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Afrika BambaataaのDark Matter Moving At The Speeとはどのようなアルバムなのでしょうか?

Afrika Bambaataaの「Dark Matter Moving At The Spee」とはどのようなアルバムなのでしょうか? 「Dark Matter Moving At The Speed Of Light」ではけんさくできるのですが、「Dark Matter Moving At The Spee」は見つかりません。 お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

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今晩は おそらく何らかの理由(字数の関係?)で”Speed”のd以降の文字が消えているだけではないでしょうか? 下記サイトの「Dark Matter Moving At The Spee」のView Possible Track Listingをクリックして上の方をクリックすると 参考URLの「Dark Matter Moving At The Speed Of Light」と収録曲が同じです。↓ http://www.musicstack.com/item/207025049/bambaataa+afrika/dark+matter:moving また下記でもタイトル表記の仕方がまちまちみたいですね。↓ http://www.musicstack.com/tsearch/afrika_bambaataa/dark_matter_moving_at_the_spee





  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    I took walks before supper round the back lanes, ambling right round the Simmondses' house, thinking of what was going on inside. One dusky time it started to rain heavily, and I found I could reasonably take shelter under the tree which grew quite close to the grimy window of the inner office. I could just see over the ledge and make out a shape of a person sitting at the desk. Soon, I thought, the shape will have to put on the light. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 Mr Simmondsは検眼士です。 ------------------------------------------- couldについて教えてください。 I found I could reasonably take shelter under the tree which grew quite close to the grimy window of the inner office.のcouldは仮定法(判断、できるだろう)の意味で、 I could just see over the ledge and make out a shape of a person sitting at the desk.のcouldは直接法過去(能力として、することができた)の意味になりますか? 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesから

    Coming to the edge of the lake we paused to look at our reflections in the water. It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. She had not stopped talking.  I put on my dark glasses to shield my eyes from the sun and conceal my recognition from her eyes.  "Am I boring you?" she said.  "No, not a bit, Dr Gray."  "Sure?"  It is discouraging to put on sun-glasses in the middle of someone's intimate story. But they were necessary, now that I had recognized her, and was excited, and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 ●It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. her faceは I recognized her face looking up from the lakeという繋がりですか? ●and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. ここの意味がよくわかりません。 隠蔽のポイントから彼女が言う必要があることを見事に聞くことができるだけでした? どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? from a point of concealmentは直前のsayにかかるのでしょうか? それともhearですか? 教えてください。お願いいたします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    He pulled a sheet of blotting paper towards him. He dipped his pen in the ink and started writing on the bottom of the sheet of paper before him, comparing it from time to time with the one he had taken out of the safe. I was not surprised, but I was thrilled, when the door behind him slowly opened. It was like seeing the film of the book. Dorothy advanced on her creeping feet, and he did not hear, but formed the words he was writing, on and on. The rain pelted down regardless. She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 he=検眼士です。 Dorothyは検眼士の姉です。 窓の外から主人公が検眼士の様子を窺っている場面です。 ----------------------------------------------- ●It was like seeing the film of the book.のthe film of the bookのところがわかりません。 "本の映像"ですか? the bookと定冠詞がついているのも気になります。ここでa bookとしていないのはなぜなのでしょうか? ●She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper.について、この英文はShe was looking at the paperという繋がりになるのでしょうか? 前文は Then he took up the pen. I can still smell the rain and hear it thundering about me, and feel it dripping on my head from the bough hanging above me. He raised his eyes and looked out at the rain. It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station between the tree and the window. I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain. Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he me, for it was growing dark. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • AT THE RATE OFとPRICEのちがいについて。

