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HD Remaster of Biohazard (1) - A Scary Ride!


  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

時節柄これはロサンゼルスで開催されたE3での話題ですよね?私はゲーム詳しくありませんけどE3には行ったことありますよ。 そうであれば、1. の最初の答えは簡単です。 E3で登場したBiohazardのリメイク版は来年1月発売のもののプレビュー。まだ完成していなくて、いま製作中で将来出てくるものだからwill。 2つ目の回答ですが、この公文はシンプルに、SV。well Biohazard is. 「良くバイオハザードである」。つまり、昔のバイオハザードの記憶と印象があって、バイオハザードこうあるべきと言う期待があって、今回のリメイクが期待を裏切らずに「ちゃんとバイオハザードになっている」と言った意味合いのことを言いたいのでしょう。 2. isの主語は "Why Capcom decided to get rid of the item boxes". beyond meは「(私には)見当がつかない」と言う形容詞ですから、全体の意味は、「なんでカプコンがアイテム・ボックスを取り除く判断をしたのか私にはさっぱりわからない。」 3. onは副詞として「ずっと」「継続して」。「このゲームは20年を超えて継続して未だしっかりしたものである。」 無くても良いですが、耐えること無くずっと続いている様子をonで追加しています。



詳しい解説ありがとうございます。well Biohazard is.の部分ですが、これだけでsvとして文が成り立つ表現なのでしょうか?あまり見かけない表現なので。 また、2をはsvc構文との理解でよろしいでしょうか? 解説宜しくお願い致します。


  • dog years?

    Well,as old as he is in dog years, do you think Snoopy should still be allowed to fly this thing?   dog yearsはここではどうゆう意味ですか?

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 1.By this time next year ,we will have been doing business with each other for 20 years. 2.Unless the civilization we now know is to end,satisfactory substitutes for conventional energy sources will have been discovered and put to use in time. 3.she said to me, "it's very kind of you to invite me to the party." =she told me that it was very kind of me to invite her to the party.

  • 以下の英文を訳してくださいませんか?

    以下の英文の訳をよろしくお願いします。 The speaker started to say '...is to take issues...', realised that this is an ambiguous phrase and then corrected him/herself by continuing 'it's taken...' (= it has taken)...'and 'it's used...' I see why you might think this is a passive - and if 'it's' = 'it is' you'd be right. But 'it's' can also mean 'it has'. Link to this forum: I don't undrestand the interview... Report message2 Message 3, in reply to message 1. Posted by Robert (U2283314) on Saturday, 9th April 2011 (6 Hours Ago) Well, I'm not an expert, but I see nothing here but present perfect tense. Maybe he/she is talking about a legislature or Parliament. "It's taken issues that apply to everybody (how about the 'federal funds rate' as set by the BoE) and it's used this convention to heighten those things."

  • 英文和訳

    What could we do instead during the next 10 years? What should we do during the next 10 years? Some of our greatest accomplishments as a nation have resulted from commitments to reach a goal that fell well beyond the next election: the Marshall Plan, Social Security, the interstate highway system. But a political promise to do something 40 years from now is universally ignored because everyone knows that it's totally meaningless. Ten years is about the maximum time that we as a nation can hold a steady aim and hit our target. When President Jone F Kennedy challenged our nation to land a man on the moon and bring him back safely in 10 years, many people doubted we could accomplish that goal. But 8 years and 2 months later, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the surface of the moon and planted the American flag. 2008年7月17日のアル・ゴアの演説の一部です。どなたか訳お願いしますm(__)m

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物類を購入しました。発送と荷物のことでメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくださいませんか?お願いします。 I will add 商品名A 2 pieces. We also have 商品名B 2 pieces. I will add them to your order. Is there other items you will like to add? Warehouse is almost done packing all the boxes, they just need to pack the last 3 styles. Will you like me to contact Yamato Transport for the shipping method?

  • 英文を添削してください。

    以下の英文を添削、それから英語にしていただけませんか? よろしくお願いいたします。 Summer vacation is comming, althouh it's just for my students' ,it's rather easy for me just to do 夏期講習 and 部活指導. …私の書きたいこと、伝わったでしょうか?^^;;

  • 英訳が分かりません。

    I will do your next order at 1/2 price since the piece was still made very well and it’s just thinner hair is all from the sounds of it. 海外からwigを購入して不備があったので、お問い合わせしたら、上記のように返信が来ました。 分かる方がおりましたら、回答いただけるとありがたいです。 the price was still mage very well の訳し方が全く分かりません。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    It's amazing how you knock me off my feet, every time you get around me I get weak. You fulfill my every fantasy. Its amazing how you don't even know how much you drive me wild. Just confide in me your deepest feelings, tell me your fantasies and they shall be fulfilled. I will do anything it takes to make you happy because that is the only thing that matters to me anymore. よろしくお願いします。

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Fancy living 100 years more? Some experts say scientific advances will one day enable humans to last decades beyond what is now seen as the natural limit of the human life span. An American professor says advances in manipulating cells and genes as well as nanotechnology will make it likely that humans will live much longer in the future. Many other scientists specializing in aging are skeptical of such claims. They explain that the human body is not designed to last more than 120 years. They add that even with healthier lifestyles and less disease, failure of the brain and other organs will eventually condemn all humans.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物をたくさん買いました。すごく安い小物なのでたくさん買ったのですが、買ってない物が入っていたり、買ったはずの物が入っていたなっかりとトラブルになっています。その事を相手に伝えて謝罪のメールが来ましたがちょっと意味がわかりません。詳しい方教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I am extremely sorry about all this inconvenience, and I apologise for my ever late reply as I have to wait for InXpres as well. I am communicating with them but they do not seem to be of any help at all. I checked your packing list and all the stock you say you are missing has been packed. As for the bags you had not ordered, I will look into that again as this is very strange to me. All boxes contained your name on them. Would you be able to tell me if this carton had AAA name on it as well as the other boxes please?