• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)






  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The article mentions that it took 17 years from the beginning of the investigation to the publication of the 11 papers on Ardi in 2009. During that time only one paper was published by the team members, in 1994. It is interesting that the team did not publish papers on the research for 15 years, for we live in the era of “publish or perish” – in other words, professors understand that they need to publish academic articles in order to keep their jobs, or at least to be able to advance their careers. True, 47 of the 70 investigators on the team were listed as authors on the 11 papers. Also, the publication of the papers all at once essentially guaranteed that the papers were given a lot of attention. Still, it is encouraging that the universities and other institutions that funded the research continued to support the team members despite the lack of papers. After all, “publish or perish” is largely due to the need for universities to be recognized as places where a lot of research is being done. High levels of publication lead to high evaluations, which helps attract students and funding to a particular university. The presence of good students and large research budgets help the school maintain its excellence. So the term “publish or perish” may not be quite as cynical as it first sounds.

  • この英文の構造,解釈を説明していただけませんか.

     毎日欠かさずこのコーナーを拝見し,英語の勉強をしています.きょうは次の英文について,説明していただけませんか. West Germans work less than any of their European counterparts, let alone those in North America and the Far East. It's not so much that West German workers kill time on the job, rather it's that they are on the job less than workers anywhere els.  最初の文は「西ドイツの人たちは,北米や極東の人たちと比べれば勿論のこと,どんなヨーロッパの人たちと比べても労働時間が少ない」という意味だと思いますが,問題はその後の文です.It…that ~ の形をしていますが,全体の内容からして It は形式主語の It ではないような気がします.そこでジーニアス英和辞典で that の用法を調べてみると,前文を受けて「だからといって…というわけではない」という用法の記述があり,これなら It はその前の文全体を受けて意味的にはかなり納得しやすくなります.つまり「だからといって,このことは西ドイツの人たちが仕事中にさぼっているというわけではない」.では仮にこの解釈が正しいとしても,so much というのはどう訳出しすればよいのでしょうか.ここでの much は副詞としての「大そう,非常に」の意では,また so はmuch をさらに強める用法では…などと想像していますが,自信がありません.この辺りの説明をして頂けませんでしょうか.この部分の和訳をして頂ければ助かります.  更に,その後に続く文は,同じくジーニアスの先程の that と同じ箇所に説明している「実情は…ということである」という用法だと思って「そうではなく,実情は彼らは他のどんな場所の労働者と比べてみても労働時間が少ないということである」と解釈しましたが間違いないでしょうか.宜しくお願いします.  

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機能を使ってもわかりやすい訳がでてこなかったため、和訳をお願いしたいです。 As discussed above , the implementation of the Memoranda strategy systematically fails regarding its time schedules . Indicative of this failure is that from May 2010 to May 2013 their forecasts for GDP growth had to be revised downwards eight times . Correspondingly , the troika had to revise downwards seven times its own forecasts for the required fiscal adjustment : the initial fiscal austerity measures were 25 billion while the most recent estimate revises their cumulative amounts upwards to 66 billion . There is a similar failure to forecast the government debt , the ratio of foreign debt to GDP , the level of unemployment , etc . These results are at least unacceptable . What are the reasons behind these failures ?

  • allの意味は?

    allの意味は? 5/22朝日新聞夕刊「時事英語に挑戦」より Despite all the naysayers who were predicting failure a year ago,our economy is growing again. 一年前には(景気回復策は)失敗すると否定的な見方をする人たちがいたが、われわれの経済は再び成長している。 質問: (1)all the naysayersは「すべての否定的な見方をする人々」でいいですか?「すべて」と言う言葉に違和感を覚えます。 (2)関係代名詞を除いて、Despite all the naysayers were predicting failure a year ago,ではいけませんか?その違いを教えて下さい。 (3)「・・否定的な味方をする人達がいたが、」の「・・がいた」の訳はどこに根拠があるのですか?  以上

