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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文中does の解釈)

does の解釈


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9763/12164)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >添付ファイル文章にある The proper response of the Stoic to these events is not to not care, but mindless, meaningless sympathy *does very little either (and comes at the cost of one's own serenity, in most cases).に関する質問です。 mindless, meaningless sympathy *does very little eitherのdoes は careの代用か、それとも、普通のdo として使われているのか判別つけられないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。 ⇒このdoes は、代動詞でなく本動詞で「役に立つ」という意味だと思います。 全文訳はこうなります。 「これらの出来事に対するストア学派の適切な対応は、気にしないということではなく、心ない無意味な同情は、*ほとんど役に立たないのである(そして、ほとんどの場合、自分自身の心の平穏を犠牲にするのである)。」





  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am not a bar-goer. Generally speaking, I don’t like the noise, the press of bodies when it gets crowded and I’m not a drinker (alcohol tends to either make me sick or sleepy with very little in between). with very little in betweenとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この文中の"either"はどういう意味ですか?

    以下の文中の "either" はどういう意味で使われているのでしょうか。 "It's not just in Kenya either," said Gilchrist. わからるかたがいらっしゃいましたら、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 ---補足--- 【出展】 VOA: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/Relief-at-Last-for-Kenyas-Overworked-Donkeys-141075873.html 【前後の文】 Jean Gilchrist is the director of the Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals. She has worked with the organization for 26 years, helping to improve the quality of life for animals, including donkeys. "It's not just in Kenya either," said Gilchrist. "It's something that happens worldwide. India, Ethiopia, Mexico, I don't know, it's something about the donkey that, their role in life, which is basically with the poor people who are scraping a living.

  • How does Sekine refute the idea tha

    How does Sekine refute the idea that women bodybuilders are not even women? Does Sekine recommend that every women should take up bodybuilding in order to become more confident? I think that in Japan, especially, women have a very narrow concept of themselves. What do you think? これどういう意味ですか?

  • 解釈の確認をお願いします

    英文の解釈が合っているかどうかの確認をしたいので、 英語に自信のある方、どうぞよろしくお願いします! This is the worst crime that any old woman can do, is to have a little bit of a belly and to show it all off, it's such a bad look and it started out by those bloody Spice Girls. お腹の肉がタプンタプンなおばあさんが、丈の短いピチピチのトップスを着て お腹を丸出しにしている様子を語った文章です。 正確な解釈はわからないのですが、 「年を取った女性がお腹を丸出しにするなんて最悪なこと。 見苦しくてヒドいスパイス・ガールの始まりだ」 というような意味でしょうか? ~is to have a little bit of a belly and to show it all off の箇所が特にわかりません。 ここの is to~は、文の始まりの、This と繋がるのでしょうか?

  • not~butとmake a fuss 等について

    大学受験用の英文解釈に出ている問題なんですが、先ず It does not matter to a great actor what part he plays, whether it is that of a king or a beggar ; but only that he plays his part well. という英文です。全体の意味は分かっているつもりですが、but以下の部分が構文としてどのように成り立っているのかが分かりません。このbutは文の最初のIt does notのnotを受けたものと考えていいのでしょうか(いわゆるnot~butの構文として)?そして、but it only matters that が省略されたものと考えていいのでしょうか? それとbutの直前の;はどういう意味を持っているのか分かりません。 次に Whoever has to deal with young children soon learns that too much sympathy is a mistake. Too little sympathy is of course, a worse mistake. But in this, as in everything else, each extreme is bad. A child that invariably receives sympathy will continue to cry over tiny mishap; the ordinary self-control of the adult is only achieved through knowledge that no sympathy will be won by making a fuss.という英文です。mishapまではスラスラと意味が理解できるのですが、それ以下の英文、何がどんな風になればどうなるのか、言わんとしていることが理解できません。making a fussをどういう意味にとればいいのか解りません。子供を「ちやほやする」でtoo much sympathy と同じなのか、それとも別のことを言ってるのかよく解りません。どなたか解り易く教えていただけませんか。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    Normally, students entering this sequence do indeed have a fair bit of exposure to these prerequisite topics, though in most cases the material is not covered in a thorough manner. という英文ですが、do indeed は強調ですよね? また、a fair bit of exposure とはなんですか? 全体的な訳はどうなりますか?

  • 1文中にthatが複数出てきて構造がわかりません

    下の文の中には、thatが複数回出てきますが、 1個目のthatは名詞節をつくっていて、次のthoughから最後のthatの前のコンマまでは副詞句だと思うのですが、そう考えるとthough節を抜いた場合に、 world is that that does not ~ となってしまい、良くわからなくなってしまいます。 最初のthatと最後のthatはどのようなはたらきをしているのでしょうか? もしかして最初のthatは名詞節で、最後のthatはthough節の内容を受ける関係詞なのでしょうか? What you have to learn,if you are to be a good citizen of the world,is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours,and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them,that does not give you the smallest right to injure them or even to be personally uncivil to them.

