• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:野球英語に詳しい方お願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

 多分外れでしょうが、  「(二塁と三塁の間の)ショートが土を掘って(= 守備場所を動かないで)球を手放す(ダブルプレーをする)(機を狙う)」と言う意味ではないかと思います。



素晴らしいご説明有難うございました。 ダブルプレーとは。とんと思いつきませんでした。 大変参考になりました。


  • 動詞の意味が分かりません。

    Sometimes, in a tight game with runners on, digging in at short, ready to break with the ball, a peace I'd never felt before would paralyze the diamond. For a moment of eternal stillness I felt as if I were cocked at the very heart of the Midwest. 「永遠の静けさの刹那に、ミッドウエスト(米国中西部)のど真ん中で私はI were cocked のように感じた」で I were cocked(仮定法)の いみがわかりません。辞書もネットも調べたのですが納得できるものがありません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    “私は短いあいだですがあなたと働くことが出来楽しかった。” これを英訳してみましたがどれが正しいでしょうか。自分で考えた訳なので、どこかが微妙に違っているかもしれないといけないので、わかる方、訂正またはアドバイスお願いします。 1. It was fun being able to work with you in a short period. 2. It was fun being able to work with you a short period. 3. I could work together with you in a short period and was fun.

  • 英語の問題

    1:There's no one here who can () the problem. (1)deal with (2)treat at (3)perform (4)splash 2:When I was passing by your house, I thought I'd just () in. (1)ask (2)drop (3)fall (4)visit 3:The child learned to tell good () bad. (1)from (2)to (3)with (4)for 4:You'II have to work very hard today to () the time you wasted yesterday. (1)get rid of (2)run short of (3)keep up with (4)make up for 5:He wouldn't () part in the discussion. (1)let (2)get (3)put (4)take ()に入る解答と和訳をお願いします

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. The few remaining river dolphins ( ) in the Ganges river are protected by the Indian goverment. (1)survival (2)survive (3)suevives (4)surviving 2. What is the language ( ) in mexico? (1)speak (2)spoken (3)of speaking (4)speaking 3. You should remain ( ) until the concert is completely finished. (1)to seat (2)seat (3)seating (4)seated 4. I'm sorry to have kept you ( ). (1)wait (2)to wait (3)waited (4)waiting 5. Don't leave the door ( ). (1)unlock (2)to unlock (3)unlocked (4)unlocking 6. I saw a kindergarten teacher ( ) by many kids. (1)be surrounded (2)surround (3)surrounded (4)surroundeding 7. He could not make himiself ( ) in English. (1)to have understood (2)to understand (3)understanding (4)understood 8. ( ) sick, I decided to take the day off from work and stay in bed. (1)Feel (2)Felt (3)Feeling (4)Being felt 9. Nobody ( ) anything more to say, the meeting was closed. (1)had (2)have had (3)has (4)having 10. Not ( ) which way to take, I stopped at a gas station to get directions. (1)known (2)to know (3)knowing (4)being known 11. ( ) well the night before, I felt much better. (1)Having slept (2)Slept (3)To have slept (4)To sleep 12. ( ) from here, the cars look like small matchboxes. (1)Seeing (2)Seen (3)Having seen (4)To seen 13. Few men are working in the factory, most of the work ( ) by robots. (1)is to do (2)being done (3)is doing (4)having been doing 14. The dog sat there with his tongue ( ) out. (1)to hang (2)hanging (3)hanged (4)hang 15. She was listening to the music ( ) her eyes closed. (1)on (2)in (3)with (4)by 16. Frankly ( ), I perfer Francis' work. (1)told (2)spoken (3)telling (4)speaking 17. ( ), we are going to have a picnic in the park tomorrow. (1)Permitted weather (2)Permitting weather (3)Weather permits (4)Weather permitting 18. I'm not surprised that Alice got the highest score in class, ( ) how much she studied. (1)considering (2)consideration (3)in considering (4)in consideration 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が一箇所ある。その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 またその英文を訳しなさい。 19. In 1913, the 【(1)stealing】 Mona Lisa was 【(2)discovered】 【(3)at】 a hotel 【(4)in】 Florence. 20. 【(1)Judget】 from the 【(2)setting sun】, it 【(3)will】 be 【(4)fine】 tomorrow. 次の日本文の意味になるように、( )内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 21. 向こうで車を洗っている人は、君のお父さんですか?  Is ( a car / washing / man / over / the ) there your father? 22. 痛みは神経系で引き起こされる感覚である。  Pain is a ( system / feeling / triggered / nervous / in / the ). 23. この携帯電話の広告をどこへ行っても見るだろう。  You ( advertised / everywhere / go / see / this mobile phone / will / you ). 以上です。 問題数が多いですが、どうかよろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 英語の質問です!

    [L. A. Hill, the author of the following passage], wrote a lot of short stories. ュ「He was very good at writing short stories which are seasoned with wit and humor, using expressions easy to understand. ュ」Readers will enjoy the wit and humor expressed between the lines in his stories. ュ、In the following passage [the author] tells about a funny puzzle which a wife has for her husband in order to make him understand that he does not listen to her. の英語の訳をお願いします!!

  • 英語と映画研究に詳しい方、お願いします!