  • 下記英文の解釈が合っているかどうか

    すいません質問があります。 Our reviewer asked: “Is “The Invisible City" a concept album about the cohabitation of creatures, nature and man-made technology?" 「The Invisible City」とは、動物、自然、そして人間の手によるテクノロジーの共存というテーマのコンセプトアルバムなのでしょうか? Perhaps not for this CD particularly but as a whole yes. I´ve been working with Chris since 2000 starting with the Wind Album. It´s very educational to be around him, also with the way he executes his work. He's always been a great inspiration. それは今回のアルバムに限った話ではないだろうね。クリスとは2000年の「the Wind Album」からコラボレーションをやっている。彼と一緒にいるのは勉強になるし、also with the way he executes his work. 常に強烈な刺激となっていたよ。 also~についてですが、ここは「彼にとっても勉強になっている」という解釈であっていますか? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Couldn't one see these daily sounds as a form of music as well? 日常にあるサウンドを1つの音楽の形態として捉える事は出来ないものでしょうか? Depends how you listen. You could adapt this thought to any sounding environment, parts of it can work like this, but I don't necessary believe that switching on a microphone anywhere makes for an interesting recording. I would think that the city 100 years ago was actually even noisier in some ways. 何を聴くかにもよる。いかなる環境でもサウンドに対してその考えを順応させられるのであれば、それは可能だろう。 しかし、マイクのスイッチを入れればどこででも面白いサウンドが得られるというものではない。 I would think that the city 100 years ago was actually even noisier in some ways. この英文ですがよくわかりません。全体的に解釈があっていますか? 以上よろしくお願いいたします。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6819117.html それと、bakanskyさんこちらでの回答ありがとうございます。 補足というか自分なりの考えというかさらなる疑問を書かせて頂きました…・。

  • 下記の英文の解釈についてお教えください

    The Obama administration's support of big government spending made both Republicans and much of the American public anxious as the economy continued to suffer, despite the actions Obama had taken to improve it. この文章は、SVO構文で、動詞はmade、目的語はboth Republicans and much of the American public anxious as the economy continued to supperだと認識しています。 まず、この認識があっているか、お教えください。 上記の理解が正しければ、主語は、The Obama administration's support of big government spending になると思っていますが、spendingの用法がわかりません。なぜ、ing形になっているのか、どのように訳すのかわかりません。supportにかかる、of big government spendingの部分がわかっていないように思っています。 ご教示いただけると幸いです。

  • 下記の英文の解釈は正しいですか?

    The federation sets syrup prices and insists on selling all the producers’ syrup for them, keeping 26 cents for each liter of syrup sold as a commission. them は、syrup prices のことじゃないでしょうか。 連邦政府(?)は、シロップ価格を設定し、すべての生産者のシロップをその価格で売ると主張している。 販売されたシロップ1リッターに対して、手数料として26セントを課す。 keep の意味がちょっと自信がないんですが、26セントを自分のものにする、つまり、26セントを手数料として課す、と訳しました。 自分でほかの質問サイトで回答したのですが、自信がありませんので、参考程度にどうぞ、と書いたのですが、ベストアンサーに選ばれてしまいました。解釈が正しいか、間違っているか、教えてください。

