• ベストアンサー


次の文章の「signs of」ですが、何の兆候なのかが理解できません。 文意から「親の老いによる危機の兆候」と考えているのですが、英文中だとどの語がかかっているのでしょうか。あるいは、そもそもこのofはsigns とは関係ないのでしょうか?アドバイスお願いします When adult children began to see signs of or were confronted more precipitously with need because of a crisis, they were mobilized from a group of adult siblings into a parent-care system, with each being more aware of the actions of the other(s) with respect to their parents. 成人子が(親の老いによる危機の?)兆候を見いだし始めるか、危機によって急激な親のニーズの高まりに直面した時に、それぞれの子どもは親に関しての他のきょうだい(たち)の振る舞いを認識しながら、成人したきょうだい達から、親のケアシステムの中へと動員されていくのであった。


  • ベストアンサー

 when 節の中身は,adult children を主語として, (began to see signs of) (were contronted more precipitously with) という2つの動詞部分が or で結ばれています。  そして,need because of a crisis という名詞部分が,confronted with とつながっているだけでなく,signs of にもつながっているのです。  主語が共通の場合,後の主語を省略するのと同じように,目的語が共通の場合は,(語順的には)前の目的語を省略するわけです。  「親が老いたり,病気になったりすることによる危機のために発生する必要性の兆候を見いだし始める,あるいは,(さらに)そのような必要性に急に直面したときに」となっているのです。





その他の回答 (1)


signs of need です。 because of は、began to の方にも、かかります。



  • やっぱり次のof whoseわかりません…

    やっぱり次のof whoseわかりません… 私は頂上が雪におおわれている雪を見ました I saw a mountain the top of which was covered with snow. これは、 I saw a mountain whose top was covered with snow. とも書けます。 彼女はテディベアを持っていたが、両目がなくなっていた She had a teddy-bear,both of whose eyes were missing これは、この前の質問より、 both of its eyes were missing と書けるという意味で、whoseは関係代名詞 じゃあ、次のはなんですか? これもオックスフォードの文です a town 50% of whose inhabitants are over 55 of whose inhabitants are over 55が形容詞節だと思うので、whoseの先行詞はtownで、 取り去ると、 a town 50%で意味不明なんですが・・・

  • この英文で省略されている単語と単数複数に関して

    こんにちは。 Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire [UK版 adult] のp.546 の真ん中あたりの文に関してです。 第2の課題で湖底にいるハリーを水中人が取り囲んでいる場面です。 'There might be a lot more of them than there were of him.' themは水中人を、himはハリーを指しているのだと思います。 この文の「there were of him」 の「were」と「of」の間には何かが省略されていると思うのですが、何が省略されているのでしょうか?「more」でしょうか? また、him(ハリー)は一人なのに「were」を使ってもいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The uprising was led by John Chilembwe, a millenarian Christian minister of the "Watch-Tower" sect, in the Chiradzulu district of Nyasaland (now Malawi) against colonial forced labour, racial discrimination and new demands on the population caused by the outbreak of World War I. Chilembwe rejected cooperation with Europeans in their war, when they withheld property and human rights from Africans. The revolt began in the evening of 23 January 1915, when rebels attacked a plantation and killed three colonists. In another attack early in the morning of 24 January in Blantyre, several weapons were captured. News of the insurrection was received by the colonial government on 24 January, which mobilized the settler militia and two companies of the King's African Rifles from Karonga. The soldiers and militia attacked Mbombwe on 25 January and were repulsed. The rebels later attacked a nearby Christian mission and during the night fled from Mbombwe to Portuguese East Africa. On 26 January government forces took Mbombwe unopposed and Chilembwe was later killed by a police patrol, near the border with Portuguese East African border. In the repression after the rebellion, more than 40 rebels were killed and 300 people were imprisoned.

  • One of the signs of approaching ner

    One of the signs of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster. 神経衰弱になろうとする兆候の一つは、自分の仕事がひどく重要であるという思いと、休みを取ればとんでもないことになりかねないという思いである。 belief that one'sと   and that to の二つのthatですが,解説では同格の接続詞とあるのですがthe beliefを説明する関係代名詞ではないでしょうか? ご意見下さい。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Adult diapers are set to outsell baby diapers in Japan by 2020 in just the latest example of the challenges facing a nation where more than 20 percent of the population are 65 and older. The Nikkei newspaper reports that paper companiesーDaio and Nippon paperー are expanding their "incontinence products" manufacturing facilities in preparation for an expected surge in demand. Quartz.com says the adult diaper market is growing by up to 10 percent year-on -year and rakes in $1.4 billion per year.Adult diapers can go for as much as two and half times the price of baby diapers. Japan has one of the fastest-aging populations in the industrialized world,and there are concerns about how elderly citizens reling on care will be cared for in the years ahead. In a startling reported by the Telegraph newspaper,nearly a quarter of all shoplifting arrests in Tokyo last year involved pensioners over the age of 65. More than 3320 pensioners were detained by police,eclipsing for the first time the number of teenagers detained in the same year (3195). About 70 percent of the thefts involved food,signaling the growing poverty amongst pensioners living alone in Tokyo.

