• ベストアンサー

Structured Arguments

よろしくお願いします。 この文章は、アメリカンジョークですが、 何処が面白いのか、教えてください。 My wife and I have well structured arguments: firstly, she gives me her opinion, then she gives me my opinion.


  • ベストアンサー
  • shibasaki
  • ベストアンサー率25% (33/127)

これまでしてきた妻と私との間の議論状況。 そのときの状況は、先ず妻が自分の意見を述べ、次に私に代わって妻が私の意見を(あなたはこう考えている)というふうに言って、結局妻が一人二役で、実際の議論にはなっていない(夫にしゃべらさない)という、強い妻、おとなしい夫、という状況が面白いのではないでしょうか。



能くわかりました。ありがとうございます。 つまり、夫に発言権がないってことですね。 笑えました。("<>")


その他の回答 (1)


意訳すれば→うちでは言い争いをすることはない。なぜなら先ず妻が自分の意見をのべ、そして次に彼女が私の意見も述べるからです。 あまり面白いジョークとは思いませんが、妻帯者の間では一応笑ってもらえるジョークです。「俺のものは俺のもの、お前のものも俺のもの」の類似版。お前のものはお前のもの・・と期待させて落とす手法です。真面目な顔で最後まで話すのがコツです。






  • よろしくお願いします

    I got married five years ago. It has never been a great marriage, but it’s been pretty good. I love my wife most of the time. A year ago I made a very stupid mistake. I got an email from an old girlfriend. We emailed back and forth then met. We talked over old times, kissed a few times, and decided to not meet again. My wife found out. She got mad and told me to leave, so I did. I apologized, and she took me back under a few conditions. First, I had to let her have all my passwords and agree that she could read all my email. I agreed. She also wanted counseling. I agreed to that too. She then told me that I’d have to agree to never be out of her sight unless I was at work or she knew where I was (every outing would have to be cleared with her). We talked over old timesのoverはaboutと同じでしょうか?あと、every outing would have to be cleared with herの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 文法です。現在分詞ですか動名詞ですか?

    She always gives me a telephone call asking me to come out to meet her at the station. この文のasking me...以下の文と前の文(She always gives me a call)との関係がわかりません。 どなたか説明お願いします。

  • 英語のジョーク

    英語のジョークなんですが、下記のジョークの 笑いどころが分からないんです。 もし、お分かりになる方がいらっしゃいましたら、 教えてください。 お願いします。 ********************************* Since a blonde girl couldn’t stand any longer hearing dumb jokes about her hair colour, she coloured her hair black. The following weekend, she had a trip to the countryside where she met a shepherd and many nice sheeps as well, and she asked the shepherd: When I guess how many sheeps you have, will you give me a lamb? The shepherd said: “OK, go ahead”. The blonde girl looked around and said: “You have 238 sheeps.” “Exactly, you are right!” the shepherd exclaimed. She picked up an animal and was right about to go, when the shepherd run after her and said: “One moment, please, when I guess what’s your natural hair colour, will you give me back my dog?” ********************************

  • sexual overtures

    Years ago, while my wife and I were separated, I foolishly slept with “Molly,” who became pregnant with my daughter “Ally.” I reconciled with my wife, and ultimately we won custody of Ally when she was 9, after Molly went through a series of boyfriends and made repeated sexual overtures toward me. My wife has been incredible, but Molly’s influence has been strong. After completing her court-ordered therapy, Molly filed for custody when Ally was 13, and two years later Ally went to live with her permanently. Ally went from respectful and sweet to insubordinate and cruel. Finally, she used racial epithets against my wife and stepdaughters, and I threw her out of the house. She did the same thing when my wife and I came to her high school graduation. Molly looked so proud of her. Ally is now 21. I haven’t spoken to her beyond a phone call on Christmas and her birthday unless she needs money. My wife openly grieves for the little girl that we lost, and my stepdaughters refuse to acknowledge Ally. made repeated sexual overturesとfiled for custodyの意味を教えてください。あと、ここでのacknowledgeの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • she gives me a good deal

    For the past four years, I've been having a friend do my hair. "Marcy" and I knew each other in grade school and lost touch, but I saw on Facebook that she was doing hair and decided to start seeing her. She is a very sweet woman and is passionate about her work, and I am grateful that she gives me a good deal. she gives me a good dealというのは「値引きしてくれる」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Earlier this year I began getting massages about twice a month from an excellent massage therapist. I booked a 40-minute massage and left a 20 percent tip. I felt that all was going well until a month ago. I went into the massage session with extra-tense shoulders, and my therapist worked on them for a full hour. I left a larger tip to reflect the extra work that she did. Since then, she has twice kept me well past my 40-minute bookings. I do appreciate the longer massages, but a big part of the reason I chose the 40-minute massage is that I can afford it in my monthly budget with a 20 percent tip. Should I talk to my therapist? The studio is structured such that clients only talk to “secretaries” about payment. Should I talk to the secretary after my appointment? I get the feeling that my therapist is willing to do more to make me feel better even if I don’t pay her to. 1 she has twice kept me well past my 40-minute bookings.の和訳を教えてください。 2 The studio is structured such that clients only talk to “secretaries” about payment. の和訳を教えてください。 3 pay her toの後には何か省略されているでしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • song and dance

