• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:WENDYレーベルとは?)


  • WENDYレーベルの最新リリースがフェイクだと指摘されている
  • WENDYレーベルは他のレーベルの音源をコピーし、フェイド・アウトさせたりドロップ・アウトを作ることが多い
  • WENDYレーベルの信頼性について知っている方がいれば教えてほしい


  • ベストアンサー
  • SK_1978
  • ベストアンサー率60% (3/5)

私的に WENDYレーベルは良く知りませんし保有していませんが、ネット上には以下の記述がありますね。 少し古いですが  https://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?comm_id=3673&id=14287603  https://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?comm_id=138728&id=37774130



有難うございます。 私も個人的に検索していましたが、みなさんお勧めするレーベルでは無さそうですね。 オークション含めて購入時は注意したいと思います。



  • 訳お願いします!

    訳お願いします! 夢についての話です。 Not Being Able to Get off the Train If your dream is about not being able to get off the train, you may be frightened of getting to your destination. It may mean that you have started something you can't stop, and you feel out of control. Fire A dream about fire may wean that you have warm feelings, but it may also mean that your hopes are being destroyed. A fire out of control could represent your fear of being out of control.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Stone Temple Pilots are planning to release a new EP in October according to Hard Drive Radio. It will be their first collection of new material with new frontman Chester Bennington, following up the single “Out of Time” which was released in May. STP are also planning more tour dates in addition to the shows they have already announced in the fall. The DeLeo brothers will also be appearing on Hard Drive Radio on Monday. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Chester Bennington』は人物名、『Out of Time』は曲名です。

  • 英語

    1:Married men sometimes wish they () single. (1)are (2)were (3)have been (4)being 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you () there. (1)were (2)had been (3)have been (4)would be 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks() an expert. (1)like his being (2)as if he were (3)even if he were (4)as though being 4:You looked() a ghost when you came out of thehouse. What happened? (1)like to have seen (2)like seeing (3)as though to have seen(4)as if you had seen 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you() in bed. (1)are (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "We're right in the midst of getting a five-song EP together. We have 'Out Of Time', which is currently out there as a single and we have another song called 'Tomorrow', which was recorded when we did 'Out Of Time'. We're looking to release that EP in October and that's really exciting because we're moving forward and we're creating new music that we're all really proud of." Asked if there was a backlash from the STP fan base because of Chester's involvement, Robert said: "I think there was going to be. How many have people have terminated their singer and wanted to terminate their singer? [laughs]

  • 英語の聞き取り難しくないですか?

    下の音声はNPRのニュースの一部です。 http://www.geocities.jp/nnaa66yy/kiroku2018/npr0227.wav googleで聞き取らせてみると 1- a new study of teenagers like that about 30% of them have received 2- a new study of teenagers out about 30% of them have received と、googleもなんか混乱してるみたいです。 質問1 これはなんと言ってるんですか。 質問2 ここ2年ほどほぼ毎日15分程度アメリカのニュースを聞いて聞き取りの練習をしてるんですが、なんか乗り越えられそうもない壁を感じています。こうゆうのはそのうち耳が慣れて聞き取れるようになるんでしょうか、それとも、毎日15分程度の練習では、日本語みたいには英語は聞き取れるようにはならないから、のどっちなんででしょうか。現実をしりたいです。 ちなみに、NHKの定時英語ニュースはかなりわかるようになりましたんで、それなりに進歩はしてるようですが。 質問3 アメリカ英語って結構聞き取りがむずかしい言語なんでしょうかね。googleもてこずってるようなんですが。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We've been around for 20 years and counting, releasing singles like “Hey Man, Nice Shot,” and “Take a Picture” along the way. We've released 6 studio albums, the most recent being “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” released on Tuesday, June 4th - and is arguably our favorite album to date. Since the genesis of Filter, we have always been a band that embraces the stage and the interaction it brings with our fans. In essence, the more stages we play the more of you we get to see! ※ 『Hey Man, Nice Shot』『Take a Picture』は曲名、『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • 英語の空欄補充問題です

    John's mother wanted to go shopping,so she asked him() his little brother while she was out. 1 if he looked after 2 he would look after 3 looking after 4 to look after I like his new house,but I hadn't expected it ()so small 1 be 2 of being 3 to be 4 to being どうしても分かりません 回答お願いします!

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    We have been working as prostitutes here in our state and in several nearby ones. We know we need help, but we are afraid to ask for it. Hotlines and trafficking programs have called the police on friends of ours who reached out for help. How can we get help without being forced to testify against my boyfriend and our other friends? Hotlines and trafficking programs have called the police on friends of ours who reached out for help. の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Most people are going to choose to see STP with Bennington over Weiland. STP still have 3/4 of the original members, the band name, and they also have Chester Bennington who will bring in a whole new generation of STP fans with Linkin Park's massive following. If the radio play of “Out of Time” today on KROQ in LA (they played the song once per hour) is any indication, the Chester Bennington era could bring STP back to commercial prominence. And if STP follow the Van Halen model, Scott Weiland will be back again down the line, but unfortunately Eric Kretz will be fired and replaced by one of the DeLeo brothers’ children. I think it's best for everybody to just sit back and enjoy the soap opera.

  • 私は若輩ながら71歳のフリーで、仏教や神教には属さず、ただ先祖との関係を大切にしています。
  • 宗派や作法形式は人間が考えたものであり、心の安らぎを感じるためには自分なりの方法が大切です。
  • 他の人の意見や枠に縛られず、自分の心に従って先祖を送ることが一番心地よく、形式や作法にとらわれる必要はありません。
