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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:機械系の英文の和訳)



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質問としてはこりゃ、ちょっと量が多いですよ。次回からは訳せるところまでは自力で頑張って、分からないいくつかの文に絞って質問するようにしませんと。 最初は確かにちんぷんかんぷんかも知れませんが、数をこなすうちにいくつかの単語から意味が想像できるようになり、スムーズに読めるようになりますよ。 とりあえず訳しておきます。(完璧な訳とは言い難いので、対応する日本語の項を理化学辞典などで調べて万全を期して下さい) 吸着 原子または分子が固体の表面に付くことを言う。 物理吸着はファンデルワールス力(van der Waals力)に基づくもので相対的に弱いものである。化学吸着は一般に強い(吸着)力を含む。簡単に見分ける方法の一つは、物理吸着は可逆であり高真空にさらされると脱離するのに対し、化学吸着は何らかのエネルギーを与えた場合・・・例えば加熱など・・・にのみ脱離する点である。 接着力 摩擦的な接触において、隣り合う面同士に働く吸着的な力のことを言う 1. 物理化学においては、接着とはある固体と、さらに第二の相(液体または固体)の引き合う力のことを言う。この記述は可逆平衡の仮定に基づくものである。 2. 機械工学においては、一般に接着とは不可逆なものである。 3. 鉄道工学では接着(*)とは摩擦を意味することが多い。 *訳注 辞書的なニュアンスを残す意味で無理に同じ「接着」という言葉に訳したが、3.の意味であれば日本語では通常「粘着」と訳される。 ヘルツ接触圧 弾性変形に関するHertz方程式に基づいて計算される、二つの固体の接触において接触領域で生じる圧力。 ヘルツ接触面積 弾性変形に関するHertz方程式に基づいて計算される、荷重がかけられた二つの固体間の接触面積。





  • 機械系の英文の和訳のチェック

    すみませんが,下記の英文を訳しましたが,意味がよく分からない文章が沢山あります。きれいな日本語の文法に直していただきませんか?よろしくお願いします。 Traction In rolling contacts the tangential stress transmitted across the interface. Notes: 1.The traction will in general vary from point to point over the contact area. 2.More generally, traction may denote the force per unit area of contact. Stick-slip A relaxation oscillation usually associated with decrease in the coefficient of friction as relative velocity increases. Notes: 1.Stick-slip was originally associated with formation and destruction of interfacial junctions, on a microscopic scale. This is often a basic cause. 2.The period depends on the velocity and on the elastic characteristics of the system. 3.Stick-slip will not occur if the static friction is equal to or less than the dynamic friction. 牽引 転がっているコンタクトに、接線の圧力はインタフェースを横切って電波で通信しました。 記録: 1. ポイントからの接触地域の上のポイントへの一般変化の牽引意志。 2. より一般に、牽引は接触のユニット地域あたり力を示すかもしれません。 棒スリップ リラックス振動は、通常相対的な速度増加として摩擦の係数の減少と結合しました。 記録: 1. 棒スリップは、微視的なスケールにおいてもとは2面間の接合点の構成と破壊と関連しました。これはしばしば基礎的な原因です。 2. 期間はシステムの速度および伸縮自在な特徴に依存します。 3. 棒スリップは動的な摩擦より少なく起こりません 静的な摩擦がそれと等しいまたは 。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    The second feature seen from Fig.11 is that the profile of R(e,0) does not depend significantly on r_p (for r_p=0.005 to 0.0002). Only an exception is found near e≒1, but this is, in some sense, a singular point in R(e,0), which appears in a narrow region around e≒1 ( in fact, for e=0.9 and 1.2, there is no appreciable difference between r_p=0.005 and 0.0002). Thus, neglecting such fine structures in R(e,0), we can conclude that R(e,0) does depend very weakly on r_p. In other words, the dependence on r_p of <P(e,0)> is well approximated by that of <P(e,0)>_2B given by Eq. (28). Now, we will phenomenalogically show what physical quantity is related to the peak at e≒1. We introduce the collisional flux F(e,E) for orbits with e and E, where E is the Jacobi energy given by (see Eq. (15)) E=e^2/2-(3b^2)/8+9/2. (31) The collisional flux F(e,E) is defined by F(e,E)=(2/π)∫【‐π→π】p_col(e,i=0, b(E), τ)dτ. (32) From Eqs. (11) and (31), we obtain <P(e,0)>=∫F(e,E)dE. (33) In Fig.12, F(e,E) is plotted as a function of E for the cases of e=0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. We can see from this figure that in the case of e=1 a large fraction of low energy planetesimals contributes to the collisional rate compared to other cases (even to the cases with e<1). In general, in the case of high energy a solution for the three-body problem can be well described by the two-body approximation: in other words, in the case of low energy a large difference would exist between a solution for the three-body problem and that in the two-body approximation. As shown before, this difference appears as an enhancement of the collisional rate. Thereby an enhancement factor peak is formed at e≒1 where a large fraction of low-energy planetesimals contributes to the collisional rate. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 機械系の英語を日本語に訳してもらいませんか?

