• ベストアンサー



  • furamanko
  • ベストアンサー率27% (564/2054)

The rules of Elizabethan English were very flexible, with nouns or adjectives often used as verbs. エリザベス朝の英語のルールは非常に柔軟で、名詞や形容詞が動詞として使われることが多かった。 with をもって 別の訳語一覧: 伴って と共に をもってして



furamankoさん ありがとうございました。


  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The line here remained intact until the very end of the war in Macedonia, when the forces occupying it had to retreat due to the breakthrough at Dobro Pole. The offensive however also provided some satisfaction as the Serbian troops were able to return to the border of their country. The Bulgarians and Germans alike were also satisfied with their resistance to the superior numbers of the Entente. General Nikola Zhekov went as far as to describe the Battle of the River Cherna as "legendary" in terms of the tenacity of the Bulgarian defense - "conducted without regard of casualties".

  • 和訳お願いします

    Why were fish probably not very afraid of Thalassomedon? The fish didn't see Thalassomedon as it came near. The fish were friendly with Thalassomedon. The fish were also predators, not just prey. The fish did not have very long necks.

  • 英文の長文和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています。 和訳を教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします!! The entrance steps of the Capitolium were rebuilt with flanking bastions which may have supported statues of the Dioscuri, sons of Juiper, and the altar was reset on a raised platform in the centre of the temple steps, where it is shown blazing at the time of the earthquake in a relief on the lararium of L.Caecilius Iucundus. But the cult title Victrix –the Victorious–with which Sulla worshipped the goddess was not used at Pompeii, presumably because it evoked Sulla’s bloody victory over the Samnites in the wars of the late 80s. In the precinct of Apollo the gaps between the piers that connected the sanctuary with the forum were filled in and the area was reshaped as the colonnaded courtyard visible today. The three main temples–the Capitolium, the Temple of Apollo and the Temple of Venus, were all embellished in the Augustan period or shortly afterwards. The cult became very popular, to judge by the number of graffiti that allude to it, and Pompeii became well known as the city of Venus.

  • BOSSという英文の訳お願いします

    Words appeal to the emotions of people as well as to their intellect. Some words soothe one's feelings, but others arouse dislike or hatred. The first settlers who came to New England were glad that in this new land they were without masters. They despised master because it reminded them of a social order they hoped they were through with forever. They found an excellent way to get along without the word. In Dutch baas means "master." The early English settlers in New York borrowed this word in the form of boss and used it instead of master. It quickly became popular all over the country and is still in everyday use. It should be noticed however, that boss has never been able to secure anything but colloquial standing in the language. It is quite useful among friends in familiar conversation and writings of an informal sort. When it is used of one in political control of a district or situation it is slang.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Taube was used for frequent reconnaissance flights and Plüschow made several nuisance attacks on the blockading squadron, dropping improvised munitions and other ordnance on them. Plüschow claimed the downing of a Japanese Farman MF.7 with his pistol, the first aerial victory in aviation history. Plüschow flew from Tsingtao on 6 November 1914 carrying the governor's last dispatches, which were forwarded to Berlin through neutral diplomatic channels. On the night of 6 November, waves of Japanese infantry attacked the third line of defence and overwhelmed the defenders. The next morning, the German forces, along with their Austro-Hungarian allies, asked for terms. The Allies took formal possession of the colony on 16 November 1914. Analysis As the German garrison was able to hold out for nearly two months despite a total Anglo-Japanese blockade with sustained artillery bombardment and being outnumbered 6 to 1, the defeat nevertheless served as a morale booster. The German defenders watched the Japanese as they marched into Tsingtao but turned their backs on the British when they entered into town. Casualties Japanese casualties numbered 733 killed and 1,282 wounded; the British had 12 killed and 53 wounded. The German defenders lost 199 dead and 504 wounded. The German dead were buried at Tsingtao, while the remaining soldiers were transported to prisoner of war camps in Japan. The 4,700 German prisoners were treated well and with respect in Japan, such as in Bandō prisoner-of-war camp. The German troops were interned in Japan until the formal signature of the Versailles peace treaty in 1919, but due to technical questions, the troops were not repatriated before 1920. 170 prisoners chose to remain in Japan after the end of the war.

  • 英文間違い探し

    Some of the trucks were sent out with as many as 250 boxes, which is several boxes over the limit. The limit is 200 any truck. 間違いを一カ所指摘しなさいという問題です。 Some of the trucks→Some trucks でしょうか?

  • 下記の英文のhowについて教えてください。

    The documentary pointed out how lower-income households are falling into greater debt. used after certain adjectives or verbs to refer to an event or situation 上記の定義で使われている how だと考えましたが、合っていますか?また、特定の動詞の後に使われる、とありますが、point out にも使えますか? そのドキュメンタリーは低所得世帯の方がより多くの借金を抱えている状況を指摘した。 自分の解釈が合っているかどうかも、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    All of the units suffered from lack of equipment, including ammunition. There was a shortage of capable officers, and only 120 machine guns in the whole army. The army possessed no field howitzers or heavy artillery. In terms of appearance, the dark-blue uniforms and personal equipment issued to soldiers in 1914 had not changed visibly since 1853.[9] Standards of discipline were frequently lax and Belgian soldiers were often seen as "indisciplined and careless".[9] The army had no coherent doctrine and its had as many as five strategic plans, none of which commanded total support from the High Command. The Belgian army was divided into two, with the majority assigned to the Field Army and lower-quality troops to guard the country's three fortified zones.

  • 以下の文で質問です

    Among prepottery clay artifacts found there are thousands of small, hand-modeled tokens of fired clay, some dating to before 4000BC. Often ignored by archaelogists---some concluded they were amulets or game pieces---the tokens are identified as overlooked predecessors to the written word. amuletっておまもりのような、物体のもですよね?tokenとイコールのようなのでこれも個体のような物体的なものをイメージしたのですが違うのですか? またamongの部分でカンマだけで繋がっているのは付加的な意味で加えただけだからでしょうか amongは倒置ですよね あとfired clayというのは焼かれた粘土で固まったものですよね。。 The token system, essantially a system of 3 dimensional nouns was replaced...の3 dimensional nounsはどういう意味でしょうか

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    Voice of America Special English programの最近の記事でNancy Pelosi に関するものですが、その中で「The sixty-six-year-old speaker quickly set to work on the legislative goals of House Democrats for the first one hundred hours of the new Congress. The issues were as different as increasing the federal minimum wage and reducing interest rates on student loans.」とありますが、as different as がうまく訳せません。differentを異なるという意味だけにに固執してはだめなのでしょうか?。あつかましいとは思いますが、できれば全訳もお願いします。