    AT THE RATE OFとPRICEのちがいについて。 皆様こんばんは。お知恵を貸して下さい。 海外の証券会社で取引をすることになったのですが、注文フォームに 「SL No.」、「QUANTITY」、「SCRIP」、「AT THE RATE OF」、「PRICE」 と御座います。「SL No.」は番号、「QUANTITY」は購入したい株数、「SCRIP」は銘柄名と分かったのですが、問題は「AT THE RATE OF」、「PRICE」です。 例えば日本ですと、「100円・指値で」や「成り行きで」といった感じで注文しますが、この二つの違いが分かりません。 「AT THE RATE OF」は空欄で「PRICE」の欄を値段の記載すればいいのか?と思い Can I leave "AT THE RATE OF" blank? と質問してみたら sorry, you have to put a rate on itと回答がきました。正直意味が今一分かりません。 「AT THE RATE OF」というと「変動レート」という意味で、「PRICE」だと「価格」という意味ですよね?注文出す場合はどのように記載すればいいのでしょうか?

  • The Dark Glasses~(続きです)

    After five minutes' long waiting time the shape arose and switched on the light by the door. It was Basil, suddenly looking pink-haired. As he returned to the desk he stooped and took from the safe a sheaf of papers held in the teeth of a large paper clip. I knew he was going to select one sheet of paper from the sheaf, and that this one document would be the exciting, important one. It was like reading a familiar book: one knew what was coming, but couldn't bear to miss a word. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 Basilは検眼士です。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- It was like reading a familiar book: one knew what was coming, but couldn't bear to miss a word. ここのbearは”生む”という意味にとるのでしょうか? Basilが今からやろうとしている展開は、主人公には読めるのだけれども、 but couldn't bear to miss a word・・・ここのニュアンスが掴めそうでうまく掴めないのですが、しっかり状況を見ていたい、みたいな感じでしょうか? 前文は I took walks before supper round the back lanes, ambling right round the Simmondses' house, thinking of what was going on inside. One dusky time it started to rain heavily, and I found I could reasonably take shelter under the tree which grew quite close to the grimy window of the inner office. I could just see over the ledge and make out a shape of a person sitting at the desk. Soon, I thought, the shape will have to put on the light. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

     "Can you read?" said Mr Simmonds.   I stopped looking round. I said, "Read what?"--for I had been told I would be asked to read row after row of letters. The card which hung beneath the dim light showed pictures of trains and animals.   "Because if you can't read we have pictures for illiterates."  This was Mr Simmonds' joke. I giggled. His sister smiled and dabbed her right eye with her handkerchief. She had been to London for an operation on her right eye.  I recall reading the letters correctly down to the last few lines, which were too small. I recall Mr Simmonds squeezing my arm as I left the shop, turning his sandy freckled face in a backward glance to see for certain that his sister was not watching. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Mr Simmonds=検眼士です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ●row after row of lettersのところはどうやって読むのでしょうか? ●Mr Simmonds' jokeというのは、主人公の女の子が字が読めないなら、と言って(検眼のときに)文字ではなく絵を見せたことですか? 前文は I had seen Miss Simmonds once before, at a garden fete, where she stood on a platform in a big hat and blue dress, and sang "Sometimes between long shadows on the grass", while I picked up windfall apples, all of which seemed to be rotten. Now in her white overall she turned and gave me a hostile look, as if I had been seducing her brother. I felt sexually in the wrong, and started looking round the dark room with a wide-eyed air. となっています。 宜しくお願いします。

  • The Chemical Brothersの「AuGmEnTeD」と言うアルバムについてお聞きしたいのですが。

    こんにちわ。 質問なのですが、The Chemical BrothersのFull Attackと言う曲をニュース番組のBGMで一度聞いてから興味を持ち、いろいろと調べている者です。 ネット検索などを使って調べてみたところ、AuGmEnTeDと言うアルバムに入っているらしいことまで分かりました。 しかし、このアルバムは検索してもあまり多くの件数引っかからなく、日本のサイトにはほとんど載っていない気がします。(僕の検索能力が足りないのかもしれませんが…) The Chemical Brothers自体は日本でもかなり有名だと思うのですが、このアルバムはあまり知られてないのでしょうか? 詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたらよろしくお願いいたいます。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