    Boundary Lubrication A condition of lubrication in which the friction and wear between two surfaces in relative motion are determined by the properties of the surfaces and by the properties of the lubricant other than bulk viscosity. Mixed Lubrication; See: quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication. Quasi-hydrodynamic Lubrication; A loosely defined regime of lubrication, especially in metalworking where thin-film lubrication predominates. Elasto-hydrodynamic Lubrication; A condition of lubrication in which the friction and film thickness between two bodies in relative motion are determined by the elastic properties of the bodies, in combination with the viscous properties of the lubricant at the prevailing pressure, temperature and rate of shear. Thin- film Lubrication A condition of lubrication in which the film thickness of the lubricant is such that the friction and wear between the surfaces is determined by the properties of the surfaces as well as the viscosity of the lubricant. 1. Boundary lubrication, Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication is better-defined terms, which should be used where possible. 2. Under thin-film conditions the coefficient of friction is often 10 times to 100 times greater than under thick film conditions.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    The researchers also looked at the data according to gender. After the researchers accounted for age, race, socioeconomic factors (education and income) and stroke risk factors, the results revealed that men who exercised at least four times a week still had a lower risk of stroke than men who exercised one to three times per week. In contrast, there was no association between frequency of exercise and stroke risk among women in the study. However, there was a trend towards a similar reduction in stroke risk for those who exercised one to three times a week and four or more times a week compared to those who were inactive. “This could be related to differences in the type, duration, and intensity of physical activity between men and women,” said Dr. Howard. “This could also be due to differences in the perception of what is intense physical activity enough to work up a sweat.” The results should encourage doctors to stress the importance of exercise when speaking with their patients, Dr. Howard said. “Physical inactivity is a major modifiable risk factor for stroke. This should be emphasized in routine physician check-ups along with general education about the benefits of exercise on stroke risk factors including high blood pressure, diabetes and being overweight or obese,” she said. The study suggests that men should consider exercising at least four times a week. REGARDS will continue to assess stroke risk factors to look for long-term patterns in the study population. “Findings from this study, including the current physical activity results, will ultimately help us to identify potential targets for immediate intervention as well as for future clinical trials aimed at preventing stroke and its consequences,” said Dr. Moy.

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    To clarify the dynamics depending on k, we have reported a bifurcation diagram in Fig. 4. It shows different values of quantity for different values of k, particularly between 0.15 and 0.29. It is easily illustrated that we move from stability through a sequence of a period doubling bifurcations to chaos.