    I recently had my first baby. It is a magical time for me and my husband. My parents, who live relatively close by, were elated by my son’s arrival and are very doting grandparents. My mother and I have had a very rocky history, and I was hopeful that my son could have a relationship with his grandmother, separate from my own issues with her. As she is with everything in my life, my mother is extremely overbearing. She never gives me a compliment and constantly questions and criticizes every decision I make. She is very concerned about appearances, and tries to constantly push her wishes for how to dress and feed my child, etc., on me. I accept and welcome suggestions—but my mother will force her will. She nags, belittles, and insults my decisions until I replace them with her own. She constantly interferes in our decisions. Ignoring her is impossible, as she will nag until you agree to adopt her decision. My father tells me that she is my mother, and although she is very difficult, she will not change, so I must. This has been the song and dance of my whole life. I am tired of having to be the one to roll over just because she won’t change or accept my decisions. ここでのthe song and danceとroll overはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その16)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1 嫁さんと朝ごはん食べながら「今日病院行くの?」って聞いたら「いや、今日は行かない」  と言ったのでオレはポツリと「そうか・・」と言った。 During breakfast-time,I asked my wife,Are you going to the hospital today? My wife said,No,I won't. I agreed her answer calmly. 2 嫁さんはパソコン新しいの買っていいよ!って言ってくれたけど、完全に壊れるまで  時間かかっても立ち上がるからいらないよ!と言った。 My wife adviced to me buy a new PC,but I answered her, If this PC perfectly broken ,then I will buy,but it is still working! 3 病院代のことを考えると新しいパソコンを買うような状況じゃないもんなあ(独り言)  To think of the hospital payment,I can not buy a new PC in my situation. 4 ご飯を食べながら家内が、調子の悪い時は味がわかんないと言った。  Having a breakfast,my wife told me that in the bad condition time is she can't distinguish the the taste. 5 生ゴミを嫁さんが知らないうちに捨ててきて、部屋に戻ってきて苦しそうに息をしていた。  なんで、こんな調子がわるいのにゴミなんか捨てに行く?玄関の前に置いておけば  オレが捨てるのにと思った。  My wife took out the burnable garbage before I know, and she came back home with being out of breath.Why did she take out the burnable garbadge? I will surely take out it, just put it in front of the door. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • カジュアルな英訳お願いします(その22)

    英訳宜しくお願い致します。 1 昨日の夜、娘から家内の携帯に、渡すものがあるから今から行くよとメールがあった。 Last night, my daughter sent to mail to my wife's cellular phone which told that she have a gift, so I'll go to your condo right now. 2 家内と私はなんだろうと思っていた。  My wif and I wondered what she would bring to us. 3 娘がバレンタインの手作りの小さいケーキとクッキーを私と家内と、息子に渡すようにと  わざわざ持ってきてくれた。14日はバレンタインなんだぁ・・・  She brought expressly some litlle cakes and cookies for me,my wife and my son. She said to my wife that one of these cakes and cookies give to my son. It's a Valentine's Day on 14th. (14日がバレンタインなんてすっかり忘れてた感情がうまく訳せません) 4 なにも、せっかくの休みに朝から作らなくてもいいのにと思った。  I thought that she had precious holiday,and she made cakes from morning. I thought that she didn't need make cakes and so on. (全体的にうまく訳せませんでした) 5 家内は彼のために作ったついでにわたしたちのも作ったのよと言った。  娘も「もちろん」と言った。でも嬉しかった。  My wife said to me that she made cakes and so on for her boyfriend,and incidentally made for us. My daughter said to us" Off cource!!". But I was happy. 宜しくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Q. Fertile Cats: My wife and I just acquired two kittens, a male and a female. I had assumed we would get them fixed, but my wife thinks that is cruel. She said that we can keep them separated during heat, which apparently is how her family handles fertile cats. To me, that sounds much more cruel than neutering, but my wife doesn’t see it that way. Is there any way to reason with her? fixedとは何をなおすのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 映画『甲州街道から愛を込めて』に出演の有里まりなさん、古瀬リナオさんへの質問です。
  • 有里まりなさんからの質問は、「甲州街道ドライブでおすすめのスポットを教えてください。」
  • 古瀬リナオさんからの質問は、「あなたにとって忘れられない人はいますか。」