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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:以下の英文についてお尋ねします。DEGa)

The Difference between 'trying in' and 'try doing'



君が勧めてくれたDVDに録画したそのcomedy showを見たよ この日本語にしても、「君がすすめてくれた」は DVD にかかっているようにも読めます。 英語でも同じことです。


  • 英文で省略されているもの

    “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.” この英文の最後にある“while trying to succeed”では主語とbe動詞が省略されていますが、あえて補うとすれば“he is”でしょうか、それとも“he was”でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    The summer of 1918 saw a dramatic decline in the fortunes of the government. On 8 July, Clausen, in central Luxembourg City, had been bombed by the British Royal Air Force, killing ten civilians. Although this did not endear the Allies to Luxembourgers, the Grand Duchess' instinct was to run to the Germans, who were even less popular amongst the people. On 16 August, German Chancellor Georg von Hertling paid a visit to Luxembourg; although Hertling asked only to see the Grand Duchess, Kauffmann asked that he also attend. To the Luxembourgish people, relations between the two countries now seemed unambiguously cordial, and all that was left of Kauffmann's credibility disappeared. This was compounded further by the news on 26 August of the engagement of the Grand Duchess' sister, Princess Antonia, to Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, who was Generalfeldmarschall in the German army. Pressure mounted on Kauffmann; with his party still strong, but with his personal reputation shattered, he was left with no option but to resign, which he did on 28 September in favour of Émile Reuter, another conservative.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Ottoman High Command failed to make up the losses of 1915. The war in Gallipoli was using all the resources and manpower. The IX, X and XI Corps could not be reinforced and in addition to that the 1st and 5th Expeditionary Forces were deployed to Mesopotamia Campaign which did not show signs of ending soon. Ottoman High Command recognizing the dire situation on other fronts, decided that this region was of secondary importance. As of January 1916, Ottoman forces were 126,000 men, only 50,539 being combat soldiers. There were 74,057 rifles, 77 machine guns and 180 pieces of artillery. Many of the guns which were supposed to defend the city had been moved to Gallipoli to counter the British forces. The guns that were left in the region were older weapons and not in very good condition. The soldiers were not in good condition. They suffered from inadequate food as was typical of many Turkish soldiers at that time. Ottoman forces in the Caucasus Campaign were big on paper, but not on the ground. Another source claim that 78,000 troops were in this region, perhaps associating the number of rifles to actual soldiers.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    And I was trying to tell you why it is a reason for things to happen in a certain way if we can show that that way has more ways of happening than some other way.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。canning

    Mr. Fay said the caning, which he estimated took one minute, left a "few streaks of blood" running down his buttocks. But his description appeared less horrific than accounts of caning in the past. "The skin did rip open," he said. "There was some blood. I mean let's not exaggerate, and let's not say a few drops or that the blood was gushing out. It was in between the two. It's like a bloody nose." Mr. Fay said the wounds hurt for about five days, after which they itched as they healed. "The first couple of days it was very hard to sit," he said. He said that he was able to walk immediately after the caning and that in the days after the punishment he was able to do push-ups. Mr. Fay said he now wanted get on with finishing high school and then go to college "like any other kid in America." 1his discription以降なのですが、「彼の描写/説明(鞭打ちの)は過去における鞭打ち(刑)の話よりもおぞましくないように思われた。」というような文意だと考えるのですが、合っていますでしょうか?またここでのin the pastの文中の働きはcanningを修飾していると感がるのですがこの理解でよろしいでしょうか?記事前文に「In his first description of the caning, Mr. Fay said that prison officials told him he shouted, "I'm dying," when the first stroke was delivered. He said he could not remember making the cry.」とあるのでここをin the pastで示していると読むのですが解説頂ければ幸いです。 He said a prison officer stood beside him and guided him through the ordeal, saying: "O.K. Michael, three left. O.K., Michael, two left. O.K., one more; you're almost done." 2let's not say~以降なのですが、It was in between the twoでtwoがdropsを指していると考えるのですが、Itはどこを指し、ているのでしょうか?構文はSVM構文だと考えるのですが(因みにlet's not say a few dropsというのも文意が掴みにくいのですが教えて頂ければ幸いです)。 3after which の部分なのですがここはfive daysを指しているとの理解及び用法と考えてよろしいでしょうか? 長文ですが解説のほど解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    On occasions, Eyschen's principles got the better of him. On 13 October 1914, a Luxembourgish journalist named Karl Dardar was arrested by the German army for publishing anti-German stories. He was then taken to Koblenz, and tried and sentenced by court-martial to three months imprisonment. Eyschen was outraged that the Germans had kidnapped a Luxembourgish citizen and tried him for an extraterritorial offence, and Eyschen did nothing to hide his indignation. Eyschen told the German minister in Luxembourg that the action was a 'direct injury to the Grand Duchy's national sovereignty'.