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    A science that is to be social must engage in a kind of balancing act between the scientific principle that statements must be verified and, on the other hand, the social necessity for doing something about the crises of civilization. この一文が綺麗に訳できません。engage の意味も調べたのですが、はまるものがあまりなく、困っています。

  • この文章の和訳を教えてください。

    Collisional probability of planetesimals revolving in the solar gravitational field.III Summary. We have calculated the collisional rate of planetesimals upon the protoplanet, taking fully into account the effect of solar gravity. Our numerical scheme is based on Hill’s equations describing approximately the three –body problem. By the adoption of Hill’s equations , we can reduce the degrees of freedom of orbital motion. Furthermore, we made some simplifications: First, an orbital motion is determined by the formula of the two-body approximation when the distance between the protoplanet and a planetesimal is smaller than a certain critical length. Second, collision orbits in the chaotic zones are neglected in evaluating the collisional rate because of their very small measure. These simplifications enable us to save considerable computation time of orbital integration and, hence, to find numerically the phase volume occupied by collision orbits over wide ranges of orbital initial conditions. よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章の和訳を教えてください。

    Collisional probability of planetesimals revolving in the solar gravitational field.III Summary. We have calculated the collisional rate of planetesimals upon the protoplanet, taking fully into account the effect of solar gravity. Our numerical scheme is based on Hill’s equations describing approximately the three –body problem. By the adoption of Hill’s equations , we can reduce the degrees of freedom of orbital motion. Furthermore, we made some simplifications: First, an orbital motion is determined by the formula of the two-body approximation when the distance between the protoplanet and a planetesimal is smaller than a certain critical length. Second, collision orbits in the chaotic zones are neglected in evaluating the collisional rate because of their very small measure. These simplifications enable us to save considerable computation time of orbital integration and, hence, to find numerically the phase volume occupied by collision orbits over wide ranges of orbital initial conditions. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    すみませんが,下記の英文を訳しましたが,意味がよく分からない文章が沢山あります。きれいな日本語の文法に直していただきませんか?よろしくお願いします。 Traction In rolling contacts the tangential stress transmitted across the interface. Notes: 1.The traction will in general vary from point to point over the contact area. 2.More generally, traction may denote the force per unit area of contact. Stick-slip A relaxation oscillation usually associated with decrease in the coefficient of friction as relative velocity increases. Notes: 1.Stick-slip was originally associated with formation and destruction of interfacial junctions, on a microscopic scale. This is often a basic cause. 2.The period depends on the velocity and on the elastic characteristics of the system. 3.Stick-slip will not occur if the static friction is equal to or less than the dynamic friction. 牽引 転がっているコンタクトに、接線の圧力はインタフェースを横切って電波で通信しました。 記録: 1. ポイントからの接触地域の上のポイントへの一般変化の牽引意志。 2. より一般に、牽引は接触のユニット地域あたり力を示すかもしれません。 棒スリップ リラックス振動は、通常相対的な速度増加として摩擦の係数の減少と結合しました。 記録: 1. 棒スリップは、微視的なスケールにおいてもとは2面間の接合点の構成と破壊と関連しました。これはしばしば基礎的な原因です。 2. 期間はシステムの速度および伸縮自在な特徴に依存します。 3. 棒スリップは動的な摩擦より少なく起こりません 静的な摩擦がそれと等しいまたは 。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    A blind date is a date for two people who have never met before. Their mutual friends usually arrange the match. With the rise of the Internet, blind dates are becoming more common than before. Through instant messaging and Internet chat forums, people have a chance to meet people. Blind dating is exciting for some people, but it can be a stressful emotional experience for others. This may be mainly due to a lack of self-confidence and the inevitable fear of meeting an unknown. In the United States, people often talk about the experience of their friends. Some people like to gossip a lot. People who like to gossip often talk about individuals they may not know and that can be hurtful, especially if rumors and gossip continue to be shared. This conversation is between two friends about another friend. In this case, the two friends, Amy and Lisa, having the conversation want the information to remain confidential in order to protect this mutual friend, Toshi. At the end of this conversation, the two friends agree to keep their information confidential. "I've got your back" is a phrase used as reassurance between friends. the phrase is used to show confidentiality, solidarity and trust.