• ベストアンサー


Amazon Paymentsという名で以下のメールが届きました。これは48時間以内に返答が必要ということですか。また、このメールを信用してよいですか。 amazon comで買い物をしたことはありますが、買い物をした当人と現在連絡が取れない状況ですので、ご相談します。 Your bank has contacted us regarding some attempts of charges from your credit card via the Amazon system. We have reasons to believe that you changed your registration information or that someone else has unauthorized access to your Amazon account Due to recent activity, including possible unauthorized listings placed on your account, we will require a second confirmation of your identity with us in order to allow us to investigate this matter further. Your account is not suspended, but if in 48 hours after you receive this message your account is not confirmed we reserve the right to suspend your Amazon registration. If you received this notice and you are not the authorized account holder, please be aware that it is in violation of Amazon policy to represent oneself as another Amazon user. Such action may also be in violation of local, national, and/or international law. Amazon is committed to assist law enforcement with any inquires related to attempts to misappropriate personal information with the intent to commit fraud or theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


  • ベストアンサー
  • zak33697
  • ベストアンサー率27% (275/1016)

下記に解釈を示しましたが、これは不特定多数に当てたメールです。もしあなた自身に関する ことで問題あれば具体的な内容(注文に関する、アカウント内容に関する)を書いてくるはずです。下記の説明で確認事項を示しましたが貴方に対応の自身が無い限りあえてしなくてもよいです。それから貴方のクレディト請求内容に今から前後~2ヶ月ぐらいおかしいと思うものがないかぐらいはチェックしといてください。 注:registration Information という言葉はamzon.comは、使用しないです。account information が普通です。またamzonのあとに.comなど表記のない連絡はしないはずです。 Your bank has contacted us regarding...これはありえないです。クレディトの貴方が引き落とし指定した銀行が直接amazonと連絡することはないです。 you changed your registration information... 以前登録したアカウント内容と現在の内容を確認してください。自分で変更していない限り同じであれば問題ないです。もし書き換わっていて身に覚えの無いクレディト番号ならその持ち主に請求されるだけです。仮に貴方が最近注文して知らない番号になっていれば...これは問題です。しかしこの場合、貴方の具体的注文内容、番号が参照のため記されるはずです。 but if in 48 hours after you receive this message your account is not confirmed we reserve the right to suspend your Amazon registration....半ば脅しです。仮に今のアカウントが閉じられてもamazonに注文できなくなるだけです。 we will require a second confirmation of your identity...最近注文(ここ一ヶ月以内 に)されていなければこのような確認要請はないはずです。誰かが成りすましで注文している 可能性もあるので下記を参考にしてください。 you are not the authorized account holder... 自分のアカウント登録内容に間違いなければ問題ないはずです。特に名前、住所 とクレディット番号に注意してください。それから 注文履歴が見れるはずですから身に覚えの無い注文があるかも確認してください。無ければ問題ないです。あれば、貴方が被害者です。


その他の回答 (3)

  • zak33697
  • ベストアンサー率27% (275/1016)

買い物をした当人と現在連絡が取れない の当人とはどういう意味ですか?



当人とは私の夫です。 今海外に出張中で、滞在先には連絡したのですが、外出中で、国際電話やメール連絡が今日中にできるかどうか、という事情でしたので。 回答ありがとうございました。

  • Pro-09
  • ベストアンサー率3% (1/29)


  • bender
  • ベストアンサー率45% (108/236)

> また、このメールを信用してよいですか。 よくないと思います(参考URL1の9/15の欄、参考URL2、他)。

http://diary.jp.aol.com/applet/zj6vzhbrcmag/archive?b=30, http://bbs0.otd.co.jp/12952/bbs_tree?base=4120&range=1





