• ベストアンサー

bleed outとaspiratingの意味

(人を刺そうとしている文脈)Once they stop fighting, that’s when you can go for the heart, although I prefer to just let them bleed out. If you miss and get their lungs they’re aspirating blood everywhere. bleed outとaspiratingの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。愚訳  彼らが歯向かって来るのをやめた時、これが心臓を突き刺す時なんだが、私は(そうしないで)出血多量で死に至らせる方を好む。  もし心臓を刺し損なって肺を刺すことになると、そこらじゅう血で噎せ返ることになる。 2。bleed outとaspiratingの意味を教えてください。  bleed out は血が(全部)出てしまう>出血死 に至る  aspirating は「誤嚥」飲み間違え、間違って使っている可能性もあります。  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%AA%A4%E5%9A%A5


その他の回答 (1)


刺そうとしてるのではなく、刺した後の場面ですね。 out は完全に、すっかり、という意味。 bleed out ですっかり血を流し終わる、出血多量で死んでしまう、というところ。 心臓を取ろうとしたのに、間違って、肺なんかつかんでしまうと、この肺はどこもかしこも(どの部分も)血を吸い込んでいる。



  • 歌詞の和訳

    "Let me bleed out the words that I've been fed" They say if you love somebody you gotta let them go Yeah well that rule doesn't apply to me no more. この部分の歌詞の和訳について教えてください。 Let me bleed out the words that I've been fed. これがどうしても分からなくて困ってます。 うんざりしたこと(ムカついたこと?)を吐き出させてくれ(愚痴らせて)的な感じですか? fedの訳し方がいまいち分からなくて。。 fedって「食わせる」みたいな意味もありますよね? 分からなすぎて頭痛いです(;-;) 助けてください。。

  • 省略されている箇所を復元すると?:They live and let live.→They live and let (they/you) live.

    こんにちは、いつもお世話になります。 ゲーテの著作「ファウスト」(David Constantine訳)のPROLOGUE FOR THE THEATRE にある一文で、下記の文が有ります。 ~~~上記の本から引用~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They live and let live. I like them for that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They live and let live.の部分が何か省略されている気がして、 They live and (they) let (they/you) live. (*they、youは総称のyouやthey)と考えたのですが合っているでしょうか? 彼らは生き、人を生きるままにさせている。 そういうわけだから彼らが好きだ。 http://www.archive.org/stream/johannwolfgangv00frotgoog/johannwolfgangv00frotgoog_djvu.txt (文脈は関係ないと思いますが、オンライン上でも読めます。*英訳者が違うので、文章が多少異なります。) よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    かなり長いですが、訳して下さい。Twelve Angry Menからの抜粋です。 Now let me lay this out for you ignorant—bastards. You at the window, you’re so god-damned smart. We’re facing a danger here. Don’t you know it? These people are multiplying. That kid on trial, his type, they’re multiplying five times as fast as we are. That’s the statistic. Five times. And they are – wild animals. They’re against us, they hate us, and they want to destroy us. That’s right. Don’t look at me like that! There’s a danger. For God’s sake we’re living in a dangerous time, and if we don’t watch it, if we don’t smack them down whenever we can, then they are gonna own us. They’re gonna breed us out of existence.”

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。送料の事で相手に質問をしていました。なんとなく意味はわかりますが、すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願い致します。 I sent out emails regarding the freight quote. I will let you know once I find out.

  • reaching out

    "They're like, 'Remember we had such a great time?' And I'm like, 'When you stuck that tampon on my back in homeroom? That wasn't fun for me.'" On "Jackass" classmates reaching out now that he is famous. <Chris Colfer "reaching out now that he is famous"の意味を教えてください。

  • これはこんな意味でしょうか?

