• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

PayPalと連絡を取りましたが、PayPalが言うには、問題の取引について返金は不可能であるとのことです。 PayPal側としては、支払われた金額はすでに売り主の方に渡っていると、認識(確認)しているようです。また、私はPayPalから、以下の二つのIDをお店側に伝えるよう、指示されました。ですので(二つのIDを)ご確認願います。


  • ざっと和訳をお願いします

    Regarding the paypal payment, I thought it was already transferred to you when I made the payment. Is it not transferred directly and now maybe blocked, because I opened this "case" with ebay? Do you know if I have to close the case, to release your payment? "

  • お手数ですが、翻訳をお願いいたします。

    ebayに出品し落札されました。商品は万年筆です。 落札後、下記メールが届きました。支払いに関する事のようです。 お手数ですが、翻訳よろしくお願いいたします。 I've tried to pay for your item and from Paypal I've received the following answers about the limit of 200 euros: After you click Continue, we'll charge this card €1.50 EUR or equivalent to make sure it's yours. We'll refund the money into your PayPal account within 24 hours after you confirm your card. What about my eBay transaction? Once your card is confirmed, you will be able to return to complete checkout. Please contact the seller to inform them that your payment will be delayed while you complete this process. I hope to resolve this problem very soon and to pay for your wonderful pen! I send you the Paypal response if I will received it!

  • 翻訳お願いします。英→日です。お金の送金について聞いているかと思います

    翻訳お願いします。英→日です。お金の送金について聞いているかと思います。宜しくお願いします。 i added funds to my paypal account from my bank account as soon as the money transfer i will send the payment i just wanted to inform you what was going on to insure you of my payment I am sorry for the delay this is my first time using paypal if you have any questions just email me

  • 英語から日本語にお願いします。

    Thank u very much...I was already to the point where I didn't want it anymore Anne wanted a refund anyways thank u for descending it

  • すいませんがわかりやすく翻訳お願いします。

    Thanks for your reply.We would like to partially refund you.But since a dispute is opened, we are not allowed to issue a partial refund by PayPal. We hope you can understand and close the dispute first. After that we will arrange the refund for you. Also you can check that with paypal.There is no partial refund button .Hope you can unserstand that. Once you close the dispute.We will make a new order for all the items of your orginal order.Also we will send your email to *****@yahoo.co.jp to inform you the order information. Hope you can tust us close the dispute first.

  • eBay で返品したいとセラーに伝えたのですが

    [Please agree to cancel your recent purchase.] というメールが来ました。内容は↓です -------------------------------------------- Seller selected the following reason: Buyer is returning item for a refund. Additional information from seller: How would you like to respond? ・I accept the seller's request to cancel this transaction. You should only accept the cancellation request if you haven't paid yet or you've already received your refund from the seller. If you haven't received your refund, contact the seller - opens in a new window or tab ・I decline the seller's request to cancel this transaction. Give additional information to the seller (optional) --------------------------------------------------- 商品はまだ手元にあり、明日、郵送するつもりなのですが、 相手の指定で、相手が荷物を受け取るまで約2週間かかります。 よって、返金はしてもらっていません。 このような場合、どうすればよいのでしょうか。 商品が詳細とことなるという、相手の過失で返品したいので、 キャンセルをdeclineはできません。 しかし、このまま1週間を過ぎると、自動的にacceptになるという話も聞きます。 具体的にどのようにすればよいのか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • オークションで困っています。

    海外オークションでダブって支払ってしまい、キャンセルできすに困っています。なんとなくはわかるのですが、細かいところが知りたいので以下の文章を訳していただけますか? There is not a way to cancel a transaction once the payment is sent. You would have to contact the seller to get a refund for the duplicate payment. 出品者からのメールもおねがいします。 i only accepted one of the payments but it puts both as accepted so that i don't accept another one! If in the event more money has been transferred i'll definately make sure it gets back to you but this should not be possible so don't worry. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    取引で必要な契約書です。翻訳をお願いいたします。 “A”には弊社名が入ります。 “A” PAYMENT TERMS ACCEPTANCE AGREEMENT “A” and SELLER agree that the payment terms of 75 calendar days from the date the accurate invoice is received at the location as designated by “A” will govern all “A” Purchase Orders and/or Releases that are issued to SELLER. SELLER, as partial consideration for such “A” Purchase Orders and/or Releases, acknowledges and agrees that the payment terms in this acceptance agreement are incorporated into the “A” Purchase Order and/or Release issued to the SELLER as if it was set forth therein. Please sign this acceptance agreement and return to the below address, whereupon this letter constitutes a binding agreement between “A” and SELLER. ACCEPTED: SELLER NAME (“SELLER”) by, Signature (Name Typed / Printed) Date Please return the signed form to: Attn:

  • 英語 翻訳力に強い方??

    あのう、インターネットで買い物したんですが、多く支払ったようで請求のメール出したいんですが、 翻訳ソフトを使ったので自身ありません。どなたか英語に強い人、この文章で大丈夫でしょうか?? これで、わかりますかね? 「私は貴方に対して、1つの品物を30ドル+送料15ドルPAYPALを通して支払ったが、品物代+送料代を何度も加算されて払ったようです。現在2重請求が来てるので、その差額分70ドルをお手数ですがPAYPAL経由で返金お願いします。」 "It seems that article cost + mailing cost cost was added repeatedly, and was paid although I paid one article through the 30 dollar + mailing cost PAYPAL of 15 dollars to you. Since the present double claim is coming, although it is trouble about the difference part of 70 dollars, please give me refund via PAYPAL. "

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    申し訳ございませんが下記の英文を翻訳して頂けないでしょうか。 宜しくお願い致します。 This is a free replacement but to expedite its transit through customs; the original payment method was charged $69.66 for the replacement order — and I also issued a refund for this amount at the same time to the original order; you'll see the refund in the next 2-3 business days. If' you'd rather have a refund, just contact us and we'll gladly refund the item and shipping costs of your order.