  • 和訳と英訳したいのですが

    お世話になります。 以下の英文を訳したいのですが、英語に自信がないので和訳していただけないでしょうか。また、「画像添付メールを送りたいのですが、どのメールアドレスに送信したらよいでしょうか?」という日本語をどう英語に訳せばよいかも教えてもらえないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 We would be delighted to assist you, but we are unable to establish the nature of your query. May we request that you please send us more information relating to your concerns so that we can assist you in resolving any issues that you may be experiencing? For faster query resolution, be sure to include your account number and the promotion reference number (where applicable) in the subject line of your emails to us. Your cooperation in helping us assist you is greatly appreciated.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    時々、USA Amazon で、買い物をしています。 本日、メールを受け取ったのですが、私の英語力では、はっきりと内容が読み取れません。 情けない話ですが・・・。 何か、急を要すること、重要なことが書かれていませんでしょうか? 大まかな内容で結構ですので、教えていただけると、ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Hello, Each year we send out a notice to every person that has an active Amazon Payments account with important information about our privacy practices and how you can report errors or unauthorized transactions related to your account. This notice is not a bill. We appreciate the trust that you have put in Amazon Payments by using our services and want to make sure you're informed about our policies and practices. We know that you care how information about you is used and shared. To help you understand our privacy practices, we have detailed how we collect, use and safeguard your personal and financial information in our Privacy Notice. Our Unauthorized Transaction Policy describes how you can report to us any billing errors or unauthorized transactions involving the use of your account balance or registered bank account. It also describes our liability and your rights for these types of errors or transactions. Additionally, we have updated the terms and conditions of our User Agreement that apply to your use of the products and services provided by Amazon Payments. Our updated User Agreement updates certain terms (including the terms of the bank accounts that we use to hold your balances). Our new User Agreement will become effective on December 4th, 2013. By continuing to use our services after December 3rd, 2013, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of our new User Agreement. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Notice, Unauthorized Transaction Policy, and User Agreement. They may be found by clicking the User Agreement/Policies link on our web site at payments.amazon.com.

  • アメリカアマゾンでの購入について

    アメリカアマゾンで商品を購入したらThank you for contacting us at Amazon.com. We received your fax, however it did not contain the information required to process your order. As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card *billing statement* to 206-266-1838 (from within the US) or 001-206-266-1838 (internationally) for the credit card presented for your order(s). The statement should include the following information: * The name on the account * The billing address on the account * The billing telephone number on the account To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order, and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation. Please note that your Amazon.com account and order will remain on hold pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in shopping at Amazon.com. とメールが届いたのですが何をFAXで送ればいいかわかりません。 分かる方、回答お願いします

  • PayPalよりこのようなメールが…

    はじめまして、今日PayPalよりこのようなメールが届きました↓ Notification of Limited Account Access Dear **, As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the PayPal system. We recently contacted you after noticing an issue on your account.We requested information from you for the following reason: We recently received a report of unauthorized credit card use associated with this account. As a precaution, we have limited access to your PayPal account in order to protect against future unauthorized transactions. Case ID Number: **-**-**-** In accordance with PayPal's User Agreement, your account access will remain limited until the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, if access to your account remains limited for an extended period of time, it may result in further limitations or eventual account closure. We encourage you to follow our verification procedure as soon as possible to help avoid this. Click here to login and restore your account access Once you log in, you will be provided with steps to restore your account access. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure account safety. This is a final reminder to log in to PayPal as soon as possible. We thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your account. We apologize for any inconvenience. Sincerely, PayPal Account Review Department PayPal Email ID ** (**の部分は英数字等) これは本当にPayPalからの連絡で、何のお知らせなのでしょうか?ご存知の方、どうぞよろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします。><

    amazon.comの有料サービスを解約したはずなのにいまだに請求が来ます。 英文がわからないのですが和訳お願いします>< Greetings from Amazon Seller Support, I've reviewed your account and verified that you do have an active Pro Merchant Subscription and all of your listings have been closed. However, I noticed that there is still a negative balance in your account for the monthly fee and I have proceeded to refund since you have not used your account. Since you are a Professional Seller, we will need that you downgrade to an Individual account in order to for us to be able to close your account successfully. To switch your selling plan to Individual, follow these steps: 1. In Seller Central, on the Settings tab, click "Account Info." 2. In the "Selling Plan" section, click the "Modify Plan" button. Once you have downgraded your account, for more information on further steps on how to close your seller account, please visit the following link: https:// We love our sellers! Let us know how we did: Were you satisfied with the support provided? Click here for yes: http:// Click here for no: http:// Thank you! To view your case details, please click http:// If you reply to this message, we will not get it. We want to help! So if you need to reach us, click http: We look forward to hearing from you soon, Sergio V. Amazon Seller Support ======================================= MORE WAYS TO GET HELP: Visit our Seller Forums for help from other sellers: http://sellercentral.amazon.com/forums Browse all Seller Help topics: http://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help 非常に困っているのでお願いします。