  • 解釈の仕方や文法を教えて下さい。

    たくさんあるのですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 1.Traditionary duty-conscious , the average Japanese ,have been somewhat insensible of their own rights. →訳が、「平均的な日本人は伝統的に義務を意識しているが、自分自身の権利についてはいささか鈍感であった。」なのですが、最初の部分の文法的な、つながり方がよくわかりません。「伝統的に、義務の意識、日本人の平均は」みたいにしか考えられません。何故このような訳になるのでしょうか。少し思ったのが、倒置がおきているのでしょうか。でももし、そうだとしたら、元の文章はどうなるかわかりますでしょうか? 2.Importance is attached to sincerity and faith in fulfilling an agreement. →訳は、「合意を実行する際は、まごころと、信頼が重要される。」とありますが、これも倒置でしょうか ??だとしても、一度最初から直訳して倒置じゃないスムーズな訳しかたに持っていく流れが知りたいのですが、わかりやすく教えていただけませんでしょうか。自分の訳だと、 「重要性は、合意を実現させるという中で、信頼や、誠実さが付与される」等と、わけのわからないものになってしまいます。 3.even in contracts rights and duties of the parties concerned were ~ →訳は、「契約においてさえ、当事者の権利と義務は、~」ですが、of the parties concerned の箇所が不明です。何故この部分で「当事者」と解釈できるのか??さらに、concernedの用法は何か?? 過去分詞であるならば、一語なので名詞の前に置かなきゃならないのに後ろに来ていておかしいのでは??じゃあこれはどういう文法の形態なのかがわからなくて混乱します。 以上なのですが、どなたかご解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The wounded German sailors were taken to Valparaíso, Chile, for treatment, where one later died of wounds received during the action. The 315 of Dresden's crew who remained were interned by Chile until the end of the war, when those who did not wish to remain in Chile were repatriated to Germany. One of the crew—Lieutenant Wilhelm Canaris, the future admiral and head of Abwehr—escaped internment in August 1915 and made it back to Germany, where he returned to active duty in the Imperial Navy. The Battle of Shaiba (12–14 April 1915) was a battle of World War I fought between British and Ottoman forces; the later trying to retake the city of Basra from the British. By capturing Basra, the British had taken an important communications and industrial centre. The British had consolidated their hold on the city and brought in reinforcements. The Ottomans gathered their forces and launched a counteroffensive to retake the city and push the British out of Mesopotamia. The Ottoman commander Süleyman Askeri had about 4,000 regular soldiers, including the Istanbul Fire Brigade Regiment and a large number of irregular Arabs and Kurds, numbering maybe 14,000, for a total of 18,000 personnel. He chose to attack the British positions around Shaiba, southwest of Basra. Travel between Basra and Shaiba was difficult because seasonal floods had turned the area into a lake, and movement went via boat. The British garrison at Shaiba consisted of about 7,000 men in a fortified camp including a trench and barbed wire. At 5 AM on the 12th, the Ottoman troops started with a bombardment. That evening starting at dusk they tried to crawl through gaps in the British barbed wire, but were repulsed. By morning of the 13th the Ottoman troops had withdrawn to their positions at Barjisiyeh Wood. Later the next day it was apparent that some Ottomans and Arab irregulars were trying to slip around Shaiba, and maybe get to Basra by bypassing the town. The British, under General Charles Melliss, sent the 7th Hariana Lancers and later the 104th Wellesley's Rifles to attack the Arabs, but those attacks were failures. Melliss then attacked with the 2nd Dorsets and the 24th Punjabis, backed by artillery fire, and they routed the Arab irregulars, capturing 400 and dispersing the rest. The Arab irregular forces would not take part in the rest of the battle. Sulaimann Askari had his Ottoman regular troops fall back on Barjisiyeh Wood. The Battle of Shaiba  シャイバの戦い

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Further attempts to reach the second objective were successful, but the position was untenable, so within a couple of hours the RND units had retreated to their starting positions. With the main attack decided—success for the 42nd Division in the centre, failure everywhere else—Hunter-Weston considered how to deploy his reserves. If he was to exploit the success in the centre, there was the potential to set the Ottoman flanks to flight but also the danger of creating a vulnerable salient. He decided to reinforce the flanks and renew that attack; however, the French insisted they were unable to continue the offensive so any further advances by the Royal Naval Division in Achi Baba Nullah were abandoned. Further attacks along Gully Spur and Gully Ravine failed. At 16:00, Hunter-Weston ordered the troops to dig in and consolidate their positions; however, this coincided with the Ottoman reserves counter-attacking against the Manchester Brigade in the centre. Within one hour, the brigade was under attack from three sides so was eventually ordered to withdraw. By the end of the battle, their new front line was a mere 200–250 yd (180–230 m) in front of their start line, passing through a patch of vines that earned the area the name of 'The Vineyard' which was to be the site of heavy fighting in August. The objectives of the third battle of Krithia had been more realistic than the previous attempts, but it ended in failure all the same with only small gains in ground. Both sides were severely stretched following the battle. If the British had the troops to resume the attack on the following day, the Ottomans believed they would not have been able to hold. As it was, when the Ottomans launched a counter-attack against the 29th Division at the Vineyard on 6 June, the British came close to breaking. Second Lieutenant G.R.D Moor of the 2nd Battalion, the Hampshire Regiment was awarded the Victoria Cross for stemming the retreat of his battalion. The award of Victoria Cross also involved the shooting of four men who were leading the retreat. General Henry De Lisle of the 29th Division commented that Moor shot "the leading four men and the remainder came to their senses." The remainder led by Moor, according to London Gazette dated 23 July 1915, went back and recaptured a lost trench, saving "a dangerous situation".