    友人から届いたメールです。 I saw in many japanese animes, and mangas, that the characters are having a cold, and they are geting so weak from them, that they can't go to school, or work, and can faint easy. And I don't really get it. If I have a cold, yes, I can feel really ill, but I wont faint from something like that. I had inflammation of the lungs too, and was still going to work, or to school. So, my question is, can it be, that in Japan you aren't immune to a simple cold? Something else is bothering me from typical scenes in Japanese manga. If the caracters sees something sexy, he / or she gets a nose-bleed. Is high blood-pressure such a problem there? I can be to naiv, but I really don't get it. 私が風邪をひいた話をしたんですがこの返事がきました。日本のアニメが好きな人なんですがこの人がききたいことって日本人はすぐ風邪をひくけどなんで?みたいなことですか?まちがってますでしょうか?詳細わかる方教えてください。とくに最後の鼻血の話でしょうか?そのあたりがよくわかりません・・・よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送のことでメールが来たんですがいまいちわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I am so sorry I was out of the office so I was not able to get back to you. Normally you can expect responses right away so I am sorry about this. We had one AAA that was in production from the popularity of it so it was received yesterday I also asked them to send you some additional purse hooks as a gift for being late. They are a nice gift for your customers I hope, but I wanted to give it to you as a gesture and apology for my late response. I also don’t have the final size of the box since they had to wait to add another bag to the order they have not packaged it, I will let you know once the office is back today and also the tracking. It should get there in about 2 days. Also the address you gave is a remote area for fedex do you have another address, normally it is an additional $25 but I asked them to waive the out of remote fee this time so we will pay for it. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will update you later today.

  • themについて

    I will not tell you what I want. I will only give you a hint. Please listen carefully. There are only four of them in the world.But they are everywhere. Bring one of them to me. 上記の英文の four of themとone of them の themは、何を指してるのですか? 教えて下さい、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。私の欲しい商品が売り切れていたので在庫確認をしていました。その件で返事が来たのですがちょっと意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 we had sold out and now are not producing currently, let me ask the warehouse if they can locate 2 pieces, for you, it may take a day or so but I will let you know, thanks.

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I look up at the sky again. It’s not the time of year for the shooting stars yet; a few months must pass before the Perseids wash through the Earth’s orbit and burn briefly through the high atmosphere. Jamie tells me all about them. We watch them together.(前回の終わりの部分です) ‘There’s one – over there.’ I turn my head a fraction and catch the last dying trace of light as the star burns out. ‘That’s fourteen,’ I say. ‘They’re great, aren’t they?’ ‘Yeah.’ ‘People say you should wish when you see one.’ ‘We should do that.’ ‘OK. On the next one.’ ‘We could have had fourteen wishes by now,’ I say. ‘Do you believe in all that?’ ‘All what?’ ‘Wishes and stuff.’ I think about it. ‘I don’t think so,’ I say at last. ‘Me neither.’ I can hear the grin in his voice as he adds, ‘But let’s do it anyway.’ We wait until the next star cuts across the sky. ‘What did you wish for?’ I ask. ‘It’s a secret,’ he says. ‘You have to keep them a secret if you want them to come true.’ ‘Oh.’ ‘They aren’t really stars, you know,’ he says. He speaks quietly, almost dreamily. ‘They’re pieces of rock. Meteors. They drift through space, and once a year this big sort of cloud of them – it’s called a swarm – comes. They go round the sun, you see, like us, only we only catch up with them once a year. And then they burn up.’ ‘Why do they burn up?’ ‘Because of the air.’ ‘Rocks don’t burn,’ I say. ‘Yes they do. Look at volcanoes. That’s rock.’ ‘Oh, yeah,’ I say. He’s right. ‘Why does the air make them burn?’ ‘There’s another.’ ‘I see it. Sixteen.’ *************************** 主人公のAlexはartistで、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに帰ってきています。 Alexと幼なじみのJamieが話しているシーンです。(子供の頃の回想シーン?) ‘Do you believe in all that?’ ‘All what?’ ‘Wishes and stuff.’ このセリフの中のstuffは何を意味しているのでしょうか?漠然としたもの?? They drift through space, and once a year this big sort of cloud of them – it’s called a swarm – comes. They go round the sun, you see, like us, only we only catch up with them once a year.この英文のonly we only catch up with them once a year.の個所がよくわからないのですが、 私たちだけが一年に一度それらに追いつくだけです?onlyの意味するところがよくわかりません。 教えてください。お願いします。

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