• ベストアンサー



  • elice
  • ベストアンサー率11% (1/9)

少し個人的な訳とアドバイスをさせていただきます。 (訳に関しては少し直訳気味に書いてみました。) (1)In my opinion, cell phone was enable us to do many things. =私の見解では、携帯電話は私たちに色々なことを出来るようにしてくれた。 ・だとすればこのcell phone was enable us to do~の部分ではwas enableよりもhas enabledでしょう。 ・・cell phoneよりcell phonesでしょうね、”携帯電話”について書くので。 (2)((Take an example.))we can contact other people immediatly when we are late for appointment. =((例をもらうと?))約束に遅れたとき私たちはすぐに他の人と連絡がとれます。 ・Take an exampleではなくFor exampleですね。 >And we can use it wherever we are.we need not find a public phone. =そして私たちはどこにいてもそれを使えます。公衆電話を探す必要はありません。 ・Andから始めるとこの文章に関してはここで終了してしまいますので、 We don't need to find a public phone, we can use them anywhere. でも良いと思います。(themやanywhereとしたのは個人的な訳ですね、。) >In addition to, we can contact someone I want to talk wherever the person is. =それと、私たちは私の連絡の取りたい人がどこにいても連絡が取れます。 ・私たちは私の~って何か変ですよね?この場合は前文で私たちを例に使っているので、どちらともweにしたほうがいいと思います。 (3)But contrary to their good sides,we have bad sides,too. =しかしそれら(←携帯電話をさしている)の良い面に対し私たちは悪い面もある。 ・これ文章おかしいですよね(^^; theirは多分上の利点についてだと思うので、あえて残すならthese。 we haveも私ではなく携帯電話なのでcell phones haveかと思われます。 ・・contrary~too.に至ってはButで始まっているので必要性がありません。 >For example,we often see someone ((calling on)) train or bus. =例えば、私たちは度々電車やバスを((訪ねている?))人を見かけます。 ・call(ing) on~誰かを訪ねるなど他の意味になってしまいます。 ・・~someone using a cell phone on train or bus. >And we often catch a phone at midnight suddenly. =そして私たちは度々突然夜中に電話が鳴ります。 ・Andの使い方に違和感を感じますが説明できません(>< >It is very ((rode)) and they think nothing but their conveniences. =それはとても((失礼な事?))なのに、彼らは自分の都合しか考えていない。 ・スペル rode → rude。 ・・It is~よりもThese are~だと思われます。そうすればtheyは前文に繋がります。 (4)we understand such ((bothe)) sides and should consider ((apt)) time and appropriate place when we use cell phone. =私たちは携帯電話を使うとき((両方?))の点も理解している、そして((適切な?))時間と適切な場所を考えなくてはならない。 ・スペル bothe → both , apt → appropriate ・・we understand ~and should consider この場合はWe should understand~and (省略のshould) consider。 ・・・appropriate time and appropriate place もandの後の省略が出来ますのでappropriate time and placeでいいと思います。 ・・・・個人的にはやはり”cell phones”ですね。 ざっとなんで間違ってたら誰か指摘してください(^^;





  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    大学の二次試験で自由英作文があるのですがなかなかうまく行きません。添削をお願い致します。 テーマは、[携帯電話についてどう思うか]です。 In my opinion, cell phone was enabie us to do many things.Take an example.we can contact other people immediatly when we are late for appointmennt.And we can use it whereever we are.we need not find a public phone.In addition to, we can contact someone I want to talk wherever the person is.But contraryto their good sides,we have bad sides,too.For example,we often see someone calling on train or bus.And we often catch a phone at midnight suddenly.It is very rode and they think nothing but their conveniences.we understand such bose sides and should consider apt time and appropriate place when we use cell phone. 間違いが多いとは思いますが、どうかお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    月末に大学入試を控えている高校3年生です。 文法ミスやもっと適切な表現がありましたら、ご指導いただけるとありがたいです。 テーマ:小中学生に携帯を持たせることの是非 In my opinion, children in elementary school or secondary school should not have a cell phone. It is true that a cell phone is very useful, and it enables them to communicate with their friends or parents easliy at any time. However, a careless use of a cell phone often brings about serious problems. Recently, many children have been involved in crimes by use of a cell phone. They are sometimes killed by people with whome they became acquainted in an Internet community site. Children have a poor knowledge to protect themselves. When we think about whether children can use communication tools appropriately or not, we will believe that they cannot do. So I want to emphasize that parents should not have their children carry a cell phone.

  • lead の現在進行形

    上の文を下のように訂正されました。 No one can deny that it leads to more car accidents to use the cell-phone when driving.                     ↓ No one can deny that cell-phone use when driving is leading to more car accidents. leadが進行形にした方がより良いのは何故ですか?  ご解説をお願いします。

  • usedについて。

    いつもお世話になっています。 中学3年生で受験があります。 Kiyoshi: Dad, do you use your cell phone every day? Father: Yes, because I have to keep in touch with others for business. Kiyoshi:Is it cnvenient?   Father: Oh, yes. But it is not ( used  ) for talking only. We can also use it for e-mail and the Internet. Kiyoshi: Then, what are the problems when people use their cell phones? Father: Well, I think some people have bad manners when they use them. I don’t use a cell phone in a public place. Do you want to have one someday? Kiyoshi: Yes. の会話のなかの( )内のused なんですが、なぜ過去形になるのでしょうか。 英語が苦手です。よろしくお願いします・

  • (英作文)高校生が学校に携帯 禁止それとも?

