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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:なぜ定冠詞は付かないか)






  • よろしくお願いします

    I recently became involved with a co-worker I met during my summer internship. Men I’ve dated in the past have been relatively immature and inconsiderate, so I’m excited to have met a potential partner who embodies neither of these traits. However, there are a few problems. While this man wasn’t my boss, he held the same position within the company that my boss did, and I reported to him on a number of projects. I’m worried about the scandal our relationship could cause should it come to light, and also about the integrity of letters of recommendation I may need down the road. There is also considerable age difference between us—I’m 20, he’s 36. While it doesn’t bother me, I do see it as a major barrier to my family and friends accepting our relationship. The few close friends I’ve told have been shocked at our age difference and professional association, and their reactions stopped me from sharing the news with others. Lastly, he’s financially well off and plans to spend considerable money to fly me out to see him when I’m back at college. Men I’ve datedはThe men I’ve datedとするのはなぜ間違いなのでしょうか?(The few close friends I’ve toldはTheが付いていますよね?)あと、fly me outは「飛行機で来させる」ということでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • setup

    I may not have had sex in two years, but I created a life of my own in a big city, I’ve traveled, I’ve met a hundred men through online dating or setups, ここでのsetupはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • personal reckoning

    I am in the midst of a major personal reckoning. Having dated relatively unsuccessfully (and increasingly desperately) for the last 15 years, I recently woke up to the disorienting realization that my life is passing me by. personal reckoningとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 時制問題です。

    「Have you seen Yawara recently?」 「No,but () dinner with her on Sunday.」 1.I'm having 2.I've been having 3.I'd have 4.I've had 正解は1です。 4以外はいけそうな気がするのですがどうして1なのか? 回答お願いします。

  • setupsの意味

    I’ve met a hundred men through online dating or setups, ここでのsetupsの意味は何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この文章を訳していただけませんか?

    この文章を訳していただけませんか? I've been betterの部分はどう訳せばいいんでしょうか? Since we broke up recently, I have been better.

  • exclusive

    I’m in my late 40s, divorced, and have recently tried online dating. Overall, it’s been great. I’ve met some terrific men and have been seeing a couple of them regularly. I’m upfront about not wanting to be exclusive at this time, and they’re fine with keeping things light and casual, so that’s all good. not wanting to be exclusiveとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • hookup

    I have a close friend I’ve known for 12 years (we’re both in our mid-20s) and we’ve been through a lot together. She dates a lot more casually than I do, but neither of us judges the other, and we both support each other’s approach to sex and relationships. Recently we met up for a night out and she brought a new hookup along. He was so drunk he was stumbling and slurring his words; ここでのhookupの意味を教えてください。あと、stumbling and slurring his wordsの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • validationの訳し方

    It’s been over a year, and I’ve unsuccessfully dated other men. He’s come back a few times since then, with an aching love for me that quickly cools when he’s reminded I have flaws. I’ve put up walls and tried to block communication, but that doesn’t help get rid of his voice in my head. I don’t know how to stop craving his validation. validationがどの辞書を調べても訳し方がわからないのですが、ここではどう訳したら良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 解釈の仕方について

    こんにちは。先日、海外の友人から届いたメールに"Recently I've bought summer skates and on evenings have little trips.) I have winter skates and get some success in skating (ohh, I'm so modest:)."と書かれていたのですが、分からない部分があり質問させていただいました。「modest」について、辞書を引くと謙遜や上品と書かれているのですが、前の文章からは何を「modest」と言っているのか分からず、少し困っています。  解釈の方法について、どなたか分かる方で教えて頂けますと幸いです。