)で使われていなかった(useはusedの間違いか?)けれども、彼女は親切で静かでそして賢明で、私たちは皆彼女のことが好きだった。 分からないことだらけ、さらに意味不明な箇所もたくさんあるかと思いますが宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数7
  • ありがとう数1


  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

私と同じ学校に行っていた頃、ジェニーは行儀が良くて頭の良い女の子の一人で、スコットランドの学校ではそういう子がみんなの人気者だった(今でも多分そうだろう)。 私の知る限り、イングランドの学校での男の子や女の子の人気は、それ(スコットランドでの人気の基準=行儀の良さ、頭の良さ)とは違う、もう少し定義しにくい性質で決まったり、試合での活躍によって決まったりするものだ。 しかし、私たちの場合はそういうわけではなく、親切で、静かで、賢いジェニーは、ホッケーではあまり役に立たなかったけれど、みんなに好かれていた。

  • amip
  • ベストアンサー率53% (69/129)

othersだと思ってました・・・!すいません。 otherだと、「その他のもの」になり、less---qualitiesと同格の関係になります。 qualitiesは「性質」でもかまいませんし、「美徳」などにしてもいいと思います。 改訳 イギリスの学校で人気のある生徒は、私が知る限り、私達とは違って、言葉にはしづらいある種の美徳を持っていて、しかも、スポーツが出来なければならないのだ。



何度もありがとうございます >>>otherだと、「その他のもの」になり、less---qualitiesと同格の関係になります。 とのことですが、otherを単独で使うことはできるのでしょうか?(要するに、the otherなどにはならないかという疑問です) わたくしは、otherは形容詞でqualitiesを修飾し、「他の説明し難い特質」だと思ったのですが如何ですか?(但し、「他」がなぜ使われているのか分からないのですが)

  • amip
  • ベストアンサー率53% (69/129)

>「少年少女の評判は・・・判断される」この訳が正しいかどうか分かりま>せんが、正しいとしても意味がはっきりと伝わってこない気がします。 「評判が~によって判断される」は言わば直訳ですが、これでも(分かりにくいですが)意味は通ります。受験なら、これでOKです。ですが、「翻訳」という話になると、また別問題です。 less---は、「スコットランドでの人気の出方」との比較でしょう。 試訳 イギリスの学校で人気のある生徒は、私が知る限り、他の子らから認められていて、そういった意味では、私達と比べるといささか言葉にしづらい種類のものである。そして、それと同じくらい重要なのが、スポーツが出来るということである。

  • amip
  • ベストアンサー率53% (69/129)

it was not so with usですが、「not so・・・」=「そんなに~でない」という構文ではありません。その構文が使われるときには、soの後ろに形容詞がきます。 例:It is not so cold today.(今日はそんなに寒くないね) この文でのsoは「代用」といって、言わば指示語の一種であり、文章やその一部を指す副詞です。 it=the popurality so=イギリスでの生徒の人気の決められ方 と言うことです。 with usは「私達にとって」「私達のばあい」くらいでしょう。 つまり、スコットランドの学校では、イギリスの学校と違って、スポーツで活躍する生徒が人気があるのではない、ということです。

  • amip
  • ベストアンサー率53% (69/129)

The popularity=S goes=V (being) by others=O1 less---(分詞構文), and by their prowness=O2 <English school> スコットランドの学校との対比ですので、イギリスでかまいません。「英語圏の」でもいいですが、硬くなってしまいますね。 <so far as I gather>=gatherは「推測する」「知る」と言う意味がありますが、ここは「私が知る限り」がベター <go by--->=「~によって判断する」 <less easily definable qualities>=<the popularity is less easily definable qualities> つまり、分詞構文でbeingが省略されている形です。qualityは「性質」「~の種類のもの」とかです。 <prowness>=こんな単語受験生は知らないと思いますが、推測は出来ます。三文目で<not much use at hockey>と出てきており、そこが譲歩構造をなしているので、そことは反対の意味だ、と言うことです。「巧み」とかです。 <it was not so with us> it=the popularity so=イギリスの学校での、生徒達の人気のあり方。ここは、「それは私達のとはちがう」でも、多分×にはならないでしょうが、あまり印象は良くないですから、自分の言葉で補わないといけません。 <not much use at hockey>ここは、prowness at gamesと対を成している意味です。useは「役に立つもの」「使えるもの」という意味の名詞です。誤植ではありません。 ☆英語の物語や小説を訳すときには、そのリズムや流れが大事なので、できる限り、後ろから訳すことは避け、前から訳していくようにしましょう。 訳 ジェニーは学校で私と一緒にいる時には、お行儀が良くて賢そうな女の子だったし、その当時は、多分今もだろうが、スコットランドの学校ではみんなから人気があった。イギリスの学校では、生徒達の人気は、私が知る限り、他人から判断され、それは簡単に定義できないような種類のものであり、またスポーツの技術によっても判断されるものだ。しかし、(イギリスの学校と違って)私達の学校ではそんな風に人気の度合いが決まることは無く、ジェニーはホッケーの試合ではあまり活躍しなかったが、優しく、物静かで、利口だったし、私達はみんな彼女が好きだったのだ。



>>The popularity=S goes=V (being) by others=O1 less---(分詞構文), and by their prowness=O2 とありますが、othersではなく、原文ではotherです。それでもココは分詞構文ととらえてよろしいのでしょうか?