    下にあるのは大学の購読で、使う資料の一部です。自分の英語ではぜんぜん理解するどころか、訳せもしません。情けないですが、どなたか、これに書かれている概要を教えていただけないでしょうか。 英語の力がなくても書かれている内容がすごく気になります。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。 This dilemma of the virtual not being definable in opposition to realism has given rise to two different responses : one school of thought has turned to a reassessment of illusionism as an aesthetic value in its own right, while others have pointed to the enunciative dimension of the "index", and thus to make indexilality an aspect of enunciation and deixis. Both these contexts break, at the conceptual level, with our traditional definitions of cinematic realism, because "reality" in virtual reality is no longer understood as index, trace and reference of an elsewhere, but as a total environment: it thus is a function of a coherence theory, rather than a correspondence theory.

  • 急いでます!!!英語です(;;)

    以下のどの英文でもいいので、英語で文法的に説明してください!お願いします(;;) 本当に困ってます。。 They seemed pleased with the news and told me they'd be ready. I heard her mother ask in the background, "Why does he want to bring all those friends, anyway?" What am I supposed to say to all of them? ”Six people will be coming by with me next Monday to visit with you, can you be here?" They seemed pleased with the news and told me they'd be ready.

  • 英語が出来る方助けてください。(かなり困っています。)

    英語が出来る方助けてください。(かなり困っています。) 今学生をしているのですが400ページほどある英語の専門書を読み始めたのですがこの部分の訳がどうしてもしっくりこないのですが分かる方いませんでしょうか?? 英語が大変苦手なので自分の訳に自信がなく困っています。 先生が海外に勉強に行っているので聞けず大変困っています。もし分かる方がいらしたら宜しくお願いします。 Now, Li(z) is the potential energy for the molecule i, expressed as a function of its distance z form the plane of the centres of atoms (or ions) in the surface layer; rij is the distance between the molecule i and each atom (ion) in the solid. In practice, only a limited number of atoms are taken into account because of the rapid decrease in energy with distance. The balance between attractive and repulsive interactions means that a point exists, at distance ze from the surface, where the potential energy of the molecule is minimum, as represented in Figure 1.2. Of course, the value of Li(z) must depend not only on the distance from the surface but also on the location on the surface (i.e. in the xy plane). If this is in the form of one face of a perfect crystal, there will be a regular variation of potential energy across the surface. It is not surprising to find that the most favorable site is at the centre of an array of surface atoms (cf. Figure 1.3). The corresponding depth of the potential energy well (at ze) will depend on the density and crystal structure of the absorbent and the polarizability and molecular size of the adsorbate. The easiest path for the movement of the adsorbed molecule across the surface is via a col or 'saddle point' and the energy barrier to translational movement in the xy plane is given by the difference in the corresponding minima potential energies for the two locations (Figure 1.3).

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I first heard it from attorneys who typically represent men in a divorce. I then began to see it in the cases that came before me. I remember the attorney who first mentioned it to me some ten years ago,he leaned back in his chair at a conference on divorce and said,“It never ceases to amaze me how many men come to me with their jaws on the floor saying they never saw it coming."

  • 英語が堪能な方!訳をお願いできますか? 

    I: Rickie, tell me. What are your expectations for the rest of this season? R: Umm, you know just getting the season started, just looking to get off a solid start. Umm, I had a good finish in Maui, urr I've had some success here at Torrey so. Really looking forward to, urr, a good finish here, moving on and working on a multiple-win season. I: After playing in Hawaii last week, where do you feel your game is, and how confident do you feel coming in to this tournament? R: Urr, game I've been swinging well. I have had some time off, which is nice. You get the body rested up. Umm, so ready to play, definitely well rested. Umm, like I said I've been swinging well, so just ready to get out, play, and get back in contention. I: Now I have got to ask. You've been called the "Justin Beaver of golf." How do you feel, knowing that you are such a hard throb? R: Well I definitely have the younger, urr, I guess girls and boys fans. Urr, but as far as the status goes between me and Beaver, urr, he has got me beat by a long shot so. Urr, you know hopefully I can keep the fan base growing, umm, especially with the youth and the younger generation, but urr, yeah, he is a little bit bigger than I am. I: Who has better hair? You or Beaver? R: Oh, my hair is way better than Beaver's. I: Growing up, who did you look up to most? R: Umm, probably the one guy that I looked up to most was actually another, kind of stoked out(??) native, urr, Jeremy McGrath in the Supercross industry. Umm, I grew up, riding and racing in bikes and playing golf so, umm, I actually ? knew more people in that industry than I did in the golf industry, before I kind of become a good established amateur player. But urr, you know, obviously guys like Phil and Tiger are guys I look up to as well. They are, umm, you know, some of the best players in the world and, you know, something I want to do. But you know, Jeremy being at a different sport, umm, just like the way he handled hiself and, you know, won championships. I: You are a phenomenal golf player yourself. Does it intimidate you to play with Phil and Tiger? R: No, I like going out and trying to beat them up as bad as I can. Urr, God I know them both pretty well. Play some matches with Phil for fun on the side and practice rounds and, umm, you know, practice and play with Tiger a little bit more home so. It's been fun to get to know guys like that and trying to learn a little bit from them. I: Thanks. Well, best of luck to you, the rest of the week.