• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 Dick は、下記の1bに a mean, stupid, or annoying man. 「いじわる、ばか、なたは気に触る人」と定義してあります。 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dick 2。訳  国連は、第二次世界大戦直後、第二次大戦のうようなことが二度と起こらないように、作られた。  トランプはその国連で、たった今、世界規模の戦争を始めると脅したのである。バカなドナルド(=トランプ)にはそれ(=その意味)が分かっていないんだと思う。





  • 翻訳してください

    翻訳機使って大体分かるのですが詳しく知りたいのでどなたか >AUSTRALIA is an epic and romantic action adventure, set in that country on the explosive brink of World War II. In it, an English aristocrat (Kidman) travels to the faraway continent, where she meets a rough-hewn local (Jackman) and reluctantly ag... の set in that country on the explosive brink of World War II. の部分をお願いします。

  • ケネディー大統領の就任演説で質問です

    ケネディー大統領の就任演説で質問です To that world assembly of sovereign states, the united nations , our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the insruments of peace , To that world assembly of sovereign states, the united nations , この部分のTo that world ~ の部分がわかりません。 このTo は、文法的に何の役割があるんですか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “I don’t have any faith in the whites in power responding in the right way … they’ll treat us like they did our Japanese brothers and sisters in World War II. They’ll throw us into concentration camps. The Wallaces and the Birchites will take over... The sick people and the fascists will be strengthened. They’ll cordon off the ghetto and issue passes for us to get in and out.” -Martin Luther King Jr

  • 教えてください

    If you ever went to Disneyland (or World) as a kid, you surely remember how exciting it was when Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and the other characters greeted you. この文のIf you ever went to DisneylandはIf you have ever been to....ではいけないのでしょうか?なぜ過去形なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願い致します

    Economist(12/5)の記事"Miss World War"の最後のパラグラフを訳していただけませんでしょうか。よくわからない所があり、困っています。Maybe it was a desire to prove the character of this new Miss World that led Mrs Morley to take a political stand in Nigeria. Yet, although it may reflect badly on the state of the world, the brand might have fared better had she accepted Mr Trump's reported offer to buy her out. It seems unlikely that he would let Islamic fundamentalists anywhere near it--except, no doubt in their millions, via TV and the Internet. His answer to the brand identity crisis, one suspects: even skimpier swimsuits.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    If Mexico were to enter war against the United States, it would strain relations with those nations. The Carranza government was recognized de jure by the United States on 31 August 1917 as a direct consequence of the Zimmermann telegram, since recognition was necessary to ensure Mexican neutrality in World War I. After the military invasion of Veracruz in 1914, Mexico would not participate in any military excursions with the United States in World War I, thus ensuring Mexican neutrality was the best outcome that the United States could hope for, even if Mexican neutrality would allow German companies to keep their operations in Mexico open. The telegram was sent to the German embassy in the United States for re-transmission to Eckardt in Mexico.

  • incumbentの使い方について

    昨日のDaily Yomiuriにあった記事ですが、 Matsuoka is the seventh incumbent lawmaker to have committed suicide since World War II. とあります。 「現職中(在職中)に自殺を図った」という意味にするのに、 incumbentも使えるということでしょうか。 Matsuoka is the seventh lawmaker to have committed suicide while in office since World War II. とすると意味は違ってきますか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    “But that’s not the intention at all. I mean, me, Slash, and Duff really needed to do a band. We were ready, it was time. We were, like, ‘Look, Axl’s gone out and has done the Roses by himself, so, we can do this.’ “If anyone ever saw the things about Revolver, it wasn’t an easy process because the missing link was the lead singer. We went over and over that until the point we’ve finally settled on Scott. “In retrospect, all the energy that went into that band and what Scott represented, maybe different demography of rock ‘n’ roll coming from what we describe as the grunge era, but mixed with the GN’R sort of angst and a bit of a punky feel. “It worked, but we were all fired up, we were in great shape, we were ready to take on the world like we had something to prove like a 20-year old kid, which at that time we were all approaching 40, you know.”

  • どなたか日本語訳をお願い致します。

    日本語訳を教えて下さい、お願いします(>_<) Modern science tries to answer questions about origins using carefully tested data and rigorous logic. Though many pioneering scientists, like Newton, were Christians who believed deeply in the existence of a deity, they also felt the Deity was rational, so their task was to uncover the underlying laws by which the Deity had created the world. This meant trying to explain the world as if there were no deity. Modern science, unlike most other traditions of knowledge, tries to explain the universe as if things happened without intention or purpose.

  • 関係詞について

    2つの文を関係詞を使って1つにするという問題です。 a)I went to see Dr.Smith. He told me to get more sleep. →I went to see Dr.Smith who told me to get more sleep. b)My uncle was born in August 1945.World War II was over at that time. →My uncle was born in August 1945 when World War II was over. c)The researchers visited the village.They stayed there more than a month. →分かりません。 d)New York is the center of art and business.It is often called the Big Apple. →New York which is often called the Big Apple is the center of art and business. e)He said his team won the championship.It was not true. →分かりません。 添削よろしくお願いします。