• 締切済み




~ years old と同じ意味になるのは,~ years of age です。





  • years old と year old

    こんにちは。 お世話になります。 英語初学者です。 下記に挙げます二つの英文の違いが分からず、困り果てております。 1,She lived sixteen miles from London in the village of Highbury and at nearly twenty-one-years old she thought her life was perfect. 2,Seventeen-year old Harriet Smith had been a pupil at the school in Highbury. 教えていただきたいのですが、なぜ、1の英文では 「twenty-one-years old」とyearの後ろにsが付くのに、2の英文ではsがつかないのでしょうか? どなたか、教えてはいただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします An example of shadow clocks are the obelisks from Egypt. They are tell,thin buildings that come to apoint at the top. Cleopatra's Needles are the two most famous obelisks in the world. They are almost 3,500 years old. About the same time,people began to make sundials. Sundials have a round part to divide the day into twelve parts. Around the year 1250,someone made the first mechanical clock. It was a mechanical clock because it was a machine that ran by itself. It did not need the help of anything in nature. People began to use the hourglass clock around the year 1400. They made in from glass. It was wide at the top and bottom but narrow in the middle. They put some sand in one part. The sand ran from the top part to the bottom part of the glass in one hour. At the end of every hour people turned the glass over and began again.

  • 英文法についての質問

    1.The man said that he had been in Japan for sixteen years. 2.The man said,"I have been in Japan for sixteen years". と書き換えられるのでしょうか?なぜ二番のほうは完了形になるのですか? ご教授お願いします。

  • 英文の間違い探しです。お願いします。

    英文の間違い探しです。お願いします。 In my opinion I think that English should be taught at a elementary school. The first reason is that it is easier to have a beautiful pronounce when they are young. The second reason is that young children are good at memorizing foreign words. The last reason is,we can get a broader view of world. 5箇所誤りがあるそうなんですが、どこだか分かりません。読み返しても意味が通るような気がして・・・; 分かる方教えてください。お願いします。

  • ageで年齢を表す

    We have a wide range of courses for students to choose from in the summer. Our first session runs from June 13th- June 26th. It's for children and teenages up to age 18 . That course is held at our Oxbury Campus in the country. Then there are two adult course, for ages 19 and up, which run for three weeks from June 27th to July 17th. Ther are held at the university campus in Grenfeld. We also have a young adults' course for ages 16-19, which starts July 4th and ends on July 17th. It's also held at the Grenfeld campus. All of our courses accept students at all levels. 上記の英文について質問があります。 up to age 18は agesとなっていないのに、for ages 19のほうは agesになっています。age を単数形にしたり、複数形にしたりするのは、どういうときですか? 19 and upのupは品詞は何で、意味はなんですか? 形容詞のagedに関しては、つぎのような言い方をします。 Under the prolonged recession in Japan, about 10% of people aged 15 to 24 are jobless and about 6 % of people aged 25 to 34 are unemployed, following by 4.7 % of people aged 35 through 44. age 年齢の表し方を説明しているサイトをご存知ですか? また、英語での年齢の説明のしかたをしている場所はありませんか? 理解がとても曖昧で困っています。 調べたこととしましては、 age 名詞 U , C 年齢、年(人だけでなく、動物、物にも用いる) 例 at your age, people of all ages, look one's age、He is nie years of age.= He is nie ( years old) ,at the age of..., U 成年;規定の年齢 be [come] of age, the age for a driver's license, be of driving age, U 高齢、老齢(通例65歳以上) (集合的に)老人たち youth and age、 しばしば Age C 「通例単数形で」...時代、時期 the Iron Age 「age 英語 年齢」などのキーワードでいろいろ検索しましたが、わからないままです。 わかる方がいましたら、回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 間違いではありませんか?

    下記の英文は、間違いではありませんか?  The hotel clerk requested that the traveler pay of money in advance. 正しくは、 The hotel clerk requested the traveler to pay of money in advance. ではありませんか?

  • 英文添削をお願いします

    英文の添削をお願い致します。 He needs to change his visa status from Specialist in Humanities/International Services to Investor/Business Manager. The procedures are as follows; 1. The company makes an arrangement of the claim of COE (Certificate of Eligibility) to Japan Immigration Office in Feburary. 2. The company sends a COE to him by the end of March. 3. He visits at embassy of Japan in Brussels or USA with COE to get Visa stamp. 4. He arrives in Tokyo in May.

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The extremely energetic particles produced in accelerators are employed by physicists to smash atomic nuclei to fragments. Studying the debris from such disintegrations provides valuable information about nuclear structure and binding forces. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 英文の間違い教えてください

    どこが間違っていますか (1)The morning-glories here are at best now. (2)I cannot speak French,much more write it. (3)She is the much youngest guest. (4)The accident happened prior than my arrival. (5)Mr.Smith earns by far the most in us all. できたら意味も教えてください お願いします!!

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    The mature years According to a popular stereotype, the accumulated experience of the elderly makes them wise and valued advisers. However, research has shown that in fact the most highly valued adviser is the middle-aged person in the range from5 to 55 years of age. Even the old prefer the advice of the middle-aged. お願いします。