  • 次の文章について質問させてください

    In an experiment, 2 groups of mice---one whose diet included ginkgo extract and one that had a normal diet---were taught to navigate a maze. The mice whose diet included gikgo were more likely to remember how to navigate the maze the next day than were the other mice. However, the ginko may not have directly enhanced memory. Other studies have found that ginkgo reduces stress in mice, and lowering very high stress level is known to improve recall. この文章で、Neither the mice who received the ginkdo nor the other mice in the experiment exhibited physiological signs of higher-than-normal stress.が正しいとすると上の議論は成り立たないらしいのですが、私はどちらかというと上の議論をより証明しているのではないかと思うのですが... つまり両者とも高いストレスレベルでないのならginkgoは働かなかったのだから上のmay not have directly enhanced memoryはここでは正しい事になるのではないのでしょうか?

  • a vs the modelの違い

    A study of guppy fish shows that a male guppy will alter its courting patterns in response to feedback from a female guppy. Males with more orange on one side than the other were free to vary which side they showed to a female. Females were drawn o those males with more orange showing, and males tended to show the females their more orange side when courting. という文章において、 When a model of a female guppy was substituted for the female guppy, male guppies stil lcourted, but were not more likely to show their side with more orange. とあるとして、ここでのaとtheの使い分けでmodelはどう意味をかえているのでしょうか?

  • 性質のof

    フィーリングや「そんなの何でもいいじゃないか」と 思われる方の回答はご遠慮ください。 以下の文は全て性質のofの範疇でいいのでしょうか? ・an insane or unbalanced person is a creature of impulse. ・In other words, these were crimes of impulse, triggered by the ease with which airport insurance can be bought. ・Mel Bakersfeld: The Airport Manager ― a power house           of energy ― whose love for ~. 私は3番目以外のものはそうだと思っているのですが、3つめは 少し微妙です。 ofについて詳しい方がいらっしゃれば、お願いします。

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The article mentions that the 50 research subjects were divided into three groups. Thus, each group likely had 16 or 17 members. With such a small sample size, the findings can only be described as preliminary. Even so, the results are very interesting because earlier studies with animals suggested that reduced-calorie diets may improve memory. This study, with its admittedly small sample, backs up the original research and makes it clear that the research should be continued. To be sure, a study done with a larger sample would seem to be the next step. Surprisingly, samples do not have to be very large in order to make accurate predictions about a population. In fact, using a sample is actually more accurate than if data on every member of a large group were collected. For one thing, with a large population, the time required to get data on each member would mean that conditions might change between the beginning of the data collection and the final analysis of the data. Another problem would be that more mistakes in entering the data would occur if too many members were surveyed. Thus, if a proper sample size is selected, and data are collected properly, an accurate prediction about a population can be made even with a relatively small sample.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落と2段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 I cannot tell how many sibling there were. The family is a happy one. They have a strong love and regard for each other and no bad or bitter feelings from the past. His siblings and cousins were taller, well built had obesity at an early age. There were a family that contained more girls than boys in it, and were mostly older than your soul mate. One of them had a self portrait on the wall. Your soul mate was like the “ baby” of the family. They looked more prosperous and healthy, better than they were. They were a devoted happy family, who liked each other, and were patient and tolerant of each others shortcomings. Mainly a fat, big made, tall strapping family with big noses, strong features, and chestnut and darker brown hair. Faces a mix of pale and ruddy.

  • NEWsoft CD Labalerをインストールした際に、mfc100u.dillファイルが不足しているというエラーが発生し、進行できません。対処方法を教えてください。
  • お使いの環境はWindows7で、接続はUSBで行われています。関連するソフト・アプリは特にありません。また、電話回線はひかり回線です。
  • ブラザー製品であるDCP-J987Nにおいて、レーベル印刷ができない問題が発生しています。NEWsoft CD Labalerのインストール時にmfc100u.dillファイルが不足しているというエラーが表示され、進行できません。Windows7環境でUSB接続を使用しており、関連するソフト・アプリは特にありません。電話回線はひかり回線です。