• ベストアンサー



  • Riverview
  • ベストアンサー率63% (227/355)

きちんとご理解されているようですが、訳の中でそのことを説明する必要はないかと思います。参考までにですが、私ならこんな風に訳します。 「P&Gの買収完了に伴い権利の確定するストック・オプションと先週の株価に基づいて計算すると」



またまた有難うございます。 訳ではなく、私のストックオプションの理解があっているかを確認したかったのです。 ご丁寧に有難うございました。 また、分からないときはよろしくお願いいたします。


  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。相手からメールが来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願い致します。 We are waiting on your response for what shipment you would like us to send your package with. Again these are your shipping prices. Please let us know what option you will like us to ship and we will ship asap.

  • 間違い教えてください

    間違い教えてください 1)It is one of the best plays that has ever been written. 2)On top of the mountain stands various monuments to peace. 和訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 下記の英文の解釈は正しいですか?

    The federation sets syrup prices and insists on selling all the producers’ syrup for them, keeping 26 cents for each liter of syrup sold as a commission. them は、syrup prices のことじゃないでしょうか。 連邦政府(?)は、シロップ価格を設定し、すべての生産者のシロップをその価格で売ると主張している。 販売されたシロップ1リッターに対して、手数料として26セントを課す。 keep の意味がちょっと自信がないんですが、26セントを自分のものにする、つまり、26セントを手数料として課す、と訳しました。 自分でほかの質問サイトで回答したのですが、自信がありませんので、参考程度にどうぞ、と書いたのですが、ベストアンサーに選ばれてしまいました。解釈が正しいか、間違っているか、教えてください。

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。助けて!

    Dear Taku, Pls see the attachment for the Specs received from the Supplier and refer to our email correspondence with them below. They have confirmed that they will work with us and supply, no problem. As discussed on phone, pls advise how we will be able to secure our interest from your side as we will be introducing to the manufacturer directly whereby you will be able to negotiate on prices and shipments. We will advise you the mode of payment for this transaction, TT preferably or LC ( Letter Of Credit ). We will advise the travel plans once we secure firm offer from our manufacturer. Best Regards, Goldy As discussed on phone, pls advise how will we be bale t

  • お手数ですが翻訳をお願いいたします

    ebayに出品し落札されました。その後、下記メールが届きました。 商品は万年筆です。カッコでくくられた部分が商品名です。 お手数ですが、翻訳よろしくお願いいたします。 I just sent you the payment for the auction on ebay ( Sailor Pro Gear Slim SAPPORO 14k Black fountain pen F -- 140516436966). Before you send the parcel, I would like first to know if you are also selling some ink (bottle and/or cartridge). Because if the answer is yes I might want to order some to group with this purchase and save on shipping fees. If the answer is yes can you send me the details (items & prices)? Thanks and best regards

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    All prices are pegged to Pounds Sterling (GBP) and are exclusive of VAT (if applicable). Quotations are valid for 30 days. Currency exchange fluctuations of more than 5% prior to placing a formal order means quotes may be subject to revision. Depending on your order, there may be additional import duties which will be passed on to you. All consignments are shipped under Incoterms 2010 DAP Delivered At Place (named place of destination). Delivery dates are estimated to the best of our knowledge at time of quotation and will be confirmed upon receipt of order. We will require an official Purchase Order and EU VAT No (if applicable) prior to shipping. Payment details will be provided with invoice.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "Core was our best-selling album, but Tiny Music [...Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop] was the first album that really got music critics on our side as STP," Weiland explains. "On 'Big Bang Baby', the drums were recorded on the front lawn. That was a really experimental album for us." Well, now it's time to see what level of experimentation Weiland and The Wildabouts are able to achieve too.

  • 難文の和訳をお願いします。

    国連の世界貿易レポートを読んでいるのですが、イマイチ理解できません。 大変長い文章ですが、和訳していただけませんでしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 On the basis of these macro-indicators of international production and firm-level evidence, UNCTAD estimates that about 80 per cent of global trade (in terms of gross exports) is linked to the international production networks of TNCs, either as intra-firm trade, through NEMs (which include, among others, contract manufacturing, licensing, and franchising), or through arm’s-length transactions involving at least one TNC (figure IV.14 and box IV.3). The total TNC network of the 52 foreign affiliates in Thailand comprises some 6,000 co-affiliates located in 61 countries around the world (the sum of affiliates of all 35 business groups). About 27 per cent of the foreign value added used by individual affiliates in Thailand (of the 75 per cent of foreign value added in exports) is sourced intra-firm from within their own TNC networks or business groups. On the downstream side, an estimated 65 per cent of foreign affiliate exports is absorbed by firms within their own network. Downstream linkages are more concentrated, with potential intra-firm export connections limited to some 850 co-affiliates.

  • 意味を教えてください

    Dear Prudence, I am a lawyer and have a unicorn of a legal job—Monday to Friday, 9 to 5, with a good salary and full benefits. I started out at a big corporate firm where I was overworked and miserable, and thought this opportunity would be the key to happiness. Three years later, I’ve realized the law (primarily the constant conflict and lack of creativity) just isn’t for me. I am considering going back to school for a master’s related to my undergraduate degree, a field in which I think I would be happy and excel. My hesitations are twofold: First, I’ve already spent seven years in school and amassed massive student loans which I will be repaying until I’m almost 40 (obviously much longer if I go back to school). I’ve already made the wrong major/career choice once, and I’m genuinely worried I’m just thinking about going back to school because that’s where people go when they don’t know what else to do. Second, I’m in my early 30s and planning on having kids in the next few years, right when I would be finishing my program, presumably unemployed and without any kind of maternity leave benefits. I am sometimes tempted to stick it out in this job in order to ensure my kids will not have to struggle the way I am now. —Job Moans and Student Loans I think you should follow your dreams very cautiously. I just can’t imagine that adding to your already-massive pile of student debt would in any way improve your future. You don’t say that you loathe your job, merely that the law isn’t what you want to do with the rest of your life, and I think if you find your current position at all bearable, it’s not worth going back to school full-time right now, especially if you plan on having children the moment you go onto the job market. You have more options, by the way, than just a) sticking it out as an unhappy lawyer indefinitely and b) chucking it all to rack up a few more tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. Consider looking for a job in a different field that can make use of your law degree (it’s not a stretch to say every kind of business needs a lawyer). If you’re set on leaving law completely, go to class part-time in order to confirm that you actually like the field you’re planning on going back to school for. Schedule an appointment with a career counselor to see if they can offer specific suggestions on how to redirect your career path. I can understand why it’s be tempting to abandon it all for the (comparative) freedom of graduate school, but there’s nothing particularly freeing about debt. Arm yourself with as many options as possible before making your next move. a unicorn of a legal jobとnothing freeingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • All this does is square the big sellers off against

    Despite this wealth of assets, some analysts think the merged company would have a limited capacity to dictate prices because there would still be strong competition from other suppliers. “I can see why BHP is doing this, and I can see why China is worried,” said Chris Richardson, director of Access Economics, a consulting firm based in Canberra. “But beyond the next year or two, I don’t think it is going to have a marked affect on commodity prices. All this does is square the big sellers off against the big buyers.” Rio社獲得を図る BHP社、それに対抗するChinalco社間の同記事なのですが All this does is square the big sellers off against the big buyers.” このbig sellers ,big buyersというのが何を言いたいのか分かりません。 敵対的買収かとも思いますが自信がありません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。