• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Should I Pay Rent on His Place?

  • My boyfriend wants me to pay half the rent, cable, water, and electric bills if I move into his apartment. I think I shouldn't have to pay rent on HIS place since it's the same whether I'm there or not.
  • I'm OK with paying for cable, water, and electric, but I don't think I should have to pay rent on my boyfriend's place. It would be different if we were married.
  • I'm unsure if I should pay rent on my boyfriend's place if I move in. He says I can't live there for free and wants me to split the rent, cable, water, and electric bills.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。on HIS placeのonはどのような意味(役割)でしょうか? ここの on は、下記の前置詞の7「~について」あるいは「~に関して」の意味だと思います。(私のところじゃなくて)彼のところ『に』、ということです。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=on 払う金の行き先を、示しています。 2。あと、ここでのas suchはどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?  (貴女は、彼に扶養されている昔の女ではなく)独立した二十一世紀の若い女性です、ですからしかるべく(=それらしく=独立した二十一世紀の若い女性として分け前を払いなさい)






  • 文法解釈・構造

    I need you to take his place. この文は I=s need=v you =o to take his place.=o と解釈するのでしょうか

  • よろしくお願いします

    DEAR ABBY: My 23-year-old son does not want to work and spends all his time playing video games. He's obsessed with them. He disrespects my house -- and me -- by not cleaning his room. I don't know what to do. He's my son, but he is a user and feels he's entitled to live here. He pays no bills and blows all his money on gaming. He quits every job he has. I love him and kicked him out once, but he got on Facebook and told people what bad parents we are. All he says is he wants to be happy. I think he's out of touch with reality. He has no place to go if I kick him out. What do I do? -- DAD WHO'S HAD IT IN OHIO DEAR DAD: Your son is an adult, even if he doesn't act like one. Give him a deadline to find another place to crash -- perhaps with a roommate -- and be out of there. If he says he has no money, remember that he comes up with money to blow. remember that he comes up with money to blowはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    DEAR ABBY: I am having issues with a friend who gets handed most everything he wants. I had to grow up when I was very young, pay my own way for things and take care of myself. gets handed most everything he wantsとpay my own way for thingsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • she wants to get you something special too について

    先日ペンパルとプレゼントの交換会をしました。 そのときにお礼の言葉をもらったのですが I opened them when I was on the Phone with my mom, and she wants to get you something special too, 私はお母さんと電話で話していたときに箱を開けた そして彼女も特別な何かをあなたとしたい という訳でしょうか?特に理解できなかったのが she wants to get you something special のwantsですがwant isということですよね? youとあるからあなたとという意味合いなのかな?と思ったのですが、ご指摘をお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。税関に関するないようです。

    hello, the customhouse wants me to pay taxes and it is out of question which I pay whatever it is besides the price of the bag therefore he left again at you. sorry

  • 英語翻訳お願いします。家賃

    日本に住んでるブラジル人に、住んでいるアパートについて、 「ブラジルで、これみたいな/あなたのアパートみたいなアパートを借りたら家賃はいくらですか? 」 1How much dose it cost to pay for a rent if you rent a flat like this/yours in Brazil? 2How much dose your rent cost if~上に同じ. 3How much will your rent be if you~上に同じ. 4How much will it be if you pay for a rent on a flat like this/yours in Brazeil? 5How much will it be if you rent a flat like this/yours and pay for a rent in Brazil? など考えたのですが、どれも使えますでしょうか?また1及び2はdoseの代わりにwill は使えますでしょうか? そのほか良い訳例がありましたら教えて頂きたいのでよろしくお願いします。

  • こんがらがった、、。

    うーーん、自分なりに訳したけど、正直英語苦手です。 間違ってたら、教えて下さい 違ってたらアドバイスを~~~。 hi.. yes i see you on ELECTRIC BBS... :-) 「コンチハ。うん、ELECTRIC BBSの上であなたに会う...」 they all LAUGH.. there are idiots.. 「そこのBBSには頭がおかしいやつがいるよ」 maybe you bought a bad copy (called DUBLATES) they'll loose on quality after each playing.. maybe you got a DUBLATE!? 「あなたは質が悪いタブプレート=レコード盤を買ったね」 who sell it to you BACK IN THE DAYS? 「だれが後日貴方に売るの?」 and who do YOU sell it TO? 「あなたはまたそれを誰かに売るの?」 i'm really curious. 「実に妙な話だね」 do you know Mr,A or Mr,B personal? i mean DO YOU KNOW his EMAILS? 「個人的なAさん、Bさんのメールしってるかい?」 or do you know anything about this XXXX music out of the movie ABC'? 「ABC映画のXXXXの音楽についてなにか知ってる事ありますか?」 is there any chance for me to buy or trade a 2nd HIP HOP CREW? 「別のヒップホップ連中の為になにか交換するものありますか?」 please let me know.. 「教えて下さい」 keep on rockin' ;-)

  • 和訳を御願いします

    Hello my Dear special Good day greetings to you over there ... I just got free time here and I decided to check on you .... I hope you are enjoying yourself at your mothers relative home

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。m(_ _)m

    You misunderstand my question. I wish you to advise me of the additional costs that you will charge me for shipping the item to me in the UK. Knowing the cost of the item plus shipping, I will then be able to calculate the additional taxes I will be required to pay to HMRC on its arrival in the UK. Please supply me with the shipping costs that I will pay to you when I place an order for the item.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “But the thing is, what do you do when your lead actor is sick for the play, you get the understudy and the understudy gets a shot. And plus, what signal does that send to Scott? Because hopefully Scott will see this, and go ‘they're moving on without me, maybe I should clean up, maybe I should get a handle on this stuff, maybe I should look at myself for a minute and think to myself, do I really want to be this difficult to work with?’”

  • 同性の既婚者と文通しているが、たまにしか話せないことや依存問題があり、関係の意味がないと感じている。
  • 相手は家族がいて充実しており、自分はアダルトチルドレンで家族のことが理解できない。
  • 温度差がある場合、同性の人との関係を終了すべきか悩んでいる。