>When Jennie was at school with me, she was one of those well-behaved and intelligent girls who were, and maybe still are, popular with everyone in Scottish schools. この一文目はよろしいのですね。 >The popularity of boys and girls in English schools so far as I gather, goes by other, less easily definable qualities, and also by their prowess at games. English をイングランドと訳すのはまずいでしょう(Scottish との対比でそうお考えなのかもしれませんが)。 so far as I gather は多分「私の知る限りでは」かなとも思います(…推測…が誤りと言うわけではありません)。 (The popularity )goes by は「・・・で知られている/で有名な」というところでしょうか。 less easily definable qualitie は「推し量りがたい美質」あたりではないかと思います。 >However, it was not so with us, and although Jennie was not much use at hockey, she was good and quiet and clever, and we all liked her. it was not so with us の so は with us にかかるものでしょう(not~so で、「そんなに~でない」)。it はそこまでの文章のジェニーに関することでしょう。「それは、私たちにとって、たいしたことではなかった。」。 use(ユース) は「役に立つこと」という名詞で、usedのtypoではないと思います。ジェニーは、ホッケーでは役に立つことがあまりなかったということでしょう。



さっそくの回答ありがとうございます。できればcozycube1さんの訳を教えていただきたいのですが。更に下記に改訂版の訳を載せました。如何でしょうか? 「イギリスの学校における、少年少女の評判(の良し悪し?)は、私が知る限りでは、他の説明し難い特質、そしてまた彼らの試合時の能力により判断される。しかしながら、その評判というものは、私たちの間ではそのように判断はされず、ジェニーはあまりホッケーの試合で役に立たなかったけれども、彼女は親切で静かでそして賢明で、私たちは皆彼女のことが好きだった。」 (further question) 「少年少女の評判は・・・判断される」この訳が正しいかどうか分かりませんが、正しいとしても意味がはっきりと伝わってこない気がします。更に「less easily definable qualities」は比較級で何かと比べているはずですが、何と比べているのでしょうか?「ジェニーの持っているwell-behaved and intelligent」よりもということだと思ったのですが。


popularity 【名】人気、一般受け、大衆性、通俗、評判、人望 go by 【句動-4】~に^基づいて[従って・よって]^行う[判断する]、~を基準とする、~を判断のもとにする 【句動-5】~を当てにする、~に頼る、~による prowess 名】優れた能力、手腕、武勇、勇敢 not so・・ 我々の間では試合での勇敢さによって判断されるようなことはなかった less easily defi・・他のそれほど簡単には言い表されない be not much use・・あまりホッケー(の試合)では役に立たなかったにもかかわらず、・・・みなに好かれていた


  • 和訳お願いします。

    翻訳機は使わないでください^^; Margie went into the schoolroom. It was right next to her own room. The mechanical teacher was on and waiting for her. It was always on at the same time every day except Saturday and Sunday. Her mother said that little girls learned better if they learned at regular hours. The screen was lighted up. It said, 'Today's arithmetic lesson is on the addition of proper fractions. Please insert yesterday's homework in the proper slot." Margie did so with a sigh. She was thinking about the old schools they had when her grandfather's grandfather was a boy. All the kids from the whole neighborhood came. They laughed and shouted in the schoolroom, and went home together at the end of the day. They learned the same things, so they could help one another with the homework. And they could talk about it. And the teachers were people…. The mechanical teacher was flashing on the screen: "When we add the fractions 1/2 and 3/4 ..." Margie was thinking about how the kids must have loved it in the old days. She was thinking about the fun they had.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I drove past the H it does not look to good.(Hは名称です) The front entrance was lock with a metal gate which you have to use a key to open . There was a front desk just like in a hotel but I did not see anyone there. There was a back entrance to this complex but it also had a metal gate. This morning after breakfast I grove by and the gates were all open and a person was at the desk. But you could just walk inside the complex without any one asking you if you live there. 説明が長くてわかりません。。よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 和訳してください!!

    自分で訳してみても全然わからないので和訳してください!! Eventually,she has to stop and follow the ropes with her hands. She tries to get them straight by touch alone. This time,her hands are not enough, so Rachael gets her helper, Matt,to assist her. During the race, Matt has traveled along with Rachael on a snowmobile. After he helps her to move the dogs into position, she is able to continue the race. Later, Racheal reflects on the difficulties she had. ''I think the hardest part was just keeping it together,"she says. "I was just thinking, 'okay, either quit right now and stay in the cold,or finish this leg and them do this again tomorrow.' "Rachael decided to continue the race, but unfortunately, she was last across the finish line for the day's leg. Day five of the race was difficult for Rachael, but at least she made it!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I cannot understand why the old man cannot do justice to those to whom he owed so much and the whole thing is so absolutely inconsistent with what he had already cabled. It was not until after the victory at the Battle of Rafa that Chauvel was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St Michael and St George, but this particular order is awarded for important non-military service in a foreign country. It was not just his military service at Romani which had not been recognised, but also the service of all those who fought in the Anzac Mounted Division at Romani, at El Arish, at Magdhaba and at Rafa.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! When not in use for drills and other displays, it would have been open to the general public as a pleasant intramural open space, analogous to the monumental porticus, such as the Porticus of Octavia and the Porticus of Livia, which the emperor created(in continuance of a Republican tradition) in the capital. It was provided with a central swimming pool and planted with plane trees whose estimated age at the time of the eruption is the chief argument for an Augustan date. The importance of the campus is attested by the fact that the space was obtained by suppressing six blocks of the pre-existing street-grid.