  • emplotmentという言葉

    以下の文章中のemplotmentという言葉が良くわかりません。 どなたかご教授ください Indeed, the spectators insist on seeing the chronicle of the events, Not least because they want to have an opportunity to make their own emplotment.

  • If that does it

    I have been friends with “Jon” for four years. He’s a great guy but not my type. Four months ago Jon got drunk, confessed his undying love for me, and tried to kiss me. I gently rejected him and got someone else to sober him up. The next day, Jon apologized. I told him I valued our friendship and since then, our things have gone back to normal—but several of our mutual friends are pressuring me to give Jon a chance. They ignore my refusals and try to sell me on him. One got very angry when I started dating someone new and accused me of stringing Jon along. I was honest with Jon, and I have tried to be kind (I don’t complain to him about my love life or anything). I have asked Jon several times if we are OK, and he said yes, but all this interference from our friends has left me with doubts. Jon and I have plans to go to France this summer with another friend, and I have spent a lot of money on nonrefundable tickets. Should I ignore all this or press Jon for more details? —Pining I don’t think it’s Jon you need to speak to right now. It’s possible that he’s been pretending to be fine while secretly complaining to your friends, but that’s not at all certain, and the people whose behavior is bothering you right now are your mutual friends—so tell them to knock it off. “I’ve been very clear with Jon from the start that I care about him as a friend and I’m not interested in him romantically. I’m not stringing him along, but I’m also tired of your attempts to convince me I ought to want to be with him. I don’t know why you think it would be a good start to a romantic relationship for one party to have to be repeatedly talked into it. I certainly don’t. You need to stop.” If that does it, great! If that does itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文解釈について質問があります。

    英文解釈について質問があります。 There really isn't much happening in Sydney, so we find ourselves recording all the time. Also, I have two jobs, so when I have free time I want to make the most of it. Q1これですが、 「シドニーでは何かが起きるという事がなかなか無くてね、だからいつもレコーディングするという事に活路を見出した。それと、俺は仕事を2つ抱えているんでね、だから空いた時間にはレコーディングに当てたいんだよ」。 これは最後のI want to make the most of itのitはレコーディングですよね。で、ようは、仕事を2つも抱えていて、自由な時間がなかなかとれない。だからこそ、空いた時間を(活路を見出した)レコーディングに費やしたい。 ということをいいたいんですよね。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― Recently I have been doing some duo recordings with Martin Ng (a Sydney cardiologist/turntable player). We have already recorded loads of material & some of the early recordings are being released on German label Staubgold. It kinda reminds me a little of Lucier's recordings (whom I love). Q2意味自体はほぼとれているのですが、ラストセンテンスのit kinda remainds meのitは何を指すのでしょうか? &で並んだ二つの文章をまとめるとtheyになりますが・・・。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― It goes through waves; 5 years ago there was plenty of live activity, & at the moment it's the opposite. The only thing that can be done is artists organizing their own shows, but there aren't many spaces or interest for this either. Sydney has really gone to the dogs..... Q3これも大部分は意味がとれているのですが、but there aren't many spaces or interest for this either ここだけわかりません。というかeitherがわかりません。ミュージシャンにとっても、シドニーにいる一般人にとってもということですか? ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― The lack of live events is made up for in other ways however...eg radio, there are loads of experimental radio shows both in terms of live and DJed stuff. Also Sydney's does have a really interesting studio output thing happening. There are many talented, innovative artists here. A lot of people are recording, slowly getting recognition & releases overseas + touring overseas; right now this seems to be the only way to operate. How much can one actually do here? Melbourne, on the other hand has a lot more happening; people actually go out to hear music there! But sometimes being in a place far away, with little activity brings out things that are real different. For example, John Zorn suggested Robbie & I record our Tzadik CD in New York, with New York musicians & we chose to do it in Sydney, on our own - it wouldn't sound the way it sounds if we did it in New York. Sometimes there's something interesting when people create in their own isolated environment. Q4これも大部分は意味がとれているのですが、ところどころあやふやです。 How much can one actually do here? Melbourne, on the other hand has a lot more happening; people actually go out to hear music there! But sometimes being in a place far away, with little activity brings out things that are real different. この文章の意図することがわかりません。oneとは何を指すのですか? but以降って、場所によってでてくるものが本当に違ってくる。ということをいいたいのですか? それゆえに、次からfor exampleでつないでいる。 以上です。よろしくお願いいたします。