  • 英文書き換え教えてください

    英文書き換え教えてください 1.It is no use trying to run away from difficulties. (不定詞を使って) 2.This book is very difficulut,and you can't understand it. (不定詞を使って) 3.He is proud that his father was educated in London. (単文に) 4.Please tell me his address as soon as you have received his letter. (動名詞を使って) 5.It had rained all the night, and the road was wet. (分詞構文に) 6.As the door was open.we walked in. (分詞構文に) 7.As I did not feel well,I stayed at home all day. (分詞構文に) 和訳もお願いします!

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    On January 29, Mahmut Kamil Paşa returned from Istanbul. He could feel that the Russians would not only attack to Erzurum but also renew the offensive southern flank around Lake Van. Hınıs, located further south, was taken on February 7 to prevent reinforcements from Muş from coming in. Mahmut Kamil tried to strengthen the defensive lines. That drew most of the Turkish reserves and diverted Turkish attention away from the decisive attack farther north. On the same day, Russian forces captured Muş after the Battle of Mush. Muş was seventy miles from Erzurum. On February 11 and 12th, the Deve-Boyun Ridge, an important artillery platform, was the scene of heavy fighting. To the north of the Deve Boyun ridge the Russian columns approached over the Kargapazar ridge, which the Turks considered impassable. The X Turkish Corps guarded that sector of the line, and its commander had positioned his divisions so that they were not mutually supporting. Mahmut Kamil had five divisions in the Deve-Boyun ridge area, but was slow to react to what was going on north of that position.

  • 以下の英文について教えてください。

    The Emperor was impatient to see Fujitsubo's child and so too (though he was forced to conceal his interest in the matter) was Genji himself. Accordingly he went to her palace when there were not many people about and sent in a note, offering as the Emperor was in such a state of impatience to see the child and etiquette forbad him to do so for several weeks, to look at the child himself and report upon its appearance to the Emperor. She replied that she would rather he saw it on a day when it was less peevish; but in reality her refusal had nothing to do with the state of the child's temper; she could not bear the idea of his seeing it at all. Already it bore an astonishing resemblance to him; of that she was convinced. Always there lurked in her heart the torturing demon of fear. Soon others would see the child and instantly know with absolute certainty the secret of her swift transgression. What charity towards such a crime as this would a world have that gossips if a single hair is awry? Such thoughts continually tormented her and she again became weary of her life. 源氏物語の『The Festival Of Red Leaves』(紅葉賀)からの抜粋です。 藤壺が源氏との不義の子供を出産した直後の場面です。 現代語訳を参照して大意は掴んでいるのですが、上記の英文の中でわからない個所があります。 (最後の方です) What charity towards such a crime as this would a world have that gossips if a single hair is awry? この英文で What charity towards such a crime as this would a world haveを訳すと このような罪に対して世間はどんな慈愛を持つだろうか?になるでしょうか? その後の that gossips if a single hair is awryの部分がわかりません。 if a single hair is awryもし一本の髪の毛が捻じれているならば、と訳してみたのですが that gossipsの個所がわかりません。(thatが?です) 解説していただける方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味がわかりません。

    英文の意味がわかりません。 翻訳してください。 I didnt have a chance to check the disc. I was trying to get it to you as fast as posible are those the only discs that gave you problems? I dont want to send them and then you need more