    次の文のことで、お尋ねしたいことがあります。 「現在、日本の多くの高等学校では、生徒が携帯電話を持ってくることを禁止しています。これについてあなたの考えを書きなさい」 1.下にある曖昧な作文ですが、言いたいことが伝わっていますでしょうか? 字数は、気にしなくてよいのですが、100語以上を目安にしています。 添削してくださるのもとても勉強になりますが、でも、2あなた様ならどのような主張で、どう英語で表現するかを書いてくださるととても助かります。 3、下の書き方はよい書き方でしょうか?それとも悪い書き方でしょうか? 「この文は何が言いたいのかさっぱりわからない」という場合は、遠慮なくおっしゃってください。 どういう表現にすればよかったのかを、一緒に問題を考えてくださると幸いです。 []は段落番号です。 [1] I am for high school students from carrying cell phones because it is not necessary for them at school. [2] When you come back home late because of school club activities, it is possible for them to get in touch with thier parents everwhere. However, we see many bad students absorbed in using a cell phone without considering other people's feelings and ther are not aware that they are bothering other people on the train or in the bus. When their friends call them up and they try to answer the phone, they speak loudly on the phone while they are bothering other poeple. We should't allow them to carry a cell phone while they are not considerating others. [3] There seems many high school students who can concentrate on studying, though they have a cell phone. However, the fact is that there are many high school students using it by sending e-mail to their friends and our teachers told them not to use it and not to carry it in school. [4] When they get into college and they are able to be responsible for what they do, they should buy their own cell phone, not asking their parents to buy it. It is obvious that a cell phone isn't nessesary for them.

  • センター対策の問題なのですが、解説お願いします。

    センター対策の問題なのですが、解説お願いします。 次の絵の説明として適切な記述を選びなさい。 A This is a poster which makes an appeal that we should use buses more frequently. There are two cars and a bus in the poster. Of all the vehicles, buses are the greenest. “The Greenest” means “the cleanest”. And buses occupy less space. That’s why we should use buses more often to clean the air, lessen traffic jams and save the environment of the earth. B You can see a poster which encourages us to use buses more often. Buses stop running engines when they stop at crossings or traffic signals. That’s why we can say buses are “the Greenest.” They use much space but can have many passengers in them. Therefore, buses are economically friendly. To save fuel supplies, we have to use buses as often as we can!

  • この英文がわからない

    they tell about the liberties and freedoms we cherish. 最後のwe cherishはどういう文法なのですか? I dont mind your(you) use my phone の your(you) use my phone に似ている気がします でもなんか違うような・・・ お願いしますm(__)m

  • Amazon.comに連絡をとりたいのですが。。。

    アメリカのAmazon.comに連絡したいことがあるのですが、 サイトのメールフォームから送ろうとすると 「We're sorry, but we are unable to process your contact at this time. We're investigating the cause of this problem now and hope to have it resolved shortly. If you wish, you may provide a phone number where we can call you in a few minutes using the pop-up window. Please note that your browser must have javascript enabled and any pop-up blocker disabled to use this option. Alternatively, you can try to submit your contact again in a few minutes. As always, you can view and update your account and order information in Your Account.」 というメッセージが出てメールを送ることができません。 カスタマーサービスへ直接メールを送りたいのですが、 アドレスを探してもなかなか見つからず困っています。。。 ご存じの方いらっしゃいましたら教えていただけるとうれしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    When do you turn your cell phone off? Now I am more careful about it, but my phone was always on until I (have) an embarrassing experience last summer. I went on a vacation with my friends.  It was just my (two) time on a plane, and I was so(exciting). We got to our seats and waited for takeoff.  The flight attendants came through the aisles, making sure no one was using their phones or other electronics.  The pilot said we were ready to take off.  The plane was quiet and everyone was settling in when all of a sudden someone's phone rang. It was so (loudly).  I felt upset because I knew cell phone users were supposed to turn their phones off at that moment.  Then I heard the second ring.  It was then that I realized the ringing was coming from my bag. It was my phone! I went into a panic, and it took me a minute to find and stop the ringing. Everyone looked at me, and I felt small. I slept for the rest of the flight. Since then, I have been more (care) with my cell phone. カッコ内は文法的に正しい形じゃありません。お願いします。

  • 英語 和訳

    訳を教えてください。 お願いします。 If we reduce our consumption of resources, reuse everything we can, and recycle what we cannot use again, then we can hope to reduce the serious threats to the ecosystem which we all depend on. The 3Rs are both practical and visionary. They are not just for grovernments or lives. People often ask,゛What can I do? " I believe that one person can make a difference. The 3Rs are essential to ensuring a healthier, cleaner world for ourselves and for the generations to came.