  • ebayからのメールについてです

    ここ数日で2通メールが来ました。 エキサイトの翻訳にかけると、どうやらIDが勝手に使われたということみたいです。 ebayを使った記憶はないので、調べてみると以前使ったことのあるビッダーズが原因のようでした。 私はどのように対処するべきなのでしょうか? 以下にメールの内容の重要のように思える場所を示しておきます。 We are contacting you to remind you that on 05 JUN 2005 we identified some unusual activity in your account coming from a foreign IP address : ****.******-***-pc.in ( IP address located in India ) . We have been notified that a card associated with your account has been reported as lost or stolen and involved in fraudulent transactions, or that there were additional problems with your card. According to our site policy you will have to confirm that you are the real owner of the eBay account by completing the following form or else your account will be marked as fraudulent , and will remain open for investigation. You will pay for the fees wich will result from the financial transactions between eBay and FIT ( Fraud Investigations Team ) . 1通目:ボタン[Respond To This Notification] 2通目:URL[https...] eBay's Privacy Policy and Law Enforcement Disclosure: We care deeply about the privacy of the eBay community and will protect the privacy of our members even while working closely with law enforcement to prevent criminal activity. If you are unsure about our privacy practices, please visit eBay's Privacy Central for more information. 以上です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • paypalから英字メールが着ましたが覚えがなく…

    paypal@30573.comから「Account Has Been Limited」という件名で英語のメールが届きました。paypalに登録等したこともなく勿論利用したこともありません。メール内容は次の通りですが、無視しておいて問題ないでしょうか。 PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by screening accounts daily in our system. We recently reviewed your account, and we need you to verify information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features will be limited or terminated. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience. ________________________________________ Why is my account access limited? Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s): October 07, 2009: We have reason to believe that your account was accessed by a third party. Because protecting the security of your account is our primary concern, we have placed limited access to sensitive PayPal account features. We understand that this may be an inconvenience but please understand that this temporary limitation is for your protection. Completing all of the checklist items will automatically restore your account to normal access. Thank you for using PayPal! The PayPal Team

  • ebayでパスワードを盗まれ商品を出品され困っています。

    パスワードを盗用され、私のIDで車を出品されてしまいました。 すぐにパスワードとメルアドの変更手続きをし、商品の出品取り消しをしました。 ところが数時間後にはログインできなくなり、EBAYより以下の内容のメールがきました。 It appears your account was accessed by an unauthorized third party and used to place several unauthorized listings on eBay or to alter some of your current listings. Additionally, the email address on your account may have been tampered with, which is why you may not have received an email about these listings we have taken several steps to secure your eBay account We were able to end all unauthorized listings on your account without incident. At the time the listings were ended, all associated fees were credited to your account. We assure you that your credit card information is stored on a secure server and cannot be viewed by anyone. To regain control of your account, please follow the steps outlined below: 1. Change the password on your personal EMAIL account to verify that it is secure and cannot be accessed by anyone other than you. 2. Click the " ?Forgot your password? link on the eBay Sing In page and change your password using the instructions provided. 3. Click on the "Security Center" link found at the bottom of most eBay pages. 以下かなり続くのですが、ここの文字数制限により書き込みできません。これはどういうことなのでしょうか?

  • 英語が堪能な方、または輸出入経験者の方、和訳お願い

    英語が堪能な方、または輸出入経験者の方、和訳お願いします。 英訳サイトで訳したのですが、イマイチわかりません。 自分でも読んでみましたが、whichiやthatがどこにかかるのかわかりません。 ↓特にこちら、罰金がどうのと訳されたのですが、fineて別の意味もありますよね? Please note that you have written us from the seller account associated with the e-mail address" ooooooooo@gmail.com" which is completely fine and you are able to access this account hassle free. In case, if the same issue persists even after resetting the password and you are unable to access that seller account then I request you to write back to us with a screenshot attached of the error message which is not allowing you to log in so that we can investigate further. Valuable sellers like you are the building blocks of Amazon and we strive to put our hundred percent to resolve your issues and delight our sellers. どなたか、どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • minor law enforcement

    こんにちは アメリカのあるTVドラマを見ていたら、 ネクタイもちゃんと結べなくて、ちょっと自信をなくしている これから卒業式にいく男の子に向かって、 "Come on, your future is laid out in front of you. You're gonna go to community colledge, major agriculture, probably minor law enforcement." (この子はカンサスの田舎に住んでいて、家は牧場をやっています。) といいます。 law enforcementというのはどういう学科なんでしょうか? また農業をやるような人が学ぶような内容なんでしょうか?

  • MFC-J6997CDWを使用して2L判の写真をコピーしようとしていますが、うまくコピーできません。原稿のセット方法が分からないため、解決方法を教えてください。
  • 2L判の写真をコピーする際にMFC-J6997CDWを使用していますが、うまくコピーできません。原稿のセット方法が分からないので、解決策を教えてください。
  • 質問です。MFC-J6997CDWを使用して2L判の写真をコピーしようとしたのですが、うまくコピーできません。原稿のセット方法が分からないので、アドバイスをお願いします。