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Breaking Up with a Boyfriend: Dealing with Lack of Affection


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9762/12160)

>or put his arm around meは「私に腕を回さない」で否定文ですよね? ⇒はい、put の前にdoesn’t が省略されていますからね。 >nor put his arm around meかor doesn't put his arm around meとはならないのでしょうか? ⇒それでもいいと思います。その場合は、heだけが省略されているという解釈になります。 >もし肯定文を続けたい場合はどうすれば良いのでしょうか? ⇒He doesn’t share much of himself emotionallyのあとに、 but he puts his arm around me as usual, and initiate sex. 「でも相変わらず私に腕を回したり、セックスを始めたりします」 のように言えばいいと思います。 >あと、making up stories about the animalsの意味も教えてください。 ⇒「動物について物語を作って(語ったりするのは不合理なことでしょうか?)」。





  • turn it around on me

    In the 20 years I've been with my partner, I've had suspicions that he's cheated. Whenever I confront him, he becomes angry and tries to turn it around on me. turn it around on meはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の文法ミス指摘してください

    I like this story because there are many points, which makes me thinking about what human-being happiness is many times. Even though, Robert has a physical disability, he enjoys his life more than me. He did not imply negative contents of his physical disability. On the contrary, he has great pride in himself. For example, when the wife offered him to move his staff to his room, he said, “it can go up when I go up”. He declined her gentle offer because he wanted to do whatever he could do it by himself because of his pride. Also, he alway tries enjoying his life. When the husband offers blind man to smoke together, he accepts that offer, and he said, “There is a first time for everything”. Although it was a first time to smoke, He didn't to hesitate to do it. He likes doing new challenge, which is worth doing. That is why he enjoys his life.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My lovely boyfriend—cute, smart, warm, loving, devoted—has about the worst manners, especially at the table, that I have ever encountered in my life. He doesn’t know how to hold a fork, he wraps his left arm protectively around his food and hovers his upper body over it, he uses his left hand to help food onto his fork or spoon, he slurps soup and spaghetti loudly and sloppily. I’ve tried to bring it up in lighthearted way, especially in the context of meeting my parents, and he doesn’t get it. I do not want to insult someone I love, and by proxy his parents, but I couldn’t in a million years bring him to a dinner party, a nice restaurant, a family gathering, basically anywhere outside of the confines of my apartment. The one time we had a full meal out people did stare and I’ve steered us into drinks or a movie rather than dinner ever since. he wraps his left arm protectively around his food and hovers his upper body over it,の和訳を教えてください。あと、by proxy his parentsとはどういうことでしょうか?あと、anywhere outside of the confines of my apartment.の意味を教えてください。あと、steered us into drinks or a movie rather の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • lost his way

    I thought my husband and I had a great marriage -- until I looked on his phone and found text messages to another woman. I was crushed. I asked him about it, and he said that it was nothing and that there were only a few messages. When I checked our cellphone details, I was completely devastated to find that it had been going on for almost a year and there were almost 2,000 text messages during the past six months. When I talked to him about this and all the lies he had told me, he said he had lost his way and he was sorry and didn't want to lose me. lost his wayはここではどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • that節

    My husband and I have been raising two of my grandkids: Their mothers are from my first marriage and addicted to drugs. It was rough the first few years, but I told my husband I couldn’t turn my back on the grandkids and he said that we together could do it. Fast-forward several years and he’s retired, the kids are 14 and 9, and I feel like I get punished all the time for “ruining his life and retirement” by choosing the grandkids over him. He always starts off that it was the only choice we could make, but there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t have a sarcastic remark about me or the grandkids’ mothers or how dishonest and horrible all women are. He always starts off thatはなぜ that節がとれるのでしょうか?何にでもとれるわけではないですよね?よろしくお願いします

  • 文法がわからない・・

    文法がわからない・・ "I got the clean pajamas and gave them to him to change. He can still do that himself; I suppose if he gets so he cannot, I will have to do it." if he gets so he cannotってどういう意味ですか? 因みに彼は足が不自由です。 あと、;が何故使われているのかも教えてほしいです。

  • もし良ければ訳してください。

    The difference between France and Peru, regarding the culture: punctuality. When I arrived, I had to buy all my furnitures. For example, a man was suppose to come to install my curtains. He gave me an hour and I spent all day waiting for him. He didn't call me either. I lost my time and I was so angry that the day after I went to his workshop to tell him that he should have called me to tell me that he couldn't come. I told me that it was a lack of respect. He promised to come the day after at 8h. He was there 5 minutes before. 特に 最後の3文の I told me 以下を重点的にお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    Two and a half years ago, my partner of seven years sexually assaulted me. We were sharing a room with other people, and he wanted to have sex. After I refused and attempted to go back to sleep, he continued to masturbate against me, purposefully where people could see if they were to wake. After this went on for a considerable amount of time, in shame I led him to the bathroom to have sex with him just so he would stop. I felt disgusted, and was deeply troubled for the rest of the trip. We were, however, moving into our first home, and I loved (and still love) him deeply, so I put it down to his mental health and self-esteem issues, which at the time were particularly bad. In the last six months, this incident has begun to haunt me. I think about it at least once a day, and it’s gotten worse since the current stories of sexual assault began appearing in the news every day. Talking to him isn’t an option—it will destroy us. He isn’t that man anymore, and has never ever done anything like that again. I fear reminding him will make him regress back to the state he was in at the time of the incident. I’m wondering if therapy could help me to resolve my feelings. I love my partner, we are truly best friends, and our relationship is fantastic in so many ways. I hope to marry him and know he feels the same way. But I need closure from this historical incident, and to leave it in the past where his behavior stayed. 1 purposefully where people could see if they were to wakeの訳をお願いします。 2 I put it down to his mental health and self-esteem issuesはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 help me to resolve my feelingsのtoはなくても良いのでしょうか? 4 leave it in the past where his behavior stayedの訳をお願いします。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    The thing is, I've tried to have honest conversations with him about this before and he gets despondent and somewhat offended, saying things like, "You really think I'm gay?" with his sad puppy eyes. Of course I try to explain to him that sexuality is a spectrum and there's nothing wrong with having attractions to other genders (or your own), but he doesn't like to hear it. It makes him uncomfortable. I don't want to push or pry or anything. I've only brought it up a handful of times and I can take a hint when I should drop the conversation. It just makes me kind of sad that he thinks that way. Like he's repressing a part of himself because of his own judgments, and he deals with it with a cocktail of coping mechanisms that seem clear as day to me: projection, sublimation, displacement—you name it, he's rockin' it. 1 sexuality is a spectrumはどのような意味でしょうか? 2  take a hintはどのような意味でしょうか? 3 he's rockin' itはどのような意味でしょうか? よろしくお願いします

  • 文法的に良くわかりません

    My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. We decided to make some major sacrifices in order to pay off debt and save up for a house. This includes driving junky cars and moving in with his parents. He and I were both working out with a personal trainer, him twice a week and me once a week. I quit the training because I found a cheaper option. My boyfriend decided to start seeing the trainer three times per week. I think this is irresponsible, considering we are in saving mode right now. This is why my boyfriend decided to cover it up and lie about it -- badly. I caught on pretty quickly, but rather than be accusatory, I simply told him that if he wants to see the trainer three times per week to not feel as though he has to hide it. rather than be accusatory, はあまりみない形なのですが、文法的にはどうなっているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします