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A Filmmaker's Approach to Perfecting Scenes with Weather Conditions


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1. He stopped shooting if the weather was not suitable for that scene. 「彼は天候が適していなければ、その日の撮影を中止したりした」 2. He asked the actors to go over the same scene many times until they really fit the parts. 「彼は俳優に何度もリハーサルを行い、徹底的に役になりきらせている」 3. For example, he told a new actor that the way he was walking was not the samurai way, and repeated shooting many times scenes that simply involved walking.



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    Many industrial towns in the north owed their rapid enlargement to railways, so that railways are one of the most important explanations for England becoming the first thoroughly urbanized country in the world. To the laborer, on the other hand, leisure means freedom from compulsion, so that it is natural for him to imagine that the fewer hours he has to spend laboring, and the more hours he is free to play , the better.

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    日本語⇨ 「ローレライ」はライン川の川幅が最も狭くなる所にある岩山です。古来、川の流れが速く、岩礁による遭難が多かったことや、こだまが岩に響く環境から、ここに住む妖精がいるとの伝説がありました。 英語⇨ "Lorelei" is a rocky mountain where the river width of the Rhine is the narrowest. Since ancient times, it has legend to the fairy living there because the flow of the river is fast and many ships was in distressed by reefs, and the echoing he rocks environment. こちらの英文を添削してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳が分りません。

    英語の訳が分りません。 分かる方教えて下さい Until recently, actors felt sure that they would never have to worry about being replaced by a digital actor. They thought their performances needed expression of feelings which could not be copied by a computer. However, because of a new digital technology, all of that may change. Hollywood is busy with talk about how filmmakers will be able to create virtual actors that will be as wonderful as real actors. Of course, the actors themselves are not happy with this change. Many actors are deeply troubled at this idea. The Screen Actors Guild, the leading union for television and film actors, has told filmmakers that it will keep watching producers' activities carefully, becouse actors are afraid that their carefully prepared performances may be changed or even replaced by computer animation. Why do film producers want to use these virtual actors so much when a big-name stars' film usually becomes a great hit? Simple-money. The virtual actor will be a digital robot that can do anything the producer tells it to do, at any time, and at any place, without crying, or, without receiving money. The thought of using peaceful actors who need no contract or no sick days makes many producers and directors very happy. And of course any money made by these virtual actors will go to te producer. Filmmakers believe they will save millions of dollars on the filming.

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    ⇨He was an overwhelming presence like swallowing the main character. His speaking way and voices resounded heavily. Especially the scene that gnaws the remains of a dead daughter, it made me feel bottomless fear and eeriness. 彼はまさに主人公を飲み込むような圧倒的な存在感でした。ゆったりとした喋り方と、重く響く声。特に死んだ娘の遺骨をかじるシーンなんか、思わず息をのむような迫力と、底知れない不気味さを感じさせる名シーンでした。 ⇨I think that the reason why Godzilla (1954) is still said to reign in the top of the series is that the strong warning message for excessive science and technology is clearly expressed. ゴジラ(1954)が未だなおシリーズ頂点に君臨すると言われている理由は、行き過ぎた科学技術に対する警鐘という強いメッセージが明確に表現されていることにあると私は思います。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

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    My best friend lives in Hokkaido and studies oceanology at his college. He is going to take the exam about oceanology for entering grad school next summer. So,he has been studying it since last year. He said it is very hard for him,and but he would try his best. So,I hope he will pass,I want to hold a Passing Party!

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    I’ve been with a man I love very much for 15 years, and I feel trapped. He is terrible with money and has lied to me a number of times to hide his shame at getting into yet another situation where bills got away from him. It seems that no matter how many times I tell him that it’s the lying that upsets me, not the money, nothing changes. I have more money than he does, so I can help him, but I think he feels inadequate because he’s not a “provider” even though he knows I don’t care about that. For obvious reasons, we have never commingled our finances. bills got away from himとはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、commingled our financesは「共同でお金を出し合った」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

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    Reichardt is a very unique exist that cannot imagine from XX position. Especially, it is considered that the influence of him on Romantic music in Germany is great, and it can say that research in this field still has many untouched possibilities to explore. 「ライヒャルトという人物は、XXという肩書からは全く想像できない、非常にユニークな存在である。特に、ロマン派音楽への影響は大きいと考えられ、この分野の研究はまだ開拓の余地があると言える。」 *開拓の余地がある=Research in this field still has many untouched possibilities to explore. Google辞書から引用しました。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

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    日本語⇨ ・社会的な動物には(social animals)共感や公平さを持っているとFrans de Waal は主張した。人間の道徳的な行動や公平さ(fairness)の概念の起源がサルなどの動物の行動に見いだせると主張し、道徳の起源を説明するのに宗教は必要ないと考えています。 そこで彼は人間以外の動物、monkey, chimpanzee, and elephantで実験しました。 英文= ・Frans de Waal insisted on social animas has empathy, fairness and so on. He claims that the origin of the concept that human moral behavior and fairness can be seen in the behavior of animals such as monkeys. Moreover he believed that religion is not necessary to explain the origin of morality. He experimented with non-human animals such as monkey, chimpanzee, and elephant. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 英文がぐちゃぐちゃかと思うのですが… よろしくお願いします。

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    彼はミシガンでの農業について深く考えています。農業はミシガン州で2番目に大きい産業であり、多様性が高い。そのため、ミシガンの経済にとって農業は重要な要素となっている。彼はそこに焦点をおき、様々な問題に取り組んでいる。 He is deeply thinking about agriculture in Michigan. It is the second largest industry in Michigan and has high diversity. As a result, agriculture is important a element for economy of Michigan. (Michigan's economy) He focused on it, and dealing with the many problems of it. ・問題に取り組む、と言う述語を調べるとかなり色々な表現が出てきて、どれが適切かわからず、deal with the problem of~ (~に関する問題に取り組む)というのを使いました。 ただitが繋がるのが気になるのですが、問題ないでしょうか? その他、おかしな文章があれば添削してほしいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    The truth is that President Trump’s choppy, rambling self-expression is not so exotic. A great many thoroughly intelligent people talk more like Donald Trump than they might know. What’s new is that someone who talks like this in public has become the president of the United States. Yet it isn’t surprising, and if we are not to spend the next hour to eight years alternating between exasperation and confusion as he sounds off, we need to learn a new way of listening.