     Then he took up the pen. I can still smell the rain and hear it thundering about me, and feel it dripping on my head from the bough hanging above me. He raised his eyes and looked out at the rain. It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station between the tree and the window. I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain. Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he me, for it was growing dark. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 he=検眼士です。 窓の外から主人公が検眼士の様子を窺っている場面です。 ------------------------------------------ ●It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station ~・・・ここのmy stationとはどういう意味ですか? ●I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain.について a hunted piece of natureとはどういう意味ですか? ●Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he meについて he meのつながりがわかりません。どう読むのでしょうか? 前文は He did extract one long sheet of paper, and held it up. It was typewritten with a paragraph in handwriting at the bottom on the side visible from the window. He laid it side by side with another sheet of paper which was lying on the desk. I pressed close up to the window, intending to wave and smile if I was seen, and to call out that I was sheltering from the rain which was now coming down in thumps. But he kept his eyes on the two sheets of paper. There were other papers lying about the desk; I could not see what was on them. But I was quite convinced that he had been practising handwriting on them, and that he was in the process of forging his mother's will. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    "What are you doing?" she said. He jumped up and pulled the blotting paper over his work. Her one eye through her green glasses glinted upon him, though I did not actually see it do so, but saw only the dark green glass focused with a squint on to his face. "I'm making up the accounts," he said, standing with his back to the desk, concealing the papers. I saw his hand reach back and tremble among them. "I shivered in my soaking wet clothes. Dorothy looked with her eye at the window. I slid sideways to avoid her and ran all the way home. Next morning I said. "I've tried to read with these glasses. It's all a blur. I suppose I'll have to take them back?" "Didn't you notice anything wrong when you tried---" "---tried them on in the shop?" "No. But the shop's so dark. Must I take them back?" I took them into Mr Simmonds early that afternoon. "I tried to read with them this morning, but it's all a blur." It was true that I had smeared them with cold cream first. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 he=検眼士です。she= Dorothyは検眼士の姉です。 窓の外から主人公が検眼士の様子を窺っている場面から始まっています。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ "Didn't you notice anything wrong when you tried---" "---tried them on in the shop?" "No. But the shop's so dark. Must I take them back?"の個所について But the shop's so dark.の部分はBecause ~の意味になると思うのですが、 But~と言うのが普通なのでしょうか? 前文は He pulled a sheet of blotting paper towards him. He dipped his pen in the ink and started writing on the bottom of the sheet of paper before him, comparing it from time to time with the one he had taken out of the safe. I was not surprised, but I was thrilled, when the door behind him slowly opened. It was like seeing the film of the book. Dorothy advanced on her creeping feet, and he did not hear, but formed the words he was writing, on and on. The rain pelted down regardless. She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。

  • The Dark Glassesからの英文です。

    For the rest of the holidays I thought of him as "Basil", and by asking questions and taking more interest than usual in the conversation around me I formed an idea of his private life. "Dorothy," I speculated, "and Basil." I let my mind dwell on them until I saw a picture of the rooms above the shop. I hung round at tea-time and, in order to bring the conversation round to Dorothy and Basil, told our visitors I had been to get my eyes tested. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 Basilは検眼士です。(DorothyはBasilの姉です) 主人公は15歳ぐらいの女の子です。 ----------------------------------- ●I let my mind dwell on them until I saw a picture of the rooms above the shop.のsaw(see)は「・・・を心に描く」「・・・を想像する」の意味だと思うのですが、imagineとはどのような違いがあるのでしょうか? ●I hung round at tea-time and, in order to bring the conversation round to Dorothy and Basil, told our visitors I had been to get my eyes tested.の I had been to get my eyes testedは、「検眼をする予定だった」と読むのでしょうか? be動詞+to不定詞は「予定」の意味ですか? (なんとなく、すでに検眼を終えてきているので、I had got my eyes testedとしてもいいような気がするのですが。) 前文は She looked at me, then returned to attend to the person in the shop, leaving the intervening door wide open. She was back again almost immediately. My examination was soon over. Mr Simmonds saw me out at the front door and gave me pleading unhappy look. I felt like a traitor and I considered him horrible. となっています。 教えてください。宜しくお願いします。