  • できるだけ早く和訳お願いいたします。

    文章の表現など、難しく訳しても日本語が不自然になってしまうため、自然な日本語にして和訳して頂けると幸いです。 They danced so beautifully that the tall white lilies peeped in at the window and watched them, and the great red poppies nodded their heads and beat time. Then ten o'clock struck, and then eleven, and then twelve, and at the last stroke of midnight everyone came out on the terrace, and the King sent for the Royal Pyrotechnist. "Let the fireworks begin," said the King; and the Royal Pyrotechnist made a low bow, and marched down to the end of the garden. He had six attendants with him, each of whom carried a lighted torch at the end of a long pole. It was certainly a magnificent display. Whizz! Whizz! went the Catherine Wheel, as she spun round and round. Boom! Boom! went the Roman Candle. Then the Squibs danced all over the place, and the Bengal Lights made everything look scarlet. "Good-bye," cried the Fire-balloon, as he soared away, dropping tiny blue sparks. Bang! Bang! answered the Crackers, who were enjoying themselves immensely. Everyone was a great success expect the Remarkable Rocket. He was so damped with crying that he could not go off at all. The best thing in him was the gunpowder, and that was so wet with tears that it was of no use. All his poor relations, to whom he would never speak expect with a sneer, shot up into the sky like wonderful golden flowers with blossoms of fire. Huzza! Huzza! cried the Court; and the little Princess laughed with pleasure. "I suppose they are reserving me for some grand occasion," said the Rocket; " no doubt that is what it means," and he looked more supercilious than ever.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In operating the electric pen,I got my current from a Bunsen battery consisting of two glass jars, capped at the top and controlled by a plunger with which I lowered the plates into the acid solution or drew them up when the pen was not in use.Thus the life of the battery was prolonged. The pen had a needlelike point which darted in and out of the writing end so rapidly that the eye could hardly detect it. This was operated by a miniature clectric motor small enough to be attached to the upper end of the pen.The shaft containing the needle was given its motion by cams on the rotating engine shaft so that when the current was turned on,and I wrote with the pen,holding it in a vertical position, it made innumerable tiny punctures on the sheet of paper,tracing the words that comprised the letter. After the master copy of the stencil had thus been made, I took it to the 'press',where it had to be spanned in a frame before the copies could be made.A plain sheet of paper was placed on the press,the stencil was laid on top and an ink roller passed over it. The impression of the handwriting was marked on the under sheet by the ink through the holes made by the needle.It was said that 5,000 copies could be made from a single stencil.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The convoys of wounded were met a few miles from El Arish by infantry with sandcarts lent by the 52nd (Lowland) Division, so the wounded who had endured the cacolets travelled in comfort to the receiving station, arriving at 04:00 on 25 December. The 52nd (Lowland) Division supplied medical stores and personnel to assist, but although arrangements were made for evacuation to the railhead two days later, evacuation by sea was planned. This had to be postponed due to a gale with rain and hail on 27 December and it was not until 29 December that the largest single ambulance convoy organised in the campaign, 77 sandcarts, nine sledges and a number of cacolet camels, moved out in three lines along the beach with 150 wounded.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    At 13:00 Chetwode put Chauvel in command of both mounted divisions, and by 14:00 Chauvel was ordering the whole of the Anzac Mounted Division to attack Gaza from the north, while the Imperial Mounted Division and Imperial Camel Brigade, supported by Nos 11 and 12 Light Armoured Motor Batteries and No. 7 Light Car Patrol, were to hold the outpost line and all observation posts. As the Anzac Mounted Division moved north, it was replaced in the mounted screen by the Imperial Mounted Division, which in turn was replaced by the Imperial Camel Brigade. It took time for the divisions to get into position, and to move Chauvel's headquarters to a knoll between Beit Durdis and Gaza, so he could oversee operations. It was not until during a meeting there at 15:15 that orders were issued for the Anzac Mounted Division's attack.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    By 11:20 the Romanians had been completely expelled, but with its commander wounded and its units disorganized the 31st Regiment did not pursue, and was content with firing on the retreating defenders from the trenches. The 7th Preslav Regiment meanwhile had been faced with even stronger Romanian fire, and was able to advance only at about 12:00, when its commander, Colonel Dobrev, personally led the assault against a fortification thought by the Bulgarians to be fort 8, but which was actually one of the so-called subcenters of defense that were situated in the gaps between the forts.